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Daughter Of Ethos: Destination Home Book 2

Page 11

by L M Lacee

  ‘I thought she had too, comm` her again will you please. I assume it is the same male as before, you know with the long nose?’

  Penny frowned as she asked. ‘A long nosed male comm`d you before?’

  ‘Yes, when the comp was being annoying.’

  ‘Really, just call it broken.’

  ‘Why do you say it like that? I did not dismantle it or touch it with my screwdriver.’

  ‘Did you answer your comp?’

  ‘Was I not meant to?’

  ‘No, that is why I am here.’

  ‘But you did not answer it.’

  ‘I was away from my office.’

  ‘So, I had to answer it then!’

  ‘Well yes, but refrain from doing that in the future.’

  ‘I do not see how, if you are going to be off all the time. I will have to answer it.’

  Penny breathed deeply though her nose, trying for patience. ‘Because I will answer it!’

  ‘But you were not here?’


  ‘Yes Penny.’

  ‘Why is he calling you again?’

  ‘Because I disconnected him.’

  Intrigued Penny asked her. ‘You did, do you do that often?’

  Peyton hummed. ‘I do not know.... maybe, he said I was not the right type of female to be a Star Daughter.’

  Penny scrunched her nose up as she thought. ‘How would he know?’

  ‘See! This is why I hired you?’

  Penny coughed as she sucked back the laugh at her saying she hired her, ignoring her except for the evil eye she delivered her way Peyton said. ‘That was exactly what I thought, also he was just that rude!’

  ‘Well, what did he say?’

  ‘He said I was short, plain, pale and lacking in grace.’

  Penny growled low in her throat. ‘Asshole… Jerk!’ At Peyton’s look, she blushed. ‘Sorry just you know asshole!’

  ‘Oh I know, it is just you look so sweet, you know like…’

  Penny cut her off. ‘Do not say it! I will seriously injure you.’

  ‘Well, alright then, no need to get violent.’ Peyton let one giggle slip before she said. ‘Let’s have him on again.’ As she worked hard to smother the rest of her laughter, Penny tapped at buttons on Peyton’s desk, one to record the conversation and the other to bring up the screen. ‘Oh, look your comp is working now.’

  Peyton growled as she walked over and stood in front of the wall. ‘Yeah, look at that, maybe I am allergic to tech?’

  Penny shrugged as she said seriously. ‘Maybe you are. I will get Jean to look at your tech and maybe we should discuss that allergy with Heather.’

  ‘Yeah, maybe we will do that.’ Peyton rubbed her face as she thought that Penny may be on to something, it could be possible she had developed a reaction to tech. She had given up wearing her link, and she had noticed she could not use her tablet for too long otherwise it shut off, much like her comp did. Something would have to be done.

  With a nod of her head, Penny brought up the screen and the image of the long nosed male appeared He was frowning as he said. ‘There must have been a signal failure, we were disconnected.’

  Peyton said. ‘No, you were rude, so I disconnected you. Who are you?’

  ‘Did the other female not tell you?’

  Peyton waited as she stared at the male, while he stared at her and waited, and waited. Peyton remained staring without blinking, when he realized she was not going to speak he snapped. ‘Well?’

  She looked at Penny and signaled her to disconnect again. ‘Who is he?’

  ‘He said he was the Ambassador for a world called Patamoglian.’

  Peyton eyes turned black, as ice coated her words making Penny’s head jerk up at the tone. ‘I see!’

  Just then Hawk walked in. ‘Yes Commander?’

  Hawk raised a jet black eyebrow. ‘You are upset, why?’

  ‘How do you know she is upset?’ Penny asked, then thought about her question and said. ‘Other than the obvious.’

  ‘She reverts back to English when she is pissed.’ Darby told her as she came in behind Hawk.

  Penny mused. ‘Oh, how weird, I never even noticed.’

  Peyton’s words came out with a growl, thankfully her eyes had returned to normal. ‘A Patamoglian Ambassador has comm`d me, how is that possible? I did not give him the general code to our system?’

  Darby snorted then said. ‘Really, only three wekens since the last Warriors arrived back home. I am impressed and the gen code was downloaded to them along with your demands.’

  ‘Once our Warriors left their world.’ Hawk told her.

  Darby raised her finely shaped eyebrows as she said. ‘Surely you knew that would happen, how else were they to contact us to pay the credits?’

  ‘Yeah, I knew.’ Peyton looked anywhere but at them, she had forgotten about the demand for compensation that would have been issued after the last Warriors left Patamoglian. Hawk refrained from rolling his eyes as he had seen the females do or smirking which he really wanted to do at her obvious prefabrication. He really should tell her she was transparent when she tried to lie.

  Darby mused out loud. ‘They must be really hurting?’

  Penny said. ‘Why is he calling us?’

  Hawk smiled at Penny, he really liked her and not just because she was Kerol’s mate. No, he liked her for who she was, humorous and kind. She was level-headed and since taking over as Peyton’s personal assistant and guardian of her office, which she was well suited for, she managed to keep Peyton in the office most days and that was always a good thing, he said now. ‘You should read the file, I am sure there is one?’

  He looked at Darby who waved her hand around and said. ‘There could be!’

  ‘May I?’ Penny asked Peyton. ‘I will be discreet.’

  ‘I have no doubt of that, otherwise you would not have this job.’

  Penny’s mouth dropped open in surprise at the seriousness of the tone and the expressions the three had on their faces. Just then the computer buzzed. Penny answered. ‘Star Daughter’s office, Assistant Naltone speaking, how may I help you?’

  ‘I wish to speak to the Star Daughter.’

  ‘Who wishes to speak to her?’

  ‘Again! I am Ambassador Ikiern Portarian of Patamoglian!’

  ‘Wait one moment, please.’

  ‘When did she become the assistant, is that in the contract too?’ Peyton asked Darby who smirked as she answered. ‘Yes and always, unobservant female.’

  ‘Huh! You know this is my office? Where work is done?’

  ‘No, it isn’t, we loan it to you, and the real work is done in Penny’s office, say it is not so?’

  ‘Yeah... Maybe!’ She turned to Penny and said. ‘When you are ready, oh devoted assistant!’

  Penny mumbled. ‘That may be stretching it.’

  ‘It is what now?’

  ‘Coming up in a second.’ Penny brought up the screen without audio. ‘Dayam it, no audio yet.’

  ‘Is it broken again?’ Darby looked at Peyton. ‘Did you touch it?’

  ‘No, I swear I have not.’

  ‘Okay, I will get Jean to look at it again.’

  ‘Thanks, and I thought their race were all dark haired?’ Peyton asked as they looked at the yellow haired male again.

  Darby sniffed indelicately. ‘Everything, I have seen and read says they are.’

  ‘Maybe it is the fashion on Patamoglian.’ Hawk murmured as he stared critically at the yellow-haired male.

  ‘Audio coming on line now.’ Penny announced, stopping them from commenting further. Before the male could speak Peyton said. ‘Let me say now Ambassador. We will only continue this conversation if you are polite. I do not have to suffer your rudeness. I have been on the verge of removing your planet from existence so remember that as you speak to me.’

  Penny gasped quietly and Darby took her hand, her face serious as she whispered. ‘This is the Star Daughter’s business and as hard as it i
s to hear, you must know that Peyton is very capable of doing so.’

  Penny swallowed and nodded, then straightened her shoulders and took in a breath as she thought. Yeah, I work for the meanest, baddest, female there was. Who loved coffee and her people and had an incredible sense of humor.

  The Ambassador's face went through several expressions and shades of ruddy brown, which clashed with his orange jacket and fawn colored ruffled shirt. The six hoops in both lobes of his pointed ears tinkled as he moved his head in agitation. Finally, he said. ‘If there was any rudeness on my behalf, I can only say I was taken by surprise.’

  He ran a hand through his long yellow locks, and she was positive his nose twitched. As apologizes went it left much to be desired but Peyton felt her temper rising so asked instead. ‘What is it you wanted to converse about?’

  He straightened his hunched shoulders and asked. ‘I wish to know why all the Warriors were recalled from my home world.’

  ‘Because your account is not paid in full and the account sent to the house of Pentamogytes is still unpaid. Until both those accounts are settled, we have nothing to discuss?’

  ‘I have seen the account for the world of Patamoglian, it is outrageous and amazes me that you think we will pay this enormous sum of credits to you. Seriously this does not speak highly of your advisors?’

  ‘Careful Ambassador, you are treading on thin ice.’ The coldness in Peyton’s voice became pronounced. He gulped, as they all watched him take a breath and contort his features into a semblance of a smile. Peyton more annoyed as the seconds ticked by, said in a voice still retaining the ice of moments ago.

  ‘You had the use of my Warriors for the last fifty yentas or more on your world. I am told except for the basic housing, which was more than likely a pad on a floor in a kitchen or storage room and scraps of food or Warriors logs. You paid nothing more, supplied nothing more and your people allowed my Warriors nothing more. You did not give any credits to the Warriors, nor did they receive any extended time off. Reports I have read state they did double if not triple shifts without food or respite, this occurred for luneras, if not yentas at a time. They were treated worse than a house pet.’

  Peyton’s temper rose as she listed the injustices to her Warriors, she pressed hard on her emotions to hold them in check. Then she felt a small hand on her back and knew Darby was behind her, with that touch she managed to rein in her emotions and control her temper, as she told the Ambassador.

  ‘Your world used our Warriors to protect your millions upon millions of jewels and other valuables as well as the houses deemed worthy of guards and you paid nothing to the Warriors for that privilege. We know you traded a pittance with Jenersar for the use of the Warriors and that renegotiation was to commence next yenta. Ambassador consider that past contract as null and void and the new one will not be happening, because unlike you and the peoples of your world. We the people of Maikonia consider our Warriors more valuable than your goods or your citizens. It is inconceivable to us that you would abuse our Warriors, when they were there for your protection and the protection of your precious gems, but the abuse of our Warriors happened and not one of your erstwhile citizens cared. Neither did your ruling house. I imagine along with the lesser houses, they actually participated in the abuse in one form or another. Even if it was just by turning a blind eye to what was happening. So your whole society is now being held accountable, apparently I am not allowed to come there and seek my kind of payment.’

  She turned her head to the side and gave Hawk the evil eye, he shrugged and sent her one of his charming smiles, which she found hard to resist. She frowned instead and looked at the now sickly looking Ambassador.

  ‘I will not allow my Warriors back on your world until we have come to an arrangement. The first step toward that, is you pay the accounts as compensation? Then we can talk again and until that has happened we have nothing to discuss. Do we?’

  The male’s nose was definitely twitching now as he almost screamed. ‘You expect us to pay this?’ He waved a data drive at her. ‘Even though the Emperor of Jenersar has stated that the Warriors are his, not yours and that you have subverted them?’

  Peyton tipped her head to the side as she studied the male, watching his face get ruddier and ruddier the more his temper took over.

  ‘Yes... Yes I do Ambassador, if your world wants Maikonian Warriors to guard your valuables and persons again. Really Ambassador Portarian, you should know not to believe every trumped up male that states they are an Emperor. The Warriors are Maikonian, and as such they fall under my protection.’ She smiled sweetly at the male as she said. ‘Of course you do not have to employ my Warriors, I am sure there are many, many types of trustworthy people out there in the universe. You seem like a good negotiator you will have Raiders…. oops I mean Warriors of your own, in no time. Now, we have nothing more to talk about, until the accounts are settled.

  Comp off.’

  Peyton took Darby’s hand and squeezed it, letting her know she was all right. Penny stared at her unable to believe this Peyton was the same one she argued and joked with. She wondered how many sides to her there were, and hoped she would get to see them all, this job was certainly not boring.

  Peyton addressed her. ‘Penny, do not put the Ambassador through again until the account or accounts are paid. Notify me when that happens please.’

  ‘As you say Madam.’ Then she nodded to the other two and left the office. Peyton made herself coffee from her new dispenser and then re-took her seat. Hawk and Darby knew how angry she was over Willian, so they remained silent allowing her time to settle. Taking a much needed swallow of her coffee. She eyed the two and said. ‘So what can I do for you two?’

  Hawk said. ‘We have a problem?’

  ‘Of course we do.’ She said sarcastically. ‘We are leaving to go off world tomorrow morn. What can possible have gone wrong?’

  Darby said gently. ‘Netta is in medical.’

  Peyton started to glow as she stood quickly. ‘She is what?’

  Darby assured her. ‘Peyton calm down, she is not dead.’

  Hawk groaned and then said. ‘Not helping Darby.’

  ‘Oh sorry, it sounded better in my head!’

  He gave her a quick look then said. ‘I am sure it did.’

  Peyton demanded. ‘One of you explain please?’

  Hawk told her. ‘Earlier today an incident happened at one of the training Hexes, it seems that Captain Netta attacked four Warriors.’

  ‘In defense of another.’ Darby put in.

  ‘It may have been?’ Hawk agreed. ‘She still injured all four males, one she strategically placed fifty- one cuts on his person with precision, using her knives.’

  Peyton asked. ‘Why fifty-one?’

  ‘Why not?’ Darby answered.

  ‘Just seems weird.’

  Darby shook her head. ‘Really, that seems weird?’

  Frowning Peyton asked. ‘Regardless, this gets her in medical how?’

  ‘Peyton, she was put down by Dinas.’

  Peyton stilled as she said. ‘Excuse me?’

  Her voice froze their blood as Darby hurriedly said. ‘He means Netta lost it, and Dinas had to knock her out.’

  ‘Well, why didn’t he say that, instead of what he said?’

  Hawk looked bewildered by the conversation. ‘I did!’

  Darby again hurriedly said. ‘I will explain it to him. I swear, later.’

  Peyton nodded. ‘Okay, because I am not liking that term Darby.’

  ‘Got it.’

  ‘Now, where is everyone?’

  ‘At medical.’

  ‘Well, I think we should go there then.’

  The other two just nodded their heads, Peyton was glowing just a little as they exited the office. Darby hung back when Peyton and Hawk moved ahead of her, she hurried over to Penny. ‘Get Esther to meet us at medical please, Netta got hurt.’

  ‘Oh stars. I am on it.’

  Darby quickly left to ca
tch the others up as Penny comm`d Esther.

  ‘This is Esther.’

  ‘Greetings Esther, Netta was hurt in training, Darby said to comm` you.’

  ‘That is right dearle. Now where are they?’

  ‘On their way to medical.’

  ‘Did they walk or transfer?’

  Penny said on a laugh. ‘It’s Peyton they walked.’

  ‘She really needs to get over this ridiculous problem she has with the transfer circles.’ Esther said with annoyance.

  ‘Oh I know.’

  ‘Okay dearle, everything will be alright. At least I have time to get there unlike others, I like transfer circles. Thank you Penny I will see you later.’

  Esther closed her link and looked at her open trunk where half her clothes were and grinned, she would go to Halcyon after the away mission. Karen would understand. She threw the top she had in her hands onto the pile of clothes, then stepped into the hall and walked into the transfer circle and thought medical.


  Esther arrived before Peyton was even halfway there. ‘She is on her way.’

  Melody whispered. ‘Esther, she took them all out and there is something else?’

  ‘What?’ Esther asked as she hugged Melody to her. Melody lowered her voice further. ‘Dinas suspects she has something inside her, I think it is bad at least they are acting like it is.’

  ‘Did he say as much?’

  ‘No, he and Hawk just got that look on their faces they get when they don’t want to tell us something.’

  ‘Oh dearle.’

  There was no more time to speak a Dinas neared and handed Melody a tube of water. ‘Lady Esther, can I get you anything?’

  ‘No thank you Dinas, are you well?’

  ‘No, Netta can kick like a Cabu.’

  ‘Oh, here they are.’ Esther said as Peyton, Hawk, and Darby walked down the corridor. Peyton nodded, unsurprised when she saw Esther.

  ‘Melody, why do you not tell me what happened?’

  Like Hawk, Melody gave a concise report and when she was finished Peyton’s glow had lessened, she now stood in Darby’s earlier position by Netta and said thoughtfully. ‘I see and she will wake when?’

  Heather, who had moved to the bed when she had seen Peyton arrive answered. ‘Within the next few mins, her scans are normal.’


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