Remy's Revenge

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Remy's Revenge Page 8

by Paige Green

  Remy tossed her head back as Tyson slowly twirled his hips, gently gliding his thickness into her. She clawed her long finger nails into his skin as he then dipped before thrusting the rest of himself into her, causing her to yell out in ecstasy.

  Tyson continued to make love to her until she continued take anymore and contracted her stomach muscles together before releasing a big, healthy orgasm.

  He was right after her, ejaculating inside of her as he collapsed to the floor, holding her tightly into her arms.

  “I love you, Reminisce.”

  “I love you, too, Tyson.”

  Chapter Twelve

  Trigger-Happy exhaled deeply as he stepped out of the passenger side of the all black hummer limousine before walking to the back door and opening it.

  Trigger-Happy was dressed in an all black Armani suit with a gray vest and silver cuff links adorning his wrists. His hair was cut into a high temple fade and he had a pair of all gray, original Italian dress shoes, which adorned his feet.

  Holding out his hand for his mother, Ursula, he harshly bit down on his bottom lip as he watched her weakly step out of the car.

  That day they both were getting ready to say their final goodbyes to Shemar. All of Shemar’s loyal workers and the little people that respected him were in attendance for his funeral.

  Walking into the church, Trigger-Happy and his mother sat in the first row before turning their attention to the pastor.

  “We’re here today to say our final goodbyes to our dear friend, Shemar Wentown, who was brutally murdered over a week ago. For those of you who knew Shemar, you know that he was a kind, young gentlemen who gave not only to the people he loved, but also his community, too,” the pastor said before wiping the sweat off of his forehead. “This young man never hurt a fly and was one of the most respected men in the community.”

  “This nigga is lying through his teeth, the fuck is wrong with him?” Trigger-Happy mumbled under his breath as he shook his head in disbelief.

  Fifteen minutes later when the pastor was finally done acting as if he really knew Shemar, they were finally ready to take his casket to the cemetery.

  Standing to his feet, as Trigger-Happy started to walk out of pew, he watched as Egypt, who was dressed in an all black dress that was barely touched the bottom of her ass, emotionally walked up to the casket and threw herself on it.

  “God, why?! Why you take my Shemar away, please bring him back!” she dramatically cried at the top of her lungs, instantly causing Trigger-Happy to become angry.

  “Son, who is that child?” Ursula asked, shaking her head at Egypt.

  “Some girl Shemar used to mess with,” Trigger-Happy gritted.

  “Please get her out of here or stop her, she’s doing way too much!”

  Trigger-Happy nodded his head as he made his way towards Egypt and grabbed her from behind. Turning around to face him, Egypt threw herself into his arms, causing him to slightly stumble.

  He clenched his jaw before awkwardly glancing around the church, noticing all eyes were on them. Forcing her to stand to her feet, Trigger-Happy nearly dragged her out of the church in anger as she continued to scream and cry for Shemar.

  “What the hell is wrong with you, Egypt?!” Trigger-Happy barked as they stood outside alone.

  Collapsing her hand over her chest as she continued to sulk uncontrollably, she stared at Trigger-Happy confusingly before she finally asked,

  “What do you mean what’s wrong with me?”

  “You in there acting a damn fool and shit! What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Glancing at him up and down before twisting up her nose in disgust, Egypt suddenly wiped her eyes before folding her arms under her breasts and said,

  “Well excuse me, if you didn’t fucking notice, my boyfriend is about to be fucking buried, Trigger!”

  Clenching his jaw, he sniffed before gritting his teeth and walking away from Egypt. Walking back into the church, he watched as a small group of men lifted Shemar’s silver-plated casket onto their shoulders before he walked over towards them and decided to help them out.

  When they reached the cemetery and finally buried Shemar, Trigger-Happy gently rubbed his mother’s back, who was crying as she said her last goodbye.

  “You know Tyler,” Ursula said to Trigger-Happy, calling him by his government name as she wiped the scornful tears from her eyes. “I know when y’all were younger, I worked two jobs trying to make ends meet and was barely there for y’all, but you know I loved y’all and wanted nothing but the best for y’all, right?”

  “Of course I know that, mom. You don’t ever have to ask me or justify what you had to do, mom. I know what it is,” Trigger-Happy assured her as he continued to softly rub her back.

  “I know that, honey, I’m just saying. I don’t know how you two ended up in these streets, son! You know it’s dangerous out here, honey! Look what happened to Shemar! I’ll be damned if this happened to you, too!” Ursula continued to cry.

  Trigger-Happy glanced away as he shook his head yet silently agreed with her. He knew that the streets were dangerous but quite frankly, it was all he knew and was accustomed to.

  “I know mom, I know,” was all Trigger-Happy could say as Ursula finally walked away with him on her heels.

  After dropping his mother off back at home and making decided to make his way to Club Envy to clear his head, Trigger-Happy wiped the soft tears that trickled down his cheek as his thoughts quickly transferred to Shemar.

  “Damn Shemar, I sure am going to miss your crazy ass!” Trigger-Happy thought to himself as he arrived at the club and parked his car into the parking lot.

  It was a Tuesday afternoon and just like every Tuesday when him and Shemar rented out Club Envy, Trigger-Happy felt a huge wave of emotion, yet kept his composure, as he walked into the club and over to the bar.

  “I’d like a smooth glass of green apple Pinnacle on the rocks,” he said as he took a seat.

  “I’m sorry for your lost, Trigger,” Trinity, the bartender, said before taking out a small glass and pouring the alcohol into it.

  Trigger-Happy nodded his head as Trinity passed him the cup and watched him quickly toss the liquor back before sliding the cup back to her, silently asking for more.

  As he started to pick up the glass cup to take another sip of the Pinnacle, he noticed someone entering the club. The anger that subsided earlier quickly arose from within as he watched Egypt slowly sashay over to the bar.

  “What the hell are you doing here, Egypt?”

  Egypt, who was still dress into the short black dress, ignored him as she ordered a drink and watched as Trinity poured it.

  Taking a slow slip of her liquor, she then finally turned her attention to Trigger-Happy before clearing her throat, leaning in towards him and said,

  “You know I know this is you and Shemar’s meeting spot every Tuesday, Trigger, but I didn’t come here to discuss that. I came here to discuss the fact that the motherfucker that did this to Shemar is still breathing.”

  “What are you trying to say?”

  “I’m saying that I need your fucking help to get that bitch Remy! You and I both know that she was the only one who did this shit to him! Are you going to help me?”

  Trigger-Happy eyed her one last time before throwing his head back in laughter. He tightly held the bottom of his stool to prevent himself from falling as he smacked his leg as if what Egypt said was the joke of the year.

  When he was finally done laughing, he angrily slit his eyes at Egypt and firmly said,

  “You know what? You’re one funny as bitch, Egypt. How the fuck you betray your best friend, by sleeping with her man and talking him into killing his own son? You are one foul, skanky ass bitch to do some cut shit like that, girl. As a matter of fact, you’re the real reason why my nephew, Jeremiah, and brother is dead, bitch. You lucky I won’t kill your ugly, ratchet ass myself! I’ll be a damn fool to help you kill, Remy. If I kill that bitch Remy it’s because I d
o it under my own command, not yours! Who the fuck you think you are? And for your information, I already killed the bitch!”

  “You know what? I’m going to let that slide because I know you mad and all, Trigger,” Egypt said as she stood to her feet. “And for your information, your dumb ass didn’t kill Remy, that bitch is still breathing!”

  With that being said, Trigger-Happy watched as Egypt started to walk to the door as the words “Remy’s still breathing” smacked him against the face.

  “What do you mean she’s still breathing? I shot her!” he yelled after Egypt who had her hand on the door, ready to walk out.

  Egypt shook her head as she smiled mischievously before walking out the Club door’s, leaving Trigger-Happy trapped in his thoughts.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Remy tossed and turned in her sleep, miserably drowning in her thoughts. It was ten ‘o’ clock in the morning and barely getting any sleep from the previous night, she irately kicked the sheets off of herself before glancing over at Tyson, who was still sound asleep. Taking a deep breath, she stood to her feet, walked in front of the room, towards the television, and turned the power on. Taking the remote and taking a seat at the edge of her bed, she flipped through the channels until she got to the news channel and turned the volume up.

  “Two nights ago, a man and woman were seen on security cameras, running out of their hotel room just moments before the hotel blew up into pieces. Fire fighters are investigating the cause of the fire but by the looks of it, a bomb may have been the reason why a huge fire erupted into the Green Tree Hotel, causing half of the hotel to collapse and burn. This fire also cost the hotel millions of dollars in damages. Police have released these two pictures of the man and woman, who were seen running from their hotel room. Police have identified the male as, Tyson Vicks, who is an ex-marine, and currently a police officer. If you know any whereabouts of these two, who are wanted for questioning, please contact your local police department.

  Remy dropped the remote in shock before swallowing the huge lump in her throat. Gazing behind her, she grabbed Tyson by his leg before shaking it, instantly awaking him.

  “What? What’s wrong, Remy?” he asked, glancing around the room.

  “Baby, we’re wanted by the police about that fire! What are we going to do?” Remy asked with a hint of fear on her voice.

  “What? How do you know?” he asked as he wiped the drool from the corner of her mouth.

  “I just saw it on the news! They know it was you, they said your name and everything! What are we going to do?”

  Pushing the sheets off of himself before climbing out of his bed, he replied,

  “Don’t worry, I’ll handle it.”

  Remy watched as he then walked to his dresser to retrieve his cellphone, dialed a number, and placed it on his ear.

  “Yeah, captain, it’s Tyson. What’s going on? You want me for questioning?”

  Remy watched as Tyson uttered a few words before ending the call and throwing his cellphone on his bed as she then asked,

  “What did they say?”

  “Get dress, baby. We got to meet up with them in an hour, okay? Don’t worry, they just want us to answer some questions then all of this shit will disappear,” he assured her.

  “What you mean? You didn’t watch the news! I’m not going to a damn police station! We didn’t do anything, Tyson. If we go, they’re going to lock our asses up!” she yelled as her chest heavily heaved.

  Walking up next to her and taking a seat, he said,

  “Calm down, baby. I told you, I know what I’m doing. All I need you to do is get dressed and follow my lead, Remy. Don’t you trust me?”

  Reluctantly nodding her head, she exhaled deeply before standing to her feet and making her way to the closet. An hour later, when they were finally dressed, the couple made their way out of his loft before hopping into Tyson’s car and driving off.

  When they finally made it to the precinct on the North side, Tyson parked his car into the parking lot, turned to Remy and said,

  “Listen, just go in there and stay calm. All you have to do is say that we received a packaged from someone and when we put our ears to it, we heard a beeping sound and ran, okay? They have records and pictures of the woman from room service giving us the package so we should be all good.”

  Nodding, she then climbed out of the passenger seat, took a deep breath, and made her way into the police station after Tyson.

  “What’s up Vicks, back so soon? I thought you were moving to North Carolina?” Officer Jakes, Tyson’s old partner, asked as Tyson and Remy walked into the front door.

  Walking up to Jakes, Tyson asked,

  “You didn’t hear what happened about the hotel?”

  Glancing at Tyson, Jakes’s eyes widened as he then said,

  “Oh! That was you? I wasn’t even paying attention. What happened, though?”

  “It’s a long story, where’s the captain at?”

  “He’s back there. Good luck my man,” Jakes said.

  Walking to the back of the police station with Remy, who had a hard, stone glare on her face, walking behind him, he knocked on the captain’s door and opened it up.

  “Vicks? I didn’t really think you’d come, close the door,” his ex-captain, Captain Morone, who was the head of the department, said firmly.

  Closing the door before walking up in front of his desk with his hands folded in front of him, Tyson asked,

  “Are we being charge or investigated?”

  “As of right now, you’re not being charged but you are being investigated, Vicks. Who, on this earth, hates you and this young lady so much that they’ll send a bomb to your hotel room to blow you two up?”

  Glaring him into his eyes, Tyson replied,

  “Who doesn’t hate me, Captain? You know how many people I had gotten locked up? It could’ve been anyone, sir.”

  Exhaling deeply, Marone held his hands behind his back before turning to Remy and asked,

  “What’s your name, young lady?”

  “Reminisce Kyle.”

  “Ms. Kyle, what is your relationship with Vicks?”

  “He’s my boyfriend, what does that have to do with this?”

  “I’m just trying to figure out who would do something like this. The media is on our ass about this, do you know that? They’re demanding for us to lock one of you up, but I’m not going to do that.”

  Concealing his surprised as he tightened his muscles, Tyson replied,

  “What you mean you aren’t going to do that?”

  “Like you said, you had so many people who hated you. It could’ve been anyone, right? Plus, I like you Vicks and you never really gave me any problems when you were on the squad.” Marone said. “I’m going to pull some strings and have this one slide through the cracks but one thing I need you to do?”

  “What’s that?” Tyson replied, raising his eyebrows.

  “Get the hell out of Pittsburgh like you’ve planned and if you come back anytime soon, I won’t be so nice,” he said sternly.

  Nodding his head, he waved at Captain Marone one last time before walking towards the door and walking out.

  When they reached Tyson’s car and climbed back into it, Tyson smiled at Remy and said,

  “I told you it would be that easy.”

  “Okay, but what are we going to do now? We still have Trigger-Happy coming after us, baby.”

  “We’ll figure something out, okay?”



  Egypt walked into her usual salon, with her head held high, and a smile on her face. She watched as almost every pair of eye glanced at her with envy before they started their usual gossiping. Walking over to her stylist, Tenichi, she took a seat and glanced at herself in the mirror.

  “What’s up, Egypt? What are you getting done, today?” Tenichi asked as she ran her hand through Egypt’s hair.

  “You can just put some weave in it and do your thing,” Egypt repli
ed, shrugging her shoulders.

  Tenichi nodded her head before grabbing a comb from off of her station and running it through her hair. Placing a cape around Egypt’s neck and telling her to get up so she can wash her, Tenichi quickly washed and blew dried her hair. Sewing in a few pieces of Brazilian hair into Egypt’s head before blending it with her real hair, Egypt smiled, completely satisfied with the end results.

  Standing to her feet and passing Tenichi three hundred dollars, she started to walk out of the salon until she saw Co-Co, who Remy fought a couple of months ago, sitting on the other side of the salon, reading a magazine.

  Smiling as she strutted up to her, she then took a seat next to her and said,

  “Hey, Co-Co, what’s up with you?”

  Placing her magazine down and side-slicing her eyes at Egpyt, Co-Co replied suspiciously,

  “What do you want?”

  “Didn’t you get into a fight with Remy a couple of months ago?”

  “Yeah, and your point is?” she replied snottily.

  “Well, I know a perfect way you can get her back, but it’s all up to you?”

  Gazing at her skeptically, Co-Co said,

  “Wait, what you mean? I thought she was your best friend?”

  “Not anymore. So, are you in or out?”

  Co-Co, who’d been looking for Remy for a couple of months now, to get a rematch from their first fight, stared at Egypt before looking away and contemplating her next move. She knew that Remy and Egpyt had been best friends for over ten years but by the eager and hateful look in her eyes with the mention of Remy’s name, Co-Co knew something had to terribly happen for them to not to be friends anymore. Gazing at Egypt one last time before reluctantly nodding her head, Co-Co said,

  “Yeah, I’m in.”

  Standing to her feet with a smile, Egypt replied,

  “Okay, good. Meet me downtown tomorrow around seven at night and we’ll take it from there.”

  Nodding, Co-Co watched as Egypt walked out of the salon as she silently sat with her mind racing a mile a minute.


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