The Viscount's Vendetta (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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The Viscount's Vendetta (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 15

by Paige Cameron

  “Good morning, Buckley. It’s a lovely day for a ride.”

  “Good morning, milord. I’m sure Devil is glad to have you home to exercise him. Most of the stable boys are afraid of him.”

  Damon chuckled. “True, he doesn’t take up with many people. Has Lady Royston come down yet?”

  “Yes, she is in the breakfast room.”

  Good, perhaps they’d manage to get past the disaster of yesterday. He stopped at the doorway.

  Caroline stood in front of the sideboard. Light coming through the windows lit up her long hair into a golden halo. She wore a light-green gown with lace at the neck and sleeves. For a brief moment, before she became aware of him, he allowed himself the opportunity to enjoy the sight of her selecting her morning meal from the assorted dishes laid out before her.

  “My lady.” Damon moved into the room. “You are looking especially lovely today.”

  Caroline glanced around startled. “I didn’t see you come in.” She smiled tentatively.

  “I’ve been riding. It’s a beautiful morning. Perhaps we might go for a ride together tomorrow morning.”

  “I’d like to very much. I’ve been riding the dark-brown mare with the white diamond on her forehead,” Caroline said.

  “Sweet Lady, she’s one of my best mares, strong, but gentle, an excellent choice. We will plan on riding early tomorrow.”

  Damon walked to the sideboard and helped himself to a good portion of eggs, ham, and biscuits. His appetite had returned.

  He strolled toward the table and sat at the end with Caroline to his left. She glanced up and caught him staring at her.

  “Have I got butter on my nose?” she asked in a light voice. “My father used to tease me when I was little, and I would open my biscuits to eat them. I usually got butter on my face.”

  “I am simply surprised at how naturally pretty you are first thing in the morning.” He’d started to bristle when she spoke of her father, but he didn’t want to spoil the fragile peace between them.

  “Thank you,” Caroline said.

  “I like the natural look, and the opportunity to see your hair down.”

  “I’ll remember. Although, as soon as you leave, I must pull it up under my lace cap and look respectable.”

  During the rest of the meal Caroline encouraged him to talk about the estate and his plans for it and the surrounding area. Damon drank his last swallow of coffee and stood to leave. “I’m going to ride two farms over. I’ll have lunch out at one of the farms and return later this afternoon.”

  Caroline sat holding her teacup in her hands. She smiled at him as he walked toward the door. They had conversed as many married couples must do each day. Was this a truce? He’d accept it as it appeared.

  * * * *

  Damon frowned as he entered his study late that afternoon. Several of the farmers’ wives had mentioned a school for their children and appeared quite pleased with the idea. Caroline had been busy during her time alone.

  He looked up at the sound of a knock. Caroline peeked around the corner of the door, smiling.

  “May I come in?”

  “I was just going to send for you. Please enter.” Damon motioned her to the seat across from him. She sat on the edge of the chair.

  “I’ve asked the maid to bring tea. Oh, here she is now.”

  Caroline directed the maid to set the laden tray on the desk. The maid bowed and went out closing the door.

  “Would you like a cucumber sandwich with your tea?” Caroline asked.

  “Yes, I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I saw the tea tray.” He reached out, taking several small sandwiches and two scones.

  Caroline poured their tea and sat back, eating a scone and sipping her tea. Damon devoured his food.

  “Thank you, this was most refreshing.”

  “I was hoping you might have time to talk about some plans I’d like to make,” Caroline said as he took his last sip of tea.

  “Does part of those plans include a school for the children of my farmers?” Damon asked.

  Caroline nodded. “I hate to see any child not given the chance to learn the basics of reading and writing. They may not want to stay on the farm when grown. If so, it will give them some skills for the outside world.”

  “And then I’ll have no one to farm for me,” Damon retorted.

  “I hardly think they will all choose to leave. I’m aware of several young men who want to learn their numbers to help them in running the farms more efficiently.”

  “And who will do all this teaching, you?”

  “Some, but I’d like to hire a teacher. I thought your Aunt Elizabeth might know of someone in a neighboring village who would like the job.”

  Damon leaned back in the chair. “Several of the mothers spoke to me today.”

  “I should have spoken with you this morning but you seemed in a hurry.” Caroline sat patiently and waited for his reaction.

  “I’ve seen what ignorance does to a man. It makes him feel inferior and unhappy with his lot in life.” Damon spoke slowly as though caught up in his thoughts. “More and more factories are being built and there is much unrest in the country. Where did you plan to have this school?”

  Caroline took a deep breath. He noted the increased tension in the way she straightened her posture and clenched her small hands.

  “I thought initially we would use some of the rooms at Atelstone Hall,” she said quickly.

  “No, I don’t want anyone going over there!”

  “Atelstone Hall is your home, Damon, in a way this house never can be. Your roots are there. Your ancestors lived there before you. I wish we could live at Atelstone Hall.” Caroline gasped and covered her mouth when she realized what she had said.

  Damon pushed his chair back angrily. He stomped across the room to the French windows and stared blindly outside.

  Caroline came up behind him and gently touched his shoulder. He stiffened. She mustn’t make him weak.

  “Damon, I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m sorry.” She surprised him when she leaned against his rigid back and wrapped her arms around him. His hands covered hers as her warmth and softness at his back make his heart pound with desire. He turned and held her face in his hands.

  Gently he brushed his lips across hers. She opened her mouth and his tongue slipped inside to the warmth and softness. She tasted of sweets and a special flavor all her own. Heat flowed through his body, and he pulled her tighter into his arms.

  “I want you.” The words came out low and husky.

  Her gray eyes were clear and shining. Her cheeks rosy.

  “Go on up to your room ahead of me. I’ll follow in a moment,” Damon whispered. Reluctantly, he pulled himself out of her embrace.

  Caroline studied his expression. She nodded and hurriedly left his office.

  Being impatient, he soon headed to her bedroom. She had only undone a few buttons when he stepped into her room and locked the door. Damon brushed her hands aside, and he continued to unfasten her gown. When he’d finished with it and her stays, he walked around to face her.

  He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, then her cheeks, her lips, and gradually pushed her gown down off her shoulders to her waist. He kissed wherever her soft, sweet skin was exposed. When her gown fell to the floor, he stepped back and admired her, standing naked except for a thin shift. Her porcelain skin had a glow like the luster of pearls.

  His cock hardened when he stared at her pink lips and her rosy nipples. Her breasts stood out, firm and full. Quickly he pulled the shift over her head, picked her up, and laid her on the bed.

  * * * *

  She watched him throw off his clothes until his hard, lean, body was exposed completely. Never had she imagined a man could be so beautiful. Muscles rippled when he moved. His shoulders and chest were wide, tapering to lean hips and long, strong legs. When he stood straight, his large cock jutted up and out.

  Damon strolled to the bedside, never taking his eyes off of her. H
er breath caught in her throat and heat sparked in her belly. Tenderly, he brushed his hand over her breast. He cupped her breast and ran his tongue around and over her nipple. Moisture flowed from her pussy. When he kissed her peaked nipple, his hand moved across her stomach to her most private part. Her face flushed and she drew slightly back from him.

  “Don’t be embarrassed. You are so beautiful. Let me touch you and admire you.” His seductive words flowed over her, and her arms closed around him to pull him closer.

  She moved her hands up and down his smooth, warm skin, while he delighted her with the wonderful, magical caresses of his hands. He touched her all over and kissed her body as he went along. When his finger slipped into her wet pussy, her body bowed in pleasure.

  Damon scooted along the length of her body and spread her tender folds. His tongue licked across her clit and her whole being trembled with bliss. He licked her lower lips from her clit to her pussy opening, and then he positioned himself between her legs and placed his dick at her entry.

  His eyes met hers. “Do you want me to make love to you?”

  “Oh, yes, please,” she said in a breathy voice.

  He slowly entered her. She felt the pressure as his wide cock stretched her pussy. When he was seated deep, he began a slow in-and-out rhythm. They moved as though in a magical dance.

  Caroline’s body was extra sensitive to his every touch. When he leaned forward and lightly bit her nipple, she was certain she’d explode with the pleasure. Then his tongue licked across both nipples.

  “I don’t think I can stand much more. My body feels strange.”

  “How? Tell me,” Damon said.

  “I don’t know what to say, but I’ll try. It’s like a warm bubble expanding, and I’m rolling from side to side with it. I’m so tight and yet I want more. I can’t get enough of you.”

  “You mean my cock and your pussy. Say the words.”

  “A lady never uses such language.”

  “But in the bedroom, a lady can be as free as she wants.” He stared deeply into her eyes. He had an almost hypnotizing effect on her.

  Free as I want to be. What an incredible, gratifying thought.

  She looked into his eyes. “My pussy feels so tight with you in me, and I can’t get enough of your cock to appease my hunger.” Her face flushed with heat.

  “I will work hard to see you aren’t disappointed.” Damon increased the speed of his thrusts and tilted her hips, going deeper in her pussy.

  “Yes, yes,” she said as she moved with the rhythm of his strokes. Her pussy walls clenched around him. Then a feeling of euphoria rose from her feet, up her legs, her stomach muscles tightened, and the wave swept her away. In the distance she heard Damon say, “Let go. I have you safely in my arms.”

  He plunged a few more times, and they both cried out in release as his cock pulsated against her pussy walls. Damon held her close, and ran his fingers through her hair.

  “I’ll come home early every afternoon, if I can expect such a welcome,” Damon drawled as his eyes roamed over her body.

  Caroline moved her body against his. He kissed the top of her head.

  “It must be almost time for dinner, and we will need to freshen up. Perhaps we can meet later tonight, my dear.” His eyes smiled into hers.

  “I would hope so, Damon,” Caroline answered provocatively, surprised at herself.

  He got out of bed and stretched, and then he reached for his clothes scattered on the floor. “Don’t look at me so, Caroline, or we will miss dinner, and I have invited guests.”

  “Guests.” Caroline sat straight up in bed, holding the sheet to her breasts.

  “Don’t get alarmed. I mentioned it to Mrs. Parker before going to my study. I ran into the rector and his wife while I was out and couldn’t get out of inviting them. Mrs. Smitten seemed most interested in making your acquaintance.”

  “I wished you had mentioned it to me,” Caroline said as she jumped up and put on her robe. “I am sure Mrs. Parker will do fine, but I like to check on things before guests arrive. I doubt there’ll be time now.”

  “I’m glad I didn’t. This lovely afternoon would never have happened. You’d be fretting about our guests, and there is no need.” Damon’s firm voice sounded commanding to Caroline.

  “You do not accept me as a capable hostess for your home,” she accused him.

  “That is ridiculous. You persist in spoiling every good moment we have together,” Damon said sharply and stormed off into his room, shutting the door firmly behind him.

  Caroline rang the bell for Agnes and pulled on her robe. She paced the floor. Why did he have to invite guests tonight? They had such a good afternoon, and she had hoped they were coming closer together. Then she had ruined it with her mouth.

  Her sharp words caused problems between them. She had watched her mother do the same to her father over the years. Stunned, she sat in her chair.

  Agnes came in, placed a painted screen in front of Caroline and had a hot tub of water brought into the room. Caroline sat and thought about her behavior.

  One of her greatest fears was becoming like her mother. Her mother was a beautiful, proper hostess who conformed to exactly what society demanded, and she had become a woman with a cutting tongue.

  After bathing, Caroline dressed in her light-blue gown with lace trim, and her maid placed matching ribbons in her hair. She pulled on lace gloves and wrapped a white cashmere shawl around her shoulders.

  She went downstairs in time to check with Mrs. Parker, but as Damon had said, everything was in order. When she went into the lounge, Caroline saw Damon and Charles were already sitting comfortably in front of the fire enjoying a tumbler of whiskey. Before she had time to speak or sit down, the butler came to the door with their guests.

  Rev. Gerald Smitten was a short man with a reddish complexion and a rotund stomach. His wife Annabelle was as tall as her husband and very thin. She smiled cheerfully at the group.

  “I am so pleased your husband asked us to dinner, my dear,” she said to Caroline. “We have been quite looking forward to meeting you. We had hoped to meet you at church last Sunday, but you weren’t there.”

  “I had not settled in my new home yet, but I do look forward to hearing your husband’s sermon soon.” Caroline looked toward Rev. Smitten.

  “Bless you, child, I shall work extra hard on my sermon this week and hope you will find it helpful.” The reverend stood straighter, his chest puffed out proudly.

  * * * *

  Charles sat watching the interchange. He glanced frequently at Caroline. He’d noted her expression when she entered the room and realized he was having dinner with them. He smiled his most confident smile at her. She was definitely going to be a problem, and he did not tolerate problems well.

  He got rid of them.

  Chapter Eleven

  Please join us in the dining room,” Damon said, when he saw Buckley come to the door and nod. He took Mrs. Smitten’s arm to escort her into the dining room, and Caroline offered her arm to the reverend.

  “I have heard you are interested in starting a school for the children, Lady Royston.”

  “Yes, I am, Rev. Smitten. I have discussed it with my husband, and he has agreed. We have not decided where we may place the school. I also need to find a teacher,” Caroline added as the Rev. Smitten pulled out her chair at the table.

  “A teacher?” Mrs. Smitten looked across the table at her. “I know just the person. My niece, Annie, lives two villages over and she has finished her schooling. The family is large and would welcome a situation for her.”

  “I would like to interview her. Could you ask her to contact me?” Caroline asked.

  “Oh, you do not need to worry. She will be perfect. I’ll tell her to plan on moving here right away,” Mrs. Smitten said firmly.

  Caroline took a deep breath. She waited until her soup bowl was filled and everyone had started to eat.

  “I will be interviewing several candidates. I will be glad
to include your niece in the interviews, but she should not assume she will get the job. I will make the decision.” Caroline finished speaking and smiled pleasantly across the table at Mrs. Smitten.

  Damon hid his smile behind his napkin as he watched the exchange of words and saw Mrs. Smitten puff up like an angry hen. His wife had gently taken charge. Obviously a rare experience for the reverend’s wife.

  * * * *

  The rest of the dinner went smoothly, to Caroline’s relief. Mrs. Smitten was quiet, but the men discussed the upcoming hunting expedition for the house guests, and Damon invited Rev. Smitten to join them.

  “Perhaps you might suggest some outings for the ladies?” Caroline asked Mrs. Smitten.

  Her full-cheeked face brightened and she nodded, the feather in her brown bonnet bobbing up and down. “I would be glad to assist in any way, my lady.”

  “You and your husband are of course invited to all the activities,” Caroline added. “Are there other local families I should include?”

  “I will make a list for you.” Mrs. Smitten smiled, her feelings appeased by being included in the planning of such a grand affair.

  The men excused themselves and went into Damon’s study for a cigar and port. Caroline and Mrs. Smitten returned to the lounge and sat by the fire.

  “Why not ask your niece to visit you, and she can be included in the activities. That way I will be able to get to know her better,” Caroline said. “I do still expect to interview several people, and it will be some time before we have a place for the school. But I will interview her first.”

  “Thank you, Lady Royston. Annie is a dear girl and will be quite overwhelmed with your gracious invitation.”

  “My dear.” Rev. Smitten strode into the room. “It is getting late. We must leave.” He leaned over and offered his hand to his wife. “Lady Royston, everything was lovely. It brings back memories of when his Lordship’s mother was alive. She was a gracious hostess.”

  Caroline glanced quickly at her husband and back to Rev. Smitten. “I did not realize you knew my husband’s parents so well. Thank you for such a sincere compliment.”


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