Bearly Midnight (Midnight, Mississippi Book 1)

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Bearly Midnight (Midnight, Mississippi Book 1) Page 4

by Kelex

  “Just as I told you. Theis said I needed to learn from the front lines on. He told that beaver guy he’d be back in a week to check on me,” Colm replied. He ran a hand over the leather couch in Eilam’s well-appointed luxury apartment that was a far cry from the little one room studio he’d rented with his savings.

  “I swear that warlock is going to be the death of me,” Eilam spat before heading over to a small bar cart and pouring a drink. “Can I get you something?”

  Colm wasn’t much of a drinker. He was more a beer man when he did, but after the day he’d had—and the ache he was suffering from—he was up for something stronger. “Whatever you’re having.”

  Eilam walked over moments later with two glasses of dark amber liquor. He handed one to Colm. The first sip burned as it went down, but it was smooth by the second. “What’s the deal with you and the king, anyway?”

  A swirl of light flashed in Eilam’s eyes as he sat on the couch opposite Colm. “He’s a thorn in my side.”

  “A thorn you want in your bed,” Colm said.

  Eilam was silent as he lifted his glass to his lips.

  “Am I really there to root out a problem or there to watch over your mate?” Colm asked.

  “Both,” Eilam answered. “If he won’t let Noah or I close, then he’ll have a protector of some sort.”

  “Are you talking about the king again?” Noah, Eilam’s partner, asked as he strolled into the room.

  “I am,” Eilam answered over one shoulder.

  Noah smiled at Colm. “Nice to see you again, Colm.”

  “Nice to see you, as well,” Colm said, lifting his glass in salute before taking a sip.

  Noah poured himself a drink. “Since I haven’t even met the King of Midnight, it’s hard for me to get too worked up about his protection, or lack thereof.”

  “I’ve requested an audience for us both on more than one occasion,” Eilam said. “He’s denied me each time. Likely knows you’re my brother bear and he’d struggle to refuse us both.”

  Noah took a seat beside Eilam. “How he refuses you, I’ll never know.” Noah leaned in and stole a kiss from Eilam’s lips.

  Colm squirmed some in his seat. In his present condition, anything could set him off. He was barely containing the ache. “I have a few questions for you, Eilam—if you have the time.”

  “I told you I’d be available for you tonight.”

  “Theis—what do you know about him?”

  “Not a whole lot outside the basics. He’s a panda shifter. He has a mastery of several martial arts. I’ve seen him training in the gym, and I wouldn’t want to have to face him,” Eilam said.

  “I’m a brawler… not a trained warrior. What have you gotten me into?” Colm asked.

  “Most of the other guards aren’t as well-trained as Theis. Panda shifters aren’t known for size, strength, or speed. He had to overcome those obstacles, as a human, to win a spot on the King’s Guard. While he’s an advanced fighter, he rarely shifts. I’ve seen you shifted, Colm. You’d put the fear of the gods in just about anyone.”

  A panda shifter… the only pandas Colm had ever seen were cute and cuddly looking. He couldn’t imagine seeing one fighting anything.

  “Pandas are bears, right? Or are they another race of shifter?”

  “Technically, they are bears,” Noah answered. “Why?”

  “His eyes were glowing something fierce,” Eilam answered before Colm could say a word. “As were Theis’. Seems two parts of a triad have been found.”

  Colm felt heat building in his face as Noah turned to smile at him.

  “As I said, technically they are bears—but I don’t know if they mate in triads like we do.”

  “I would assume they would,” Eilam answered.

  “He told me I was wrong when I tried to call him my mate,” Colm interrupted. “I don’t know that they mate the same way we do.”

  “The eyes don’t lie,” Noah said. “He won’t be able to avoid you forever.” Noah turned to Eilam. “Although, we said the same thing about the king.”

  Eilam’s jaw clenched.

  Colm drained his glass before setting it on the glass coffee table before him. “I’ll find a way in. Eventually.” He rose to his feet. “And I meant the King’s Guard.”

  “Sounds like it would work for either,” Noah said with a smirk.

  “I’ll be back at station four first thing tomorrow morning,” Colm said with a chuckle. “I’ll learn everything I need.”

  Eilam rose and followed him to the door.

  “I’m sorry this hasn’t been as easy as I’d hoped,” Eilam said as he leaned on the open door.

  “Nothing worth having is easy,” Colm said. “And I’m not allergic to hard work.”

  “I knew I liked you for a reason,” Eilam said with a smile.

  Colm said his goodbyes and headed for the elevator bank. He hit the button and waited his turn.

  The doors slid open.

  A man with white-blond hair stood at the back, looking over an iPod. He lifted his stare after a second.


  A smile slid over Colm’s lips, just as a scowl came over Theis’. He stepped onboard and hit the 1st floor button.

  “This is going up, moron,” Theis said behind him.

  Damn. The doors slid closed before Colm could exit. There were no such thing as elevators in Bear Mountain. They were still a new thing in his world. Up. Down. He hadn’t been paying attention. While he felt a little embarrassed looking like a country bumpkin, he was on an elevator… alone… with Theis. “Guess I’m going for a bit of a ride, hmm?”

  He moved to the back of the elevator, beside Theis—who took a step to the side to put more distance between them.

  Colm watched the male from the corner of his eye. Out of the golden armor and wearing athletic wear, Theis was indeed well-built and muscular. His scent filled the little box they rode on, and it was impossible for Colm not to drag it deep into his lungs.

  Or be affected by it.

  When he glanced down and saw Theis’ pants tented, it nearly made him groan with need. The ache was back, full-force, and making him insane. His brothers had told him the first meetings were hard, but he’d never expected something this hard.

  “Do you always breathe that loud?” Theis asked.

  “Only when there’s something sweet to smell,” Colm said.

  “Well… stop it,” Theis demanded.

  “Why does it bother you so much?”

  “It doesn’t.”

  “Apparently, it does.”

  Theis lifted the iPod and pressed the screen so Colm could see. Colm could hear music coming from the earbuds planted in Theis’ ears. The panda turned to face the doors, ignoring Colm.

  The ache ate at him.

  He didn’t want to be ignored. Colm spun and pushed Theis against the wall of the elevator before he ground his cock against the hard bulge in the panda shifter’s pants. A moan came from Theis’ lips seconds before Colm lowered his head and captured those full, soft lips.

  The kiss was fiery. Full of heat and lust. Theis kissed him back, just as hungry as Colm. The friction of their bodies was nearly enough to make Colm come right then and there.

  When the elevator pinged and the doors opened, Theis pushed them both out into the hallway.

  “Follow me,” Theis whispered.

  Colm would do no less. He trailed the panda shifter into an apartment as luxurious as Eilam’s, if not more so. As soon as the door was closed behind them, Theis stalked into Colm’s arms and the kiss continued.

  Clothes flew in a flurry, landing on the shining wooden floors. When they were both nude, they fell onto the large leather couch nearby. Colm pinned Theis under him as he drank from the man’s lips. He rolled his hips, letting the friction of their cocks sliding along one another drive them both wild.

  Colm trailed kisses down Theis’ neck… down his chest and abdomen… and stopped just above the thick, hard cock. He sat back on his haunch
es and looked the shaft over before trailing one hand down the length. Theis hissed in pain, his back arching.

  “Suck me,” he whispered, his command clear.

  Only Colm didn’t take well to commands. He continued his exploration, running his fist up and down the length.

  Theis put a hand on Colm’s head and pushed down. “Suck me.”

  Colm pushed the hand away. “When I’m good and damned ready.”

  Theis’ eyes narrowed, but the need within them was still blatantly obvious. The lavender illumination was so bright, it was almost white.

  “Did you think I’d blow you and make the need stop—and then you’d send me on my way?”

  A guilty look crossed Theis’ face.

  Colm leaned back, reaching for the discarded track pants Theis had taken off. “I don’t take orders… nor will I let you use me.” He moved back up and pinned Theis to the couch. He forced the male to his stomach and then gathered the panda shifter’s hands behind him.

  The guard fought, but Colm’s weight was too much for Theis to overpower. Colm tied the pants around the male’s wrists and then lifted off.

  “You asshole,” Theis cried, trying to pull off the knots around his wrists.

  Colm lifted Theis and sat him on the couch… and then lowered back between the panda’s thighs. “I had to do something with those hands,” he murmured before lowering his head and licking the drop of seed leaking from the head of Theis’ cock.

  Theis groaned, the sound echoing around the room.

  Colm met the shifter’s stare. “We do this my way—or not at all.”

  Theis was silent, other than breathing heavily.

  Colm went back to his exploration. He trailed his fingers over Theis’ length. Up and down, and then farther down to cup the heavy sac underneath. When he’d weighed them, he slid two fingers behind Theis’ balls and rubbed along the tight bud.

  Theis shuddered, his head falling back against the couch. He observed every movement Colm made, not saying a word. Words weren’t required. His body’s language was all Colm needed.

  He began to stroke the cock again, watching the panda’s face. Which spots were most sensitive? How hard should he squeeze? How quick should he stroke? When he had Theis moaning and writhing with need, he thought he’d found the answer to all those questions. He jerked Theis off, waiting… and watching… until he was sure the panda was about to come.

  And he released him, only to pinch the base of Theis’ balls.

  “Asshole,” Theis groaned again.

  Colm chuckled. “We can’t have the fun over that quick.”

  Theis banged his head on the couch, frustration in every inch of his body. “Let me go.” He began to fidget with the bonds at his wrists.

  Colm leaned in and sucked a couple of inches of Theis’ cock into his mouth. The panda stilled, silent. On the next stroke of his lips, he took another inch… and another… until he had the whole fat cock in his mouth.

  Theis hips finally began to move after a couple of minutes, meeting the movements of Colm’s lips. Low moans turned into loud wails of pleasure. Sweat coated the panda’s body, every muscle taut. Colm could feel the rising need—not just in Theis, but himself.

  But seconds before he sensed Theis’ release, he once again stopped and pinched the base of Theis’ cock.

  “I fucking hate you,” Theis whispered.

  “You won’t be saying that in a moment,” Colm said before rising to the couch and pushing Theis below him.

  He spun the panda to his stomach again and slid down the male’s body. Colm grasped the two firm globes of Theis’ ass before spreading them apart and licking from stem to stern.

  A moan escaped Theis.

  He laved the tight bud, working the tip of his tongue inside before swirling it over the tender flesh.

  Colm spit on the hole and then smeared it over the anus. Slowly, he inserted one finger.

  Theis was tight as hell.

  “Lube,” Theis murmured. “Bathroom. Top drawer.”

  Colm lifted from the couch and headed in the direction he assumed the bathroom might be in. Luckily the apartment seemed to be laid out similar to Eilam’s. He found the bathroom and rooted through the drawers.

  No lube.

  He went back out to the living room to ask Theis… only Theis wasn’t there.

  Colm heard a moan behind him and followed the sound. He walked into one of the bedrooms and saw Theis shoving a thick vibrator up his ass. The second Theis saw him, he came, shooting a thick load into his hand.

  Colm watched, anger mounting. He’d primed his mate for that orgasm—one he hadn’t given his blessing on Theis getting yet.

  Theis slowed and pulled the vibrator from his ass. “I don’t need you to come. You can go now.”

  “The hell I will,” Colm said before rushing to the bed and climbing in.

  Theis fought him again, but if what Eilam had said about his fighting skill was true, the panda was barely trying. Colm was able to get the shifter under him effortlessly.

  “I’m going to make you pay for stealing that orgasm from me,” Colm whispered.

  The panda shifter shivered against him. “I stole nothing.”

  Theis’ eyes flashed a silver-lavender, his body quivering with more need.

  “The hell you didn’t.” Colm rolled his hips, sliding his hard cock against the panda’s body. “How good did it feel to finally come?”

  Theis was silent. He just stared up, need still lingering in his eyes.

  “All that build-up. The time and talent to coax you higher.”

  “You think a lot of yourself, don’t you?”

  Colm chuckled. “How’d it feel?”

  “It felt… fine,” Theis spat.

  “I saw the look on your face. It was better than fine,” Colm murmured. “Did you imagine that vibrator was my cock sliding into you?”

  Theis moaned. “No,” he whispered, his eyes closing.

  “Liar.” He lifted one of Theis’ knees and angled the head of his cock against the panda’s anus. “I know you want to know how it really feels to have me balls deep in this ass.”

  “I don’t,” Theis said, his eyes whipping open.

  “Liar, liar,” Colm whispered. “Tell me you don’t want me inside you right now.”

  Theis’ mouth opened… but nothing came out.

  Colm pushed against the tight hole, entering him barely a fraction of an inch. “Last chance.”

  Theis’ eyes closed, his head falling back. He was silent, not one word springing from his lips.

  A moan escaped him as Colm sank a little deeper, stretching the panda’s ass wide. One of Theis’ hands spread along his ass and urged him deeper.

  Colm wouldn’t take orders. “Say you want me.”

  Theis growled.

  “Say you want me to fuck you.”

  “You’re an asshole,” Theis yelled. He cringed, his face twisting in what almost looked like pain. “And I want you… to fuck me.”

  Colm thanked the heavens for that lube and vibrator. He sank into Theis with ease. Pausing as he hit bottom, he drew in a deep breath and tried to calm his own raging libido. He was barely holding on to the frayed edges of his own need, pushed past the point of control by the panda shifter.

  Theis writhed under him, demanding he move. The first stroke of his cock inside the panda shifter nearly made him lose his load. He bit the inside of his cheek as he held on tight, moving inside heaven.

  Theis’ ass gripped his cock perfectly. A few strokes in, and he could barely contain himself. Growls and roars came from his lips as he fucked that perfect ass. He rose to his knees and watched their bodies become one. He couldn’t help but stare as his slick cock disappeared deep inside his mate.

  Colm grasped the root of Theis’ still hard cock and stroked it in time to the thrusts of his own cock. Again, he watched the shifter’s face, noting the spots that got the most reaction. He could get lost in the eyes locked on his.

  And h
e did.

  Time stopped. It was just the two of them in that moment, two made one.

  Colm felt the rising heat growing within. He knew he was only a few strokes away from finding release. Quickening his hand, he urged Theis higher, needing to wring one more out of the panda.

  When he felt Theis’ body tighten, and saw the first spurt of seed shoot from the male’s cock, he let loose. Colm roared, his orgasm shaking him to his core. He came, hard, and filled Theis with a thick load of cum.

  Once he’d milked every last drop from his body, he slowed and rolled them to one side, still deeply embedded inside his mate.

  “That… was an orgasm.” Colm smiled at Theis, but was unnerved by the look on the shifter’s face.

  Theis moved away and sat on the side of the bed, his back to Colm. “You can go now.”

  Colm lifted on one elbow. “What’s the problem? We both enjoyed that.”

  “Please go.”

  “And if I won’t?” Colm didn’t want to leave things like this.

  Theis looked over one shoulder. “Go.”

  The look in Theis’ eyes made it clear the shifter wasn’t in any mood for continued company. Colm rolled out of bed and made his way to the door. He paused within the frame and cast a glance at Theis.

  The panda shifter wouldn’t look him in the eyes.

  “We’re part of a triad. Once you realize that, let me know.”

  Theis sat there silently, without turning to look.

  Colm shook his head when it was obvious he’d get no response. After collecting his clothes and becoming somewhat dressed, he left the apartment.

  As he waited at the elevator, he spied the door, holding his breath and hoping it would open and that Theis had changed his mind.

  The elevator pinged and slid open.

  After one last glance at Theis’ door, he walked in and let it sweep him away.

  Chapter Five

  Three more days of research and filming, and the Paranormal Prowlers didn’t have as much as they’d hoped. The witnesses dried up. Some of the ones they’d already spoken with refused to talk again. They had little to go on, besides their own stories of what they’d witnessed at the bar and then being stonewalled.

  Not that anyone was going to believe a firsthand account without proof.


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