[Vankara Saga 03.0] War of Atonement

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[Vankara Saga 03.0] War of Atonement Page 21

by SJ West

  I quickly rushed out from behind the fallen tree and ran over to Gabriel.

  Tyr’s mocking laughter reverberated inside my head as I knelt down beside one of my oldest friends. I turned him over onto his back, searching for any signs of life. He was breathing, but his breaths were extremely shallow. There were three thin scratches evenly spaced that reached from his right temple to his chin. I could only assume his face had been scraped during the fall from the treehouse. As I examined the rest of his body, I noticed that the lower portion of his right arm was bent at an odd angle with both bones protruding through the skin. If a broken arm was all Gabriel had suffered from the fall, I considered him fortunate. Whether or not he had sustained any internal injuries was beyond my ability to know. All I could do was pray that nothing had been permanently damaged.

  “Gabriel!” I heard Lanai cry out from somewhere above me.

  I looked over at the stand of trees to my right, behind Vincent. It took me a moment, but I finally saw her clutching a large tree limb that she had apparently landed on.

  “Over there,” I told Vincent as I stood and pointed to where Lanai was.

  Vincent walked over to her and placed his head right below the limb that had undoubtedly saved her life. Lanai slowly let go of her lifeline and crawled over onto Vincent’s head. She hung on as Vincent lowered his head to the ground. Lanai quickly scampered off Vincent to join me by Gabriel. As she knelt by her son to do her own examination of his injuries, I knelt back down and asked, “Do you think he will be all right?”

  Lanai began to unbutton Gabriel’s shirt. Once undone, she inspected his torso carefully.

  “I see no bruising that would indicate that he is bleeding on the inside,” she told me. “That is a very good sign, but his arm needs to be set. I think it’s best if we do that while he is unconscious. It will still cause him pain, but at least he won’t remember it when he wakes up.”

  Lanai stood and began to search through the woody debris surrounding us. It didn’t take her long to find two short pieces of wood to use as a splint. She handed the wood to me and said, “I will set the bones straight. After I do that, place these on either side of his arm.”

  Lanai then proceeded to tear long strips of material from the cloak she wore.

  When Lanai stretched Gabriel’s arm out to reset the bones, he gave a weak grunt of pain but didn’t wake up. As I set the two pieces of wood on either side of his arm, Lanai instructed me to hold his arm up so she could tie the material from her cloak around them to keep the splint in place.

  After that was done, I looked down to see how much damage Tyr had done to Gabriel’s legs with his bite but only found a small puncture wound on his right leg. It looked as if Tyr had barely applied any pressure. It was just enough to mark Gabriel and bind them until one of them died. It was only then that the realization of my friend’s predicament hit my soul. If Tyr died from the wounds Gregoire had already inflicted, Gabriel would die too.

  I stood and turned to face Tyr. Being this close to him allowed me to see his wounds in more detail. I was surprised he was still alive and had to wonder how close he actually was to death.

  I looked over my shoulder and said to Gregoire, “You can’t kill him now.”

  Gregoire stared unblinkingly at me for a moment before lifting his head and letting out a mighty roar in frustration. It was so loud the earth beneath my feet trembled.

  All the while, Tyr laughed at his brother’s dilemma.

  I turned my head to look at Tyr again. “And you shouldn’t be laughing. You’re bound to a human now. You’ll always feel what he feels. He’ll know exactly what you’re thinking and be able to help us stop any plans you may have of enslaving humanity. Your thoughts and feelings will always be shared with Gabriel, Tyr, so I would wipe that smirk off your face because your life is no longer your own.”

  Tyr let out a derisive snort in disgust. I didn’t need the ability to read his thoughts or emotions. He was repulsed that he had resorted to bonding to a human in order to save his own life. Apparently, he considered death a worse fate than tethering his fate to that of a human.

  “If we can’t kill him,” Seneca said, “what are we to do with him? We can’t allow him to leave.”

  “He couldn’t get very far on his own anyway,” Gregoire surmised. “It will be a few days before his wings can heal enough to support his weight in flight. We’ll simply have to take him with us to the others so we can keep an eye on him.”

  “Will he survive his wounds?” I asked.

  “Yes,” Gregoire said, sounding disappointed by the fact that his brother’s life had to be spared. “None of the wounds are fatal ones. It will take some time, but he will heal.”

  “I will go back to camp and get Dracen,” Seneca said. “If I stay here much longer, I’m not sure if I will be able to keep myself from killing Tyr, bound or not.”

  Seneca propelled himself into the air and soared through the sky to put as much distance between himself and the dragon who murdered his wife. I couldn’t imagine the restraint he was using not to rip Tyr’s wings from his torso. My respect for Aurora’s father doubled in that moment.

  After Gregoire watched Seneca fly away, he looked down at me and said, “You can tell the boy we don’t need his illusion anymore, and it is safe for him to approach. Tyr is in no condition to harm anyone.”

  I called Thomas to me and told him to stop his illusion. He did so immediately.

  “Nifty trick,” Tyr commended. “Even I thought they were real.”

  I ignored his words. All I could think about was how Gabriel would cope with being bonded to a dragon as sadistic and selfish as Tyr. How would it affect the way he viewed the world? Would Tyr’s thoughts and emotions change Gabriel in some way? Or would the opposite be true? Tyr’s impulsive act of bonding with Gabriel may have even more repercussions than he bargained for.

  Seneca soon returned with Dracen riding his back. It was decided that Gregoire and Seneca would fly Tyr to where the other dragons and Nicole Jardine were waiting for the fleets to come in.

  “We will send back others to bring you to us,” Gregoire promised as he and Seneca walked over to Tyr.

  Seneca lifted himself into the air and hovered over Tyr to grab him at the point where his wings joined his body while Gregoire used his front claws to take hold of his brother’s rear to lift him up. The two dragons struggled a bit as they adjusted their flight to compensate for Tyr’s added weight. They flew considerably slower having to carry Tyr, but it worked.

  “Help should arrive within an hour or so,” Vincent said, using one of his wings to shade us from the brightness of the sun.

  “The delay will give Gabriel some extra time to heal,” I said as Lanai sat beside her son and lovingly patted him on the chest.

  I looked at Dracen and asked, “Is there anything you can do to help him?”

  “I’m sorry,” Dracen said, “I’m not a healer.”

  “Thomas,” I looked at our young sorcerer, “are there healers at your school?”

  Thomas nodded. “Yes, there are a few.”

  “I can take Gabriel back there,” I said, grabbing my pendant. “Then I can use it to bring us back to wherever Vincent is once we’re done.”

  “I think that’s the best option,” Dracen agreed.

  “Can I come too?” Lanai asked.

  “I’m sorry,” I told her. “I can only carry two souls with me, Aurora and Gabriel, but I promise you that we’ll come back as soon as possible.”

  I could see the disappointment on Lanai’s face, but she seemed to understand that even magic had its limitations.

  I placed my hand on Gabriel’s chest and visualized the war room inside the college. Almost instantly, we were teleported back to Iron City.

  “Emma?” I heard Fallon say in a mixture of shock and relief.

  I looked around the room and saw Fallon standing beside an equally surprised Thaddeus Irondale. They were the only two people in the room.

nbsp; “Gabriel needs a healer, right now,” I told them as I bolted to my feet.

  “I’ll find Isabelle,” Thaddeus said, quickly taking in Gabriel’s condition before running out the door to find the Royal Sage.

  Fallon rushed to my side and quickly enveloped me in his arms.

  “I didn’t think I would see you again until this was all over,” he said.

  “We ran into a small problem,” I replied, briefly telling him what had transpired with Tyr and the others.

  “I’m so sorry you had to go through that,” Fallon said, continuing to hold me close. His touch brought me a guilty peace. As we waited for someone to come to heal Gabriel, I studied my friend, wondering what would bring him succor in his time of need. Did he know we were with him? Could he hear us speaking to one another? I was sure the last thing he would want to witness was a reunion between Fallon and me.

  I remained silent and allowed myself to revel in Fallon’s warmth while I could.

  A few minutes later, Thaddeus returned with Isabelle and a young brunette girl around the age of fifteen. At least, I assumed that was her age. There were streaks of gray in her hair that looked odd for someone so young to have.

  Without hesitation, the girl walked over to Gabriel and knelt down beside him. She briefly examined his injuries before cupping both of her hands over his chest. A warm, golden glow soon encapsulated Gabriel’s body as the girl mumbled a litany to herself over and over again. She remained that way for a good ten minutes before she drew her hands back into her lap and looked up at me.

  “Your friend is healed, Your Majesty, but he will need more rest to fully recover,” she told me.

  I extended a hand to the girl to help her back onto her feet. “What is your name?” I asked.

  “Kindra,” she replied.

  “Thank you, Kindra,” I said. “Thank you for healing my friend.”

  Kindra let go of my hand to curtsy before me. “It was my pleasure, Your Majesty.”

  Kindra turned to leave, but she stumbled, almost falling to the floor. It was only the quick actions of Isabelle that saved her from such a fate.

  “Kindra,” the Royal Sage said, “you should go to your room and rest until the side effects fade.”

  Kindra nodded weakly and slowly made her way out of the room.

  After she was gone, I looked at Isabelle and asked, “What side effects?”

  “A healer’s gift doesn’t only draw power from their magic; it also draws strength from the sorcerer’s own life force. Every time Kindra heals someone, it shortens her life.”

  “That’s horrible,” I said, trying to imagine what it must be like to have such a gift. “Is that why her hair is turning gray? Has she used her gift a lot?”

  Isabelle nodded. “Yes. Before she came here, her father was using her skill to make a living. Neither of them understood that what she was doing was also killing her. Kindra has a sweet soul and only wants to help others. I fear it may lead her to an early grave.”

  “Is there anything I can do for her?” I asked. “I owe her a lot for helping Gabriel.”

  Isabelle shook her head. “She won’t accept money from you. The best thing you can do is win this war so she and the others can go back to living their lives.”

  We all decided it would be best for Gabriel to stay at the college until he regained consciousness. I didn’t know how long that would take, but I knew I couldn’t leave his side until he woke up. He would need the reassurance of a friend that everything would be all right, and he would also need an explanation about his newly formed bond with Tyr.

  Fallon sat with me in Gabriel’s room, and I told him all about Lanai and Tyr.

  “I don’t know whether to be happy for Gabriel or pity him,” Fallon admitted with a shake of his head. “To find your long lost mother and then be bound to a heartless monster all in the same day is a bit much for anyone to have to deal with.”

  “I don’t know how he’ll take the news about Tyr,” I said, voicing my concern. “Being bound to Aurora has been one of the highlights of my life.”

  “Mine too, Sarah,” Aurora said, snuggling her head against my neck.

  “It will be a completely different experience for Gabriel,” I told Fallon. “Tyr is filled with a great deal of hate and loathing for the human race. I’m not sure how Gabriel will deal with it.”

  “He’s a good man,” Fallon said with conviction. “Maybe Gabriel will have a greater influence on Tyr than Tyr will have on him.”

  “I hope so,” I replied, knowing that was all I could do for now—hope.

  “Are you hungry?” Fallon asked me. “I could go get you something to eat.”

  “I’m famished,” I admitted guiltily.

  “Then I’ll be right back with some food.” Fallon leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

  After he left the room, I stood up from the couch and went to sit on the side of Gabriel’s bed. He hadn’t moved a muscle since we arrived. My only consolation was the fact that I knew Kindra had healed his wounds. I wasn’t quite sure why Gabriel wasn’t waking up. His body was healed, but perhaps his mind needed something to grasp onto in the real world.

  I reached behind me and pulled out Kira’s journal from my waistband. Maybe I could find something from her life with Jacob that would resonate with Gabriel and pull him back to me.

  I flipped through the pages until I found one decorated with a heart in the upper right-hand corner of the page withK+J written in the center of it. I began to read the passage to Gabriel.

  Today was the most glorious day of my life! Jacob and I were walking down the sidewalk in town when he announced he had a surprise for me. I didn’t know what to expect, but I never could have imagined what happened next. He took me to my favorite pastry shop and bought a couple of choc0late strawberry scones. I thought this was my special surprise, but it was only the beginning. He then proceeded to escort me to the hill that overlooks the town. We sat underneath the old oak tree there, and Jacob handed me the box with the scones in it. When I opened it, I found a ring made of silver wire set on top of one of the pastries.

  “I know it’s nothing fancy,” he said to me, “but I did make it myself. In a way, it’s a bit like me, I guess—plain but sincere.” Jacob took my left hand into both of his. “I don’t have much in terms of material wealth, but I do have one thing that is all my own, my heart. I freely give it to you, Kira, and hope you’ll cherish it for the rest of our lives. Would you do me the honor of marrying me and making me the happiest man in the world?”

  I immediately wrapped my arms around him and told him, “Yes!” Oh, how I wish my mother was here to share in my joy. I know she would have loved Jacob like a son. My only worry is how my father will react to the news. I know he loves Jacob too, but whenever I catch him looking at Jacob and me, he seems worried about something. I just don’t understand it. Is he worried I’ll regret giving my heart to another person, only to suffer through their loss when it’s their time to depart this world? I know he still mourns over losing my mother. He should know better than anyone else that if you don’t allow yourself to love others your journey through life is pointless. It’s only through the love we share with others that allows us to experience the happiest moments in our lives.

  I have faith that my father will come around once he sees the beautiful life Jacob and I will build together. We’ll have so many babies to fill Ledmarrow with laughter and joy that my father will forget about his worries and simply bask in the joy of a happy home. I, for one, can’t wait to start this new adventure with Jacob. I couldn’t have asked for anyone to love me more than he does, and I couldn’t imagine loving anyone more than I do him.

  I stopped reading and stared at the picture Kira drew of her wedding ring. With an index finger, I traced the beautiful intertwined curls. It was obvious Jacob had spent hours on its design and creation.

  “It took me a month to make the ring,” Gabriel said as if he had heard my last thought.

  I looked up
and caught him staring at me. His eyes bored into mine as if he was trying to find a glimpse of Kira within my soul.

  “I was so nervous about asking you to marry me,” he confessed with a weak smile. “I knew I wasn’t good enough for you, but I also knew a love like ours couldn’t be denied. I felt like fate had crossed our paths with one another and that our lives would always be lived as one.” Gabriel’s eyes began to glisten with tears. “All I ever wanted was for you to be happy.”

  “You did make Kira happy,” I said, reaching out to rest my hand on Gabriel’s arm. “This journal proves it. She loved you more than anyone else, Gabriel. To experience that love at least once in your life is a blessing.”

  “But I still love her,” he declared adamantly. “I still love you.”

  I immediately shook my head. “I’m not Kira. I’ve tried to explain that to you so many times now.”

  “I see her in you,” Gabriel said, committed to proving his point. “I know the woman I loved is still inside you somewhere. Maybe if you weren’t so determined to keep her at bay, you would start to remember who you really are.”

  “I know who I am,” I told him. I stood up from the bed because his words were starting to make me mad. “And I don’t need you to keep trying to push me to be someone I’m not anymore. I can’t keep doing this with you, Gabriel. You need to let Kira go and accept me for who I am now.”

  “And what if I can’t do that?”

  I sighed, feeling a part of my heart tear at the thought of losing him over this.

  “Then I don’t know what will become of us. All I do know is that I want you in my life. I need your friendship and your guidance. When I thought you were dead back there in the woods, I realized just how important you are to me. I don’t want to live without you, Gabriel, but if you can’t let go of this idea you have of being reunited with Kira, it might be best if we went our separate ways after the war is over. I can’t stand seeing you pining for something you’ll never be able to have again, and I’m not sure you will be able to remain by my side after I marry Fallon.”

  “Parliament will never let that happen,” Gabriel said assuredly.


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