Love's Second Chance

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Love's Second Chance Page 13

by Patty H Scott

  Caleb comes running up and picks Kat up like they’re lifelong friends who have been apart forever. He spins her around and sets her back down and she is belly laughing afterward.

  “Kat! It’s so good to meet you! Jack told me all about you. I’m so glad we finally get to meet face to face.” My brother is not known for subtlety, that’s for sure.

  She’s still giggling. “That’s probably the best greeting I ever had in the history of greetings. It’s sure nice to meet you, Caleb. This is my assistant Michael.”

  Caleb shakes Michael’s hand and claps him on the back. “Michael, good to meet you.”

  Then Caleb comes over and acts like he’s going to pick me up and swing me around and I dodge him. I give him a warning glance and we hug instead. “Man, it’s good to see you, Jack. I’m so glad you decided to pop in. We’re only here for two days and then they have us scheduled out on another fire. That is, unless something else picks up before then. You are a sight for these sore eyes.”

  “It’s good to see you, Caleb.” Since mom passed my connection with my brother matters more to me than ever. I don’t take him for granted.

  One of the guys comes over, “Hey, we cooked you lunch. If you’re ready to eat, you can come on into the dining room.”

  We all follow him through the station into the huge kitchen/dining area. We sit around the large table while some of the firemen carry over platters of barbecue, slaw, and biscuits. As we eat, Katrina closes her eyes and licks her lips between bites. “This is delicious.” I resolve to cook a meal for her the first chance I get.

  Caleb boasts, “Firemen can cook. That’s a fact.”

  We chat and laugh through lunch, getting to know some of the guys I haven’t met before, and all of them asking Katrina and Michael about their photography business.

  A firefighter named Coby speaks up as we finish clearing our plates. “So, Katrina and Michael, are you ready to take the tour?” She looks over at me. I nod. I’m planning to hang back and chat one to one with Caleb while she and Michael see the station and take photos of the guys.

  I tell Coby, “Why don’t you guys show Katrina and Michael around and Caleb and I will meet you back in the kitchen when you’re done?” They head off towards the garage where the truck and engine are parked while Caleb and I sit on a couple of the bar stools at the kitchen island.

  “So, what do you think of Katrina? I’m kind of dying to hear your opinion.”

  “She’s amazing! She’s full of life, fun, seems just right for you.”

  “Yeah, she is that.” I can’t help but beam.

  “I’ve never seen you like this, Jack. It looks good on you.”

  “I’ve never felt like this either. She’s pretty much all I think about. Katrina is beautiful, but there’s so much more to her. She’s intelligent, funny, and she makes me want to be brave and take risks.”

  “I can see it. She seems to feel the same about you.” Caleb smiles.

  “You think?”

  “I see the way she looks over at you. Here she is surrounded by the most handsome guys in Montana, and she still ends up looking at you. You’ve got her heart.”

  “You make me sound like a consolation prize next to one of you extreme daredevil heroes.” He laughs. “What can I say, man? You’re a close second. Nothing beats a firefighter when it comes to the it factor.” He strikes a pose and we both bust up.

  I sip my glass of water and then I give Caleb my big brother look. “So, I saw Mindy the other day. You know, she and Katrina hang out sometimes. She’s invited Katrina to some church events with her here and there, and they go running a few mornings a week. She actually sent a box of her cookies to give to you and the guys.” Caleb’s eyes light up when I mention Mindy.

  “Mindy’s toffee chocolate chip cookies? Did she say, ‘the guys’ or ‘Caleb and the guys’?”

  “No. She’s a smart woman. She said, and I quote, ‘Jack, would you give these to the boys at the station?’ See. She knows your collective maturity is that of a junior varsity football team.” Caleb grabs a kitchen towel off the island and swats at me with it.

  “Come on, Jack. You mean she didn’t mention me at all?”

  “She asked how you were, and when I mentioned I was going to see you I think I saw a glimmer in her eyes.”

  “A glimmer, huh? I’ll take that. Yeah. I put a glimmer in Mindy Morse’s eyes. So, how is she?” He looks smitten, and I secretly hope he builds up the courage to reach out to her soon.

  “Caleb. Mindy treats me like a brother, so I’ll gladly tell her how you are. You want to know how she is? I suggest you get yourself some time off after fire season and come ask her yourself.”

  I press the issue. “Think about it. What if one of those guys at Mindy’s church realizes how special she is? What will you do then?”

  “I’ll kill them. That’s what I’ll do.”

  “Atta boy, Tiger. Now let that thought get you over to Bozeman asap.”

  Caleb doesn’t miss a beat. “So, the girl of your dreams, is it? Katrina’s the ying to your yang for sure. I hope you don’t go messing this up. She’s the real deal.”

  “I know, I know. And believe me, I have no intention of messing this up. I know how special Katrina is. I’m just glad I have your approval, not that I would have let you stop me, you know.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of it, but don’t think I couldn’t stop you from something. I think you currently spend your days lifting frothy milk pitchers while me and my guys over here pump iron every time we’re not out on a fire.”

  “Oh, is that so? And here I told Katrina we didn’t have competition between us …”

  We both laugh at that. It feels good to see Caleb, to laugh with him. It’s been too long.

  Kat walks up as we’re laughing, “What’s so funny?”

  “Nothing, just brother stuff.” I give her a little kiss on the cheek as she leans into where I’m sitting. I put my arm around her waist to remind her that even though she’s the rose among thorns in this firehouse, she is my rose. She kisses my cheek and I see Caleb grin. Michael comes into the kitchen just then and he gives me a nod of approval. Looks like both little brothers approve of me and Katrina.

  After Kat takes some more photos with Caleb in them, we leave the station and drive to Yellowstone. “Thank you, Jack. The guys were fun to photograph. I learned a lot about what they do too. It’s totally different than what I expected. I’m grateful for Caleb’s tips as to where to go for shots in the park too.”

  I answer her like I’ve been doing more and more, “Always, Katrina.” I mean it. I’ll help her any way I can for as long as I can. Those words seem to sum up a deep truth. It always was Katrina. Even before I met her, she was the one for me. I never knew if I believed in love at first sight or having a perfect match in the world. With Katrina, I’d have to say I’m starting to believe. I think she’s the one I want to spend my always and forever with. I am starting to sense that she feels the same.

  chapter seventeen


  We arrive at the hotel in Yellowstone and check in late afternoon. We put our stuff in our rooms and take a little hike. It’s evening by the time the three of us meet up at the elevator to head down to grab a late supper in this lodge-style dining room adjacent to the lobby. We’re seated at a table by the large stone fireplace that dominates the room. Jack sits on one side of me and Michael on the other.

  “So, Michael, tell me what it’s like following Kat around the world.”

  “You remember that story of Hansel and Gretel?” Michael makes a little smirk as he nods his head toward me and then looks back at Jack.

  “Yeah.” Jack grins at me.

  “Well, it’s like that. She leaves a breadcrumb trail wherever she goes. I pick it up.”

  Now the two of them are laughing at my expense. “Hey! That breadcrumb trail pays for your apartment and don’t you forget it.”

  “I’m not complaining, Kat. You know I love working with you.
I’m just saying, details and clean up aren’t your forte. You make up for it in fun and kindness.” Michael gives me his signature nonchalant grin.

  “Ok, I’ll take that. You’re right. If I didn’t have you, I might leave my camera somewhere in a rainforest and miss the plane home.”

  “So, what are some of the favorite trips the two of you have taken?”

  Michael thinks for a moment. “I really love all our trips, Jack. It might look like I don’t do much because I’m completely behind the scenes. She does the work of capturing the images and doing the interviews, and she brainstorms what’s next. But, for a guy my age to be able to go to South America, Asia, Africa, Europe – it’s a great life. We have time off between jobs too, so I can be home and catch up with friends when I’m not doing her administrative stuff. It’s a sweet gig.”

  “Well, she’s fortunate to have you. That’s for sure.”

  I love watching Michael and Jack interact. There’s nothing like bringing two people who matter to you together and having them hit it off. Good thing they did since they are sharing a room tonight.

  After supper Michael is thoughtful enough to say he’s turning in early. Jack takes my hand and we walk outside the lodge to look at the stars together. They have Adirondack chairs coupled up in various spots nicely spread out for privacy on the back deck. Jack sits on one and before I sit on the other, he pulls me onto his lap. I kiss his forehead and rest my head on top of his. We sit like this for a while. Contented to be together.

  He murmurs, “Katrina, I …”

  “Yes, Jack?”

  “I want you to know you mean a lot to me.”

  “Oh, I do, hmmm?”

  “Yes, you do. Would you like me to show you how much?” He turns my face and gives me a kiss that holds less urgency and more depth. He affectionately kisses my mouth and slowly trails down my jawline toward my neck. “Mmmm. I could get used to that.”

  “I plan on it,” he murmurs into my collarbone.

  We relax into one another and remain looking at the night sky for a while longer, and then I start to yawn. Jack says, “We need to get you to sleep. You have a big day ahead photographing one of the seven natural wonders of America.”

  He takes my hand and leads me inside. We part ways at the top of the stairs to go to our rooms.

  * * *

  The day of photography is moving quickly. I could spend weeks here capturing shots. I’m getting what I came for, though. We luck out when a herd of buffalo crosses near the geysers. I snap shots with animals and natural wonders in the same scenes. It’s late afternoon when we head out to get back to Bozeman

  I decide to start reviewing the last few days’ worth of photos as we drive. The three of us settle into silence with only a public radio station quietly playing in the background. After a little while I look over my shoulder and see Jack has dozed off in the back seat.

  While Jack naps, I talk quietly with Michael about our final shoots for this coming week. We’ve scheduled the Kootenai swinging bridge over the river toward the end of the week and then the Nez Perce Reservation area after that. We have exactly a week and a half left in Montana before flying back to L.A.

  “You know, Kat, I like what I see in Jack. He seems good for you.”

  “You think so? We all know I don’t have the greatest track record for judging character, but he is so different than anyone else I’ve been with in the past. He’s thoughtful and I feel cherished by him.”

  I wondered if Michael were ever going to bring Jack up to me. I’ve been dying to get a feel for what he thinks. He never did chime in on Thomas. He only met him in passing a few times, but he never bothered to comment, and he wasn’t overly friendly to him either. I should have asked Michael about Thomas. Michael is protective of me and I know he’d always tell me the truth, but usually only if I ask for it.

  “Do I sound corny talking about Jack like that?” I feel a rush of self-consciousness.

  “Not at all. So, I guess I better plan on another marriage of convenience since you are pretty smitten at this point.” Michael looks over and laughs.

  “Ha ha. Seriously though, I want you to find a girl who makes you smile. Someone who loves you well. Is that just me pushing you, or is that what you want to?”

  “Yeah. I want that at the right time in my life. Right now, I’m loving what I do. I hang with my group of friends in L.A. when we’re there. I’ve got this sweet career traveling with you and keeping your loose ends tied off. It suits me. I know I’ll find someone. I’m just not in a hurry right now. I’m not into dating just to be with another warm body. That’s not my speed. Someday I’ll have a friend that grows into something more. At least that’s how I see it.” I look at Michael and nod. I know he’ll make the right woman very happy someday.

  Jack rustles in the back seat and I look out the side window. I hope he didn’t hear Michael’s appraisal of him or my comments either. Then again, if he did, that might be just fine.

  We roll into the parking lot at the Gallat-Inn on Tuesday evening. Michael unloads the trunk and takes his bags up to his room. Jack grabs his bag and walks to his car. I follow him over. I’m ready for sleep. He looks sweetly mussed from his little catnap in the back seat.

  I reach up and run my fingers through the side of his hair, letting my hand rest on his shoulder as it comes down. He smiles deep and warm, then drops his head to kiss my lips softly. He brings his hands behind my waist and I move toward him, so our bodies are touching. Our kiss deepens and becomes more tender as we pull apart. This kiss reflects the newfound ease that is blooming between us. I lean my head on his chest. His heart beats steady and strong as I nestle into his embrace.

  Jack’s breathy voice brushes the top of my head, “I’ve been wanting to kiss you all day, but I didn’t want to make Michael feel like the third wheel.”

  “You’re one thoughtful man.”

  “Thinking of you, mostly.” He gives me a sexy grin.

  I lean into him and put my head under his chin as we stand and nestle together. “Mmmm hmmmm. That’s mutual.”

  Jack backs up while still holding my waist. He looks at me with a mischievous little glint in his eye “Oh, you think of yourself all day? You didn’t strike me as self-consumed.”

  “Jack!” I pull back and swat his chest as I look up at him and giggle.

  He chuckles and shifts to hold my hand as we walk over to my car. Then he helps carry my bags up to the porch for me. I give him a hug, and then he says, “I’m looking forward to our supper tomorrow night. That’s too long apart in my book, but I know we both have things to get done. Get some rest, Katrina”

  “That sounds like what I’m going to do right away. My bed is calling my name.”

  He jogs off the steps toward his car before I remember I wanted to ask him how long he’s here and why he’s in Bozeman anyway. Business or vacation? Well, I’ll have time to ask him at supper Wednesday. Or I’ll just ask him when we’re back in L.A. Life is going to be different. We’re going to have to figure out how to work time together around my trips and shoots. We’ll find a way. I can’t really picture my life without Jack Anders in it right now. I’m looking forward to more day trips to the beach with him. That’s for sure.

  * * *

  Mindy and I meet for brunch at a converted barn called Feed Cafe. I haven’t eaten here, but Mindy said it’s good. I have known Mindy only for about five weeks now, but we’ve grown surprisingly close. She’s so caring and thoughtful. I honestly haven’t met a sweeter, more considerate person in my life. She’s fun to hang out with too.

  As we sit at our table I ask, “So how has summer camp been going?”

  “We’re having day camp now. The first session was four weeks. Two more days of day camp and it lets out. I’m sure going to miss those kids.”

  “I bet they’ll miss you too. Your love for them really shows.”

  “We’ve had some great groups this year.”

  “What will you do when camp is out?”

  “I’ll hang out with Shannon. Spend time with my parents. I go to the retirement center most Sunday afternoons. Probably take some day trips with a few friends from church. I’ll catch up on my leisure reading. I have a stack of books just calling my name. Before I know it lesson planning and teacher in-services will start up again to prepare for next year.”

  The waitress comes over and we order. After she leaves, Mindy asks, “How about you? You don’t have much time left here now, do you?”

  “No. Only about a week and a half. I have a shoot coming up with the Nez Perce. That one is important to me. I want them represented in the book, of course. Also, we have some more river shoots. It’s getting to the end of my time here. The trip to Yellowstone was great, though. I couldn’t have skipped that. It’s such an important part of Montana.”

  Mindy looks a little tentative as she asks, “So, you stopped into the fire station?”

  “Yes. I got to meet Caleb. He’s fun and full of life.” Mindy doesn’t say anything, but her eyes give her away. I have more than a hunch she has feelings for Caleb that she’s not sharing – if she’s even aware she feels them yet. Sometimes we’re the last ones to figure out that we care for someone. It takes a lot to let that person in behind whatever walls we’ve constructed.

  After brunch with Mindy, I head back to the inn to compile and edit shots. Michael and I go over plans for the remaining shoots this week. I pack the camera equipment so it’s ready to go. Around 4:15 p.m. the afternoon slump in my energy has me needing a boost. I don’t want to be dragging for my date with Jack tonight. To say I have been looking forward to it all day is an understatement. My feelings for him are growing with each opportunity we have to spend time together. I decide to pop over to Ferris Wheel Coffee on Main to grab a mocha to go. I text Michael to see if he wants anything. He doesn’t, so I head out alone.

  While I drive, I think of Jack. It’s hard to believe it was only a week ago that we had pizza together downtown. So much has happened since then. When I add this week and our other encounters together, I feel like I’ve known him my whole life. He’s just that comfortable. Somehow, we just fit together.


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