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AlphainHiding Page 13

by Lea Barrymire

  “You okay?” Seth’s words were muffled by her shoulder where he had buried his face.

  “Yep. You?”

  “Mmm. Great.” She could feel his grin against her skin.

  Seth slowly pulled out of her body and tugged her up into his arms. He kissed her lightly on the temple before turning her to face him. Gently, he cradled her face. His lips touched hers with a reverence she’d never had directed at her. His kiss was the polar opposite of the sex they’d just shared. The kiss was slow, soft and sensual. If she hadn’t already been on her knees she would’ve found herself there when her legs buckled. His tongue stroked into her mouth, touching and tasting. Her body melted into his.

  “Let’s go home. I’ve had enough excitement for a lifetime. I want you in my bed tonight.” He whispered the words as a plea.

  Emily nodded but he still didn’t move. He studied her face for long moments. She wasn’t sure what he was looking for, or whether he’d find it. She just stared back, baring herself completely to his scrutiny.

  “You’ll mate me tonight, right? I want to claim you, Emily Prescott. I want my teeth marks to mar your creamy skin, I want my scent so far embedded in your body that everyone will know you are mine.” He kissed her lightly on the lips before continuing. “I’ve loved you from the moment you walked into my house. Please let me be yours.”

  She smiled. The ancient and magical words came easily to her lips. “Yes. Seth Seymour, I will mate you, claim you as my own, share myself with you forever from this night forward.”

  He stood and pulled her into another scorching kiss. His lips explained his happiness and feelings for her better than his words ever could. He pressed his already swelling cock against her body. She rubbed against him and sighed into the kiss. He pulled away from her with a groan.

  “Okay, let’s go before I take you on the ground again. I really would like a bed under us next time.”

  She chuckled and took his hand. It would take longer to walk back to the field, but she wanted to stay connected to him, touching.

  Chapter Eighteen

  The night sky was just starting to lighten, taking on pink along the horizon. Emily and Seth had walked hand in hand for the last hour, laughing and joking, kissing, touching. She couldn’t remember a better hour of her life. He understood her and accepted her for all of her strengths and weaknesses. He made her laugh when he talked about his first thoughts when he’d seen her at his door. He grinned at her explanation of the call to her father that same day.

  When they entered the field she was surprised by how many piles of clothes were still strewn across the ground. She’d figured that they’d be one of the last couples out of the woods. It must have been a good night for her fellow wolves. She could see her father sitting in his lawn chair, sipping a soda, facing the forest. She should have known he wouldn’t go home or to sleep until she came out. She grinned at the raised eyebrow he directed at her.

  They dressed quickly before talking to her father. She wasn’t embarrassed to be naked in front of him, but there was something about standing to have a conversation in the buff that still made her blush. While she and Seth dressed they didn’t allow more than seconds between touches. She helped him to pull his shirt over his head, and he helped to pull her jeans up her legs. The touches weren’t meant to be sexual. They were just to affirm their connection.

  “Hey, Dad.” Emily approached her father with a knowing smile. She knew his first question would be about the fight. Even without referees around, that howl of Seth’s and the answering call from the pack would’ve filled him in.

  “Emily. Seth. How is Luke?”

  Seth choked on whatever he’d been going to say. A sheepish grin touched his lips. “Fine, sir. Sorry about roughing up some of your males.”

  Ben Prescott chuckled. “You can’t call me sir, Seth. Dad will do, or Ben. And don’t worry about Luke and his gang of idiots. They deserved anything you did to them. By the way, nice howl. You and I will have a talk soon about getting you involved in the pack.”

  Seth’s confused look made her grin. She nudged him with her shoulder. “You made the entire pack answer your howl. That’s a pretty dominant thing to pull off. Dad is going to start nagging you about being the Alpha when he steps down. Which, in my opinion, is awesome, because then I don’t have to do it.”

  “Well, kids, we can talk about that later. Right now you have a claiming to take care of. Go home. I’ll talk to you later.” Her father’s eyes sparkled as a blush rose along Emily’s cheeks. She turned to find a similar coloring on Seth’s face. She grinned. Even their blushes were synchronizing.

  She grabbed Seth’s hand and escaped, waving over her shoulder at her chuckling father. Talking about her claiming with her father was definitely not going to happen.

  Emily pulled into Seth’s driveway and parked behind his car. The drive to his house had started with excitement and was ending with nervousness. She was sure of their connection. She loved him. She knew that he loved her. But the idea of walking into his house, knowing what they were going to do, made her hands sweat. She stepped out of her Jeep and stood staring at the ground. What if he decided at the last minute that he didn’t want to go through with it?


  Seth’s voice pulled her from her thoughts. She scrubbed her hands down her jeans. She tried to put a smile on her face but it didn’t quite make it.

  “You okay?” he whispered, before reaching for her and pulling her against his chest. She breathed in his scent and relaxed. This was Seth, not some unknown man. He loved her and wasn’t going to change his mind.

  “Yeah, sorry. Just seems weird to know what we’re going to do once we walk through that door.”

  “I was thinking the same thing, actually. Let’s just see where things go. In my heart you’re mine.”

  She smiled against his chest. Only Seth would offer to wait. She stepped back and grabbed his hand, pulling him toward his house. She was claiming her mate tonight no matter how silly her brain was being. She didn’t wait for the tour—she knew where his room was. She’d heard him roll out of bed that first morning. With her hand wrapped tightly around his she pulled him into his bedroom, turned and shut the door.

  “Seth. Mark me.” Her demand was full of power and she grinned as his spine straightened. She had just thrown down the gauntlet to her Alpha male.

  He growled before stripping off his clothes. “You think you can force me, little wolf girl? You aren’t strong enough to make me do things now.”

  She stood, hands on hips, staring at the naked deliciousness standing in front of her. She slowly moved her eyes up over his straining cock, rippling abs and heaving chest. She grinned, baring her teeth. “Oh really? Then why are you naked and I’m not?”

  Seth did exactly what she’d hoped. He pounced. All that muscled goodness worked at her clothes, ripping the shirt over her head, pulling the jeans off her legs. Within moments they stood, separated by inches, naked and breathing hard.

  “Get on the bed on your knees.” He’d done the same power push as she had but he was strong enough to make her obey.

  She fought it out of principle but ended up on the bed, on her hands and knees, waggling her ass in the air. She breathed a sigh of relief when cool air brushed against her heated pussy. “Come on, wolf boy. I’m wet and aching.”

  The growl that reverberated in the room was full of promise and threat in equal parts. She felt the bed dip as he climbed onto the mattress with her. His hands smoothed lightly over her from her neck to her thighs. Her skin erupted in goose bumps and her spine arched like a cat.

  She expected him to take her fast, like in Sal’s storeroom. She jumped when warm breath blew over her pussy. His hands rested on her ass cheeks, warm and firm. Lightly, his thumbs slid between her folds and she gasped as he spread her open. Cool air moved over her moist pussy. With the first touch of his tongue to her heated flesh her body sagged and a sigh escaped her lips. He licked her from clit to anus in one w
ide, wet pass. He hummed as he speared his tongue into her passage.

  She jumped away from the invasion and he growled at her. No words were uttered but she stilled her movements, understanding his needs. She spread her knees a little further and relaxed into the position. Hot breath fanned across her folds before his tongue swiped her again. He circled her opening, dipping in to sample her cream then licking to her clit. He lapped at her swollen bud, swirling his tongue around it, flicking lightly. Hot lips encircled the flesh and she moaned loudly when he suckled on her clit. Her body couldn’t take much more before exploding. Her muscles were already clenching. Her vaginal walls quivered and she ached to be filled. All it took to send her over the edge was a quick flick of his tongue against her clit as he sucked it into his mouth. She called out his name as he pulled her pussy against his mouth, plunging his tongue into her channel, tasting her release.

  “You taste so good. I could just stay here for hours.” His voice vibrated against her flesh, making her shiver.

  “Please, Seth. I want you in me,” she begged. She could be disgusted with herself afterward. At that moment she wanted nothing more than to be filled by his cock. The remnants of her release still pulsed through her body, making her languid and loose. She tried to entice him by waggling her butt.

  “You are so impatient.” His words skated hot against her flesh. She sighed. He still hadn’t moved from her pussy.

  His tongue swiped along her flesh, circling her anus. The shiver that racked her body was intense. No one had ever touched her there, and to do so with his tongue was so naughty it made her gush with cream. Thick fingers slid into her wet channel and a thumb pressed firmly against her clit. He was going to make her come again. He moved his fingers, curling them so they could rub against the walls of her vagina. The sensation was overwhelming as he stroked her clit and her G-spot in slow, slick glides. As if he commanded her body with nothing but his fingers, she could feel her muscles start to clench. Each slide, each flick brought her closer to her release. He rubbed her clit, increasing the pressure, and speeding his movements inside her channel. She was so close. Hot breath fanned over her ass and a single dip of his tongue into her dark hole sent her over the edge, moaning his name and pushing back against his hands.

  She melted onto the bed, boneless and sated. Her brain had disconnected, letting her float in orgasmic bliss. Two orgasms in the span of ten minutes was enough to put her in a coma. She was panting hard, trying to catch her breath. She turned her head to look over her shoulder and smiled lazily at Seth. She would have snickered at the purely male look on his face if she hadn’t been so relaxed. He was still licking her juices off his lips while he looked at her from under lowered lids.

  “Are you ready for me?” His voice was like silk, sliding over her skin.

  “I’m ready for anything, wolf boy.” She was still trying to catch her breath but her mind was back. She waggled her eyebrows at him because she was too tired to do much else.

  He chuckled at her playfulness, grabbed her around the waist and flipped her over. She didn’t miss a beat. She wrapped her legs around his waist and hauled him down to her. She grabbed his face and pulled his lips to hers. She licked across his lower lip and hummed at the taste of her still clinging to his mouth. She sucked his lip between hers, sharing her desperation and need through her kiss.

  She knew the minute he gave up trying to do whatever it was he was doing. He lowered his chest to rub against hers, rumbling in his chest like a giant cat. His hot member rested lightly at the top of her cleft. She used her legs to pull her mound against his groin. She wanted to feel him, to grind against him. Even after two releases she still felt the zing of sensation when his cock brushed her clit.

  He pulled away from her kiss and stared into her eyes. She was swamped by the love and passion staring back at her. She didn’t know what he was waiting for, but she wanted to finish this. She wanted him to carry her marks forever, to make that last connection so they would always be together. She wouldn’t be alone anymore.

  “Please, Seth. Mark me. I want to finish this. You are mine and I am yours.” She whispered her plea in the space between their lips.

  Seth groaned, closed his eyes and moved his hips, positioning his cock at her opening. With a single, slow slide he entered her until he was balls-deep. They both breathed deeply, absorbing the bliss of their joined bodies. He bent down to capture her lips in a searing kiss as he moved within her body. He moved with unhurried strokes, slowly sliding in and out of her channel. She felt another release building slowly. This one would be special—tears were already threatening to spill from her eyes. The look of reverent devotion in his eyes, the sensual promise of his kiss, the slow way he mastered her body, were all pushing her toward a pinnacle she hadn’t experienced before.

  “Oh Em. What were those words you said to me in the woods? They were special, right?”

  “I will mate you, claim you as my own, share myself with you forever from this night forward.” She could feel the magic build with each word.

  She felt him slide into her mind. Emily Prescott, I will mate you, claim you as my own, share myself with you forever from this night forward. I love you more than life itself.

  She gasped with the intimacy of those words spoken within her own mind. She could feel him approaching his release. His muscles strained and he increased the pace of his strokes. Her body answered. The walls of her vagina clenched around his member, her nipples rubbed against his chest and her clit throbbed with each slide of his body. She pulled him once more into a sweet kiss of promise before answering. “Seth, I claim you, take your promise and share myself with you forever from this night until eternity.”

  Seth hugged her tightly before burying his face in the crook of her neck. “Mark me, Em. Prove to the world that I’m yours.”

  With a sigh she felt the release peaking, flowing through her body. She allowed her wolf to come forward in her mind enough to extend her canines. She licked the side of his neck at the same moment as he kissed hers. The sensations pushed her over the edge. Her last conscious action was to sink her teeth into his neck. The slide of his teeth into her shoulder pushed her orgasm higher. The pain slid quickly into a new sensation of ecstasy. Seth flowed into every corner of her mind. His presence was like coming home, safe and comforting.

  When she could think again she noticed that she was still licking the wound she’d created on his neck. She felt a thrill of possessiveness when she saw the perfect imprint of her teeth in his creamy skin. Forever she would have a matching mark on her shoulder. Everyone would know she belonged to Seth, and everyone would know he was hers.

  The tickling in her mind was new and she grinned at him when he chuckled in her head. His whispered words wound through her mind and brought tears of joy to her eyes. Yes, you are mine and I am yours, always and forever.

  “Always and forever,” she promised him.

  They snuggled together and marveled at the rhythm of their bodies as they breathed together, hearts beating in time. Emily was so glad she had taken the time to find her mate, her Alpha, hidden deep inside a geeky male. Fate sometimes knew exactly what she was doing when throwing two seeming opposites together.

  About Lea Barrymire

  Between the frenzied hours of morning and bedtime I work from home and keep my three feral children from setting the house on fire. My husband can usually be found pushing them back into the fray as I referee our day to day lives. My life is fueled by mocha lattes, chocolate, reading and snuggling with my husband.

  After the sun goes down I write hot and sexy romances set in other worlds or other times. Aliens, vampires and werewolves, oh my. My characters tend to write the books for me while I sit back and laugh or cry as their stories pour from my fingers. Sometimes the females conquer the day and sometimes they bend their will to a dominant male. In the end it doesn’t matter because the characters always find love.

  Lea welcomes comments from readers. You can find her website a
nd email addresses on her author bio page at

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  Also by Lea Barrymire

  Valentine Master

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing

  Alpha in Hiding

  ISBN 9781419941115


  Alpha in Hiding Copyright © 2012 Lea Barrymire

  Edited by Rebecca Hill

  Cover design by Syneca


  Electronic book publication August 2012

  The terms Romantica® and Quickies® are registered trademarks of Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

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  This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.


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