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Painkiller Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  “Oh, hi.” To be honest she felt a little weird over the fact he’d looked her up online. Why hadn’t he just asked her for her number?

  “So, you up for tutoring me sometime today?”

  She raised her eyebrows. “Today?”

  He nodded.

  “I don’t know if I’ll have time.”

  “I’m already struggling in English,” he said.

  “Uh.” She thought about her schedule. “I could probably carve out like an hour after school tomorrow?”

  He nodded once. “That would be great. My place?” He seemed pretty eager about doing it at his place.

  “Yeah, that really won’t work. How about the library?”

  His brows went low over his eyes, and he looked down at the ground for a second.

  “I’d say your place, but your brother—”

  “Stepbrother,” she corrected him.

  “Yeah, he’ll probably be there, and knowing how our track record has been…”

  “Yeah, you’re probably right,” she said and adjusted her bag. “So the library would probably be best.” Because she didn’t want more drama, especially when this was strictly about helping Charleston in school.

  He was silent for a second, but then nodded. “Okay, cool. See you then.”

  She nodded and watched him walk away. Maybe it was just all the shit Rebel was telling her about him being a bad boy, but Rosie had a weird feeling about Charleston. But that wouldn’t stop her from helping a fellow student, and the weird feeling she got with him was the reason she’d said the public library.

  I need to get my shit together, because I have other things to worry about, like how in the hell I’m going to tell Mom about me and Rebel.


  Rebel bounced his leg under his desk as he stared at the back of Charleston’s head. He had one more class after this before lunch, and all he’d been thinking about was seeing Rosie. Fuck, he wanted her like a fiend, and he knew that would never go away. But he’d also been thinking about the phone call Charleston had made to Rosie this morning, and the fact he’d searched her phone number out like some kind of stalker.

  That pissed him off enough he felt like a beast was about to burst free from him.

  He felt Rowley nudge his back, and Rebel leaned back in the chair and turned his head slightly to see what the other guy wanted. The teacher was rambling about something, but Rebel wasn’t paying much attention to it.

  “I found out why that prick left his other school,” Rowley whispered.

  Rebel glanced at Charleston again, the guy using his pen to carve something into the desk.

  “Apparently he assaulted his girlfriend.”

  Rebel turned and faced Rowley.

  “He also has a bad track record with the school, like randomly picking fights. He beat the shit out of one guy and sent him to the hospital just because he bumped into him.”

  “How the fuck do you know this?”

  “Shh,” the teacher said and glared at them. When he turned back to the dry erase board and started the lecture again, Rowley finished talking.

  “Marnie works in the office during study hall. She said she saw his record. The fucker has an anger issue that makes him a psycho.”

  Marnie, Rowley’s on again, off again, fuck buddy.

  Rebel looked at Charleston again, and saw the asshole was looking right at him. Rebel might be the school bad boy, but he certainly didn’t resort to random acts of violence, and he sure as fuck didn’t assault women. Fucking Charleston was a menace, and Rebel’s instincts were right. Now he just had to make sure Rosie stayed away from the prick.


  Rosie was busy grabbing something in her bag when she felt hands wrap around her waist and pull her against a hard body. She was about to cry out in surprise when a hand went over her mouth and she was pulled into an empty classroom. She was turned around, and she saw it was Rebel. Her heart started to slow its frantic beating, and she a smile spread over her mouth behind his hand.

  “What are you doing?” she asked once he had his hand away from her mouth.

  “I had to see you.” Rebel leaned down and kissed her soundly. The room was dark, but there was a little bit of light coming through the blinds on the window.

  This soft sound left her, and although she could hear students right outside the door, that only increased her arousal.

  “I would have seen you at lunch, which is just one class away,” she teased.

  Rosie did hate that she had to hide what she had with Rebel, but until they knew how it was going to play out, it was better to be safe than sorry. She didn’t want condemnation, didn’t want to pretend like that wouldn’t bother her.

  “Yeah, well you know I have no patience, especially when it comes to you.” He gave her a wink.

  She smiled felt her cheeks heat from his compliment.

  He pulled her close again and she placed her hands on his chest, stopping him. “As much as I wouldn’t love to just give in right now, we can’t.”

  He pretended to be sad, and she laughed.

  “Anyone could come in here and see us.”

  I don’t give a shit about that.” He kissed the top of her head. “Besides, I wanted to talk to you about that fucker Charleston.”

  She placed a finger on his lips. “Not now, please.”

  He exhaled.

  There was only so much of this pissing contest she could handle.


  Rebel couldn’t take his eyes off of Rosie. She looked so fucking good in her button up shirt that showed off her big tits, and the way her pants hugged her curves like a second skin. Yeah, they could talk about that little punk Charleston later.

  He wanted Rosie so badly right now, but she was right. They had to be smart, or more so he needed to keep his libido in check. But when it came to Rosie he had a hard time keeping himself in control.

  The bell for class rang, but he didn’t care. Rebel could have stayed in this room with her the whole time. He cupped the back of her head and brought his lips to her mouth, sweeping his tongue between the seams of her lips and stealing the breath from her.

  “I hate hiding what I feel for you,” he murmured against her mouth. “I’ve been hiding it for a long damn time.”

  “Me too,” she murmured against his mouth.

  Rebel pulled away, but just as he was about to lead them out of the classroom the door opened and light spilled in.

  Rebecca stood in the doorway, her eyes wide, but then her expression morphing to anger.

  “I heard from someone they saw you guys kissing out in the parking lot, but I couldn’t believe a sick rumor like that.” She sounded disgusted, but fuck her and her uptight, jealous ass.

  “Get the fuck out of here,” he said.

  She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at Rosie right before he looked at him again. “What the hell, Rebel? You’ll be with her nerdy ass but not me?”Anger filled him at her immature insult. Without thinking Rebel pulled Rosie in close to his body again, cupped the back of her neck, and kissed her right in front of Rebecca. When he pulled away he saw Rosie looked shocked. They both turned their head and looked toward the doorway, seeing a few more people standing behind Rebecca now, their expressions full of surprise.

  Obviously he didn’t care that people saw, but he felt like shit because Rosie probably hadn’t been ready for that PDA. But he’d been so fucking pissed at Rebecca, and her thinking she was better than Rosie.

  “They all saw,” Rosie whispered.

  “Yeah, and even if I don’t give a shit, I’m sorry I just did that to you.”

  “Oh my God,” Rebecca said. “What does she have that I don’t?”

  Rebel didn’t bother answering, because he didn’t need to explain a damn thing to this bitch, or anyone for that matter.

  Rebecca shook her head, and glanced behind her at the people that now had gathered.

  Fuck them all.

  “Is that what you’re resorting to now,
not only a nerd, but your fucking sister?”

  “Stepsister,” Rosie said, and he couldn’t help but chuckle at the sarcastic tone in his woman’s voice.

  “Just get the fuck out of here,” he said again, his patience gone.

  She snorted. “If you want to be with a fat geek like Rosie then you can just go to hell. Both of you and your twisted asses.”

  He felt Rosie push past him, and on instinct he wanted to pull her behind him and protect her, but his girl was strong, he knew that.

  “You’re a bitch,” Rosie said, and Rebecca’s eyes went wide, maybe surprised Rosie had actually found her strength when it came to Rebecca.

  “Excuse me?” Rebecca said in a prickly tone.

  “You’re a big bitch. I’m sorry Rebel doesn’t want you, and maybe that’s why you’re so damn needy for his attention, but it’s sad.”

  Rebecca narrowed her eyes at Rosie.

  “You have such low self-esteem you need to bash other people?”

  “Fuck you, Rosie.”

  “No, fuck you, Rebecca.”

  God, seeing his girl being so tough was such a turn-on.

  Chapter Ten

  Rosie had no clue where this strength was coming from, or maybe she was just so sick and tired of the bullshit with Rebecca that she’d snapped. Either way this felt good, empowering even. She was done being the girl that had been picked on. She was eighteen years old, may not be considered the prettiest or thinnest, but dammit, she got the guy she loved, and he made her feel beautiful.

  At first she’d been embarrassed that Rebecca had seen them kiss, along with whoever was standing behind her. PDA, even if it was with the guy she loved, had her shy. But she didn’t care anymore. She didn’t care that they’d seen, and in fact felt proud it had happened. She loved Rebel, and fuck anyone that thought it was wrong for them to be together.

  Rosie was tired of being cautious and keeping her head down. She felt like this power was controlling her, and she didn’t have to be afraid of anyone or anything. Being with Rebel wasn’t a dirty little secret, wasn’t something taboo and meant to be looked down upon, and she wasn’t going to hide who she was in love with.

  She stared at Rebecca, saw the other girl was glaring at her, the anger coming from her tangible, and Rosie couldn’t help but stand up straighter because of her pride. Rebecca probably never had thought Rosie would stand up to her. Well this was a new day, and she was feeling pretty damn good.

  Rebecca started laughing then. “It’s funny how you suddenly have a backbone with Rebel by your side.”

  The people behind Rebecca looked at Rebel and seemed nervous. They had every right to be. Rebel had a reputation not to be fucked with, and this was hitting close to home for both of them.

  “You think he really wants your ugly fat ass?” Rebecca sobered and shook her head.

  “Shut the fuck up, Rebecca,” Rebel ground out, his anger clear.

  “No, I won’t shut up, Rebel.” Rebecca looked at him over Rosie’s shoulder. “You could have had this, but you want that.” Rebecca gestured to Rosie, disgust in her voice and on her face.

  “The only fucking ugly thing in this room is your attitude, Rebecca.” Rebel stepped up behind Rosie. “I don’t give a shit what anyone says or thinks about being with Rosie. I love her, and fuck you or anyone else who has anything to say about it.”

  Although there was a group forming in the hallway, no teachers had shown up yet.

  “Just accept he doesn’t want you,” Rosie said. “Have some dignity and stop making a scene.”

  Everyone was deathly silent, and when Rebecca looked behind her, maybe hoping for some backup or support, she found none. She’d been a bitch to a lot of people, and they knew exactly what type of person she was.

  “Rosie is mine, and if anyone has a fucking problem with it step up.”

  Rosie looked up at Rebel, not surprised by the hardness in him. All of this would be spread throughout the whole school before lunch that was for sure.

  Rebecca gave this weird little cry, as if she’d had enough. “You bitch.” Rebecca came toward Rosie, but she’d been expecting her to act like a psycho. She hadn’t gotten her way, and for Rebecca that was a big deal.

  Rosie was ready for her, or at least as ready as she could be. Rebecca went to grab a chunk of Rosie’s hair, and before Rebel could intervene, which she knew he was about to, Rosie pushed Rebecca away. Rebecca came at her again, but instinct rose up, and Rosie found herself hitting the other girl right in the nose.

  There was this disgusting sound after the fact, and then a gush of blood that came from Rebecca’s nose. She covered her face and cried out, her eyes wide on Rosie, blood pouring from her nose.

  “My fucking nose, you bitch,” Rebecca screamed out. “God, you two fucking deserve each other.” And then she turned and left them alone, the people that had been behind her moving out of the way.

  No one moved or said anything for several seconds after that, but then the crowd shrugged and dissipated, leaving Rebel and Rosie standing there. Blood was on the ground, and she knew what she’d done could very well get her in serious trouble, but she didn’t care.

  “Holy fucking shit,” Rebel said, and Rosie looked behind her to see Rebel looking shocked. “Is it weird if I say how hot you look right now?”

  Rosie couldn’t help it. She started laughing. Maybe she was in some kind of shock over what had just happened, or maybe for the first time in her life she was being strong and free? It felt good, she felt good, and right now she had enough endorphins running through her veins that she didn’t care what the consequences of her actions were.

  Chapter Eleven

  Rebecca had ended up going to the principal after all, and for the first time in Rosie’s school life she’d been sent home for her behavior and suspended for three days. Although she was glad she’d stuck up for herself, and didn’t take anymore of Rebecca’s shit, she also couldn’t lie and say the repercussions sucked pretty bad. Turning off the kitchen light she headed into the living room, her thoughts heavy as she wondered how she was going to explain this to her mother and stepfather.

  Rebecca hadn’t told the principal exactly what had happened, just that she’d been “attacked” by Rosie. But Rebecca had also called forth “witnesses” maybe thinking they’d back her and say she was innocent in all of this. That had backfired, because the students the principal had spoken to told it exactly like it was. Rosie knew they were afraid of Rebel and going against him, and it was his badass reputation that had helped them both out in this instance.

  Rebecca had been the one to come at Rosie first, and Rosie was defending herself.

  Be that as it may, she’d still fought on school grounds, hurting another student, and therefore she had to be punished.

  But her mom and stepdad would want to know what started the fight, and she wouldn’t lie to them. She was not going to lie or deny how she felt for Rebel, not now, and not ever. She was proud of her feelings, and no one would make her feel ashamed of that.

  “Look at you, my little delinquent,” Rebel said from the couch.

  She saw how relaxed he was, the way he had his legs propped up on the coffee table, and his arm thrown over the back of the couch. He was also shirtless, and did he look damn good, with all his muscles on clear display.

  He sat up straighter and patted the seat beside him. “Come here, Rosie girl.”

  She felt a flush steal over her body, her nipples got hard, and her pussy got wet. All it took for her to feel this kind of arousal was one look from Rebel, but now that she knew what he could do, how he could make her feel, that lust was intensified.

  Rosie walked over to him, and Rebel pulled her down on his lap.

  “I thought you wanted me to sit next to you, not on you,” she said and smiled. It was strange, but in a good way, that it only took one night of them being physical, and telling each other that they were in love, and they were already at this comfortable level. It made Rosie think that thi
s was truly the right choice, and she was meant to be with Rebel.

  “Hell, I’ll take you anyway, but having you on me is always the best.” He leaned in to kiss her on the side of the neck. But he didn’t pull away, and instead continued to lick and suck at her throat until she had her head tilted back and her eyes were closed.

  Rosie wanted him like a fiend right now, despite her worries about everything.

  Who are you kidding? You want Rebel all the time.

  This was true on every level.

  All she kept thinking about as he sucked on her skin was how big he’d been, how thick and long. He’d taken her like he wanted her above anything or anyone else. He’d made her forget about anything that didn’t have to do with them. She didn’t worry about coming clean with their parents and telling them what they wanted.

  All of that seemed so minuscule compared to the bigger picture.

  Her body was strung tight, and beads of sweat lined the valley between her breasts.

  “Are you wet for me, baby?” he murmured against her neck.

  “Yes,” she breathed that one word out.

  The lights were dim in the living room, and the TV had this bluish glow filling the room. It was a very intimate setting, especially when the only thing that could be heard was the sound of their combined breathing. With every second that passed her pulse quickened further, her pussy became damper, and her clit throbbed. Her panties were past the point of being soaked.

  Rosie pulled away and looked at Rebel, knowing her eyes were half-mast because they felt heavy to keep open. Her arousal was just too intense right now.

  “The way you’re looking at me is about to have my control snapping, baby.” His voice was low and rough, like sandpaper moving along her body.

  “And what way am I looking at you?” Even she could hear how sultry her voice sounded.

  But their parents had called when they’d gotten home from school and said their meetings would be going on longer than they thought, and they wouldn’t be home until really late. So she and Rebel had the house all to themselves, and it was still early.


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