Love's Second Chance

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Love's Second Chance Page 11

by Patty H Scott

“I’d love a walk.” I feel like I just won the Nobel Peace Prize. Katrina isn’t ending our date. She wants more. God knows I want more, but I plan to take things slowly and let her lead. After hearing all the heartbreak she’s gone through, I want to be the one to end the man-fast, but that has to be a choice she makes.

  It’s a typically chilly night out, perfect for walking a little closer than we would have if we had been on this same street in the 80-degree weather we had at midday. Katrina has a light sweater on over her blouse. Her jeans are form fitting and she’s wearing them tucked into a pair of boots that are so her. I’m not one to really notice women’s fashion. I just know she looks better than anyone I’ve laid eyes on.

  We walk over to the car so I can pop the leftovers in there, then we turn to head up Main Street. The shops here all close around 7 p.m. – all but the beer garden, the pizza place, and a few other restaurants. We stop at the local bookstore window.

  “So, what kinds of books do you like to read? Or are you a reader?”

  “I love reading: romance, cozy mysteries, fantasy, YA, classics …”

  “A woman with a range of interests. That doesn’t surprise me about you.”

  “How about you?” She tilts her head up toward me.

  “I like a good crime drama, legal thrillers. You know, John Grisham or Michael Connelly. I enjoy well-written biographies and historical fiction by authors like David McCullough. Also, surprisingly, classic romance novels like Pride and Prejudice. Don’t tell my friend Brett if you ever see him again, or he might pull my man card. I also read a lot of what might be categorized as self-help. Books on time management, goal setting, that kind of stuff.”

  “I’m guessing those aren’t on Caleb’s shelves.” Katrina talks about Caleb as though she’s known him for years.

  “You got that right. You’d be surprised how much he does read when he has down time. Time management is not his thing, though. Too much structure for that wild man.”

  “Yeah, if I wrote a time management book it would be called Time Management for the Free-Spirited Woman Who Can’t Find Her Keys.” She giggles.

  “Sounds like a bestseller to me.”

  When we come to the old-fashioned toy store we reminisce about our favorite toys as kids.

  I ask her, “What was your favorite toy growing up?”

  “Oh, I had this doll. She could eat and drink from a bottle. It was kind of gross, now that I think about it. She passed everything out the other side. I mean who thinks of that? Let’s make a doll that makes a huge mess that looks like digested food! Imagine the board meeting where that toy was dreamed up!” We laugh hard.

  “What was your favorite toy?”

  “I loved remote cars. My baseball bat and glove. LEGOs. I really loved LEGOs. Building something from nothing. That’s what I still love doing.” Like the shop. I really want to tell her, but it’s not time yet. She’s just opened up to me. I can’t drop the bomb that I’m living in another state right now. I will once we are more reconnected and I know for sure where we stand.

  Finally, we stop in front of a little park at the end of Main by a little bench.

  “Would you like to sit?” She nods. I sit first, wanting to leave her room to put as much space as she wants between us. She sits right next to me, and even rests her head on my shoulder as we chat about her plans for an upcoming trip to Yellowstone. I’m going to have to find a way for her to meet Caleb. I know he’ll just love her. Plus, he may be able to show her some of the secret spots for great photos in that area.

  Katrina lets out a little yawn. I don’t want this moment to end. Her head is nestled on my shoulder and we’ve shared some pretty intimate conversation. I couldn’t have asked for the night to go better. Well, except that man-fast. I would like to put a big stop to that. But, it’s not my call, and I’m nothing if not patient. So I’ll wait. I already know what a kiss from Katrina Bradshaw is like. I am willing to wait for another.

  As much as I’d rather let Katrina sleep on my shoulder right here on a bench on Main, I know we both have full days ahead.

  “I ought to be getting you back to the inn.”

  “Yes. It’s getting late. Sorry I yawned. You aren’t boring me, I promise.”

  “I know. You need rest. You work hard. It has to wear you out.” We get up from the bench. As we turn to walk toward the car, she laces our fingers like we’ve been doing this since forever. Her hand feels so right in mine as though it was custom made to fit there. We walk back to the car without a need for conversation, simply our entwined fingers conveying something words would mess up anyway.

  I pull into the parking lot of the inn, hop out and open Katrina’s door for her. I pick up the pizza box, intending to give her the leftovers. After all, a woman who can make pizza look that appealing deserves dibs on what remains to be eaten.

  “No, you keep it. I’ve got a full day planned out of the inn and I won’t have a chance to eat it anyway.” I put the box back and walk her up the stairs to the front door.

  I know every romcom and romance film since the beginning of motion pictures has the dreaded scene at the front door. It’s the “should we kiss, or hug, or wave” moment. And, I’m so out of practice I’m feeling way out of my element. The ease I felt ever since we left the pizza place has evaporated and I’m feeling as awkward and nervous as I did when I first knocked on this door a few hours ago.

  It’s not like this would be our first kiss, but ever since she arrived in Montana things have been different. I don’t know where we stand. Everything in me wants to bend down and claim this moment, to kiss her fully and completely. I just don’t want to cross a line she may have quietly drawn.

  Right at that moment, as I’m trying to figure out the most endearing and composed way to end this night, Katrina turns to me, stands a little on her tip toes, wraps her arms around my neck and kisses me. It starts tentative and light. She brushes my lips with hers almost like a whisper. I wrap my arms behind her back and pull her towards me just the slightest bit. She responds by deepening our kiss, and we are saying all the things we couldn’t manage to communicate. A summer’s worth of longing and questions get poured out into that kiss. And for each question, an answer, sweet and promising, is given.

  No matter what happens to me in this life, I can die happy. I’ve kissed Katrina Bradshaw three times, and my life is officially complete.

  We pull away from the kiss, my lips still humming in the best of ways. Katrina softly says, “Well, goodnight, Jack. I had a wonderful time with you. Thanks for not giving up on me.”

  I stand there taking her in, and as she turns through the front door I answer, “Always, Katrina. Always.”

  chapter fifteen


  I sort of float up the stairs of the inn after closing the door to Jack. A part of me would have stayed out there kissing him longer, but I don’t think I could have trusted myself to keep it to kissing. That man is like a walking aphrodisiac. I don’t even remember why I was upset at him.

  Oh, yeah. He didn’t call for three days. But then he told me he thought Michael was my boyfriend. I understand now why he gave me space. I wish I had known the impression I made. God knows I’m not the best with details. I should have clarified who Michael was. No matter. We’re past that now. And I plan to make up for lost time with Jack.

  I wonder how much longer he’s here in Bozeman. I meant to ask him if he’s just on a vacation from work, or if he’s wrapping up things to do with his mom’s estate, but our conversation veered in other directions. Talking with him just flows. The silence between us is comfortable too. I can’t actually believe how relaxed I feel around him. I always feel that way with friends or at work, but around guys when there’s a romantic vibe going on, I never seem to have an easy way about me. With Jack it’s different.

  I get my pjs on and brush my teeth. As I’m washing my face, I trace my finger across my lips. I can still feel a bit of the humming there from our goodnight kiss. I could tell he wa
s hesitant. Probably didn’t want to push me or assume. It was my turn to step forward and let him know what we have isn’t just in the past.

  My phone buzzes on the counter as I’m thinking about that kiss tonight …

  Jack: Hey, beautiful. Just wanted to say I can’t stop thinking about you. I am glad you said yes to pizza and the walk.

  Katrina: Me too – thinking about you, and glad we went out.

  Jack: would it be too forward to ask if we could get together again soon? I know you’re here to work, but I would love to be a diversion if you let me.

  Katrina: You are definitely that. :) I’d love to see you. I have a shoot tomorrow at the Gallatin River by Cameron Bridge. Going to capture some fly fishermen working their magic. What about Friday?

  Jack: Are you free all day, or just in the evening?

  Katrina: Another all-day date with Jack Anders, hmmmm … I remember how those turn out.

  Jack: Yes. I have some pretty specific memories of a whole day spent with Katrina Bradshaw. Life-changing.

  Katrina: Life-changing, huh? That’s pretty big. Sounds like this girl put a spell on you.

  Jack: The best kind of spell. So, what do you say, can I have another day with you, Katrina? I promise not to disappoint.

  Katrina: It’s a date. Surprise me. Did I ever tell you I love surprises?

  Jack: Will do. One surprising day coming right up. See you Friday. I’ll come by around 10:00am. Sound good? And, not that I want a chaperone, but what will Michael be doing that day?

  Katrina: Thanks for thinking of him. He’s fine. He’s got work to do on the blog and website in the morning. He said something about going white water rafting that afternoon. I hadn’t planned on joining him, so he’s covered. I’m going to get some sleep now. I was almost asleep in your arms on Main Street. I need to make that official now.

  Jack: Officially fall asleep in my arms? Sounds good. I’ll be right over.

  Katrina: Ha ha. No. Tempting, but no. I need to sleep. See you Friday, Jack.

  Jack: Sweet Dreams, Katrina. I know what I’ll be dreaming about ;) See you Friday.

  As tired as I am, I feel like someone splashed cold water in my face. Flirting with Jack may be my new favorite hobby. He was way bolder in text than he has been in person. Maybe me initiating our goodnight kiss gave him a green light. Whatever it was, I like it. The man-fast is officially on hold. I’m going to text Patrice. I feel like running through the flower dotted hills of Austria spinning with my arms wide open. This man. He does things to me.

  Katrina: Dinner with Jack. I told him about Thomas, the man-fast, and basically so many embarrassing things. He was so sweet. Wants to take a hit man out on Thomas. I have half a mind to let him. Anyway, we had pizza, walked down Main Street, sat cozied up on a bench, and then held hands on the walk back to the car. I kissed him goodnight. Man-fast officially off. Who fasts when there’s a man like Jack Anders around?

  Patrice: I’m over here squealing! You need a Hallmark movie made of your life, you know that, right? I’m so glad for you, Katrina. You deserve the best. So, what’s next?

  Katrina: Thanks. He’s taking me on an all-day date on Friday.

  Patrice: Seriously? Does this man have a twin?

  Katrina: No. A younger brother who’s a fire fighter … total opposite of him, sounds like. But I think he’s got his eyes on a hometown girl. Don’t worry, Patrice. You’ll find a man who appreciates the dynamic and amazing woman you are.

  Patrice: From your mouth to God’s ears, sweet friend. I’m waiting. I’ve kissed enough frogs, that’s for sure. My prince is overdue. Enough about me. I’m just so happy for you. Thanks for texting. I would have thought you were still undecided if you hadn’t let me know. Enjoy every minute of your time with him, k?

  Katrina: Thanks, sweet friend. Will do. And girls’ night is so on my radar when we get back.

  Patrice: You know it.

  * * *

  Fly-fishing is an artform. I was able to capture some shots with the light streaming through the pines and the reflections just right over the water. The lines being cast by the fishermen seem like spun silk floating in the air. It’s poetry to watch those men at work. I was mesmerized. Thursday was all about that shoot and then sorting through my shots and getting some edited while I could. If I don’t do some editing as I go, I end up with a monumental project after we leave a location. I slept like a lamb that night.

  Things being right between me and Jack settles something deep within me. I could see myself getting very serious with him. He’s strong, but gentle. Thoughtful, but able to joke around. He’s so attentive and seems to know what I need before I do. He stabilizes me, and yet, being around him unbalances me in the best of ways.

  His hair, the way it has a little curl to it. I love watching him rake his hands through it as he’s gathering his thoughts. Those eyes. The way he looks into my soul when he’s listening, or the way they scrunch up around the edges when he smiles. He’s not like any other man I’ve met.

  I’m up early this morning. Jack will be here in three hours. I check in with Michael after I meet Mindy for a jog on the country roads around the inn. Michael and I decide to eat the continental breakfast offered in the lobby together at 8:30 a.m. That gives me time to shower and get dressed.

  Katrina: Hey, Jack, what should I wear for this surprise date? Should I be dressy or casual?

  Jack: Are you honestly asking me about you getting dressed right now? I’m blushing.

  Katrina: Jack! I’m serious. Dressy or casual.

  Jack: Jeans and comfortable shoes are good. We’re not chopping down trees, so you can wear a nice shirt. Be comfortable. You can bring your camera if you want. Oh, and bring a swimsuit – do you have one?

  Katrina: And here I thought we were going on the “Lumberjack Experience” as a date!

  Jack: Sorry to disappoint.

  Katrina: Swimsuit, huh? Yes. I have one … For???

  Jack: For someone who asked me to surprise them. Can’t wait to see you.

  Katrina: Same here. See you at ten.

  I wonder what we’re going to do that requires swimsuits. He’s got my curiosity going overtime and I love it. I feel a rush of anticipation pass over me as I imagine Jack in a swimsuit. Our date can’t start soon enough.

  Jack comes up the steps to the inn right at 10 a.m. Michael and I are sitting out on the porch enjoying coffee together. “Good morning, Michael. Morning, Katrina. You ready for a day full of surprises?”

  Michael smiles, “Hey, Jack.” Then he says to me, “Well, someone knows your love language, don’t they?” Apparently, he really could give little brother lessons. I give the obligatory eyeroll in his direction. “Have fun whitewater rafting. Don’t drown. I need you way too much.” Touché.

  I grab my camera bag off the porch and Jack takes my other hand as though we’ve been dating for years. We head down the front steps together. “So where are we going first?” I ask.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know? I had half a mind to blindfold you, but I didn’t want to keep you from seeing all the natural beauty around us. I’m going to get my sightseeing done either way.”

  Is he implying looking at me is sightseeing? This is a whole new side of Jack Anders – this flirtier boldness. I like it. I really like it.

  “I’m pretty sure my sightseeing is going to happen when you put on your swimsuit, Jack Anders.” When I say that, he actually blushes.

  We drive about twenty-five minutes south on the 191 to Cottonwood Road. I’m starting to get a feel for these roads with as much time as I’ve spent here already. The Gallatin River runs along the west side of us our whole drive. I’m not really looking out the window, though. I’m staring at Jack. Shamelessly. I’m just staring, and I don’t care if he knows it. Every so often he glances over and gives me a smile that makes everything in my stomach go soft and fluttery. I don’t care if he takes me to watch snails crawl across a road. I’m happy doing pretty much anything with him today. Okay. I hope
it’s not the snail parade, to be honest.

  As we go farther down Cottonwood Canyon Road the scenery changes so that we are surrounded by pine trees. We park at a trailhead and Jack comes around to open my door. As I stand up, he brushes my hair over my shoulders, leans in and gives me a kiss. If you can smile and kiss at the same time, I think that’s what we are both doing. He pulls me in toward him and I feel all the hard strength of the muscles in his chest. I feel safe in the arms of Jack Anders.

  To think my erratic, paranoid brain considered whether this man could be an axe murderer! That thought makes me start giggling while we are kissing. Jack pulls back. “That bad, huh?” He has a smirk on his face that tells me he is well aware that no kiss we share will ever fall into the category of bad.

  “No. It was perfect. I just had a funny thought, that’s all.” I’m still giggling a little.

  “Anything you want to share?”

  “Nope. Not at all.” I wiggle my eyebrows at him.

  Undeterred, or spurred on, whatever the case may be, Jack scoops me up in his arms and moves away from the car, planting one more kiss on my lips as he does. He sets me down, and I feel dizzier than someone who just got off a merry-go-round. I could float on air.

  “So, this was your surprise? To take me off into the woods so you could have your way with me all day?”

  Jack winks, “You figured me out. Actually, as much as I couldn’t let one more minute go by without kissing you, I do have other plans between kisses today. I thought we’d start with a hike up Cottonwood Creek Trail. It goes through an old-growth forest. There are some meadows with wildflowers and bridges that cross the creek at a few spots. Sound good?”

  “Sounds perfect. Should I grab my camera?”

  “You can. There are bound to be some sweet shots, especially where the flowers are blooming.”

  The hike goes along a well-worn path and doesn’t involve any steep parts at all. We walk along at a moderate pace, letting a comfortable silence fall between us. Every so often I stop to catch a shot with my camera. Sometimes I can’t help myself and I have to take a picture of Jack. He’s way more handsome than he knows. He has a humility to him that shows me he doesn’t think much of how he looks. My camera doesn’t lie, though, and he is gorgeous and very photogenic.


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