Sex Fest [Cowboy Sex 8] (Siren Publishing LoveEdge)

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Sex Fest [Cowboy Sex 8] (Siren Publishing LoveEdge) Page 4

by Natalie Acres

  “None of us would,” Joshua said, wishing he could find the bastard who’d dared to aim his gun at their daughter. “But Kane is right. We need to focus. More importantly, we need to figure out where Patience will be best protected.”

  “Braden made a good point. Mark and Spenser recently beefed up their security. Let’s put some extra guys on Patience and send her their way. If this is mob-related, they’ll back off until she returns to Fletcher.”

  “I’ll stand with Aspen,” Patrick said. “Mark and Spenser should have enough security in place to keep her safe.”

  Joshua wanted to support their decision, but he had a gnawing suspicion that the attempt on Patience’s life didn’t have a thing to do with Alberto Baldini or his connections. If the mob had wanted Patience dead, she’d already be in the ground. No, this isolated incident seemed more like a screw up made by an amateur.

  “Something wrong?” Aspen asked.

  “Yeah,” Joshua replied. “We are.”

  * * * *

  Baron awoke to the sound of maid service in the hallway and a beautiful voice in the near distance. He never would’ve guessed Patience as a shower singer, but she was hitting the high notes with a sweet melody about forgotten love.

  He smiled to himself and curved his arm around the top of his head. He could get used to this.

  “Soon,” he muttered, peering down the length of his body and swearing under his breath.

  Morning wood was obvious. He sat halfway up in bed, intending to grab the comforter, when the bathroom door swung open.

  “Holy hell.” He whimpered the second he saw her. “Tell me you talked to Mark or Spenser this morning.”

  Wearing only a small white bath towel, she cautiously knelt next to her luggage and wrestled to free a particular pair of jeans and a few other items. He never took his eyes off her. He was hoping her legs would part and he’d catch a glimmering glimpse of her pussy.

  “I didn’t talk to them,” she informed him, choosing a matching bra and panty set.

  “Sweet Lord,” he rasped, propping his head against the pillows. He didn’t care that his cock was straining against the sheet or that she could easily see his shape and size. “Tell me you’ll model that lavender number for me.”

  “Baron,” she deadpanned. “We agreed to wait.”

  “Yes, we did, but had I known you planned to parade around here and tempt me, in the privacy of our hotel room I might add, I wouldn’t have agreed to such nonsense.”

  She cocked her head. “You’re tempted?”

  “Damn right I am,” he said, crooking his finger back and forth.

  The minute her eyes lowered, Baron realized he’d been approaching her the wrong way. Vicky, Patience’s mother, was submissive to Aspen and Joshua. She was Patrick’s domestic slave.

  “Patience.” His voice was hard, stern. “Stand up and come over here.”

  She jerked. He could see the blush of her skin even though her head remained bowed.

  “I won’t ask again, sub.”

  “I’m not your—”

  “You are most definitely mine. Spenser and Mark are coming to terms with the fact. It’s time for you to do the same.”

  She took a deep breath, her chest rising and falling as she pushed away from her luggage and stood. Placing her clothes on the nearby vanity, she turned to him then.

  As soon as their eyes met, he realized a few things. He would take her, to an extent, because she was tired of the fight. She would give herself to him but first she would need her punishment. She was eager for it.

  Patience closed the distance between them. She parted her legs and placed her hands behind her back. She pushed her chest forward and lowered her gaze.

  Damn if he didn’t love the way she presented herself. “I’ve waited longer than most men would. Don’t you think?”

  “Yes, Sir.” She twitched nervously and a droplet of water slipped from her hair onto her chest. She lifted her hand to wipe it away.

  “Leave it,” he said, watching as it slipped between her breasts a few seconds later. “Drop the towel.”

  “Baron, I can’t.”

  “Can’t or won’t?” He studied her intensely. “Look at me, sub.”

  She lifted her head. “What do you want me to see?”

  “The man who will train you, care for you…” He deliberately trailed his voice. “But right now, I want to look at you, Patience.” His phone buzzed then and he grabbed it from the nightstand. “I want that towel at your feet before I disconnect this call.”

  Her expression then was priceless. She blinked a few times and he wondered what she might have been thinking. He didn’t really think her thoughts had anything to do with Mark or Spenser. Instead, he believed she was more interested in thinking about the immediate future, perhaps how he might punish her or how he might please her.

  The waiting now was intriguing. Up until this point, it had been pure hell.

  “This is Baron,” he grated out.

  “Patrick McKay. Is my daughter there?”

  “She’s right here, Patrick.” He rolled his tongue over his lips and stared at the sexy woman before him. “Would you like to speak to her?”

  She held out her hand as if she expected her father to ask for her. Instead of handing off the phone, he listened to her dad ramble off flight information. Patrick wasn’t one for small talk. At the moment, Baron didn’t have a lot to say, but he damn sure had something he could put in Patience’s open hand.

  He tossed back the sheet and drew his knees up, flattening his feet on the bed. Patience stared down at his straining cock, now imprinting his briefs. Her face remained devoid of excitement, but she didn’t appear angst-ridden or skeptical in the least.

  “After Kane and Braden left this morning, we spoke to Spenser and Mark,” Patrick was saying.

  Baron tucked the phone between his ear and shoulder. He lifted up his hips and yanked down his underwear.

  This time, Patience’s reaction was one he could adequately gauge. She licked her lips and eased closer to the bed.

  “I want you naked, Patience,” he mouthed.

  She reached under her arm and loosened the towel. She held it against her breasts, the cotton material shooting straight down her center. Her hip bones were visible on either side of the towel.

  Even though she was anything but, she was the epitome of innocence then, so gorgeous and timid. He bit down on his forefinger’s knuckle to suppress a guttural growl, but when she dropped the towel completely, he nearly moaned at the pure sight of her curvaceous body.

  “Patrick, if you will, text the information to Patience’s phone. She just got out of the shower and I need to jump off here if we’re supposed to be at the airport before one.”

  “You have three hours,” Patrick told him, aggravation lingering in his tone.

  “Three hours isn’t a lot of time, even when a man uses it wisely.” He disconnected the call and tossed the phone aside. “You’re beautiful.”

  “Baron, you don’t have to compliment me all the time.”

  “No. I don’t, but I want to.” Didn’t Spenser and Mark tell her how pretty she was? Didn’t they let her know how extraordinary she was, how beautiful and sexy? “What do you propose we do with our time, Patience?”

  “I still want to talk to Mark and Spenser.”

  “Which is perfectly understandable.” Now would’ve been an appropriate moment to let her know precisely what he’d discussed with them, but for now, he was content to limit their sexual activities. He wrapped his hand around his cock and pumped his erection, pulling it up and down at leisure while admiring the hazy look in her eyes. “You don’t have to fuck me.”


  “You?” He opened his hand, palming his erection. “Is this what you want?”

  “I’m free to do what I want, but—”

  “But you want to talk to them.” And he was eager to drop the Mark and Spenser discussions.

  “Then stop this,” she
whispered, her wet lips parting and her little tongue darting out long enough to sweep across them. “Because I’m not strong enough to resist you.”

  “Then don’t.”

  She seemed surprised then but didn’t say anything more.

  “I want you down on your knees, sub,” he whispered, deciding then how he would appropriately punish her. The rewards would come later, but for now, he wanted her mouth surrounding him, her cheeks swelling with his size.

  “You want me to suck you off?”

  His cock stood straight up with the suggestion. “Yes, sub, but you’ll ask in the most provocative way you can think of and if it doesn’t turn me on, I’ll spank you and when I do, you’ll know my hand is the one that’s been popping that sweet ass. You’ll wear my handprint.”

  She grinned but quickly looked away.

  “Turns you on. Doesn’t it?”

  “Yes.” She cleared her throat. “Sir.”

  “You think I’m teasing?”

  “No, Sir. I’m just—”

  “You’re just what?”

  “Surprised,” she replied. “You’ve never talked to me like this.”

  Which he was starting to believe may have been part of the problem. “Do Mark and Spenser talk to you like this?”

  She seemingly thought about her reply before she said, “No, they don’t. Not like this.”

  “Like how?” She liked it. If he had any doubts, her tells gave her away. Her pink cheeks and moistened lips implicated her but not nearly as much as those aroused nipples. “Tell me what you mean, sub.”

  “It’s not necessarily what you say, but the way in which you say it.”

  “And how do I say certain things?”

  “Like you want me.”

  “Never doubt that.” He scooted to the edge of the mattress and parted his thighs. “I want you to ask, sub.”

  She stepped forward. “May I fuck you with my lips? Can I suck you off until you come, Sir?”

  Sweet Lord. “You sure may.” He pointed at the floor.

  Once she was on her knees, he dragged his tip around her lips, circling the shape of her mouth until his excitement was oozing from his tip. “Take your tongue across my slit.”

  She slowly ducked her head and pressed her tongue to his tip. She dragged it back and forth over the moist head and he might have let her go down on him, but his damned phone started buzzing and ringing.

  Her mouth widened and he placed one hand over his cock and the other at her chin. Dropping his lips to hers, he whispered, “I wanted you to know my taste so you can crave it. The next time you’re on your knees for me, I will have you here for a very different reason.”

  “Now you suddenly don’t want me?”

  The phone buzzed continually then. “Damn right I do.” He frowned at the annoying device. “But when I have you, no one and nothing will stand in my way. I’ll keep you in my bed from dawn until dusk. And that’s a sworn-under-oath kind of promise.”

  Chapter Four

  “Are you sure we’re supposed to meet them here?” Patience had been in a lot of dives in her time, but this burger joint took the award for cheesy décor and wretched odors. Apparently the kitchen staff didn’t believe in changing out the grease and the mint-green booths looked as if they had some additional patterns thanks to squished French fries between the buttoned-back cushions.

  “Spenser said to meet them at Greasy Spoon.” Baron wrinkled his nose and stared up at the low gray ceiling. “Given the obvious, I’m willing to bet this is the only place in town that qualifies.”

  “This place is sketch. The longer Spenser and Mark are on the road, the more I believe they’ve forgotten how to live the good life.”

  “They’re pretty familiar with the good life, if you ask me.” Baron held out his arm for her to pass and she nearly swore under her breath when she caught a glimpse of his wicked grin. “If they were any kind of friends at all, they would’ve met us at the hotel.”

  “Considering they changed our initial departure time, I don’t think they’re too interested in giving us time alone, especially in a hotel room.”

  “You think they were behind that?” He placed his hand at the small of her back and the simple touch freed a million tingling sensations throughout her body. “My guess is, I hung up on your dad and it pissed him off.”

  “You’re probably right.”

  “Then he ‘showed me’ by making sure we didn’t fly commercial.” He leaned over her shoulder and whispered, “But Spenser and Mark could’ve been good sports by reserving us a room.”

  Like that was going to happen. “They’re not staying in hotel rooms so we’re not staying in hotel rooms.” She sat down at the first available booth and grabbed a menu from the stack on the windowsill. She quickly flipped the laminated list over and stuck it high in the air.

  From the moment she and Baron had boarded Spenser’s and Mark’s plane, there had been significant sexual tension building. Now here they were face to face in a rundown diner and she was scared to look at him, afraid he would see what her best friends Ansley and Kimberly claimed even a stranger could see.

  To make matters worse, he’d seen her naked, yet he hadn’t fucked her. She’d licked the tip of his cock, but she hadn’t sucked him.

  How messed up was that? She thinned her lips and concentrated on the sandwiches offered. She really needed to talk to Kimberly. Her men were Doms through and through. If anyone could explain what had happened and what to expect, Kimberly could.

  At the moment, she couldn’t fathom the thought of not having Baron in the more carnal sense. The last twenty-four hours had been high-octane exciting and yet when their adrenaline had been pumping the fastest, he’d been gentle and yet forceful, demanding but calm.

  She couldn’t figure him out and it was driving her crazy.

  Baron curled his fingers over the top of her menu and pushed it down. “Are you trying to hide from me?”

  Patience forced a smile and returned to her limited reading, scanning the offerings from left to right. “No, Baron. I’m hungry.”

  “And you’re actually planning to eat here?”

  Patience narrowed her eyes on a nearby table. Shoestring fries, thin burgers, and wilted trimmings didn’t exactly whet the appetite.

  “You have a point.”

  “What can I get for ya?” A feisty young woman appeared at their table. She took one good look at Baron and immediately struck a pose. “I ain’t seen you ‘round these parts.” She focused on his left hand. “Are you in town for the music festival?”

  “I am.” Baron gave her the good once-over and shot Patience a sideways glance, most likely curious to see if she’d noticed his outward flirting. “What do you recommend?”

  “Well since I’m not on the menu, I reckon it would have to be the grilled cheese on toasted bread.”

  “I’ll have that then.”

  “Is it better than the burgers?”

  “Our burgers are flat, sugar.” She fluttered her eyelashes and stared at Patience’s chest. “No pun intended.”

  “None taken,” Patience snapped, leveling her gaze on Baron before adding, “Mine are real.”

  Baron sniffed, cleared his throat, and grabbed her menu, tucking it behind the condiments with his own. “We’ll both have the grilled cheese. No fries. Two cokes.”

  “Comin’ right up, sweetheart.” She sashayed away.

  “Want to tell me what that was about?”

  “Want to tell me why you’re flirting with someone you don’t know?”

  “I didn’t realize it was a crime.”

  Patience feared she was now wearing her heart on her sleeve, not very attractive, all things considered. Cursing her moment of insecurity, she unrolled her silverware. “It should’ve been.”

  Baron placed his hand over hers and as soon as he did, a bolt of electricity shot through her body. Heat flooded her cheeks and goose bumps scattered up and down her arms. Simple caresses and sweet gestures had become quit
e alarming.

  “We should probably talk about this, Patience.”

  She jerked her arm free and placed her hands in her lap. She quickly scanned the parking lot beyond the window. They were thirty minutes early so chances were slim to none on a bet that Mark and Spenser would show up and save her from a discussion she’d successfully avoided on their extended flight.

  “Okay. I’ll go first.” Baron took a deep breath and leaned back. He dragged his fingertips straight across the Formica tabletop. “You care for me.”

  “Of course I do.” Her shallow breathing made her sound like she felt—desperate.

  “Look at me, Patience.”

  At least he wasn’t calling her “sub” there in public. The first time the word had fallen from his lips, her pussy had clenched. Her boobs had felt fuller. Her body had pretty much been his for the taking. In fact, if the phones hadn’t started going haywire, she would’ve fucked him. Then again, he had seemed pretty bent on testing her.

  She slowly lifted her gaze and met his shimmering blue eyes. “We’ve danced around this for nearly three years. When Mark and Spenser get here today, it ends.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. “What do you mean, it ends? What are you planning to do?” Her fingers twitched as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

  “Two cokes,” the waitress said, returning with their drinks and buying Patience enough time to grab some semblance of reason.

  As soon as she left them again, Patience said, “Baron, please. Let’s do what we do.”

  “You mean pretend there isn’t anything between us when only a few short hours ago, you were standing in front of me naked and my dick was at your lips?”

  She swallowed. God help her. She could still taste his salty essence on her tongue. She swiped at her lips, praying it wasn’t obvious but the memory was too recent and what had happened in that hotel room had changed them forever.

  “Let’s not do this here.”

  Baron slowly raked his fingers up and down his jaw, scratching the two-day growth of beard. “You know, if you hadn’t dodged me on the plane, maybe I wouldn’t be so determined now, but we’ve had time to talk about us, Patience. We work together for Lord’s sake. You spend nearly every weekend with me.”


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