Coming Back

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Coming Back Page 20

by Lauren Dane

  “Sometimes my dreams tell me things my conscious mind doesn’t hear. It’s fine, I’m not going to get woo-woo on you or anything. I just wanted to tell you in case it meant anything. Also because they were awesome purple gloves. Like the color of the outside of a ripe fig.”

  “Hmm, nothing springs to mind. I wasn’t worried about woo-woo. You don’t strike me as flighty. Just whimsical. And also the sort of person whose dreams would tell her things her conscious mind didn’t hear very well.”

  Mick let go of Jessi and pulled PJ into a hug, whispering something into her ear before stepping back.

  PJ smiled his way and then over to Jessi.

  “God, all this love shit is making me tired.” Duane heaved himself over to one of the chairs and flopped into it with a sigh that sounded more satisfied than tired.

  Duane was one big softie, and it made him happy to be in his house with his friends.

  Mick picked her up, sat, and brought her down into his lap. Adam pulled his chair closer to theirs, stretching his long legs out as he grabbed Jessi’s, pulling them to rest on the arm of his seat, leaving his hand around her ankle.

  Safe. Happy. Protected.

  Adam slowly circled her ankle bone with the pad of his thumb, sending wave after wave of sensation over her skin.


  They petted her in their own way, she supposed. Mick arranged her so she leaned against his chest and side, his arm holding her upright without any real effort.

  Damn, that was hot.

  He was so fucking strong. And big. And ferocious.

  Most of her life she’d been protected and adored by Mick. In so many ways that had never changed, only gone dormant until they’d seen one another again the month before.

  But it was different. This was some sort of cell-deep connection. As if he were a big cat and he’d claimed her because to him she was the smartest and best and most beautiful in all the world.

  Some primal thing seeped through her. A pride that she was his and Adam’s. A pride that Adam couldn’t keep his hands off her. Confidence in her appeal to men such as hers.

  It was the sexiest, most romantic and exhilarating thing she’d ever experienced.

  “Did Jessi tell you about the Weekend piece that had one of her costumes in the photographs accompanying it?” Mick asked.

  “I’m sorry. He tells everyone about that.” Jessi covered her face with her hands.

  “Sorry? You should be sorry you never said anything before now,” Carmella said. “Tell us about it.”

  Jessi described the general tone of the article that had been in the local arts magazine. Adam pulled his phone out and pulled up a copy of the photograph, and they all passed it around.

  “You made that? From a pattern or…? I mean, wow.” Carmella smiled so broadly it filled Jessi with happiness just to see it.

  “You sew?” Jessi asked her.

  “Not at this level, no. But I’ve made a lot of my own clothes and linens since I was a kid. I’d love to see your work in person.”

  Jessi turned to face Carmella and lean toward her. “Really?” Oh, that was delightful.

  “Yes, really.”

  “I don’t have any costumes in the shop right now that are finished, but I’m working on two for Halloween. One’s nearly done and the other is about halfway there. I’ve actually brought some of the hand sewing with me.”

  “You promised.” Adam’s voice was teasing but underneath was truth. He was going to make her pay for bringing work when they both agreed to leave theirs behind for the two nights they were up at Duane’s place.

  “I know. I haven’t even taken it out. I just brought it in case I had any extra time. Halloween is next week. Wait. That was a crappy apology. I’m sorry. I did promise and I broke that promise.”

  “Damn, how can you ever be mad at that?” Duane asked.

  “It’s nearly impossible. Even when she brings work and thinks I didn’t see her work tucked into her bag before we leave the house.” Adam winked at her and Mick laughed.

  “Okay. I was going to ask to see it, but I can wait until next week.” Carmella’s expression was one of someone who loved something. Which only endeared her to Jessi more.

  “I’ll be there pretty much all day every day until next Saturday. I had an assistant, but she moved to New Mexico to help take care of her granddaughter, so it’s crunch time. Luckily, my mom is pitching in to help, as is my sister. They’re both the ones who taught me to sew.”

  “If you have a need here and there for an extra hand, let me know,” Carmella told her. “I’m happy to help. I mean it. I love to sew. I mean, you can see some of my work before I started anything of yours, obviously.”

  Asa held up some cigars. “Anyone up for a smoke?”

  Adam grabbed the bottle of Balvenie from the nearby table and his glass. “I’d love one.”

  “There’s a hot tub here,” PJ said to Carmella and Jessi as the men passed around cigars. “I vote we pass on cigars and have a soak and talk about boys.”

  Jessi didn’t really mind cigars, but a soak in the hot tub with the forest all around, surrounded by her friends, new and old, sounded like something she would far rather do.

  They all headed inside to change.



  Adam came out to the small waiting room at his offices. Asa was there with two cups of coffee.

  “Sorry to give such short notice. I appreciate you fitting me in,” Asa said, shaking Adam’s hand.

  Asa had called him about half an hour before asking if Adam had time for a cup of coffee and a chat.

  Adam was interested to know what brought his new friend over in the middle of a workday. “No problem at all. Come on back to my office.”

  His three-person firm took up half the second floor of a building in Eastlake, and Adam’s office overlooked Lake Union in the distance.

  “Some view.” Asa sat, his body language easy enough that Adam let go of any worry there was something negative between them.

  “I watch the float planes land and take off. Makes up for how old the building is and the lack of an elevator.”

  Adam put some sugar from the packs Asa had brought with him into the coffee before settling back. “Not that I mind a coffee break, but I get the feeling this is more than just a just-passing-by-let’s-have-coffee situation. What’s up?”

  “I did need to come down here for something. I had to renew my tabs. But I did come by with something specific to tell you. We had a visit at the shop earlier. Mick’s father showed up.”

  Adam sat forward. “Why?”

  “Mick wasn’t there when he came by. He was up in Lynwood grabbing a part. John Senior came at Duke pretty hard. Which was a pretty big mistake. Duke’s all right on and laid-back until he’s pushed too far. Then he’s a fucking machine.”

  Adam bet. He’d seen Duke fight, and all his laid-back demeanor melted away. Underneath it he was a beast.

  “What’s his beef? I mean which one specifically. The man has many opinions, and none he’s shy about sharing. He’s professionally disgruntled.”

  Asa grinned and snickered. “Perfect definition. He’s all up in arms over Mick’s soul. Duke told him to mind his own salvation and get the fuck out of the shop. By that point I’d come over and Carmella had the phone in her hand, set to call the cops. I asked her to wait and waded in. Normally I wouldn’t say anything. I figure you know what a festering shitlord Mick’s father is. He’s not worth Mick’s emotion.”

  Adam laughed. “I have to use that one in the future. Shitlord indeed. What made this time different than others where you’d have let it go?”

  “In my opinion—Duke’s too—he’s really focused on Jessi. I’m just concerned and wanted you to know. I’d tell Mick, but to be honest, I’ve been so happy he finally cut his parents from his life I didn’t want any setbacks. They abused him enough, and I don’t want them to do it anymore. But I sure as hell don’t want Jessi in danger. So I’
m here because Mick is my family and you’re his, which makes you mine too. And Jessi. Plus, PJ overheard, and she’s so pissed off she said if I didn’t do something she would.”

  Adam nodded. “She’s scary.”

  Asa tipped his chin. “Oh yes, she is.”

  Until then, Adam had sort of been more of the just cut them off and never speak to them again camp when it came to the Roberts family. After his initial anger had passed, he thought more about Mick and how it would hurt him more to confront his father about something everyone knew he wouldn’t ever apologize for.

  But now he was worried about Jessi. “I appreciate the heads-up. I’m going to ask you to tell Mick, or let me tell Mick. You may not know this, but Jessi had a run-in with Mick’s father four years ago and we only just learned of it, so everything is a little raw right now with not being told stuff.”

  “I didn’t know. Fair enough,” Asa said.

  “How about if I show up at the shop in a few hours and we can all go to lunch? Do you have the time? I know it gets busy around there.” As much as Adam chafed to just fix things on his own, Mick would feel like he was being patronized. Or spoken around. Or worse, he’d feel out of control, and it would lead to bad choices.

  “I’m never too busy for lunch.” Asa stood. “He’s more centered than I’ve ever seen him. Less frenzied. Whatever you’re doing for him is working.”

  Something passed between them. They’d spoken enough that it was pretty obvious both men liked to be on top in the bedroom. It was nice to know that maybe in the future he might have someone to share tips with. Or whatever. It wasn’t like you sprang free from the womb totally good at topping someone. It’d been a learning process, lots of stumbles in between.

  They made plans to meet up at one thirty at a teriyaki place near Twisted Steel, and Adam tried to get back into his work project but failed.

  He didn’t want to just show up at Jessi’s studio. In fact, he didn’t want to bring her into this whole situation until he’d talked with Mick. She’d be pissed they kept her out of it, but until he and Mick talked, Jessi was keeping her pretty little ass out of trouble.

  As much as they could manage anyway. Jessi took orders fantastically when it came to sex. Otherwise, she did what she wanted, when she wanted. And if she felt like Mick’s father was out to hurt Mick, god only knew what she’d do.

  But they couldn’t keep it from her entirely. Just momentarily. As much as he wanted to shield her, they’d made a promise to share and be honest with one another and that’s what he’d do. Otherwise, she’d hold back at some other point and then be able to say it was because of this.

  He took a drive over to the arboretum just to be outside awhile. He needed the fresh air and the time to think. Normally he’d have hunted down Addie or James. They both gave great advice. But Jessi was their daughter. And their allegiance would be to her.

  Jessi and Mick were out for the same reason. This adult relationship business was hard work.

  Four years ago he’d run from that. The responsibility of it seemed too much of a joke after Mick had left. He’d thought himself strong, but he’d been so fucking weak. He buried himself in pussy. Tried all sorts of things he’d never done. Most of them were overrated.

  Being a man worthy of love wasn’t something he understood innately. He certainly didn’t count learning how to block a punch when his old man had too much to snort and decided to slap Adam’s mother around.

  He pulled his phone out and texted Mick that he was coming by for lunch at one thirty and all the details. Mick texted back immediately that he’d be there. Then Adam called Jessi.

  If she was consumed by work, she’d have her phone off. But she picked up on the second ring.

  “I was just thinking about you,” she answered.

  “Was it extra dirty?”

  “As a matter of fact, yes. Want to come over and make my fantasy a reality?”

  “Oh, that’s a very fine offer.” Fuck, if it weren’t for his lunch and then an afternoon visit out to a building site he’d already be at her door. “Sadly, I have to decline. Or rather, postpone until this evening. I just had some time and I wanted to hear your voice.”

  “Well if I can’t have you fucking me from behind I suppose a lovely piece of flattery will do in a pinch. Is everything okay?”

  “What makes you ask?”

  “You’re not as smooth as usual. You’re normally caramel and expensive Scotch, but right now you’re more like juice and cookies.”

  “Like a kid?” He laughed.

  “Not in that way. Like, I don’t know, what they give you after you donate blood. You know what I mean? Also you’re engaging with me in one of my so-called Jessi conversations and haven’t made a single syllable of sexual innuendo. Not. Normal.”

  “I opened the conversation with sexual innuendo!”

  “Not since we entered into this topic. Now, you’re avoiding answering me. Which only means I’m right. I know it and you know I know you know. So there.”

  Only Jessi could make a bunch of words like that actually make sense. “I’m fine. Just busy and distracted and sad I can’t come over and fuck you from behind as you so colorfully described.”

  She harrumphed, not believing him. But he was going to tell her that night anyway, so he didn’t try to push it any further.

  “I’ll probably be home around nine or so,” she said. “I think I can finish tonight, which means my workload is manageable tomorrow and I won’t have to be up at four or spend the night here.”

  “I’ll expect you at nine then. Text me when you leave work so we know when to look for you,” Adam said.

  She sighed this time. “I went to and fro every day for years, you know. I’m not that flighty.”

  She was absolutely fucking flighty. But she wasn’t a bad driver because of it. She loved to pull over to look at a lot of stuff, though, so he and Mick often did the driving instead. Especially if they had a schedule to keep.

  “I love you. I’ll see you tonight and expect that text when you leave work.”

  “I love you too. And I will.”

  Mick headed over to the teriyaki place with Asa and Duke. Adam waited there already and Mick didn’t think twice before giving him a hug and a kiss before grabbing the chair next to him.

  “Hey. You look handsome.”

  Adam cupped the back of Mick’s neck briefly. Enough to establish that connection but not so much that anyone else would have noticed. Mick’s cock sure did.

  Adam knew it too. “Thanks. I had a client meeting first thing and I’m going out to a job site after this, so I’m the boss today.”

  Mick leaned close, pretending to examine the menu over Adam’s arm. “You’re the boss every day,” he murmured.

  Adam’s mouth hitched up, but he kept reading the menu.

  Being a small place, the food was up, piping hot and fresh, in about ten minutes. That it was also really good and served in huge portions made it a favorite lunch spot for Twisted Steel employees.

  “Your dad came by the shop earlier today,” Asa said as the food arrived a few minutes later.

  Mick, who’d been busily demolishing his gyoza, stuttered to a halt in a nearly cartoonish fashion. “The fuck he did.”

  “That was pretty much my reaction upon seeing him demanding that Carmella find you. As if we’d been hiding you,” Duke said.

  “Why is this only being told to me now? Is that why you’re here?” He turned to Adam.

  “I’m here because I wanted to have lunch with you and our friends. But also, yes, because of your father’s visit.”

  Dread settled into his gut as he pushed his plate away. “Tell me all of it.”

  As Duke and Asa did, it just made him tired. And concerned. “So essentially he’s saying that Jessilyn made me gay? That’s the fucking logical place he’s coming from? That a five-year-old Jessi pulled me into her life to send my soul to hell?”

  Mick blew out a breath. So much for finding a way to put
all this stuff behind him as Jessi had been begging him to.

  “Okay, so what do you all think?” Mick asked Adam. “I’m so close to this. I just want to flip tables and burn shit down.”

  “Normally, I’d shine it on and wouldn’t have even mentioned it except that he seemed so focused on Jess. As Asa pointed out to me, your father is a festering shitlord. So it’s not like we should be surprised he’s being one when he can’t push you into breaking things off with us. He’s a bunch of words and hate.” Adam shrugged. “I’m usually of a mind to keep that shit as far away from my life as I can. And it’s not like you’re going to ever change his mind.”

  “Guys like him, they’re all bluster. Ignore it and he’ll find another thing to do,” Duke advised. “He feeds off the attention and the drama. Don’t give it to him. Keep an eye out for Jessi, obviously. But instead of rushing into some sort of confrontation over this—like he wants—think about it. Be smart, Mick. This guy is an emotional vampire. You want to keep feeding him by letting him control your emotions some more?”

  Duke was really smart about people and he gave excellent advice. But Mick chafed at not popping his father one in the nose for talking shit about Jessi.

  “I can see you fisting your hands over there,” Asa said. “Much as I’m normally in the punch-him-in-the-face camp, I think Duke has a point, as does Adam. Fuck this clown. He’s been a piece of shit to you your whole life. Even before you came out. He’s never going to be satisfied with you. The only thing he wants is to torture you more. For kicks.”

  “If he gets anywhere near Jessi we change tacks,” Adam said. “But he’s striking out because you’re not coming when he beckons you these days. If you go to him and call him out over the bullshit he pulled four years ago he’s only going to blame her more. And know his little ploy to manipulate you has worked.”

  Duke stole one of Mick’s dumplings. “I told him if he came back to Twisted Steel I’d beat his ass and then call the cops.”

  Mick knew how scary Duke could be when he got pushed too far.

  “Okay. But… are we going to tell Jessi?”


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