Coming Back

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Coming Back Page 28

by Lauren Dane

  “These people have done nothing but care for me. You don’t have to like my life. You don’t have to like who I am. But this is not okay. You having your church buddies stalking Jessi, using those pictures to try to break us up, none of that is okay. You’re terrorizing a woman, my woman. There’s nothing loving about that. They are my family. You’re just a guy who contributed DNA and a whole lot of junk I’ll have to get over.”

  His father grabbed his upper arms, and inside the house, Mick heard Adam telling Jessi to get away from the door.

  “She’s a whore. Michael, that girl is the source of all your problems. These people, these pick-and-choose Christians, they’re the problem. They encourage your sin. Can’t you see that? Even pictures of her engaged in an affair with another man isn’t enough for you?”

  “That’s her foster brother. She was hugging him on a public sidewalk in broad daylight. Do you even hear yourself? Why are you here?” Mick yelled it this time, shoving himself free, balling his fists, but keeping them at his sides for the time being. “We aren’t close. You don’t even like me, for god’s sake.”

  “Don’t compound your troubles with blasphemy. I’m your father, the leader of our family. These people have tried to steal you away and it’s high time I stopped them.”

  High time. “Oh like that time you broke into Jessi’s apartment, shoved her against a wall and screamed in her face that she was trying to seduce you after you tore her shirt?”

  “Is that what she told you?”

  “Is that what happened?” Mick challenged, knowing Jessi hadn’t lied.

  “I will protect my family from those who mean it harm.”

  “So the answer is yes. You did that. Does Mom know?”

  “I do my best to shield your mother from the depravity you’ve wallowed in.”

  That’s what he’d figured. Though, to be honest, Mick was fairly sure his mother would be just fine with it.

  “Here’s the situation as it now stands,” Mick told his father. “These people as you call them, they’re my family. They have been for years and you barely noticed. The only time you really seem to get worked up is when I’m happy and living my life without being the subject of your exhortations on sin. What does that say about you?”

  “I make the hard choices. Sin is easy. That’s why everyone does it. You aren’t some sort of tattooed freak who loves men! You’re a good, Christian boy and you come from a good home. Act like you have some self-control. Give yourself over to a better life. Find a real woman to settle down with, marry her. Have grandchildren. This”—Mick’s father indicated the Franklin house—“isn’t who you are.”

  Mick blew out a breath. “This isn’t who I am? How do you talk about what I am and aren’t? You barely know me.”

  “I’m your father. I know you plenty because I raised you. You made mistakes, and it’s my job as your father to set you right.”

  “Like those times you whipped the backs of my legs until I got welts and then had to kneel and pray for hours? Or when you made me sit in another room to eat because you didn’t want me to infect the rest with my sinful ways? Like that, right? Because been there done that, had the T-shirt. I have no desire to go back.”

  “Spare the rod, spoil the child,” John intoned.

  “The rod is what the shepherd uses to guide the sheep, not shame and harm the sheep.” Mick stopped himself before getting drawn into this dead-end argument with this man. “Who I am is a bisexual man in a committed relationship with his best friends. I’m not interested in having any relationship with a person who stalks my girlfriend and puts his hands on her. Even if you were drunk or whatever your excuse is for shoving a woman a foot shorter than you.” He shrugged. Normally that would call for a punch in the nose. But this was his father, and people Mick cared about were feet away, watching.

  That’s what kept him from landing a fist in his father’s face.

  “This isn’t what you were meant for. This isn’t what you were raised to do. You can make your own choices, boy. It’s your soul, you’re the only one who can keep from throwing it away.”

  Mick sought his patience, knowing Addie was inside. “I’ve made it clear what I’m doing. I don’t ask you to accept it. Or to like it. I’m saying this is who I am and what I’m doing. So stop harassing these kind people. I don’t want this with you. Not anymore. It’s not healthy. It’s not love.”

  “It is love, damn you!” His father grabbed his arm once more and this time, the front door opened and Jessi burst out to the porch.

  “Take your hands off him or I’m calling the cops,” Jessi called out, tears in her voice.

  Adam spoke softly to her, urging her back inside. But Jessi wasn’t going to be moved and Mick knew that as well as Adam did.

  “You can’t have his soul!”

  Jessi, who hadn’t gone inside, replied. “I don’t want his soul. Are you so blinded by your fear and hatred that you can’t truly see your son? Look at him. How can you not see his light? The capacity for love and compassion within him is limitless. I feel sorry for you, Mr. Roberts, that you can’t see Mick for the truly amazing person he is. I have his heart. His soul is his business.”

  It was the kindness in her response, even when his father had been so awful to her, that enabled Mick to pull back from the precipice of rage he’d been teetering on.

  She’d bolstered him. Defended him. Reminded him, and she hadn’t done it by tearing anyone down.

  And in doing so, she’d underlined the now over the then. His present and his future were this. Love and compassion. His past—the Mick he was—had to be let go of.

  “Go home. Be a better father and husband to the family you still have and leave me be.” Mick turned his back and walked up to the path, where Jessi waited with Adam.

  James moved past them, heading straight to Mick’s father.

  Everyone froze, waiting to see what would happen. James leaned close and spoke too quietly to be overheard.

  His father’s spine stiffened. He stepped back, but the expression on his face was one of anger and shame all at once. Then he turned and walked to his car without another word, and drove away.


  Six months later

  Adam held his glass up to toast their friends’ announcement. “To Asa and PJ.” The room they took up near to bursting at a favorite local restaurant was lit with pretty candles he was sure Jessi had a part in.

  The room was her doing along with Carmella, who’d helped Asa with this engagement dinner.

  Mick leaned his head on Adam’s shoulder a moment as he looked on at the newly engaged couple with a smile.

  PJ, standing hand in hand with Asa at the head of a very long table, took a drink of her champagne. “What a bunch of mugs in this room, eh? Thank goodness for every last gorgeous, inked-up, pierced, and muscled inch of you.”

  Asa put an arm around her waist. “My family. Our family.”

  “Now let’s eat. I’m starving,” PJ said with a laugh as she sat, picked up her fork, and dug in.

  “When’s the wedding?” Duke called out.

  “Penelope Jean tells me she’s up for Valentine’s Day. I didn’t say I thought this was too schmoopy.” Asa’s mouth did a thing, as if he tested the word out and Adam couldn’t help but laugh. “But I aim to marry her on whatever day she chooses.”

  “I said I knew some people would say it was dumb. Or whatever. But I don’t care. I love Valentine’s Day, and I want to have my anniversary be February fourteenth,” PJ said.

  “My position on what other people think of me is, fuck what other people think.” Asa had voiced Adam’s position exactly.

  “Hear, fucking hear.” Duke rapped his knuckles on the tabletop. “If our PJ wants it, that’s what matters.”

  Carmella nodded.

  Jessi spoke in between bites. “Well, I think it’s romantic and wonderful. So there.”

  “It’s a good thing I know someone who can make my wedding dress. Someone I trust to
create exactly what I want that will be beautiful and totally me.” PJ looked over to Jessi.

  “I’d absolutely love to make your wedding dress!” Jessi grinned so hard everyone else had to join in.

  “I’d want you to work in that purple. From your dream, remember?” PJ asked.

  “Oh! I have several ideas about that. We can talk about it whenever you’re ready.”

  Four hours later, Adam collapsed to their bed with a happy groan. “Nice to see ours happy, isn’t it?”

  Jessi snuggled into his body, his chin settling on the top of her head.

  “It’s very nice.” Mick hopped in after bending to grab Dottie so she could settle with them too.

  “Oh, it’s the princess,” Adam crooned as he let the dog lie on his belly so everyone could love on her.

  “I love how you say that like it’s everyone else who spoils her instead of you.” Jessi rubbed Dottie’s belly.

  “Instead of makes it seem like I’m the only one. In addition to, I say, is more accurate.”

  “You love to spoil all your women, I think, is probably the closest to the truth.” Mick kissed Adam and then Jessi before he paused to snuggle Dottie too. “And your men.”

  “I have to do my best to keep you all pleased and satisfied. A big job, but someone has to do it, and thank heaven it’s me.” After a few moments of contented silence, Adam gave up the words he’d been working on for months.

  “After you left there was a storm. Inside me. Churning. I never knew how I’d feel. And even when I did manage to have a good day, it could change at any moment. You know enough about my father to understand I come by this power and trouble harnessing it from him. A blessing and a curse, I guess. Back then I had no control.

  “Oh, I thought I did, of course. I thought if I learned how to wield a crop or a flogger I had control. But that window dressing was a lie. It took pretty much the entire time—years—that we were apart until I found useful ways of keeping my shit together. I had to relearn myself. I had to find a way to respect my choices. Which led me back to both of you. I had to let it go, let myself wallow. Give up all pretenses that I had control. So I could earn it. Day by day.”

  Jessi shifted, resting her chin to look up into his features.

  “I needed to be worthy of this. To know if someone came to try to take it from me I could fend them off and protect what was mine. Because I deserved it.”

  Mick kissed his forehead, which got Dottie all excited as she hopped over Jessi’s head to get to Adam.

  “Here we all are. Improved but not perfect. Holding fast to one another to be the best we can possibly be. And that’s why I trust it. That’s why it’s special. That’s why I love you both more than I ever thought possible to love anyone and not die from it. This is our house. This is our bed and our stunningly gorgeous Jessi with our supermodel dog. This is where we’re supposed to be,” Mick said.

  Dottie barked, her butt ping-ponging from side to side as she wagged her stumpy little tail.

  “He included you. Don’t be silly.” Jessi kissed Dottie’s head and the dog wriggled to lick Jessi.

  This was silly and wonderful and more than he’d ever imagined having in his life. This was worth everything and more.

  “I love you,” Adam told Jessi and then Mick, petting Dottie to let her know she was included.

  “Well, good. Because it wasn’t as if I was moving out or anything. I like it here.” Jessi shifted, backing into Adam’s body.

  “I love you too. Now, who’s going to bring me a candy bar?”

  Also by Lauren Dane

  Opening Up

  Falling Under

  High Praise for Lauren Dane

  “Lauren Dane writes with an emotional depth and authenticity that always leaves me breathless. Simply put, I love her books!”

  —New York Times bestselling author Lara Adrian

  “Lauren Dane is a highly talented writer who delivers emotionally charged, deeply sensual tales that are sexy, fun, and intimate.”

  —Night Owl Reviews

  “Lauren Dane books have become a staple in my reading library. Her stories are character driven, emotional, and always a lot of fun to immerse yourself in for a few hours.”

  —Romance Junkies


  “For erotica fans who flock to books featuring cars, motorcycles, tattoos, and piercings: Welcome to Nirvana! Grab a fan and a tall, cold drink. You’re going to need both to make it through this scorching-hot read!”

  —RT Book Reviews, Top Pick

  “The sexual chemistry that arcs between these two is intense and breathtaking… It’s refreshingly real. Lauren Dane writes red-hot love scenes, and Asa and PJ set the sheets ablaze.”

  —USA Today Happily Ever After blog

  “I found Asa and PJ’s story to be beautiful. They had a sweetness together that I loved, and their chemistry was fantastic… if a reader is seeking a grown-up romance with deeply likable characters and incendiary love scenes, Opening Up fits the bill perfectly.”

  —Dear Author, Recommended Read


  “Lauren Dane delivers another winner. Falling Under is an emotional, erotic, and angsty read. I’m not just invested—I’m addicted to this series and can’t wait for book three.”

  —USA Today Happily Ever After blog

  “Talk about the bad boy next door! Duke is both everything you’ve been warned to watch out for, and everything you could possibly crave.”

  —Under the Covers Book Blog

  “Quick, witty, and very clever dialogue had me laughing out loud. Ms. Dane knows her characters inside out and stays true to them throughout the story. All of this combines into a very fun, hot-as-hell page-turner that I couldn’t put down.”

  —A Little Bit Tart, A Little Bit Sweet

  Asa Barrons, co-owner of the Twisted Steel custom motorcycle and hot rod shop, never allows his after-hours affairs to interfere with business—until he meets racing royalty PJ Colman. Under Asa’s expert touch, PJ is initiated into a world of wicked desire. But as perfect as their passion seems, a new challenge awaits, forcing them to ask just how far they are willing to go…

  Please see the next page for an excerpt from




  I don’t even know who that is, but I’d like to take several large bites.” PJ took in the ridiculously badass alpha male across the room from where she and her sister had just been handed drinks at the bar.

  “Who?” Julie asked as she paid and they moved to the side. “Point him out. In a non-attention-seeking way!” she added, like PJ was a beast.

  PJ blinked a few times before she spoke. “You’re a terrible human being.”

  “I get it from Dad.”

  PJ tilted her head to indicate the guy whose sheer charisma she felt from across the room. A brunette with a body straight out of a pinup calendar stared up into his face as she stroked a hand up and down his arm.

  “She’s all right in a totally voluptuous, drop-dead-sex-bomb way. I mean, for those who like that sort of thing.” Julie’s dry delivery made PJ smile.

  “Let’s saunter by that fantastic Camaro over there so I can get a closer look.” PJ started off.

  “At the guy or the car?”

  “Two birds. One stone,” PJ called lightly over her shoulder.

  “Will this end up in some sort of terrible misunderstanding that will embarrass me for years to come? Or, better yet, am I going to have to explain what happened to the police?”

  “That only happened once.”

  Julie’s brow rose very slowly. Julie was the elegant one. The one who played the piano perfectly. She’d gone to the schools their parents had told her to. Wore tasteful, perfectly tailored clothes. Now had a corner office at their family’s tire company and was set to lead it into the future with their other siblings.

  Whereas Penelope Jean Colman had been a “terrible disappointment” because she just neve
r fit anywhere her parents tried to put her. And maybe because she’d gotten her big sister into some trouble once or twice.

  “Okay, three times. But I had good reasons for two of them.”

  “The other was you being innocent?”

  “Heck no. Which isn’t to say how pleased it makes me that I got away with it.”

  “He’s standing with Duke Bradshaw. The dark-haired one.”

  Julie did a very nice job of looking natural as she shifted to stand next to PJ, giving her an unobstructed view.

  “Duke owns Twisted Steel with someone else. Maybe that’s him,” Julie said.

  There really was no other word for the man but dominant. Easily six foot three, he stood, feet apart, a beer in one hand as he spoke to Duke. This was a man you could dress in a tux, and while he’d look fantastic, you’d know he could punch you in the face without losing a cufflink.

  She wasn’t entirely sure why that made him so hot, it just did. There was a sort of barely restrained… something about him that made her take notice.

  Dark hair, shaved close at the sides, longer on the top. He had it pulled back from his face, exposing masculine features.

  “You have that goofy look.” Julie poked her in the side.

  “Ow! What?” PJ asked without tearing her gaze from him.

  “You get it at the sight of tacos, too.”

  PJ nearly choked on her drink. Thank goodness he hadn’t noticed her almost dying.

  Once she could breathe again, PJ glared at her sister through still-watering eyes. “You’re on a roll tonight. Did you take allergy medication before you started drinking?”

  Her normally serene sister had a twinkle in her eye. “Someone has to keep me entertained at these things. You seem to like them. I, on the other hand, would rather be home catching up on my Housewives.”


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