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The Wolves Catch Their Attorney [Shape-Shifter Clinic 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 4

by Cara Adams

  When she’d subpoenaed George Thorne’s financial records and been prepared to offer Oscar Thorne’s financial statements in return, George’s case had been thrown out by the judge. However, he’d said, in court and in the presence of the judge, that he would take the clinic from Oscar. That made her wonder if he was linked to crime or semilegal activities. They’d make him want to hide his financial status. But in that case his attorney would most likely have links she could identify, too.

  Harry, who was not only an extremely good private investigator but also a bear shape-shifter, had turned up nothing underhanded about the attorney. He was an ordinary middle-of-the-road attorney, making a reasonable living but nothing unusual.

  So she shrugged and endeavored to put that case out of her mind while Harry delved deeper into George’s activities and motivations. Oscar was paying him to do that and she had other cases needing her attention.

  Until she received a phone call from Oscar.

  “Hey, Sierra, George’s attorney’s sent me another letter. I may have misunderstood all the legal jargon, but it seems to be saying I don’t have the correct permits to have a clinic on the land here.”

  “I can assure you, and George Thorne’s attorney, the paperwork on your clinic permit submission was above reproach.” She’d done all the due diligence tests herself. She knew everything was perfectly correct.

  “I knew it would be, Sierra, but if I scan this letter and e-mail it to you, can you please send them whatever they need to leave me alone?”

  “Send it to me. I’ll deal with it.”

  Sierra clicked her cell phone off, but kept the e-mail on her computer open. I wonder what that goatish, fly-bitten maggot pie of a cousin of his has done now?

  The attorney had once again used a large number of very long words and complicated sentences to say not much at all. Oscar had expressed it quite accurately. George was challenging their right to have a clinic on that land.

  She buzzed her secretary on the landline phone. “Please may I have the Thorne files?”

  Ten minutes later the papers were on her desk and it didn’t take her long to check. Yes, everything that was required was there.

  Except—the clinic had not been named when the paperwork went through. It was simply referred to as a “small private clinic,” which it undoubtedly was.

  Quickly she flicked an e-mail to Oscar. Send me scanned copies of the registration of the clinic’s business name, too, please, and the data about the number of beds and number of parking spaces you have.

  She was certain Oscar wouldn’t have more patients than he was allowed, or too many vehicles parked on his property, but it was as well to check these things right from the start.

  She felt certain George’s attorney had been lazy and just looked up the paperwork for Thorne House Clinic and found it wasn’t there. At least she hoped that was what had happened. But—what if he’d found some obscure point of law she’d missed? What if she was becoming arrogant and careless with all her success? She was human and fallible, just as likely to make a mistake as anyone else. What if she’d overlooked something really important? Some lien on the land or something she hadn’t even thought of yet? The only answer was for her to do an even more thorough search in case George was telling the truth this time.

  Fuck it! That fucking attorney will not defeat me, nor will George Thorne take the clinic away from Oscar and the shape-shifters while I have breath left in my body and a tongue in my head to argue the case.

  * * * *

  Fergus had grown up in a large wolf pack that lived more than an hour’s drive out of town. It was a very male-oriented environment and he’d fit in well until he gradually became aware he wanted to be a nurse. His family had tried to convince him to be a doctor, but it was nursing that appealed to him. Even though he also knew that in a sexual sense he was a Dom, he no longer felt as at-home and as welcome in the pack, and was happy to leave to go to school. Alone, he felt free again, and could mentally adjust to the dichotomy between his career and his attraction to the BDSM lifestyle as a Dom.

  Fergus wanted to get Sierra and Cam into the dungeon with him. Until they’d played a few scenes it would be almost impossible to know if they really could form a relationship together. Sure she was dead sexy, and sure it’d been wonderful just talking to each other and hanging out together. That was all ticked off the checklist. So merely doing those things again wouldn’t move the relationship forward at all. They’d be very pleasant, he had no doubt about that, but they weren’t going to progress them anywhere. Especially not into bed.

  This next date had to do more than that. He had to know if Sierra really was suited to being a sub. She was so confident, so used to taking charge and giving orders. Does she know that it’s the sub who holds the true power in a BDSM scene? The sub can stop the play totally and forever whenever she wishes. A true Dom will never question the sub’s right to do that.

  As the Dom, he could plan the most intricate, amazing scene ever, but if the sub was uncomfortable with what was going to happen and said their safe word, that would be the end of the Dom’s scene. Sierra was such a take-charge, confident, self-assured person. So he absolutely had to know if she was a true sub, or if she planned to top from the bottom. Was she a Domme in disguise, or even a switch? Did she understand the pure release, the immense pleasure that could only come from giving up her control and freeing her mind to place all her trust in her Dom to give her endless, exquisite joy?

  Oh, how he longed to plan a scene like that for her and Cam. One where they would experience the ultimate in intense releases, one where they relaxed and let him do the planning, the stressing, the organization and just trusted him to bring them release.

  So, the next date was going to take place in the BDSM club in town. They’d go there and share a meal together, and then they’d watch a few scenes. Scenes he’d make sure would give him more information about each of them and what they liked. Scenes that would hopefully give him the confidence that Sierra was a true sub. He already was certain Cam was a sub. He’d worked with Cam long enough to truly understand the other man. The scenes he needed to do now, though, were ones that would prepare them for the dungeon together. Hell, not just prepare them for it, but propel them into it, desperate to experience the pain and the pleasure for themselves.

  * * * *

  Cam had been pleased when Fergus had insisted on them picking Sierra up and taking her with them this time. “A date’s not a date if we meet in the doorway. It was okay for the first time, but let’s do it the more traditional way this time,” Fergus said.

  Cam was nodding along with that.

  “Okay, but I’ll meet you in the foyer. I’ll be standing by the security desk.”

  Sierra clicked her cell phone off the call, which Fergus had on speaker phone and Cam said to Fergus, “I bet she tells the security guards not to give out her apartment number. That’s a large block and it’d take us quite a while to knock on every door to find her apartment seeing as she won’t tell us which one it is.”

  “We’re getting there. She’s still blocking her cell phone number but we have her address. We’re doing good for the second date.”

  We’d be doing a whole lot better if it was going to end up in her bed, thought Cam, but he wasn’t going to annoy Fergus by saying that out loud.

  Instead, what he said was, “Should I wear jeans or dress pants?”

  “Either would do, but I’d dress up rather than dressing down.”

  “Dress pants it is.”

  Cam liked the idea of going to a secret destination. It made the evening more special and raised an extra layer of anticipation. Not that he wasn’t excited at spending time with Sierra again. He most definitely was. It made him imagine all kinds of scenarios. Cam knew that’s what Fergus, a Dom through and through, wanted him and Sierra to be doing. Using their own imaginations to heighten the excitement of the forthcoming evening.

  He also wondered if Fergus had made plans for i
f Sierra would spend time with them afterward. He so wanted to fuck her. She was bright and smart and lovely and he ached to hold her in his arms, to kiss her, and to do so much more to her than that. Surely Fergus would have a plan B. He was a true Dom. He had to have any number of backup plans. Likely he had plans C, D, and E as well.

  That evening Cam drove to Fergus’s apartment and left his car in a visitor’s parking space with the little cardboard pass Fergus had given him clearly displayed. “Each apartment is only permitted one visitor per day so don’t lose it. I can’t get another one,” Fergus had said.

  Cam locked his car and headed into the building, waiting outside the tiny coffee shop as instructed. Fergus arrived almost immediately and they walked together to Fergus’s parking space.

  It’d taken Cam twenty minutes to get to Fergus’s apartment, but it was only another ten to Sierra’s. As promised, she was already standing at the security desk when they arrived and she immediately walked toward them, waving good-bye to the guards.

  As soon as they got to Fergus’s car he said, “Close your eyes.”

  Cam blinked at Sierra, but did as he was told. Immediately his eyes were blindfolded and his wrists held together in strong hands as handcuffs locked them in front of him.

  “I hope you’re going to buckle my seat belt for me,” he joked.

  “I’ll do that. Climb in now.”

  It was surprising how helpless he felt without being able to see or use his hands properly. He stuck his elbow out and balanced it against the open car door as he stepped up and into Fergus’s car, but when he sat down into the seat, he landed harder than he’d expected. It was lower down than he’d estimated. Still he’d landed properly on the seat, not on the park brake or something uncomfortable, so it was all good. He felt the seat belt go around him and heard the click as it was locked.

  Then his door shut, and a moment later the door to the backseat opened. “Now you, Sierra,” Fergus said.

  Cam listened hard, wondering if she’d object to being handcuffed, but he heard only the sound of her body sliding onto the backseat. Perhaps Fergus hadn’t handcuffed her or blindfolded her? But no, Fergus would treat them equally. If their destination was to be a surprise for him, it would be meant as a surprise for Sierra, too.

  Well, that was interesting. He hadn’t expected Fergus to turn into a Dom quite so fast or so publically—a fascinating development indeed.

  Cam sat silently and paid close attention as they drove. They stopped a lot, but only for short periods of time, so he took that as a sign they were still in town and stopping at red traffic lights. They also made a lot of turns, so either Fergus was deliberately trying to confuse them, or they were winding their way across town on secondary roads instead of using the highway.

  When they drove into an echoing area Cam knew they’d arrived. This had to be the basement parking lot of their destination. He breathed deeply through his nose, trying to get a hint of where they were, but all he smelled was vehicle emissions and burned rubber from tires, which didn’t help him at all.

  “Sierra, where are we?” asked Fergus.

  Cam turned slightly in his seat to face her, even though he couldn’t see her.

  “We’re still in town, and you took an indirect route, so likely not more than ten minutes from my apartment. My guess would be we’re on the south side of the entertainment district,” Sierra replied.

  “Cam, what do you think?”

  “Sierra has worked out a lot more than me. I picked the whole ‘going around way too many corners’ thing, but apart from the fact that the stopping and starting indicates traffic lights, so we’re still in town, I had no idea. What Sierra says sounds good to me.”

  Fergus reached across and undid the handcuffs, saying, “You can take the blindfold off while I remove Sierra’s handcuffs.”

  Cam pulled it off, dropping it onto the dashboard of the car, and looked around. However, that told him nothing. Yes, he was in a basement parking lot, and judging by the fact the supporting pillars were painted green, it was a large lot with many levels. The color would be to help patrons find their vehicles as they left. But apart from that, he still didn’t know where he was.

  “Let’s go,” said Fergus.

  Cam climbed out of the car and stood beside Sierra. He glanced at her, but her face wasn’t showing any emotion. He wondered if she was excited, nervous, aroused at the thought of spending time with them. He was sure as hell aroused at being this close to her, but he had to admire her ability to seem at ease when apparently neither of them had a clue where they were or what place they were going to for their date.

  Fergus led them confidently across the parking lot to the elevators and pressed the Up button. Cam still had no clue about their destination. This elevator looked to him exactly like a million other elevators. Oh, well, as soon as they arrived in the lobby he’d work it out. Or read a sign, or something.

  Cam thought he heard the tiniest gasp from Sierra when the elevator doors opened. He turned swiftly to look her full in the face, but once again the bland look was in place. No wonder she was such a tough attorney to beat in court. He knew for sure she’d be a damn difficult opponent in a game of poker, too.

  Once they left the elevator he knew where he was, the BDSM Club. Oh, wow, this was a clever idea of Fergus’s. Choosing this venue would certainly open up a whole new level of conversation among them. Once again he glanced across at Sierra. This time he noticed the tiniest hint of a smile at the corner of her eyes. Aha! She likes it. Awesome!

  Cam walked beside Sierra and Fergus as they crossed the lobby and waited to enter the club. This was a very well-run club and the rules were strict. They had to show photo ID and proof of age to enter, and had their wrists stamped with the date and time. He’d heard women arguing with the security staff about the stamps one time he’d been here previously. The staff removed the stamps with a special hand wash as people left the club. Patrons couldn’t come in and out as they pleased. Also, alcohol intake was strictly monitored. The BDSM community believed that neither Doms nor subs should have less than a completely clear mind during scenarios. Any patron who had more than two alcoholic drinks was likely to find their request to use the dungeon denied.

  That didn’t bother Cam. He was more than happy to drink soda all night if it meant he might end up in the dungeon with Sierra and Fergus. Or in bed with Sierra. There were bedrooms upstairs, he knew, although he’d never actually been inside one.

  Their table had been reserved and they were shown directly to it. It was upstairs on the balcony, right at the front, looking down to the dance floor and stage beneath them. Fergus has thought of everything. This is going to be a spectacular night.

  Their meal had apparently been preordered as well. The server nodded to Fergus and went into the staff-only area, then came out with a carafe of water and three glasses. “Your meals will be served soon, Sir,” she said.

  “I know Cam’s been here before, but what about you, Sierra?” asked Fergus.

  “Yes, I was brought here once by a group of male colleagues who apparently thought they would horrify me or something similar. The tables were rather turned when a Domme began whipping her male sub,” said Sierra.

  Cam laughed. “Oh, excellent!”

  “Yes, those were my thoughts, too.”

  “And did you get the client?” asked Fergus.

  “Of course.” Sierra smiled.

  “I’m sure you got some new clients from the ropes-course day, too. Has your arm healed?” asked Cam.

  “Yes, and yes.”

  He’d noticed her arms were once again completely covered, this time by a long-sleeved dress in shimmering silver, and he wondered how truthful that part of her answer had been, but if they ever got into bed he’d make a point of checking every inch of her skin—and not just for bruises. He longed to undress her and kiss each part of her. But for now, he’d better get his manners working and explore her mind and her thoughts instead of her luscious body.<
br />
  The food was big platters of vegetables and dips, with different types of breads to place them on, and sauces and spices to add as well. It was unusual, but totally delicious and he enjoyed every mouthful. He also loved talking with Fergus and Sierra. She was able to speak knowledgeably on every topic Fergus introduced, although Cam noticed she deftly changed the direction of the conversation when politics was introduced. He wondered whether she had strong opinions she wasn’t willing to share on those topics, or if it was simply she preferred not to get into potentially controversial areas. He’d ask her that question some time the three of them were alone, too, possibly even as they drove home tonight.

  Their table rested against the chest-high railing over the lower floor, which meant they had an uninterrupted view of the stage. Cam knew Fergus would have requested this specific table when he planned the evening. Cam also wondered if Fergus knew what BDSM act was going to be displayed. Fergus was very much a Dom who planned everything so Cam wouldn’t be surprised if Fergus did ask about the entertainment and had included it in his plans.

  Just then, a Dom wearing thigh-high leather boots, studded leather armbands, plus a studded leather thong, and carrying a rolled-up rope over his arm, led a female sub up onto the stage. She was wearing a studded leather collar that matched the Dom’s armbands, and nothing else.

  Cam blinked. He wasn’t used to people here being totally naked. Well, she wasn’t totally naked, she was wearing a collar but—yeah, she was naked.

  The noise level in the room dropped considerably. It seemed as though plenty of other people were watching instead of talking, too. He certainly wanted to see what the Dom did with his rope.

  Then he remembered Sierra’s rope-burn injury and wondered how she felt about ropes right now. He glanced over at her, but she was wearing what he was coming to recognize as her “professional” face, which showed nothing more than polite interest.


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