Sex Fest [Cowboy Sex 8] (Siren Publishing LoveEdge)

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Sex Fest [Cowboy Sex 8] (Siren Publishing LoveEdge) Page 2

by Natalie Acres

  “Patience is trying to reach her parents now.” Baron peered around the wall. Patience walked the length of the long and narrow family room, texting like crazy.

  “How is she really, man?” Spenser asked.

  “How do you think?” Baron’s heart was breaking. He didn’t know how to help her. He didn’t know how to console her. All he knew was this attempt on her life was too close. To make matters worse, he couldn’t be sure if it was a failed attempt or a warning. Either way, it was a message.

  “Is she shook up?” Mark asked.

  “Yes.” What a dumb question. “And it’s getting worse with each new Cartwell or McKay drama. It’s like she’s always looking over her shoulder.” Baron left the kitchen, aware of Patience right on his heels. He turned. “Give me a minute.”

  “Sure,” she said, lowering her eyes and then blushing.

  God, he loved that. The submissive gesture was likely accidental, but it still made him a little crazy and stirred his need, a yearning he’d ignored for far too long.

  Baron entered the guest bathroom and closed the main door. He took one long stride through the powder room and paused long enough to turn on the water.

  “What are you doing? Taking a piss?” Spenser asked.

  “No. I’m trying to find a place to talk so Patience can’t hear me.” A beat later, he said, “Listen guys. This arrangement with Patience—unspoken or not—doesn’t work for me anymore.”

  “What’s that?” Mark asked, too much play in his voice.

  “You want me to spell it out. I can do that. I’m in love with her and it shouldn’t come as a big surprise. I’m here with her. You aren’t. I’ve been here for her while you’ve been running all over the world playing music and packing stadiums. Tonight was a close call and it made me realize time is precious, valuable. Now like it or not, I’m not going down without a fight.”

  “Then go ahead and throw that first punch,” Spenser said. His words sounded more like a dare than an invitation.

  “I think he just did,” Mark muttered.

  “You guys are my best friends. I’d do anything for you but I can’t do this. And I know damn well what you’re about to ask because the last three times you’ve asked—not that you needed to—but tonight it’s different.”

  “What’s so different about it?” Spenser asked.

  “Bullets must’ve been close,” Mark said.

  “If you only knew how close, you’d be on the next plane home.”

  “Maybe we should buy those tickets anyway. With what you apparently have in mind, looks like Patience will be sleeping with the enemy rather than dodging his bullets.”

  “Men, I’m your friend,” Baron assured them. “But she’s a sexy, intelligent woman who’s in a lot of danger. Plus, I care about her.”

  “And let me guess,” Spenser drawled. “You’re the man who doesn’t want her sleeping down the hall?”

  “That’s right.”

  “I don’t want her used,” Mark said.

  “Come on, man. Really?” Baron stared at his reflection and in that moment, he saw a man who was ready to spiel his truths once more. Perhaps he’d been that man all along. “I love her. I didn’t say that without some thought. I’d die for her and I don’t state that lightly either. I probably came pretty close to it tonight.”

  The silence on the line then was deafening. Finally, Mark said, “I’m all right with it. Spenser?”

  “I don’t know. Guess I won’t know until I see the two of you together and then it’ll be too late, huh?”

  “Probably so.” Baron resisted a victorious arm-pump. Mark had given his nod of approval but Spenser wouldn’t add his blessing so easily. Then again, he hadn’t cursed the idea entirely, which was a good sign.

  “All right, but don’t think you’re walking away with my woman without a good ass whooping.” Spenser laughed.

  “We’ll work it out,” Baron told him.

  Spenser said, “For the record, I already knew you loved her, but since we’re on the road I saw no reason to make it easy on you. It’s tough as hell to be out here working while loving and missing a woman. The last thing I want to think about is Patience in bed with someone else.”

  “Then don’t think about it,” Baron said. “And I won’t tell you about it.”

  To Baron’s surprise, the discussion took a quick turn. They discussed Patience’s safety. Mark and Spenser asked Baron to stay with her at the McKay Farm, which was already Baron’s plan anyway.

  The McKay brothers had their house locked down like a fortress and their security system was second to none. A few months ago the McKays had received a bomb threat and they’d taken precautions. They had a lookout station in place now with twenty-four-hour guards at their main gate.

  After several minutes, Spenser said, “I’ve talked to you long enough, Baron. Put Patience on the phone.”

  “Hang on.” Baron opened the door and immediately took a step back.

  The little vixen, now dressed in her too-cute pastel PJs, stared up at him with mischief in her expression. “You forgot the water.”

  “Busted.” His lips twitched before he turned off the faucet and handed over the phone. He allowed himself one of those rare moments to gaze-grope and he made it obvious. Patience was a head-turner, curvy and cute, just sexy as hell.

  “Hey, guys. Let me call you back. Kane is on his way over here.” She quickly turned away from Baron and lowered her voice. “Yes, I love you both. Talk to you in a few hours.” She disconnected the call and thrust his phone against his gut. “Thanks.”

  “Kane?” What a copout. He could only imagine Spenser’s rant after such a bogus excuse. “I have to hand it to you, Patience. You go for the obvious.”

  “Kane will show up. Soon.”

  “Know him that well, do you?”


  Baron rubbed his lips together and eyed her full rack. Her breasts were practically spilling from the low dip of her cotton shirt. The thin straps at her shoulders were dangerously close to tempting his fingers. He could already picture himself taking that first step and pushing them down those sexy arms of hers. It wouldn’t take much persuasion on her part. He was dying to see what that clingy material did very little to hide.

  “We should talk.”

  “About security?” She folded her arms over her chest.

  “That’s one item on the list, but not what I’m referencing right at this very minute.” He let his gaze dip again and deliberately stared at her tits.

  “I can hire someone.”

  “Baby, you can’t pay someone to do what I’ll do for you,” he said, implying plenty as he slowly lifted his head and stared down the bridge of his nose, hoping for another glimpse of cleavage.

  “And what is that exactly?”

  “Sure you want to ask?” Throwing down the unaware card wasn’t her best play at the moment. They’d been through a lot together and after the evening they’d had? Patience knew what was coming for her.

  She might as well get naked.

  “The question is already out there.” She lifted her chin. “A grown woman can look at a man like you and know what’s on your mind.”

  “So you can read minds now, can you?”

  “Right now? Yes.” She peered around him as if she were waiting for someone—Kane no doubt—and then hurriedly said, “Let me fix us something to eat and then we’ll talk.”

  “I don’t think so,” Baron said, stalking her then. They’d been playing this game for far too long. She’d been hiding from him, ducking behind her parents or the Cartwells for as long as he could remember. All the while, he’d done his dead-leveled best to respect his buddies. He’d wanted to do right by his friends, by the men he thought of as his brothers.

  With their green light, and reluctant blessings, he was ready to go. He wasn’t the least bit interested in slowing things down. In fact, if Cartwell showed up, Baron might tell him to go home.

  “You talked to them,” she wh

  Instead of lifting her head in outright defiance, she quickly lowered her gaze to the floor. This time, her show of submissiveness made his dick hard. This time, her actions were intentional. She’d probably never admit as much.

  “Patience, watch me.” He placed his hand at her waist and dragged her to him.

  “I need to speak to them myself, Baron. Nothing can…”

  Before she said something to screw up their moment, he took that final step, pushing her up against the wall and placing his knee between her legs. He didn’t rest it at her pussy, but he meant business. If she resisted him, he’d slide his leg forward and give her something to think about.

  Instead of using the position to his utmost advantage, Baron tucked his finger under her chin and looked down at the sexy woman he couldn’t wait to claim. He’d meant to sort of ease into their kiss, but a recklessness he couldn’t explain overpowered him.

  Gripping her hands, he pushed her arms above her head and took that first kiss. The connection seemingly sliced through her resistance like she’d never intended to push him away at all. A light whimper slipped from her mouth as he further secured her against him, cupping both wrists and holding her hip with his free hand.

  Their tongues swirled around and around in a lazy tempo. He deepened the kiss and pinched her shirt, determined to lift it enough so he could finally take a look at those voluptuous mounds. His mouth watered at the thought and he eased her top higher, lifting it slowly as he explored her succulent mouth.

  Patience caught his fingers and pulled back. Her ragged breaths fell in spurts. “Please understand. This isn’t me turning you down. It’s just…I have to talk to Mark and Spenser first.”

  Baron understood. They’d given him permission but they hadn’t granted her the same. Since she was the one in a seemingly committed relationship with the McCoys, he had to respect her wishes. In fact, he admired her all the more for wanting to talk to her lovers first.

  “Baron?” She slowly dragged her thumb across the swell of his lip. “Please tell me you support this.”

  “I do,” he grumbled, taking a step back. He didn’t like it, but he respected her for it.

  About that time a loud pounding resonated through the house. She pecked his lips and glanced up at her restrained arms.

  “You don’t look too happy about being right.” He winked. “Cartwell is predictable.”

  The hammering knock continued.

  “I’m anything but surprised. I may have three fathers on paper but I might as well have six. The Cartwells are right next door, you know.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Baron grumbled, releasing her then and giving her a good once-over. Her nipples were well defined and it drove him crazy to think of another man—father figure or not—seeing her like this. “Go upstairs and change.”

  “Baron, he’s like my dad.”

  “Maybe so, but you’re aroused and it makes me uncomfortable.” He steered her to the stairs. “Do it for me, please.”

  Seemingly surprised by the way he asked, she cocked her head and studied him suspiciously. “You’re serious.”

  “There’s no way I can talk to Cartwell or anyone else with your perky nipples pressing against that shirt.” She blushed and then hurried away. Before she topped the stairs, he took the opportunity to add, “Patience, I won’t pressure you to sleep with me until you talk to Mark and Spenser. And I respect your decision.”

  “I want more than your respect, you know.” She gave him a heated look. “I want the man who was willing to take a bullet for me but I also want the men I don’t know how to live without.”

  “I know you love them, Patience, but one day you’ll see. The reason I wouldn’t give up on you is because you’ve never given up on the idea of you and me.”

  Chapter Two

  Kane Cartwell was the most annoying SOB on the planet. Baron tolerated him well enough since his daughters co-owned Clink with Patience. Still, the man made tolerance downright impossible at times. Baron wasn’t the only one who thought so. Several of the guys at the infamous fetish club had been threatening to quit. The more years Kane put behind him, the more difficult he became. Those close to him claimed it was the opposite but Baron didn’t see it. He was stubborn and when it came to protecting those he loved, it was his way or the highway.

  “Where’s Patience?” Kane pushed by Baron as if he didn’t care for him. In fact, Baron was probably one of his favorite Clink employees.

  Kane circled the foyer as if he thought Patience would suddenly leap out of the hallway closet and yell, “Surprise!” When that didn’t happen, he stood at the bottom of the stairs and hollered, “Patience! It’s Kane! Get down here!”

  “What’s wrong, Cartwell? Are you afraid I have her bound to the bed or something?”

  Kane smirked. “You trying to tell me something you think I don’t already know? Psht. Anyone who has ever shared the same air with the two of you can assume where you’re headed. Piece of advice?”

  “Sure. Why not?”

  “Stay out of her bed until you talk to Mark and Spenser. That’s the least you can do for her. If you don’t, she’ll never forgive herself. I’ve known her momma Vicky since she was in school. She raised her daughter to be an honest woman. Don’t fuck that up.”

  “Appreciate your concern, Kane.”

  The aging guy stood a little taller. “Of course you do.”

  It took everything Baron had to keep a straight face. A minute passed and Baron finally said, “Let me see what’s keeping her.”

  “Do that. Tell her I, uh…have somewhere I need to be.”

  “Now the truth comes out.” Baron had heard a lot of tales circulating as of late. Apparently Peyton Cartwell had given Kane, Braden, and Evan something to keep them on their toes. Baron didn’t know the whole story but a former bartender, Stealth Wales, had almost lost his job because of his friendly flirtations with the lovely Mrs. Cartwell.

  He chuckled at the thought. Peyton sure knew how to keep Kane in line.

  Topping the stairs, Baron headed left. He’d been a dinner guest in the McKay home and Joshua had once given him the grand tour. The only room he remembered was the one that mattered.

  He stopped right outside Patience’s door. The little vixen hadn’t shut it and now he had a full view.

  Patience stood in front of the mirror, changing. Her heavy breasts bounced as she worked with her bra.

  Not one to watch without letting a woman know as much, he nudged the door with his foot. “Patience?”

  Startled, she folded her arms over her chest. “Baron.” His name was spoken with an exasperated sigh.

  A better man might have apologized and turned the other way, but considering he was still horny from their episode downstairs, he wasn’t really concerned about acting like a better man. He shortened the distance between them and plucked a shirt from her laundry basket in passing.

  “You shouldn’t be in here,” she said softly.

  That much was probably true. He could practically hear Kane Cartwell’s warning and her own request, too. Still, he couldn’t forget his conversation with Spenser and Mark. He also couldn’t dismiss the carefully chosen words he’d said to her prior to greeting Cartwell at the door.

  “I told you I wouldn’t pressure you to fuck me.” Baron’s gaze dipped. Damn, what he’d give to have her drop her arms right then. “I didn’t say I’d leave you alone completely.” Come to think of it, he would see those voluptuous tits again or he wouldn’t leave the room.

  “Baron, we—”

  “Here.” He handed off the pale blue top and then turned her to the mirror again.

  Her head hit him right under his chin and he grinned at their image before he lowered his eyes and pulled her arms away from her body. “You’re so fucking beautiful.” Taking a deep breath, he cupped her breasts, squeezing them gently before he twisted her bra around and helped her dress.

  It took more strength than he possessed but he somehow managed to
pull her shirt over her head and finish the task. His cock jumped in his breeches, reminding him of another pertinent fact.

  Baron loved dressing a woman. He liked selecting her wardrobe and choosing what his special lady would wear each day. As a Dom, it was one of his favorite simple pleasures. Former girlfriends had loved him for it. They enjoyed being pampered and spoiled.

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  He ran his fingers up and down Patience’s arms, celebrating as the goose bumps covered her skin. “It’s my pleasure.” Baron lowered his head and whispered at her ear, “Soon, you won’t be dressing for company. You’ll be stripping off just for me.”

  The slight winded gasp was the only response he needed. Before she verbally responded or he became too worked up, he left the room.

  A few minutes later they were downstairs again. After they recounted everything that had happened at Patience’s home, Kane shook his finger at Patience. “Now listen to me. You’ve obviously gained some unwanted attention and we need to figure out why. Until then, we’ll take extra precautions to ensure you aren’t a shooter’s target again. You could’ve been killed tonight.”

  “I realize that, Kane.”

  “No, I don’t think you do.” He focused on Baron then. “Forget everything I said before.” He swung his gaze at Patience once more. “If you ever pull a stunt like that again and defiantly go against what a man tells you to do—at least a man like Baron who is only looking out for you—then I hope he’ll turn you over his knee and blister your tail until you can’t walk for a week.” He pointed at Baron. “And that’s exactly what you ought to do.”

  “Thanks,” Patience bit out. “You can go home now, Kane. I’m assuming you’re not so senile that you’ve forgotten your way out.”


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