Soviet Union
and the atomic bomb
invasion of Manchuria
propaganda against
Space Cadet
space cadet idea
space flight, RAH’s early interest in
“Space Jockey,”
“A Spaceship Navy” (article)
space stations
Spaceways fanzine
Spanish-American War
Spanish Civil War
Spanish influenza epidemic
Speer, Albert
Spence, Herbert
spooning (at the Naval Academy)
SRBP (Short Range Battle Practice)
Stanton, L. Jerome
Stapledon, Olaf
Last and First Men
Odd John
Starship Troopers
Startling Stories
Stassen, Harold
Steele, Isobel
Steinbeck, John, The Grapes of Wrath
Sterne, Laurence, Tristam Shandy
Stevenson, Ian, Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation
Steward, Ron
Stewart, Captain
Stiles, Art
Stimson, Henry
stock market
crash of 1929
Stone Acres incident
Stover, Leon
Before the Writing Began
Stowe, Harriet Beecher
Stranger in a Strange Land
Street & Smith
acceptance of “Life-Line” story
RAH’s rights problems with
Streit, Clarence, Union Now
student antiwar strike (1935)
Sturgeon, Theodore
submarine operations
“Successful Operation” (also called “Heil!”)
sugar, rationing
suit diving
almost fatal accident while
Super Science Stories
Surigao Strait, Battle of
Swanson, H. N. “Swanny,”
Swanson (unidentified victim of Leslyn’s magic)
Sweetser, Lt. j.g.
Swink, Robert A.
Swope Park, Kansas City train accident in
Sykora, Will
“System in the Sky” (article collaboration with Cal Laning)
Tacoma, Wash.
Tacoma Narrows Bridge
Taine, John, The Time Stream
Take Back Your Government!
“The Tale of the Man Who Was Too Lazy to Fail,”
The Tales of Hoffmann
Tarrant, Katie
Tatnall, Frank
Tat tvam asi (Thou art That)
Teague, Elwood “Woody,”
Teal, Quintus
Teapot Dome scandal
technological change
dominant issue of the future
social effects of
technology of language
teleology and pattern-making
Tennessee Valley Authority
Terrill, Rogers
tesseract theme
test results, falsifying
Thalberg, Irving
Thelma (daughter of Anna Lyle)
Theobald, Admiral, The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor
“They Do It with Mirrors,”
Things to Come (movie)
This Week magazine
Thompson, T. B.
Thrilling Wonder Stories
“Thunder over California” leaflet
Thurston, Howard (Thurston the Magician)
“Ticky hums” ( jargony poems)
and fourth dimension
theories of
time binding
Time Enough for Love
Time magazine
Tinian Island
Titanic sinking (1912)
Tombstone, Ariz.
Tommy gun, RAH learns to use from brother Larry
“Tomorrow, the Moon” (article)
Tom Swift series
To Sail Beyond the Sunset
Town and Country magazine
Townsend Plan
tramp (character)
Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund (TAFF)
travel, in the 1920s
Trinitite (mineral created by atomic bomb)
Trinity, N.M.
test of atomic bomb
trip-to-the-moon film story
Truman, Harry S.
discusses moon rocket project in a Cabinet meeting
RAH’s approval of
RAH’s proposal that he resign and run again in 1948
Tsien Hsue-shen
tuberculosis, treatment of
Turchinsky, Flora
Turner, Lieutenant Colonel
Twain, Mark
1601 (play)
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
as intellectual father
“Mental Telegraphy” essays
as moralist
The Mysterious Stranger
A Tramp Abroad
What Is Man?
worldwide grief at news of death of
Twentieth Century Pictures
typewriting, RAH’s
Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Stowe)
Union Army, devastation of Missouri by
Union Station Massacre, Kansas City
United for California
United Front
United Nations Conference on International Organization
United Progressive News
United States, role of, after World War II
United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md.
academic studies at
appointments to
Class of ’29 (RAH’s)
class size
daily regimen
degrees not given by, in RAH’s time
fire in Isherwood Hall
Heinlein entering
midshipmen leaving or washing out, reasons for
RAH’s feelings at, as basis of a story
report cards
Ring Committee
roommates at
United States Naval Institute Proceedings
United States Naval Observatory
sequel to
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Chicago
Unknown magazine (later called Unknown Worlds)
RAH’s list of story notes for
“The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag,”
Utah (BB-31), practice cruise on
utility companies
“‘Utopia’ Means ‘Nowhere’” (alternate title)
Uzzell, Thomas, Narrative Technique
V-1 buzz-bomb rockets
V-2 rockets
German development of
RAH views launching of one from White Sands
Vandenberg, Arthur
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
Vanderbilt, Gertrude Whitney
Vandervort & Teague
van Ronkel, Alford “Rip,”
V-E day
venereal disease
Verne, Jules
veterans, disabled
Veterans Division of the National Committee (California)
veteran-with-TB story
“—Vine and Fig Tree—,”
V-J Day
voice of command
von Braun, Werner
von Kármán, Theodore
Voorhis, Jerry
loses congressional race to Richard Nixon (1946)
voter registrations, fraudulent, claimed
Wagner, Rob
Wait, Delos
Wake Island
Waldo (character)
war games
War Mother’ National Memorial Home
Warner, Harry, Jr.
Warner, Jack
War of the Worlds broadcast
Washington, D.C.
Washington, George, farewell address
Washington Naval Treaty
The Watchtower Society
The Water Babies (Kingsley)
water bed, RAH’s invention of
“Water Is for Washing,”
WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service)
Wayne, John
“‘We Also Walk Dogs,’”
weapons, conventional vs. atomic, RAH’s views
“Weekend Watch” (RAH’s first story)
Weems, P. V. H.
Weird Tales
Welles, Orson
Wells, H. G.
“The Discovery of the Future” (speech)
Experiment in Autobiography
First Men in the Moon
In the Days of the Comet
A Modern Utopia
The Open Conspiracy (What Are We to Do with Our Lives?)
Open Conspiracy concept of
Outline of History
Phoenix (pamphlet)
RAH meets and gets book autograph
Things to Come (film)
“The Truth About Pyecraft,”
War of the Worlds
The Way the World Is Going
When the Sleeper Wakes
“Wings Over the World,”
The World of William Clissold
Wentz, Elma
“Beyond Doubt” (with advice from RAH)
Wentz, Roby
West Hollywood, Calif.
West Hollywood Democratic Club
West Hollywood EPIC Club
Westinghouse Works, Philadelphia
Westminster Press
West Point, appointments to
Westport High, Kansas City
“While the Evil Days Come Not” (alternate title)
whiskey, rationing
White, Robb
White, William Anthony Parker “A.P.,”
Rocket to the Morgue
Whitehead, Alfred North
White Sands, N.M.
trip to see V-2 rocket shot
white witchcraft
“Why Buy a Stone Ax?” (article)
wife swapping
Wigelius, Frank
Wilder, Thornton, Theophilus North
William Morrow (publisher)
Williams, Yeoman Second Class
Williamson, Jack
Willis, Walter
Willkie, Wendell
Wilson, Woodrow
Windsor, House of
Winslow, Horatio
Winston (publisher)
Wise, Stephen
“Wise Choice” (poem to Ginny about separation)
Wollheim, Donald A.
Wonder Stories
Wood, Anson S. (great-great-grandfather)
Wood, Rose Althea Adelia (grandmother)
Woodford, Jack
RAH’s repackaging of advice of
Trial and Error
Woodrow Wilson “Lazarus Long” Smith (character)
world peace
World Press
World Science Fiction Conventions (WorldCon)
1940 (Chicago)
1941 (Denver)
World War I (the Great War)
World War II
Allied gains (1944)
end of
German gains (1940)
German reverses (1944)
imminence of, and recall of retired Naval officers
Japan in
keeping America out of
Pacific Theater
post-war agreements
RAH’s predictions about development of, in a memo for his own file
start of
United States in
U.S. declares war on Japan and Germany
V-E Day
World War III
WPA (Works Progress Administration)
Wright, Frank Lloyd
Writer’s Markets & Methods, interview in
business end of
commercial, RAH’s five rules for
creative end of
writing of military orders, Naval Academy class in
Wygle, Peter
Wylie, Philip, Generation of Vipers
Wysocki, Ed
Yalta Conference
Yarnell, Admiral
Yellow Peril pulps
Yerke, Bruce
The Damn Thing
Yom Kipper
York, Simon (pseudonym)
Young, J. U.
Young, Rodger
The Young Atomic Engineers and the Conquest of the Moon
Youngblood Hawke
Zagat, Arthur Leo
Copyright © 2010 by William H. Patterson, Jr.
All rights reserved.
Edited by David G. Hartwell
A Tor Book
Published by Tom Doherty Associates, LLC
175 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY 10010
Tor® is a registered trademark of Tom Doherty Associates, LLC.
eISBN 9781429964852
First eBook Edition : April 2011
The Library of Congress has cataloged the hardcover edition as follows:
Patterson, William H., 1951–
Robert A. Heinlein / William H. Patterson.—1st ed.
p. cm.
“A Tom Doherty Associates book.”
Includes bibliographical references.
Contents: v. 1. 1907–1948, learning curve
ISBN 978-0-7653-1960-9
1. Heinlein, Robert A. (Robert Anson), 1907–1988. 2. Heinlein, Robert A. (Robert Anson), 1907–1988—Political and social views.
3. Authors, American—20th century—Biography. 4. Science fiction—
Authorship. I. Title.
PS3515.E288Z82 2010
ISBN 978-0-7653-1962-3 (trade paperback)
First Edition: August 2010
First Trade Paperback Edition: June 2011
Robert A. Heinlein: In Dialogue With His Century Page 83