Adams, John Quincy, 17, 169, 170, 209, 232, 259-60, 324, 326, 327, 338, 352, 356, 420, 455; election of 1824, 264-8, 321, 378; election of 1828, 320-3; on Essexmen, 224; in Ghent treaty negotiations, 232-4; Indian policy of, 95, 452; as Minister to England, 235, 245; and Monroe Doctrine, 250-4; and morality in foreign affairs, 253-4; politics of, 228, 269; presidency of, 268-70, 272, 311, 370, 445; and property rights, 27, 268; as Secretary of State, 239, 245, 247-8, 252-4, 264, 440; on slavery issue, 465, 518; and tariff issue, 269-270
Adams, Samuel, 35, 43, 49-51, 74
Adams, Thomas, 143
Adams-Onis Treaty (1819), 248
Adet, Citizen, 109, 121
agriculture, 3-4, 72-3, 256, 274-5, 362, 433, 535; absentee ownership in, 283, 286; competition in, 528-9; and county fairs, 286-7, 308, 528; credit in, 13-14, 276, 285-6; depression in, 274, 328-9, 589; expansion of, 140-1, 526-9, 534; experiments in, 140-1, 278, 284, 286, 529, 530; farm families, 73, 141, 281-2, 293, 394-5; machinery and tools for, 275, 280, 282, 284, 286-7, 295, 307, 308, 394, 430, 527, 530, 533-4, 535; and protective tariff, 269-70; and slavery, 274, 275, 282-5, 301, 302; tenant farmers, 278-9; transportation of products, 276-7, 285, 286, 287, 299, 301-2, 528; see also individual regions
Alabama, 173, 450, 452, 468; migration to, 282, 315; secession of, 597
Alamo, 454-5
Alba, Duke of, 338-9
Albany, NY, 57, 91-2, 296, 298, 304, 370, 440, 603
Albany Argus, 371, 515
Albany Regency, 321, 343, 371-3
Alcott, Amos Bronson, 482, 487, 489
Alembert, Jean le Rond d’, 100
Alexander, Capt. Edward, 611
Alexander I, Tsar of Russia, 194
Alexandria, Va., 64-5, 214, 609
Algiers, 195, 236
Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), 125-33, 138, 141, 184, 215, 226, 230, 263, 330; see also Kentucky resolution; Virginia resolution
Alison, Francis, 111
Allegheny Portage Railroad, 304, 316, 352
Allen, Charles, 472
Allen, John, 127
Allen, Samuel Clesson, 361
Allston, Washington, 489
Alton, Ill., 518-19, 528, 583
Alton Observer, 518
American Colonization Society, 329, 366, 468
American Indians, 4-7, 176, 178, 333, 370, 451-4, 621; as ally of Britain, 6, 96, 207, 216, 233-4; culture and governments of, 452-4; depredations against and removal of, 449, 450, 452-4; and federal government, 5-6, 55, 95-7, 180, 451-4, 543; inequality, political and social, of, 362, 383, 410, 453-, 519, 597; of Latin America, 244; uprisings by and wars with, 6, 27, 93, 94, 95-7, 207, 452, 456; in War of 1812, 211, 212-13, 216-17, 452; in West, 178-83, 207, 471; see also individual peoples
American national character, 8-9, 21; chauvinism in, 207-9, 237-5, 445-9, 454, 457, 458, 536, 538; Dickens’ assessment of, 317, 353; escapism in, 438, 443; Europeans on, 317-18, 353-4, 448, 536-7; on frontier, 207, 317-18, 477; ideological divisions in, 547-8; self-image of, 26, 237; speed mania in, 432; Tocqueville’s assessment of, 355-7, 449-50
American Philosophical Society, 22, 111, 116, 161, 179
American Revolution, 6, 13, 23, 25, 28, 99-100, 149, 220-1, 222, 480, 571
Ames, Fisher, 49, 84, 104, 147, 161, 218, 229
Anderson, Maj. Robert, 606-7
Andover Theological Seminary, 477, 508
Anglicans, 7, 111, 112, 257, 494
Annapolis Convention (1786), 16, 28
Antietam Creek, Battle of, 624
Anti-Federalists, 26, 29, 60-2, 68, 79, 82, 85, 89, 369; and ratification of Constitution, 43-4, 46-58; see also Republican party (Jeffersonian)
Anti-Masons, 334, 336, 341, 373, 380-1, 423, 437
antislavery movement, see abolitionists Brown, John; Conscience Whigs; Free Soil movement; Republican party; Stowe, Harriet Beecher; and other individuals and organizations
Appleton, Nathan, 292, 294, 437
Archilochus, 379
architecture, 106-7, 112, 430
Argus of Western America, 326
Ankara Indians, 180-1
Arista, Gen. Mariano, 461
Aristotle, 29
Arizona, 464
Arkansas, 242, 453, 530, 608, 621
Arkwright, Richard, 291
armaments industry, 216, 287-9, 290-1, 534
arms, 179-80; right to bear, 90
Armstrong, John, 212-13
Army, U.S., 124, 201, 215; in Indian wars, 96, 452; in Mexican War, 460-4; in War of 1812, 210-11, 212-13, 214; see also Union Army Articles of Confederation, 6, 23, 25, 39, 85, 261; Congress under, 16, 17, 43, 76, 96; faults of, 26, 29, 44; proposed Revision of, 28-9, 34, 49,
Ashburton, Lord, 447-8, 458
assembly, freedom of, 55, 90, 91, 130
Astor, John Jacob, 429
Atchison, David R., 544
Atlantic Monthly, The, 588
Aupaumut, Capt. Hendrick, 96
Austerlitz, Battle of, 194-5, 197
Austin, Moses, 454
Austin, Stephen F., 454
Austria, 194, 213, 232, 249
Bache, Benjamin, 108-9, 122, 128-9
Back, H. E, 397
Bagley, Sarah, 397-400
Bailey, Thomas, 200, 234
Bailyn, Bernard, 117
Baker, Edward Dickinson, 620
Baldwin, James, 527
Baldwin, Luther, 129
Ball, Burgess, 99
Baltimore, Md., 65, 259, 333-4, 337, 342, 380, 393, 431, 469, 536, 560, 592-3, 604, 616, 619; in War of 1812, 214-15
Baltimore Patriot, 513-14
Baltimore Sun, 514
Bancroft, George, 361, 487
banking, 14, 80, 285-6, 295-6; and federal government, 86, 424-5, legislation, 339-40, 424-6, 435; and Panic of 1857, 588-9; state system, 236, 344-5· 373, 374, see also United States Bank
Bank of New York, 80
Banks, Nathaniel P., 553, 560
Baptists, 7, 24, 257, 373, 439, 494-5, 496-7, 514
Barbary pirates, 195-6, 212
Barber, Benjamin, 140
Barlow, Joel, 297
Barnard, Henry, 505-7
Barnburners, 468-70, 549
Bates, Edward, 593-4, 604, 626
Bayard, James. 232-3
Beaumont, Gustave de, 354
Beauregard, Gen. Pierre G. T, 606, 609-11
Bee, Gen. Barnard, 610
Beecher, Catharine, 507-8
Beecher, Henry Ward, 546
Beecher, Lyman, 497-500, 507
Belgium, 438
Bell, John, 593, 596-7
Bellevue, N.Y.C., 407
Bemis, Samuel Flagg, 245, 267
Benjamin, Judah, 612-13
Bennett, James Gordon, 513, 515
Benson, Lee, 373
Benton, Thomas Hart, 208, 242, 321, 327-8, 343-4, 358, 421, 425, 458, 473, 544, 560
Berlin, 416
Berlin, Isaiah, 379
Bernard, John, 256
Bestor, Arthur, 442
Bethlehem, Pa., 146, 439
Biddle, Nicholas, 239, 335, 337-9, 340, 347, 361, 373, 378, 445, 46, 513
Biddle, Owen, 117
Billings (Adams’s hired man), 106
Bill of Rights, 89-90, 91, 125, 130, 134, 141, 493, 511; absence of, in Constitution, 42, 50, 51, 53-5, 57, 59, 60, 69; in state constitutions, 60, 89, 134, 511
Birkbeck, Morris, 315-16
Birney, James G., 468
Bismarck, Otto von, 531
black Americans, 7, 81; African culture of, 149, 387, 568; colonization of, 360, 366-7, 394, 468, 500, 626; education of, 111, 115; and Emancipation Proclamation, 625-8; employment of, 406, 408, 409; equal rights for, 510; inequality of and prejudice against, 114, 142, 263, 356, 362, 365, 383, 384, 392-4, 407, 410, 469, 510, 519, 548, 564, 572, 576, 584-7, 597, 623; leadership of, 149-51, 387, 391-2, 394-5, 415; suffrage for, 392; urban, 80-1, 114, 116; see also slavery
Black Hawk, 452
Blackstone, Sir William, 363
, Francis Preston, 326, 332, 375
Blair, Montgomery, 605, 626
Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, 573
Bliss, George, Jr., 432
Bloomington, Ill., 555, 558, 622-3
Bogardus, James, 534
Bolivar, Simon, 248, 251
book publishing, 588
Boone, Daniel, 180, 449
Boorstin, Daniel, 429
Boscawen, N.H., 279, 281
Boston, 7, 8, 50, 235, 240, 337-8, 339, 361, 403, 429-30, 480, 508, 512, 514, 518-19, 529, 549-550, 589: Dickens on, 351, 352; as financial center, 220, 296; Jubilee of 1826 in, 270, 273; politics in, 74, 161, 220, 435-5, 545; as port city, 220, 276, 373, 374, 432, 536; religion in, 476, 483, 499; society and culture in, 14, 220-21, 222-3, 355, 393, 408-9, 435-7, 478, 481, 482, 589; Washington’s visit to, 73-4; see also New England
Boston American Herald, 50
Boston Associates, 292-6
Boston Courier, 434
Boston Daily Times, 514
Boston Gazette, 99
Boston Independent Chronicle, 139, 188-9
Boston Post, 514
Boston Statesman, 374
Boston Transcript, 512
Boulton, Matthew, 297, 300
Bowdoin, James, 14, 33, 35, 49
Bowie, James, 455
Bowler, Jack, 149-50
Bowles, Samuel, 512, 546
Bozeman, Theodore Dwight, 492
Bradford, David, 98
Bradford, William, 110
Bragg, Braxton, 464
Brant, Irving, 168
Brant, Joseph, 6
Brazil, 244, 249
Breckinridge, John, 186
Breckinridge, John C, 592, 597, 614
Bridger, Jim, 455
Brisbane, Albert, 442-3
British Honduras, 540
Brook Farm, Mass., 443, 489, 491
Brooks, Preston S., 552, 565, 566
Brooks, Van Wyck, 222, 482, 488
Brown, Jacob, 213
Brown, John, 522, 551, 589-91
Brown, Joseph, 613
Brown, Moses, 292
Brown, Paul, 442
Brown College, 74
Brown family, 302, 307
Browning, Orville, 558
Bruchey, Stuart, 433
Bryant, William Cullen, 201, 547, 588, 594, 596; Thanatopsis, 477
Buchanan, James, 421, 458; and Dred Scott decision, 577-8, 582-3; in election of 1856, 559-62; Minister in London, 536, 538, 539; presidency of, 563, 578-80, 589, 591, 599, 603, 606
Buell, Don Carlos, 621
Buena Vista, Mexico, 462
Buffalo, N.Y., 302-3, 446, 470, 532
Buffalo Republic, 547
Bulfinch, Charles, 217, 220, 430, 478
Bull, Ephraim, 529
Bull Run, Battle of, 609-12, 615, 623, 624
Bulwer-Lytton, Henry, 540
Bunker Hill, Mass., 240, 430
Burnet, John, 129
Burns, Anthony, 549-50
Burns, Robert, 223
Burnside, Gen. Ambrose, 621, 626
Burr, Aaron: duel with Hamilton, 192, 193, 196; and election of 1796, 107-9; and election of 1800, 145, 147, 152-5, 196, 230, 378; treason trial of, 202-3; as vice-president, 159, 192; western conspiracy of, 196-7, 319
business, 533-5; criticism of, 485; investment in, 531, 534; and law profession, 436; and Panic of 1857, 588-9; and political parties, 427, 435-7, 593; power of, 347-8; see also capitalism; industry; labor
Butler, Andrew P., 544, 551-2
Butler, Franklin, 371
Butler, Pierce, 413
Byllesby, Langdon, 360
Byron, George Gordon, Lord, 478
Cable, George W., 533
Cabot, George, 75, 153, 218, 231
Cabot, John, 75
Cabot, William, 276
Cabot family, 292, 307
Cadwalader, Gen. George, 619
Cairo, Ill., 532, 616, 617
Calhoun, Florida, 326, 332
Calhoun, John C, 427, 459, 525-6; in Congress, 235, 237, 240, 339, 346, 425, 470-1, 566, 570; debate with Webster, 337; feud with Jackson, 332-3, 334, 570; and nullification, 329, 330-1, 333, 336, 337, 544, 571-3; presidential ambitions of, 264-5, 268, 331, 333, 339, 572; and secession, 473-4; as Secretary of War, 239, 247, 264, 332; South Carolina Exposition of, 329; as vice-president, 268, 272, 322, 326-7, 332-3; and War of 1812, 209, 328
California, 392, 455-6, 515; admitted as free state, 472, 473, 475; gold rush in, 471, 475, 515, 534, 539, 587, 589; under Mexican rule, 455, 458, 460, 464; Mexican War in, 461-2
Calvinism, 78, 476, 479, 494, 497-8
Cambreleng, Churchill C 344-5
Cambridge, Mass., 51, 74, 222, 478, 481
Cameron, Simon, 594-5, 605, 617, 620
Campbell, John A., 575
Canada, 540; boundary disputes with, 7, 103, 235, 447-8; rebellion against British, 446-7; and War of 1812, 207-8, 210-11, 213, 234
canals, 236, 240-1, 286, 302-5, 309, 352, 528, 531; caste system on, 317; financing of, 302-3, 306, 309; labor on, see also Erie Canal; internal improvements
canneries, 529
Canning, George, 249, 251
Canot, Captain, 385
capitalism, 224, 333, 451, 574, 577
competition in, 438, 440, 443-4, 483, 491-2; expansion of, 251, 491, 593; and Jacksonian democracy, 347-8; see also business; industry; labor
Caribbean Sea, 102, 113-14, 124, 174, 244, 618
Carlisle, Pa., 48
Carlyle, Thomas, 481
Carroll, Anna Ella, 615
Carson, Kit, 455
Carter, Robert, III, 256
Cartwright, Peter, 496-7
Cash, W. J., 450
Cass, Lewis, 332, 469-70, 473, 565
Castlereagh, Viscount, 245, 249
Catawba Indians, 150
Catholic Church, 7, 78, 81, 373, 498-9, 500, 547, 554, 559; in Latin America, 244; persecution of, 498-9, 500, 509, 548; schools of, 509
Catlin, George, 451
cattle ranching, 528-9, 530
Central America, 244; isthmian canal in, 539-40, and Monroe Doctrine, 251-2; rebellions in, 248-9, 252; U.S. expansionist interest in, 539-40
Cerro Gordo, Mexico, 463
Chacabuco, Battle of, 248
Chambers, William, 376, 422
Chandler, Zachariah, 620
Channing, Edward, 240
Channing, William Ellery, 240, 434-6, 479, 481, 489, 518-19, 545
Chapman, Maria, 519-20
Chapultepec, 463-4
Charles River, 292-3, 478
Charles River Bridge case, 466
Charleston, S.C., 7, 52, 101, 107, 149, 319, 329, 337, 393, 412, 450, 514, 567, 569, 592; and Civil War, 605-7
Charlestown, Mass., 75, 430, 497
Charlottesville, Va., 182, 255, 273
Chase, James, 380
Chase, Salmon P., 469, 545-6, 554, 565, 594, 604, 626, 627
Chase, Samuel, 129-30, 146, 185, 186, 202, 228-9
Chateaubriand, François René de, 478
Chauncey, Comm. Isaac, 212
checks and balances: in Constitution, 34-5, 37, 38-9, 61, 63, 134-5, 168, 190, 193, 269, 368, 381, 605; in a republic, 17-18, 34, 118, 120, 134, 260-1, 262-3, 272, 372, 625
Cherokee Indians, 6, 95, 335, 452-3
Chesapeake, U.S.S., 199, 212, 228
Chesapeake and Ohio Canal, 450
Chesnut, Mary Boykin, 568
Chicago, Ill., 211, 450, 514, 528, 530-5 passim, 543, 555, 583, 594-6
Chicago Daily Tribune, 514
Chicago Democrat, 514
Chickasaw Indians, 6, 95, 452
Chicopee, Mass., 295, 307
Child, David Lee, 403, 411
Child, Lydia Maria, 402-3, 411-13, 520-1, 588, 590
Chile, 248
China, 542
Chippewa, Battle of, 213
Chippewa Indians, 96
Choctaw Indians, 6, 95, 452-3
Christianity, 457, 476; see also individual sects an
d denominations
Churubusco, Mexico, 463
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 225
Cincinnati, Ohio, 266, 300, 301-2, 352, 415, 420, 450, 500, 514, 545, 559, 573, 603, 604, 616
cities, 162, 302; competition among, 309; population of, 7, 80, 511; port, 218-23, 275-6, 295-6, 310, 344, 370, 528, 535-6; society in, 78-83, 115, 125, 355-6, 405-9
Civil War: battles, 605-7, 609-12, 621-2, 624, 626; blockade, 615, 618; causes, 449, 598-600; and Joint Committee ofCongress, 620; see also Confederate Army; Union Army
Claflin, H. B., 534
Clark, James, 374-5
Clark, William, 178-83, 190, 458
Clay, Cassius, 573
Clay, Henry, 239, 241, 268, 325, 326, 352, 358, 375, 427, 452, 525-6, 587, 593; American System of, 270, 320, 331; and censure of Jackson, proposed, 340, 346; and Compromise of 1850, 472-5; election of 1824, 264-7, 321; election of 1832, 331, 333-6, 376; in Ghent negotiations, 232-4; presidential ambitions of, 232, 264-7, 322, 331, 339, 341, 423-4, 426, 459, 468, 469; in Senate, 327, 337, 339, 345, 423-6; as Speaker of the House, 207, 235, 236-7, 243, 247, 264; as spokesman for West, 207-8, 232; and War of 1812, 207-8, 209
Clayton, John M., 540
Clayton-Bulwer Treaty (1850), 540
Clermont (steamboat), 296, 311
Cleveland, Ohio, 420, 532, 535
Cleveland Leader, 547
Clinton, Iowa, 302
Clinton, De Witt, 210, 212, 227, 238, 265, 266, 273, 370-1, 440; and Erie Canal, 303-11 passim, 371
Clinton, George, 43-4, 55-7, 66, 69, 79, 92, 102, 192, 204, 210, 370, 378
clockmaking, 289-90
clothing trades, 406, 534
Cobb, Howell, 471
Coffin, Hannah, 281
Coffin, Thomas, 279-81
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 481
Collins, James, 485
Collins, Wilkie, 588
Colombia, 244, 265
Colorado, 464
Colt, Samuel, 290, 534
Columbia, S.C., 569, 572, 597
Columbia College, 31-2, 81
Columbian Centinel (newspaper), 176, 206-7, 217
Columbia River, 458-9
Columbus, Ohio, 420, 450
Commager, Henry S., 355
common law, 130, 143, 402, 436
Common Sense (Paine), 117-18
Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels), 416, 444, 467
communitarianism, 439-44
Compromise of 1850, 472-5, 522, 543, 598
Concord, Mass., 276, 529, 561; literati of, 468, 479-81, 483-8, 489, 590
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