Shifting Again

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by Shifting Again (ant

  “Prometheus,” he moaned, his hips twitching him farther onto the unfamiliar intrusion. “I can’t…”

  “Shhh,” rumbled the Titan. He let go of the nipple to kiss his way back up Antoc’s body. “We can both enjoy ourselves, Antoc.” He smiled gently into the eagle’s dazed yellow eyes. His own eyes glowed eerily pale against his dark brown skin. They were mesmerizing. “Who will know?” he asked as he slowly, so slowly finger fucked the bird-man’s ass.

  Antoc’s breathing was heavy and harsh; his chest jerked with each desperate exhalation. “Who…will…know?” he panted, pushing against Prometheus’ hand.

  On the next upward thrust Prometheus added a second finger. Antoc cried out in pleasure, tugging the Titan’s head down to his.

  “No one will know,” assured Prometheus, before sealing his lips over the eagle’s.

  Antoc sobbed into Prometheus’ mouth when the god curled his fingers to rub against a previously unknown source of ecstasy.

  “Come for me, Antoc,” moaned the Titan. His hand blurred as his fingers pounded into the eagle’s spasming ass while his other hand wrapped itself firmly around Antoc’s iron-hard cock. He lifted his head again to look deeply into the lust filled eyes of his former tormentor. “But after you do, I want to have you.” His fingers crooked again, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through the bird-man’s body. “Just once, eagle. Just once I want to feel how good it can be, with you, in you…” he moaned again and rubbed his head against Antoc’s jaw. Both hands abruptly stilled.

  “Say ‘yes’,” Prometheus said in a quiet, but ruthless, tone.

  Antoc quivered on the brink, his whole existence focused on the orgasm being held just out of reach. He would have agreed to anything.

  “Yes!” he cried.

  “Your word on it, Antoc.”

  “Yes, yes… my word on it. Please, Titan.”

  Prometheus smiled and rammed his fingers in as deep as they would go while his other hand worked Antoc’s shaft. The bird-man bucked against him, his scream of release rending the air.

  “Prometheus!” he hollered, shuddering helplessly as skeins of come unfurled in the tight space between their bodies.


  Prometheus bit his lips in stifled desire and watched the sexy display as Antoc unraveled for him. As many times as he’d seen this gorgeous man climax, it never failed to quicken his heartbeat--no matter what lies he told himself each evening.

  And now for the amazing part. The Titan eyed Antoc’s groin expectantly; every other time the eagle had come, it had taken only seconds for him to be ramrod stiff again. Antoc’s cock continued to shrink until it rested flaccid and somehow innocent seeming, against the white skin of his thigh.

  The god’s gaze rose to clash angrily with the eagle’s. As well as being able to hold back Prometheus’ orgasm, Antoc also had the ability to stay erect, to continue to receive pleasure indefinitely. His softened state was a choice on his part.

  “Do you think to get out of your promise so easily, bird-man? Do you think I care if you’re hard for me?”

  Antoc’s eyes cut down and to the left as he straightened up. He didn’t answer.

  Prometheus’ hand swept through the come slicking his stomach and he coated his cock with it. He watched the eagle watching him as he slowly fisted his length, pulling the foreskin back so hard that the large mushroom crown shone like a jewel in the sun. He laughed softly at the sight of Antoc swelling once again.

  “You’re right, I do care, eagle,” he said, using his free hand to tilt the other’s face up to his. “But I’ll have you either way.” His thumb traced Antoc’s pouting lower lip seductively.

  Antoc opened his mouth to suck the finger inside while his amber eyes tangled with Prometheus’ lilac ones.

  The Titan withdrew his thumb from the eagle’s wonderful mouth and took his hand away from his own cock to grasp Antoc’s hips and lift him up high against his body. Antoc willingly wrapped his legs around Prometheus’ slim waist, but pulled back when the god leaned in to kiss him.

  “I can’t let you come, Titan,” he reminded gently.

  Prometheus nodded his understanding and tugged the bird-man’s head back down as he positioned himself at Antoc’s entrance. He’d tackle that hurdle later.

  “Lower yourself onto me, eagle,” he groaned, “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Antoc’s eyes filmed with tears, he had never been so considerate of Prometheus’ comfort. Why was the Titan being so kind?

  Prometheus gritted his teeth against the sensation of Antoc rubbing against his cockhead. With only a slight downward push, the large knob popped inside.

  “Oh, eagle,” he groaned, tightening his arms around Antoc, “I’ve wanted this for so long.”

  Antoc returned the crushing embrace and allowed his body to slide further down over the huge cock.

  “Gods,” he whimpered into the Titan’s neck, “it hurts.”

  “Shhh,” whispered Prometheus against his temple, his hands stroking down the eagle’s body from shoulder to knee in long, soothing sweeps. “I know it hurts, but it only lasts a moment.” He turned his head to taste the beads of sweat rolling down Antoc’s cheek. “And then it feels…” his mouth moved over to the eagle’s ear “so good,” he breathed.

  Antoc squeezed his eyes shut and thrust down, wanting to get the hurting part over with. He cried out in pain and his ass clenched spasmodically around Prometheus. The Titan’s breath left him in a rush as he was suddenly buried deep inside the fluttering heat of his eagle’s body.

  “Mmmm, oh, oh, Antoc,” he sighed. He held himself very still as the bird-man adjusted to his size.

  When Antoc’s face had lost its fraught, pained expression Prometheus bent his knees slightly and started to slowly, carefully, withdraw.

  The eagle’s eyes flared open and his brows drew together. The Titan immediately stopped moving. “Are you alright?”

  Antoc bit his lips and nodded, but the frown stayed on his face. Prometheus gave him a small, understanding smile. “Let’s try this,” he said patiently, as he sank to his knees still buried deep inside Antoc’s body.


  Antoc gasped at the move and held on tight. He gasped again when the Titan gently laid him down on his back in the soft sand, pushing his knees up toward his shoulders. The angle of penetration changed and while he suddenly felt somehow fuller, it didn’t seem to hurt as much.

  “Is that better?” whispered Prometheus above him. Antoc nodded gratefully. The Titan’s smile turned sultry and he leaned back, changing the angle just a little more. Antoc looked down his torso to watch Prometheus’ dark form move against his own pale one. It was beautiful. He moaned at the sight of the Titan’s thick, terracotta prick emerging with agonizing slowness from the recesses of his body. When Prometheus was trapped by only his flared head he surged forward again, ramming against the bird-man’s prostate.

  Antoc’s mouth opened on a silent scream and his body arched off the ground as if hit by one of Zeus’ thunderbolts. Prometheus grinned and withdrew once more, being just a tad gentler as he set up a fast, whiplash rhythm within his eagle’s tight, tight ass.

  The eagle’s head thrashed from side to side and his lips skinned back from his teeth. “Ahhh, Gods…Titan” he screamed, “Gods…it feels so…”

  Prometheus’ smile turned cruel.

  “Good,” he supplied. “It feels so good, doesn’t it Antoc?”

  Tears leaked from the eagle’s eyes. “Yes,” he groaned, “yes… good.”

  The Titan slowed down until he was barely moving, he ran his palms up Antoc’s thighs, hooking the pale man’s legs over his shoulders.

  “Just imagine…” he whispered, leaning in close to speak directly above Antoc’s mouth. The move bent the eagle in half beneath him. “Just imagine feeling that way and never being able to come.” One hand moved to stroke a tawny curl away from his lover’s clammy forehead while the other hand slipped down between their bodies to circle his stra
ining erection. He wrapped his fist around Antoc’s cock and gently stroked his thumb over the crown. “Never,” he moaned, pressing a kiss to his eagle’s lips. “Can you imagine that?” he asked again before sliding his tongue into Antoc’s mouth.

  Antoc groaned and wound his arms around Prometheus’ neck, returning the kiss passionately. Prometheus picked up the pace until he was once again slamming the eagle into the ground. He turned his head aside, avoiding the eagle’s seeking mouth.

  “Can you imagine it?” he demanded.

  “No,” grunted Antoc distractedly as his body buckled under the brutal assault, he was being driven mad by the pleasure. He was so close, and he knew that this was going to be the most intense orgasm of his life. His body strained toward it, riding the edge of a cataclysmic wave.

  “Try,” hissed Prometheus as he abruptly pulled out and away.

  Antoc lay stunned in the sand, his body splayed like a broken starfish, his heart pounding fit to burst through his chest. He looked incredulously at the Titan’s rigid back where he sat only a few feet away.

  “You bastard!” he screeched, his voice breaking into the eagle’s shrill hunting cry.

  Prometheus turned to look at him over his shoulder, one brow arched dramatically. “Welcome to ‘my’ world, bird-man,” he said in a soft, deadly voice.

  Antoc sat up stiffly, and glared at him. “I could just take you, Titan, same as always. Just have my pleasure over and over again until night comes.”

  Prometheus’ shoulder’s tightened, hunching in toward his body, and he drew up his knees to lay his head against them.

  “Yes,” he said with a note of resignation, “and I expect that’s exactly what you’ll do…” he shifted his body so he could look directly at Antoc, “isn’t it…love?”

  The eagle’s breath stopped in his throat at the endearment. It didn’t mean anything, intellectually he knew that, he used the word all the time, and yet… the sound of that particular word falling from Prometheus’ lips… He sighed in defeat and raised himself onto his knees, crawling over to wrap his arms around the god’s back. Prometheus’ flinched at the contact, and Antoc’s heart ached.

  “All right. Just this one time, Titan. Just this once,” the eagle whispered into the Titan’s ear, mimicking their earlier conversation.

  Prometheus gave a glad cry and twisted around to pull Antoc into his lap.

  “Truly?” moaned Prometheus, his face alight with hope.

  Antoc moved to straddle Prometheus’ thighs and once again lower himself over that magnificent cock. His head fell back limp against his shoulders as he rode his Titan.

  “Who will know?” he groaned softly. His balls drew up tight and painful against his shaft and he quickened the pace, gladly riding the shock waves of ecstasy.

  The eagle released his magical hold on Prometheus’ orgasm and screamed with him as he felt the god immediately lengthen and swell to explode in thick, liquid blasts deep inside his body. His own release spurted to once again coat both of their muscular chests.

  Prometheus sobbed as he came, his body shaking with rapture. It had been so long. “Thank you,” he wept over and over again. “Thank you.”

  “Oh, love,” moaned Antoc as he pulled Prometheus’ face up to his using the ever-convenient braid. He leaned his forehead against the Titan’s. “Don’t thank me, godling, don’t. Nothing has changed. This can never happen again.” His own tears fell freely down his cheeks. “Never.”


  Prometheus smiled gently and kissed his eagle, a long, deep, claiming kiss.

  ‘We’ll just see about that,’ he thought to himself when Antoc, moaned and rolled his hips against him.

  After all…honestly…who would know?

  the lost tiger

  by sean michael


  Never been so hungry.

  Not in the Bad Cage. Not in the Bad Ring. Not ever.

  Torao stumbled through the streets toward the lights, bits of glass and tiny stones cutting his paws. Foots. Mam said Man-paws were Foots. Mam said lights meant Man and Man meant Trash and Trash meant Food.

  He'd been running for days and days, hiding whenever the Keeper's voice got close. He could still see his Mam's body, her beautiful pelt matted with blood, Red on White. The Keeper still smelled of her dung and her blood and her death.

  Torao knew that he would be next.

  He heard voices, and he slipped around the side of a building into the heavy dark, crouching in the filth. The clothes he'd found hanging behind a quiet house were too big and dragged in the muck on the ground, but they saved his skin from the Sun. The voices got closer and he swallowed back his growl, shaking and hiding. He knew the Outside Rules.

  Outside, One must be a Man. Outside, One must hide in Clothes. Outside, One must not Feed on the Man. Outside, One must stay away from the Lights and stay away from the Man Dens, for they Ate Tigers inside.

  He knew the Outside Rules. He would find the Trash. He would eat.

  Then he would run into the Trees and be a Tiger and hide and howl and mourn and remember his Mam.

  Two Mans walked close by, going down and then up again, passing very near where he hid.

  "Oh, come on. There's obviously nothing here!" The voice was impatient, hard, but the one that answered it was different, gentle and warm.

  "I tell you, I saw someone. And they looked like they needed help."

  There was a snort, and then the first voice spoke again. "You and your causes. Really, when you said you'd left Second Harvest, I thought that meant you'd changed. It's the only reason I gave you another chance."

  The answer was less gentle this time, exasperated. "If me helping people bothers you so much, then you should just go, Duncan. That's never going to change, no matter what job I'm doing."

  "It doesn't bother me, Greyce, it bores me terribly. You are such a lost cause with your humanitarian crap. We're officially over."

  The Man who had been speaking stomped away and the one who was left sighed and spoke softly, the words bitter like too green fruit. "I didn't think we'd ever really begun..."

  The Man sighed and looked around, eyes narrowed, frowning. "Hello? Is someone there? I won't hurt you."

  He curled up tighter, shaking, panting with his fear. His belly was rumbling violently, and the more frightened he got, the louder it growled. No. No, he was Not There.

  It wasn't working though because the Man was coming closer. Peering into the dark he'd found. The Man was dark-skinned and wore blue and red clothes. He was hairless with dark brown eyes. Not at all like the Keeper. Not at all.

  He smelled better than the Keeper, too.

  "Please, I won't hurt you. I know you probably don't believe me, but I won't." The Man stopped moving and held out his arms. "See? I'm not armed. Why don't you come out?"

  Torao blinked, stared. The Man had Arms. Two of them. He whined softly, nostrils flaring. "I am not hurting things."

  His voice made the Man smile, arms lowering back to his sides. "No, I imagine you aren't. But you looked like you could use a bath. Some food? Maybe even warmer clothes?" The soft, deep voice spoke of Good Things. Necessary Things.

  "Food." Hungry. He was so hungry. "They... they said I could find Food in Trash."

  "Oh, you don't want food from the trash! It's dirty and nasty. Come with me. I'll find you something to eat." The Man took a couple of steps back, giving him room. "You don't even have to come in--I have a yard with grass and a little table with some chairs."

  "Grass." Oh, he loved the feeling of grass on his muzzle, so green, so sweet. He'd felt it a few times, when the Keeper stopped. "Yes. Yes. Food and grass."

  The Man's teeth were bright in his dark face, but it was not a grimace, nor a warning--it was a smile. "Come on, then. It isn't very far. Maybe a ten minute walk."

  Torao stood, picked his way across the muck and moved closer. Sniffing. There was no Bad Angry Smell here, but the Man Who Left had carried one. "Your Companion?"

nbsp; "My companion? Oh! Duncan." The Man shook his head. "Don't worry--he's not coming back. He was an asshole anyway, I don't know why I agreed to go out with him. Hope springs eternal, I guess." The Man held out his hand. "I'm Greyson Jones."

  He looked at the hand and held out his own as he'd seen other Mans do. "Torao."

  The Man--Greyson--brought their hands together and shook them. The touch was warm and smooth, and kind. He had not felt a kind touch in too long with his Mam gone...

  Then Greyson dropped his hand and turned, heading toward the road with the lights. "What kind of food do you like? I've got leftovers from last night, but if you're a vegetarian we'll have to stop somewhere for tofu or something."


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