Tales of the Quiet Kitty 1: Under the Cat’s Paw

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Tales of the Quiet Kitty 1: Under the Cat’s Paw Page 5

by Camille Anthony

  Though the initial emotional shock of the separation from their home did enormous damage to the Sprites, as they healed and the planet recovered, they could feel the faint, shielded thoughts of their parent planet.

  Unfortunately, by the time the majority of her sisters had recovered enough to think and reason lucidly, they had been sold into slavery on worlds scattered throughout the three Galaxies controlled by the vast, inimical company run by the most unfeeling, ferocious Beings ever to walk on two legs: the Humans from the destroyed planet, Earth.

  Though scattered and enslaved, Willa knew all her sisters were working toward the same goal as she. Never would they cease searching for each other and their home.

  Stepping back into her quarters she paused, looking down on the slumbering male. He was beautiful. Long, leanly muscled and lengthy where it counted. No one had ever given her a tenth of the pleasure she’d received from his talented hands and mouth. His Tygyr’s tongue, with its rough, abrasive texture, rasped so wondrously against her sensitive flesh, imparting a thrilling mix of pain and pleasure that she found irresistible.

  Sighing, loath to awaken him, yet hungry for his extreme brand of sexual intercourse, she slipped into his arms, felt them wrap around her possessively. Pillowing her head on his muscled forearm, she relaxed against him, snuggling into his solid warmth and furred comfort.

  Patiently waiting for him to regain consciousness, she lightly stroked her hands up and down his hard contours. When the time came to leave him, she would feel sorrow and, she hoped, nothing else. It wouldn’t do to fall in love with a male she could never keep. Their paths ran in different directions. Much as she loved his ability to feed her need for orgasms, he could not be her permanent enjoyment.

  Chapter Seven

  What the farding shellrocks was that?

  Brant choked on his hot bean beverage, spewing the remainder across the flashing section of his control panel. Someone had just jettisoned a null-shielded bio-parcel into Wave-space.

  Heart sinking, he knew the culprit could be none other than Willa for he had known Bevel too long to harbor doubts about his loyalty. She had just proven his suspicions true. She was spying for that Corporation bastard, Avron. His gut clenched and he fought back a roar of pain at the clear evidence of her treachery.

  How could he bring himself to kill her?

  How could he not?

  She endangered his mission and the lives of all his people. She was a threat planted in his very lair…

  She is the most glorious fuck I have ever sunk balls-deep in. Her mind is as funny and bright as a holovid and her laughter lightens my heart. She will never bore me…

  It is her life or our mission. At least I can make it quick and painless for her… No. Wait. She enjoys pain. I need to fuck her again. I haven’t fucked her nearly enough.

  She will get us all killed if I let her live. Her cunt is not worth seeing my sister’s throat cut. Is it?

  Both hands closed into tight fists.

  Damn it!

  Swiping away the moisture trying to cloud his vision, he slung his chair away from the console and rose. Tugging down his tunic, he walked toward the portal separating the ready room from the rest of the bridge, his steps slow and reluctant. Pausing in front of the door, he swayed unsteadily. He’d done many hard, harsh things in his life, but contemplating this…

  Brant shook his head, tears running freely down his face.

  Best get it over with…

  * * *

  “We need to talk, Sexengineer.”

  Willa glanced up from the hydro-flux capacitor console to meet the hooded gaze of the captain. Her welcoming smile slowly dissipating as she noticed the stern cast of his handsome features.

  “Yes, Sir. Give me a moment to stabilize this flow. I’ll be with you in a nanosec…”

  “In my ready room, crew, when you are done. We’ll have our discussion there.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  What the hurdles is going on? Just three hours ago, they had both awakened hungry and sated those hungers with the most intense bout of fucking she had ever been subjected to. Intimate parts of her still twanged and twitched from the heavy pounding his cock had laid down in her tight channels, both fore and aft. She knew he’d finally staggered away a happy Tygyr, purring his contentment loudly enough to vibrate the deck plates. Now, less than an hour later, here he was, confronting her as if she had done something illegal.

  “Captain ssounds sseriouss, little Ssprite…”

  “Shut up, Bevel and give me some tongue,” Willa ordered, tossing her tools back into her carry-all before crossing over to his station. Hopping up on his console, she flipped up her skimpy skirt and spread her legs, parting her nest-fronds and revealing her lilac and fuchsia tinted pussy. “Since the captain has graciously decreed we can do oral on each other whenever he is otherwise occupied, I might as well get a little taste right now before he reams my ass out for whatever wrong he thinks I’ve done.”

  “Naughty little Ssprite! Have you been up to ssomething ssalacious? Sshall I sspank that pretty pusssy for you?”

  A laugh erupted from her. Leaning back and widening her thighs, she shook her head. “No, but I loved that spanking, you brat. If you hadn’t whispered that my master was monitoring you and that you only pretended to be a slaver, I’d have blown that interview by allowing him to see how much I enjoyed the pain. Up ‘til then, I had always led him to believe pain caused me distress. If he’d known how much I reveled in it, he would have gone beyond my normal tolerances more often than he did.”

  Willa cupped the Jenari’s head between her palms, bringing his face up toward hers. She dropped a thankful kiss on his cheek and smoothed her hands down his jaw. “That is my delayed ‘thank you’ for helping me to escape. Oh, and I just jettisoned that locator button when we translated. Thank you for helping me dig that sucker out. I couldn’t reach it by myself.”

  “If the captain noted the emission trail on hiss conssole, that’ss probably what he wantss to talk with you about. He wouldn’t miss ssomething like that, and I haven’t had time to bring him up to date. You two have fucked all the time away.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, time well spent. But you’re wasting our time, now…” She wiggled her open thighs, directing his attention to her area of dripping need.

  “Greedy wench!” Bevel gave his signature laugh as he bent his head and attacked her pussy, digging right in with his tentacled tongue, his long, tensile fingers flexing in her cunt and inching into her tiny rectum.

  Her head fell back and she pushed her hips up, silently begging for more of his tongue. The writhing cilia coating his appendage felt indescribable in her hot, wet sheath, each electrically-charged tentacle individually stroking and brushing her sensitive inner chamber. The alien gave the best “head” she’d ever gotten.

  Hands clenching in the writhing strands of the Jenari’s hair, Willa moaned, belly rippling as she rode his many-fingered tongue, drawing closer to an exploding orgasm.

  “Bevel, get your damned tongue out of my engineer’s cunt!”

  Yanked abruptly from her euphoric state, Willa jerked into an upright position, eyes wide and staring at the outraged figure standing arms akimbo in the open doorway.

  “When I give a command, I expect it to be obeyed, Sprite.” Brant stalked over to his two crewmembers and snatched Willa away from Bevel’s still rooting tongue. “I told you to report to the ready room, and I didn’t mean after you had your hungry little pussy cleaned out by this rapacious Jenari.”

  “I was coming…”

  “Yeah, I saw that,” Brant sneered, calmly removing her shipboard uniform blouse from her, exposing her light purple nipples.

  Willa grinned. “I didn’t mean it that way, Sir. I meant I was coming to the ready room as soon as Bevel finished…”

  Brant nodded and continued, intent on stripping her out of her skirt. “See, my problem with the scenario I walked in on is this: I gave you an order, which you chos
e to disobey. That demands a punishment.”

  Willa’s eyes lit up. Licking her lips, she shimmied, helping him remove the recalcitrant garment. “Punishment?”

  “Oh, yes. But first I want to check something…”

  Brant turned her so her back faced his chest and smoothed one broad palm over her left shoulder. The bump left from the removal of the tracking device tingled as his finger pressed against it.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you had removed a bio-track locator from your skin?”

  She shrugged. “You didn’t ask. I figured Bevel would tell you. Besides, I have been…occupied with other concerns since you came aboard.”

  “I told you I never got the time…” Bevel protested from over at his console, having scrambled out of the way when the captain had released him.

  “Foolish Sprite, I suspected you were a Corporation spy from the first. I noted that unauthorized dump when we translated to Wave-space and I figured you had just proved me right. I ordered you to come to the ready room so I could… deal with the situation.” His hands trembled as they grasped her in a tight hold.

  “Damn it, Willa, you were in here getting your pussy eaten while I sweated poison over the thought of having to kill you. You cannot imagine the utter relief I felt when I stormed in here to hurry your ass up and overheard your conversation with Bevel.”

  “Deal with…?” Her eyes narrowed. “Were you going to kill me, Brant?”

  The bleak look on his face answered her question and her stomach tightened into knots as she beat at his hands, putting distance between them. “You were. After the way we fucked, holding nothing back…you were going to just cold-bloodily snuff out my life…”

  Brant snatched her back into his arms, wrapping them tightly around her, combating her struggles. “No! Well, yes…but not before giving you a chance to explain. I didn’t want to do it, but if your story didn’t convince me, I would have had no other choice. More lives than ours depend on keeping this ship out of the hands of the Corporation. No matter how I feel about you, Willa, I would have had to do what is best for my people.”

  Quickly worn out from trying to fight her way out of his grasp, Willa leaned her head into the firm wall of his chest and let her tears flow. “I hate the Corporation. I was their slave, not their spy. I realized Lord Avron wanted me placed here for his own nefarious connivance and I had his ‘eyes’ cut out of my flesh at the first opportunity.”

  “I know that, now, little Sprite.” Brant soothed her, cradling her against him.

  Setting her away from him so he could meet her eyes, he smiled, showing his sharp incisors. “You don’t know how happy the knowledge of your hatred of them makes me. There is nothing hindering me from being able to keep you at my side. Will you stay here with us aboard the Quiet Kitty, help us bring down the Corporation?”

  Willa pulled further away, smile fading. What he suggested was all fine and dandy, but she still had other plans that didn’t necessarily star the Corporation as the main feature at this time. Oh, she fully hoped Sparkle would be able to assist in the takedown of that haughty corporate shark, but for right now, her focus needed to be on finding her sisters and reviving her world.

  “I cannot promise to stay with you. There is something I must do, other things I need to tell you…”

  “Tell me later,” Brant said, quickly positioning his cock at the entrance to her small, hot silky-wet sex. “Right now, I need to hold you, to fuck you until it really sinks in that I don’t have to separate my duty from my enjoyment of your delectable charms.”

  Mewling, she felt the tight stretch of her intimate muscles as he surged without warning or preamble into the clenching depths of her liquid channel.

  “Bevel, get over here and celebrate with us…slide that tongue into Willa’s little pucker, will you?”

  She heard him issue the invitation with a nasty thrill of lust. The thought of the electric tingles given off by the Jenari’s tongue sparking in her ass made her tighten on Brant’s shuttling cock, her mouth opening in an ‘O’ of pleasured delight.

  “Oh, please, bite my nipples, Brant. Bite my nipples hard!”

  Roaring with greed, the Sh’Bahkyr obeyed, scoring the plump mounds of her breasts before sinking his fangs into her straining flesh, worrying at the taut tips as his pounding hips slammed his cock deep in her welcoming cunt.

  Completely filled in both ends, stuffed with cock and tongue and teeth, Willa threw back her head and screamed her joy to the ceiling.

  Willa smiled…

  She could see being the Sexengineer to the Quiet Kitty Waveship and crew was going to require working long hours at an intensely challenging job, but hey, somebody had to do it…

  Stay Tuned for a preview of the next episode of…

  Tales of the Quiet Kitty: Secret Sprites

  Two Months Later

  Her sexual appetite never ceased to amaze him.

  Brant leaned against the Bridge command console; his freed cock buried in the depths of his Sprite’s hot little mouth. Hands clenched in the light feathery mass growing out her skull, he directed her motions, feeding her more and more of his tumescent shaft.

  “Yes, Willa, like that…suck me deep, darling.”

  He, Bevel and Willa were indulging in play while the ship ran on autopilot, standing out two days from Wistarlandia-2, a planet in the Sauris Galaxy. The colonists of Wistarlandia-2 had to import cane sugar since their soil would not support the growing of the alien delicacy.

  The Corporation charged enormously for the service, so the Quiet Kitty smuggled in cargoes of sugar for half the price, and made a tidy profit. They made twice as much profit from the krasn fruit they took in payment and sold to the Landresid of Plador, a people who loved and craved the exotic fruit so much it was almost worth its weight in old earth gold. Since Earth was no more, the value of gold just kept going up.

  Last ship-month, rumor had come to their ears of a Sprite held captive on one of the inner worlds of Nashiri, only a few light years away from Wistarlandia-2. They would detour there to see it the rumors were true. If they were, the Quiet Kitty would pull away with one more crew than it had arrived with…

  Groaning in rising ecstasy, Brant glanced down to where the Jenari’s tongue plunged in and out of Willa’s glistening cunt, his balls tightening at the sexy sight. “Lick her pussy, Bevel. Ream that little channel out. Now, lap her clit, but don’t allow her to come.”

  Willa moaned in protest, her small lips vibrating against his shuttling flesh and he grinned, slowly sliding his length out of her mouth and signaling Bevel to stop his actions, also. At his feet, Willa knelt, her mouth still open, looking like a baby bird, begging for food.

  “I heard that protest, you naughty Sprite. Go and get my belt and come right back. If you dawdle, we won’t fuck you again until the krasn fruit is loaded.”

  Her eyes widened in true fear at his threat and she leaped up, her iridescent violet, maroon and fuchsia wings fluttering as she flitted out the open door and zipped down the corridor, her tiny feet dangling three feet from the ground.

  Brant laughed. She should know by now he would never set out to starve his little bedmate. She had finally gained enough trust to open up to both of them, revealing the nutritional needs of her peculiar genetic make-up. She had told them Sprites required the ingestion of life-carrying sperm and the psychic absorption of the emanations given off during orgasm to flourish.

  Since learning that, he and Bevel had kept her well fed with orgasms and sperm, both of them feeling as excited as Willa did over the rapid re-growth of her body feathers. The first time her wings had unfurled, they had held a two-day fuck-fest, trying out all the positions she could hold, utilizing all the ways they could make love to her while she hovered in flight.

  Now, he tracked her fast retreat down the corridor, watching her tail feathers flutter in her wake, revealing the well-turned globes of her trim ass. Biting his lip to hold back an indulgent chuckle, Brant crossed his arms and exchang
ed a meaningful glance with Bevel-leveB before turning and visually following his lover’s progress.

  Brant fisted his cock, running his thumb over the seeping head while he thought of how he would reap the benefits of her satisfaction. By the time they finished taking turns spanking and whipping her, making sure she had a few strong orgasms, she’d be ready to slurp on leveB until it ejaculated. Then Brant would take her, slide the stiff, hard length of his cock into her tiny ass, and give her the rough, turbulent fucking they both needed.

  The Captain smiled.

  She did so love her punishments and a captain’s duty was to see to the happiness of his crew…

  Tales of the Quiet Kitty 1: Under the Cat’s Paw is dedicated to Joyce, my sister, to honor her steady commitment to give me the time to exercise my artistic muse.

  Camille Anthony

  A California native, Camille now lives in the beautifully wild Low Country of South Carolina. A fertile imagination and a love of Romance fuels her writing, which she has been doing since grade school. Her favorite stories are those of strong, honorable people -- whatever the race, or planet of origin -- who are driven by love and lust to find and hold that one special someone.

  Camille likes her heroines feisty, her heroes dominant and her passion red hot!

  She loves to hear from her readers. You can email her at [email protected]. Your comments and suggestions are appreciated.




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