The Jade Dragon

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The Jade Dragon Page 21

by Rowena May O'Sullivan

  Rosa gasped. Zelda fixed Anton with a glare that would scare the soul out of most people. Anton glared back.

  Alanna refused to be cowed even as she felt the color leave her cheeks. She swayed on her feet, thankful for Gregori and Rosa’s presence on either side of her and of Lyzander’s warm breath against her neck.

  She held Anton’s gaze with an unwavering resolve. “Whatever you believe my punishment should be, I will accept it.”

  Anton coughed. “Yes. Well. Gregori, Rosa, Zelda, and even my Eleisha all believe you’ve suffered enough. I’m not entirely convinced. They all think highly of you and have championed you to be Called to Marylebone. What say you to that?”

  She must have wax in her ears. “What?” She studied everyone, looking for the joke. All she could see was light and hope in everyone’s eyes. She dug a finger in her ear and waggled it about. “I’m sorry. I think there’s something wrong with my hearing. I thought you said Called?”

  “Called, Called, Called,” Lyzander repeated in her ear.

  “We have no wish to lose Gregori or his magic. He is the younger brother of my Eleisha,” Anton elaborated.

  Alanna knew this because Gregori had already told her.

  “His magic is ancient. It would be impossible to separate it from him if he tried to sacrifice it. He’s a Dragon of Marylebone. He loves you and stands here today not only as your beloved, but also to vouch for you. As do your sister Rosa and Zelda, Prime Wizardess of the Supreme Council, Wizardess of Winterbourne. If we elevate you to neophyte status, you will become an immortal in training.”

  Her legs were wobbly. Her head was buzzing. “This is unreal,” she said. “I must be dreaming.”

  Lyzander puffed out a small flame and seared the skin on her earlobe. “You do not dream.”

  Alanna fingered the burned skin. Lyzander’s snout breathed smoke and he edged out from under her hair. He blinked innocently at her and then one eye winked.

  Eleisha stepped forward. “If you agree to abide by all our rules here in Marylebone, then it will be done.”

  “Is it really as simple as that?”

  “Not so simple,” Zelda added. “My darling girl, the repercussions will be severe if you break a single rule. It is vital you truly understand just how grave your situation is.”

  Anton cleared his throat. “One false move on your part, and your magic, immortality, neophyte status will be removed and will never, ever be returned. All of it at once. No second chances. You will be banished forever.”

  “Witches’ Warts!” Alanna swallowed, digesting the rules and the implications of any impetuous action on her part.

  “Warlocks’ Toenails,” Gregori responded.

  “You don’t think I can do it?” Alanna’s stomach churned. If Gregori didn’t have faith in her, then she was doomed.

  “You can do it,” Gregori said. “I will be at your side to guide you all the way.”

  His affirmation gave her heart.

  “We will not quash your individuality,” Eleisha insisted. “We only ask that you speak to one of us before acting until we are satisfied you have learned your lesson and can operate without our guidance. That you can be trusted implicitly. We thought, that perhaps with your understanding of tragedy, you could be a sounding board — a counselor if you will — for the young who are facing difficulties in their teenage years.”

  Alanna was more than just a little astonished. “Me! A counselor?”

  “You understand how difficult it is to reveal the truth.” Rosa added her two cents’ worth. “You will need to learn how to sit still and listen.”

  Some things never change. Rosa was still her bossy older sister and she loved her for it. “Sitting still isn’t exactly my forte. And what about sculpting? It’s in my blood.” She couldn’t begin to imagine never using a chisel and hammer to craft ever again.

  Gregori lifted Alanna’s hand and raised it to his lips. “There is no need to give that up. You will teach also.”

  The impact of what they were telling her hit home. She paled even further. “I’ll be too busy to get into trouble. Does this mean I’ll have to remain here forever? That I won’t be able to live with you in Cabasson or Raven’s Creek?”

  The idea of being forced to remain at Marylebone without ever leaving sounded like a prison sentence. She was humbled by what Gregori had been through just to ensure her safety. He’d been imprisoned for ten long lonely years. If he could do it, then she could do this for him. “If you insist, I will remain here.”

  “No,” Eleisha said as Anton declared “Yes.” They glared at each other and communicated silently.

  Finally, Eleisha turned to her. “You will be able to come and go at will. We will place no restrictions on the use of magic to take you between Marylebone and your home. But when here, I will be your mentor. As will Lyzander, by the looks of things. Gregori will be responsible for you outside these walls. You will not perform magic of any kind on your own until we say you can. As you slowly earn our trust, we will allow you more leeway.”

  Relief flooded through Alanna. This she could do. To know she had the backing of all these people, that they only wanted the best for her was truly humbling. To have the freedom to come and go was far more than she’d ever hoped for. To have Gregori permanently in her life was the greatest blessing of all.

  She turned to him and he pulled her up into a tight all-encompassing embrace. “I don’t deserve you. But I’ll have you. I accept. I accept. I accept.”

  The room erupted into euphoric chatter. Zelda threaded her arm through Rosa’s and they performed a little jig on the spot.

  Anton scowled. “Remember. One misdemeanor and you’re out.”

  Alanna nodded. “I understand. It will be difficult, but I can do it. I will do it. Gregori and my family are too important for me to consider ever breaking another witch law. You have my word. Witches’ Promise.”

  “Then it is done.” Anton clapped his hands. “Nathan!” The apprentice standing on the perimeter stepped forward. “Go quickly to Goran. Tell him he is to return to us now.”

  Nathan nodded and disappeared less than a second later. In the time it took for the first crack to appear in one of the dragon’s eggs, Nathan arrived back with Goran at his side.

  Clarissa was ecstatic. Finally, her master was home. She flew in happy circles about his head. Fire erupted from her snout and everyone ducked.

  “Clarissa,” Albert called. “Our babies are hatching. No fire today.”

  Chapter Forty

  It had been several years since there had been a hatching. All the available Dragons of Marylebone were crowded into the room, hoping they would connect with a dragonnette. Albert hovered anxiously by Clarissa. Victoria, Mistletoe, Lyzander, and several other dragons perched in a line nearby as they waited. Everyone spoke in whispers, afraid to disturb the little one currently breaking its way out of its shell. Just as a small talon hooked the shell and a snout appeared in the widening crack, another egg rocked in the nest.

  There were five in total. The little dragonettes would not leave the nest for several months, but they made their choices of whom they would connect with within minutes of being born. It was imperative those that wished to bond with one were present when a dragonette emerged from its shell.

  The first hatchling to break through was always considered the strongest, likely to be the most forward and therefore more dominant in nature. That thought was correct. The moment the first dragonette stood, wobbly on its feet, its wings still too weak to use, eyes wide and whirling as it took in its surroundings, an immediate understanding of what was expected sent it to the edge of the nest.

  A parade of hopeful Dragons, including Goran’s apprentice, Nathan, formed a line. Gregori tacked himself on to the end.

  “You have a familiar,” Nathan was clearly disappo
inted there were more candidates than eggs.

  “I did have.” Gregori inclined his head towards Lyzander. “He believes it’s time to retire, to look after my beloved instead. It seems I have been abandoned by my old companion and require a new familiar.”

  “Not abandoned,” Lyzander said. “We await my mate. I sense her. She is here.”

  “Well!” Anton clapped his hands. “What a turnout this is.”

  “A happy occasion indeed,” Eleisha concurred.

  “Go on,” Aden encouraged Rosa. “Get in line.”

  The line of hopefuls included four apprentices and Gregori. Rosa objected. “If I get in line, that’s six candidates. There are only five eggs. They should go to Dragon’s apprentices first.”

  Aden walked her down to the end of the line and placed her in front of Gregori. “You’re a warlock Dragon’s mate. You are entitled to a familiar. Get in line.” He softened his order with a swift kiss on the cheek.

  One by one, each person stood before the little dragonette, pausing long enough for it to choose them by searing them with what was termed, the mark of the dragon. If the dragonette did not choose them, that person moved to the back of the line until all had chosen their future master or mistress. If a dragonette remained in the nest and none of those standing were chosen, a call would go out to Marylebone for others to visit the Belfry.

  The first was a female, the color of the Mediterranean at night. Midnight blue. And on its back was a single golden mark that resembled a star in the night sky.

  It was evident it was not only imperious, it was extremely picky. Everyone leaned inwards, watching, waiting. Anticipation charged the room with magic. It ignored the first and second candidates in line. The third person, Rosa recognized as Nathan’s apprentice, Sam. A strong individual, stronger perhaps than Nathan. With bated breath they watched avidly. The dragonette sniffed, swayed side to side, quirked its head, and just when she thought Sam would be chosen, it looked away. Sam sighed good-naturedly, accepting he wasn’t the chosen one and moved to the back of the line.

  Next was Nathan. The little dragonette offered no interest whatsoever. Rosa’s stomach churned. She held no hope this one was for her. Standing before the little dragonette, she waited and was unsurprised when she received nothing but the whirl of blue eyes and a little puff of smoke. She walked on.

  Gregori stepped up. Lyzander emerged from Alanna’s hair and flew to Gregori’s shoulder. This is she, he smoked. Just as you knew Alanna was your beloved, Starlight is mine.

  Starlight? Gregori studied the little blue dragon as seriously as it studied him. It quirked its head at Lyzander, and its little eyes seemed to whirl faster.

  Are you sure? You are old.

  Lyzander’s rebuttal came swiftly. As are you. It has not stopped you forming an alliance with a woman thousands of years younger.

  Gregori nodded. You are right. My apologies for doubting you.

  The little dragonette’s talons gripped the edge of the nest, it leaned forward and let out a large searing blue flame. Gregori didn’t hear the gasps of everyone surrounding him. All he felt was the pain, as his skin burned. Immediately, he held his hand out to Starlight, and its tongue snuck out and licked the burn, sealing and healing it with its saliva.

  Anton stepped forward and pounded Gregori on the back. “Well chosen. And what is this little dragon’s name?”

  “Starlight,” Gregori answered immediately, grinning from ear to ear. “Her name is Starlight.”

  Alanna pumped her arm. “Whoop! Whoop!”

  Lyzander bounced up and down. “Our family grows.”

  Gregori stepped away and pulled Alanna into his arms and swung her in a circle. “It just gets better and better.”

  Starlight moved back into the nest and Clarissa and Albert descended to fuss over it.

  The next dragonette, which had broken free, stepped forward. Round and round they went until eventually there were only two dragons and three candidates remaining, Rosa included.

  If she were chosen there would be dissention between the two apprentices Sam and Nathan. She felt the tension between them, and also Nathan’s resentment because she stood in line with them. Where was his pure intention? His good heart?

  I should step out of this line, Rosa sent her message silently to Aden.

  Stay! Aden’s response was swift. You are their equal. The dragonette makes the choice, not you.

  Sam was next. A little female gray dragonette inspected him. It was if the little dragonette had yet to decide her color. Rosa closed her eyes, not wanting to witness the little one that had immediately stolen her heart from choosing Sam.

  It wasn’t until Gregori whispered in her ear, “your turn,” that she opened her eyes to discover Lisa — the little dragon’s name was Lisa — waiting for her. In seconds, Lisa transformed to pale pink, burned her hand, soothed it and returned to her parents.

  Rosa stood open-mouthed in astonishment. “I have a familiar,” she said.

  Alanna rushed over and hugged her tight. “You deserve it. Oh, this is so wonderful. Congratulations.”

  Aden reached out and grasped Rosa’s hand and kissed her knuckles. “What is her name?”


  There was one egg left and two apprentice Dragons remaining. Tension was high. Nathan was Sam’s superior. Anton looked worried. “One dragon remains. Step up both of you and await the choosing.”

  The dragonette that emerged from the shell was male. The runt of the litter was small but wiry in appearance. Alanna whispered to Gregori, “That one’s got a mind of its own. I should know. I recognize me in there. Whoever it chooses will be tested on a daily basis.”

  Gregori huffed his amusement and placed a finger over his mouth. “Sshh.”

  Alanna merely smiled and waited, her interest as avid as everyone else in the belfry. The dragonette had a mottled body, striped gray and white, almost zebra-like.

  Both men waited. It inspected them both, its head moving from one to the other and back again. It blinked. A small amount of smoke erupted from its tiny snout. And then it flapped its delicate, still fragile and weak wings took flight and headed straight for Alanna and before she could stop it, burned her nose, healed it and flew back to crash land in the nest.

  She would have laughed at Sam and Nathan’s expressions if she hadn’t been so astonished. Her heart raced in her chest from the sheer exhilaration of immediately bonding with the little one. “But I have Lyzander.”

  “Alanna is mine,” Lyzander protested. “I am hers.”

  No one knew what to make of it. Voices were raised.

  Alanna looked to Gregori for answers. “Is it permitted to have two familiars?”

  “She’s not bound to Gregori. She’s not immortal yet. How can this be?” Sam asked.

  Nathan stood silent, his extreme disappointment evident.

  Goran was immediately at his side. “Who knows why this happened. Don’t take it personally. The dragon always chooses its master or mistress.”

  “But she’s a nobody,” he muttered.

  “She’s my beloved.” Gregori’s voice was strident, filled with warning. “The dragonette has chosen. Accept it. Get over it.”

  “What’s its name?” Zelda asked, finally speaking for the first time since the hatching began.

  Alanna colored. “Ah … , Twinkle Toes.”

  “Twinkle Toes! What kind of a name is that?” Anton chuckled.

  “Makes sense,” Zelda muttered. “Someone naughtier than you to keep you on your toes as it were.”

  Anton raised a hand. “We cannot undo a choosing. It’s most unusual, but it is done.”

  Lyzander had flown down to the nest to meet its new companion and take a closer look. He flew back seconds later. “I am senior dragon. I teach Starlight and Twinkle T
oes my tricks. I have apprentice and future partner. Lyzander very important dragon.”

  Chapter Forty-One

  Cabasson — Villa Paradis

  The binding of Gregori and Alanna took place in Cabasson and was celebrated with everyone they loved and held dear around them. Everyone, except Beth. Goran chose to remain behind to bring her to the celebration if she changed her mind about attending.

  Marylebone saw no reason to object to performing the ceremony at Villa Paradis and everyone had arrived, including Ruth and Joseph who had entrusted themselves to Gregori and Aden to translocate them there for the celebration.

  “My love,” Joseph stood with Ruth and stared at the glistening Mediterranean. “You finally get to set foot in the homeland of your father.”

  Ruth tilted her head to lean against her husband and they stood side by side, with champagne bubbling in their crystal glasses. “I never imagined it would be so beautiful. It surpasses my expectations in every way.”

  Alanna walked up beside Ruth. “I know what you mean. It’s the most amazing place.”

  “We will miss you,” Ruth told her. “With you gone and Rosa busy with Marylebone, how will you manage the Gallery?”

  Alanna’s happiness dimmed momentarily. “Beth will work there. As will Rosa and Zelda. I will, too, when I’m in Raven’s Creek. We wondered if you would be interested in a part-time job.”


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