The Viscount's Vendetta (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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The Viscount's Vendetta (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 10

by Paige Cameron

  “Mama,” Caroline held out her arms.

  “You look so beautiful today. I do hope you find some satisfaction in your marriage.”

  “I hope we can deal well with each other,” Caroline said with more confidence then she was feeling.

  “Your bridegroom is restlessly waiting downstairs. It’s best you not keep him waiting.”

  * * * *

  Damon stood at the stairs looking up and breathed a sigh of relief when Caroline came into view. The pink gown gave a glow to her otherwise pale cheeks. He smiled and held out his hand as she came to a stop beside him.

  “I’m ready.” Her words were low and soft.

  His hard hand enclosed her cold one. “You need gloves. Your hands are freezing.”

  Caroline turned and took her pelisse and gloves that her mother held out. When they walked outside to the carriage, the guests followed. They waved good-bye as the carriage began to move forward.

  “We’ll stop at the Robin Inn tonight. It’s a bit too far to make the trip in one day.” Damon sat close beside her. “Here, let me.” He untied the ribbons to her bonnet and took it off. “I can’t see you with the brim of your hat hiding your face.”

  Caroline bit her lip to keep a snapping retort from coming out. She was aware he observed her every facial expression. She hid her hands in the folds of her pelisse and clenched them tightly.

  “Relax, we have about a half day’s journey ahead of us,” Damon said. He reached around her and pulled her close against his hard body. A slight smile curved his firm mouth.

  “This should be a good time to tell you about my estate and the surrounding countryside.”

  Caroline held her body stiffly against his. “I know your estate is located somewhere in the Avon Valley,” she said.

  “Yes, our estate is called Atelstone and is located not too far from Bredon. Bredon is situated alongside the Avon River and at the foot of Bredon Hill. You’ll see an impressive old Norman church there, with a graceful spire soaring 160 feet in the air. I’ll take you to visit someday.” He brushed a stray curl off her forehead.

  Caroline held in the shiver his hand created, but when she breathed, there was a hitch in her breath. She attempted to sit straight, out of his arms. But he continued to talk and gently pulled her back, fitting her snugly along his side.

  “What about Atelstone? Tell me something about your home and how it got that name.”

  “Actually, we will live in my new house. It was completed shortly before I retired from the sea. Atelstone Hall is old, and I am considering having it torn down. One of my ancestors decided on the name for the estate. I’m not sure why or to what it refers, but it’s never been changed.”

  “Is Atelstone Hall unsafe?” Caroline asked.


  “Then why would you not want to live where you have all your family history?”

  “I don’t care to discuss it. I will decide later, but I am seriously considering having it demolished.”

  Caroline shook her head, her face reflecting her confusion. “I have never heard of anyone not wanting to live in their ancestral home.”

  “Enough, Caroline. We will not continue this conversation. Try to sleep. You probably had no rest last night.”

  “Do I look as though I did not sleep last night?” Her eyes flared briefly.

  “You look beautiful, but yes, I can see the faint darkness beneath your eyes,” Damon said softly.

  Hah, I might as well be told to sleep while the tiger circles around me.

  She sat straight and stiff, and as close to the window as she could. Damon grinned and moved to her side. Gradually the motion of the carriage and the warmth from his body relaxed her, and her head fell softly against his chest.

  Damon enjoyed watching the scenery. When the resistance went out of her body, he looked down at her face. In sleep, her expression was soft and unguarded.

  He pulled her across his lap, and cradled her head against his shoulder. She stirred briefly then settled back against him. His wife. She fit comfortably in his arms. The rush of tenderness and protectiveness that flowed through his body surprised him.

  For a second, the last twelve years fell away. He was the Damon before the death of his parents, free of anger and hopeful about his future. His mother would have gotten along well with Caroline. She would have liked her spunk.

  Damon shook his head to clear his thoughts. He mustn’t weaken. His plans for revenge were not completed. His desire for her body would not turn him away from the course he had set. And that was all it was, desire.

  I refuse to let it become more.

  * * * *

  Caroline awoke and realized she was lying across Damon’s lap. She sat up abruptly, bumping Damon in the chin.

  “Ouch,” Damon said and frowned at her. “You don’t have to make your dislike of me so evident. I was going to help you sit up.”

  Caroline looked away in confusion. It wasn’t her dislike of him that had startled her, but her surprise about how good it felt to be held in his arms.

  “We’re at the Robin’s Inn. I sent a rider ahead, so we should have a suite of rooms waiting for us,” Damon said.

  The proprietor and his chubby-cheeked wife greeted them at the door. “Welcome, milord and lady. Everything is as you requested. This is my wife, Hattie. If you need anything, let us know. We’ll get it.”

  “Thank you. My wife and I are weary from our travels. A warm meal and soft bed is all we will require.”

  Damon noted Caroline’s cheeks blush.

  “I have a good soup, milord. ’Tis full of good beef and vegetables, and I have made fresh bread.” Hattie smiled at the couple. “Follow me upstairs to your rooms.”

  Damon’s warm hand stayed against the small of her back as they climbed the stairs, stopping at the end room. Hattie opened the door with a flourish, revealing a large sitting room with a good size bedroom to the right.

  “This is my very best room, milord.”

  Damon nodded. “This will do fine. Thank you, Mrs…”

  “Hattie’s good enough, milord. I’ll bring your dinner tray up in about half an hour. If that is all right?”

  “Yes, very good. Please also see my servants and horses are well cared for.” Damon spoke with authority.

  “My husband and I will see to it, sir.” Hattie curtsied as she left the room.

  “The footman will be up with our bags.” Damon wandered over to the bedroom and went inside.

  Caroline stood rooted to the floor. The sitting room was pleasant. A sofa sat against the wall and two chairs were arranged around the fireplace. She made herself step further into the room, going over to look down at the courtyard.

  “If you’re thinking of escaping out the window, I wouldn’t advise it. You’d have a nasty fall to the ground,” Damon said from where he stood in the doorway of the bedroom.

  Caroline gazed across the room at his tall, handsome figure. His wedding attire of a dark-blue formal jacket and black knee breeches emphasized his well-proportioned body. Lace fell across the top of his hands from his shirt. A stray lock of his dark hair fell across his forehead.

  She took a deep breath and saw his attention go to her bosom. The silence between them was broken by the knock on the door.

  Their footman brought in the valises and placed them in the bedroom. Damon thanked the man and closed the door. Then he leaned against it and let his gaze roam from the top of her head to her feet.

  Heat flushed her face and her heart jumped in her chest. She held her breath and didn’t move, uncertain whether she wanted him to come closer or not.

  “You may want to freshen up. I will wait out here for our meal.”

  Caroline let out a breath and walked into the bedroom on unsteady legs. Once she’d closed the door, she sank onto the soft bed. It wasn’t big, and she imagined Damon and her lying close together. Her hands trembled and a fluttery feeling arose in her abdomen at the thought. She took off her bonnet and pelisse before getting u
p to splash fresh water on her face. She shook out the skirt of her gown. It was wrinkled but would have to do for tonight. Finally, she stiffened her spine and went back into the sitting room. Their dinner was being brought in and placed on the table close to the window.

  “My lady.” Damon bowed and pulled her chair back.

  Caroline sat and watched him closely as he went to the other side of the table.

  Damon poured the dark-red wine into her goblet and his, and then he raised his glass. “Our first meal together alone, as man and wife.” His slow, seductive tone curled around Caroline, bringing warmth surging through her body.

  She picked up her glass and took a sip, her eyes never leaving his. A strange yearning swept over her. It was as though he’d reached across and touched her in some intimate manner.

  Damon broke their contact by looking down to check on the covered dishes set in front of them. “Hearty soup, bread, cheese, and butter. A good warm meal to brace up your spirit.”

  Caroline forced herself to control the brief flutter of unease that arose at his words. Tonight was finally here. She was his, and no one would come to her rescue, not even if she yelled out. She hated the helpless feelings her thoughts generated.

  To cover the awkwardness of the moment, she busied herself with placing her napkin on her lap. Then when she raised her head, he smiled as though amused and continued to fill her bowl with stew, and place bread, cheese, and butter on a plate to her side.

  “Eat up. You will need your strength.” Damon studied her face, especially her lips, and then his gaze lowered, lingering at the pale tops of her breasts.

  Her hand shook slightly when she picked up her spoon and dipped it into the stew. Any other time she would have enjoyed the delicious fare, but tonight every bite seemed to stop in her throat. She took more and more frequent swallows of wine to flush it down.

  Damon said little. He continued to watch her intently throughout the meal and filled her wine glass frequently. He ate the stew with relish and consumed several slices of bread and butter.

  “Try the cheese, it’s sharp and tasty.” He encouraged her to eat more. When he finished, he sat back and waited for her.

  She put her spoon down. Finally, she could stop pretending to eat. Her head felt dizzy from so much wine, and she was afraid she might be sick.

  Damon stood up abruptly. “I’m going downstairs while you get ready for bed. I’ll have the innkeeper’s wife send up a tub of hot water for your bath.”

  “That’s not necessary.”

  “But of course it is. You’ll feel better after a warm bath. I will return shortly.”

  The combination of too much wine, anxiety, and too little rest was rapidly catching up to her. Caroline slumped in the chair. She wasn’t sure she could stand on her own. There was a brisk knock on the door.

  “’Tis only me, Hattie, milady.”

  Caroline called out for her to enter.

  The door banged open. “Here we are. A nice hot bath will have you refreshed in no time, luv.” Hattie smiled at Caroline. “’Tis my bet you’re a newlywed. Don’t worry, luv. Not everyone has such a fine-lookin’ man to show ’em a woman’s lot.” Hattie straightened from arranging the tub and setting out clean towels.

  “Thank you. I think I have everything I need.” Caroline’s voice sounded weak, even to herself.

  “Scared, are you?” Hattie went over to the teapot and poured a cup, adding a drop of a dark liquid from a vial she got out of her pocket.

  “I thought you might have need of this, it’ll relax you. ’Tis my own mama’s recipe. It will help soothe your fears. It won’t hurt you.”

  Caroline stood and reached out taking the cup. Hattie unfastened the back of her dress and her stays. She tried to smile as Hattie went out the door. Then she sat back down and sipped the brew. It was strong but soothing. She didn’t want Damon to know how frightened she was of him at this moment. She needed all the strength and calmness she could muster.

  Walking to the tub, she put her hand into the water to check the warmth. She’d love a bath. If she hurried, she’d finish before Damon returned.

  Throwing off her dress and underclothes, she stepped into the hip tub and sank gratefully into the clean, warm water. A piece of soap sat in a dish beside the tub. The bar had a pleasant fragrance of violets when she lathered it up and rubbed it on her skin.

  She released her long hair and arranged it over the end of the tub. Finally, she relaxed and closed her eyes.

  * * * *

  “My lord,” Damon said softly, almost reverently, as he stood inside the doorway of his room. His new wife sat in the tub, her head against the back with her golden, wavy hair hanging out almost to the floor. Her eyes were closed. He thought he’d given her plenty of time to have her bath and be in bed.

  He walked quietly to her side. Her porcelain skin glowed under the water. The rosy tips on her full breasts taunted him to reach down and taste them. Her breath softly escaped her partially open lips. Damon couldn’t resist brushing his lips across hers and running his fingers through the soft strands of her hair.

  She barely stirred. “Caroline.” Damon shook her gently. Her eyes opened partway and she smiled.

  “I’m so sleepy,” Caroline whispered. “So tired.”

  The feeling of tenderness and protectiveness flooded his being again. He lifted her out of the tub and then placed her feet on the floor. Damon held her carefully while he wrapped the towel around her and carried her to bed.

  “Ah, my beauty. It seems I must protect you even from me tonight, but be warned this is only a temporary reprieve.”

  Reaching into her valise, he found her white virginal nightgown with high collar and long sleeves. He dried her and gently pulled it over her head and down. It took all his restraint to not stroke her tender skin.

  He groaned, realizing he wouldn’t have her tonight. Another day to wait, his tender thoughts gave way to a feeling of frustration.

  “Enjoy wearing this monstrosity of a nightgown tonight. Tomorrow it gets burned.”

  After covering her with several blankets, he took a blanket and went out of the bedroom, shutting the door. He slipped into the tub and took a quick cold bath. Just what I needed tonight. When he finished, he curled up uncomfortably on the sofa in the sitting room.

  Tomorrow night will be different, my lovely wife, he mumbled to himself as he twisted and turned, trying to get into a comfortable position. Then you will become my wife in deed, as well as in name. Finally finding a comfortable spot, he went to sleep.

  * * * *

  Caroline woke when she heard voices in the next room. She glanced down and was surprised to find herself in bed with her nightgown on. The last thing I remember last night was leaning back in the warm water. How did I get to bed?

  Her face flushed red. Surely Damon didn’t dress her and put her to bed. She turned her head to the door when she heard a brief knock.

  “Good morning. I hope you slept well. Breakfast is waiting. We should get on our way as soon as possible.” Damon stood with his feet apart, watching her closely.

  “I’ll dress quickly and join you.” Caroline held the sheet up to her chin.

  “Just put on your robe and come eat or everything will be cold.” Damon smiled at her blush. “Too late for modesty my dear. I found you asleep in the tub last night and helped you to bed.”

  Caroline groaned in embarrassment and turned her face away.

  Quick steps brought Damon to her bedside. He sat on the side of the bed and turned her face back toward him. “Come and eat. It is perfectly acceptable for a husband to see his wife undressed, and I might add you were a very beautiful sight.”

  He walked out, closing the door behind him. Caroline hurried to her valise and pulled out a cream-colored wool dress with red trim. She hurriedly dressed and left her hair down. Then she joined Damon for breakfast.

  He didn’t comment but held her chair for her before filling her plate with some of everything on the table.
The hot cup of coffee tasted good, and she managed to eat a few bites of egg and sausage.

  “You’d better eat more. We aren’t stopping until we arrive at my estate,” Damon warned her.

  “My stomach is not feeling well today. I really do not wish to eat any more at this time.” Caroline spoke softly but put her fork down defiantly.

  Damon shrugged. “You’re going to get hungry.” He continued to finish his meal in silence.

  He’d dressed casually in leather breeches and a white shirt open at the neck. Caroline had to admit he was just as handsome no matter what attire he wore.

  She excused herself and went into the bedroom to braid her hair and put on her matching cream- and red-trim straw bonnet.

  When she returned, he put her pelisse over her shoulders. “If we make good time, we’ll be home by early afternoon. I think you will like my estate.”

  Caroline glanced over her shoulder at him. His cologne and the warmth of his body tempted her to lean against him. She shook off her thoughts and stepped briskly away.

  “I’m sure I’ll like your estate. At one of the dinner parties we attended, Hannah described much of it to me.”

  Damon helped her into the carriage. “I’m going to ride my horse. I’ll be near, if you need anything.”

  With a deep sigh of relief, Caroline sank into her seat. She was so aware of Damon every second and never certain what to expect. Her cheeks flushed remembering he’d put her to bed last night, and touched her when she was unaware.

  I’ll never let myself get into such a state again. I must be strong and aware at all times. Soon I’ll be living in the tiger’s lair, and I have no idea of what to expect.

  Shortly after noon the carriage passed a lovely village built on the edge of a river. The locals came out of their shops and huts and cheered when they saw Damon. Caroline watched out the side window as he smiled and greeted the people.

  One young boy ran up to his horse. Damon leaned down, picked him up, and placed him in front of him. The boy smiled, showing two front teeth missing.

  Caroline couldn’t resist smiling and waving. At the edge of the village, Damon sat the young boy down in front of a small cottage. They continued to travel, passing another smaller village, and turned west.


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