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Love's Joy

Page 12

by Emil Toth

  “What if the one I ask does not feel comfortable doing it?”

  “Do you feel comfortable doing it?”


  “I would not worry too much. If you see it is getting to him, rotate the responsibility every year or two to another military leader.”

  “I could always sweeten the position by offering land and I know women who want to be married. Those women would be another reward.”

  “A marvelous idea, Edmund.”

  Edmund beamed. “I am glad we had this talk, Caleb.”

  “I am pleased I could help you. My suggestion sounds good and I think I am going to follow it myself. I am going to have one of my apprentices handle the complaints.”

  “Indeed. It is always good to release oneself of burdens. Perhaps,” reflected Edmund, “when I do not have to listen to all the annoying prattle, joy will come into my life.”


  After the morning meal, Prince Zach cornered Sharika and had her accompany him onto one of the three palace verandas. The air was still comfortable as they settled into their chairs.

  “I am sorry,” apologized Zach, “we did not see much of each other the last time you were here.”

  “I was pulled in too many directions,” offered Sharika.

  “How long are you staying?”

  “I honestly do not know. Most everything is determined by Kaathi.”

  Zach wanted to know where her head and heart were and mildly pointed out, “Sounds a little dictatorial.”

  “Coming from a prince, your words sound odd.”

  He smiled. “I suppose every group has to have a leader.”

  “Were you concerned she was a dictator, when she took you away from your father?”

  “No. We had been in contact with each other via visions for some time, and I knew her character.”

  “Then why suggest she is a dictator?”

  “Frankly, I wanted to know where you stood with her.”

  She eyed him and threw a question back at him to determine where he stood now about Kaathi. “I know you and she were aligned. What are your thoughts about her now?”

  He smiled at how she challenged him right back. “In my current brief conversation with Kaathi, I found her energy clearer, brighter and more focused. I would follow her anywhere, if she asked.”

  “You are a prince and you would submit to her wish?”

  “Yes, I believe she is nearing enlightenment, if not already there. It is rare when someone like Kaathi comes into a person’s life.

  “Why have you come back to Homar? You seemed so anxious to leave the first time you were here.”

  “I am here because Kaathi wanted me to come. She never gave me a reason.”

  “It seems to be her style. I remember her saying she did not want to reveal the future for it was more enjoyable to be spontaneously lived.”

  She nodded. “I too have heard her say it more than once.”

  “Did you leave Hun Nation for a specific reason?”

  “I did for personal reasons I am not going to reveal.”

  He glanced at her arm and legs. “Can I ask how you got your wounds?”

  “You can. They are remnants of conflicts with baboons invading our village.”

  “Were lives lost in those battles?”

  “We did lose friends, but not before we dealt them severe blows.”

  They stopped talking and he took the time to look at the parts of her body not covered.

  “Your body is marvelously sculptured. I have never seen a muscular woman.”

  Sharika became defensive. “Does it displease you?”

  “No, no, not in the least. It is rare to see a woman’s body finely muscled. I find it beautiful. Every time you walk it is poetry in motion. There is a sensual fluidity as your body moves.”

  “Nobody has described me in those terms.” She smiled. “I suppose I should be pleased.”

  “You finally look like you are,” he remarked. “Are all Hun women as muscular as you?”

  “Most of them.”

  “Is it a trait or something you women work at?”

  “We work at it. We must be strong to fight beside our men against the baboons. We exercise a great deal to keep our bodies in top physical shape.

  “Let me ask you a question, prince.”

  “Please call me Zach.”

  She nodded and continued, “When Jacob and Kaathi took you away from your father did you ever feel you were a pawn?”

  “A pawn?” His brow furrowed as he thought. “No and the reason being I had a sense of why I needed to go with her.”

  She wanted to know his version of the story. “Why did you need to go?”

  “So my father would come after me.”

  “Did you have an inkling he would radically change after talking to her?”

  “No. All I knew was Father coming after me was to be tremendously significant for the future of Homar. I did not know he would be transformed from a barbaric ruler to a benevolent king.”

  “Has he revealed what transpired during the meeting?”

  “No, only of the effect it had on him.”

  “May I ask another personal question?”

  “Of course.”

  “Do you know what prompted Prince Lawrence to try to overtake the throne?”

  “I think it was greed, anger, jealousy, desire of power and lack of communication.”

  “Ah yes.”

  Both were quiet in their own thoughts and feelings.

  For Kaathi to bring her to Homar, he knew Sharika was an important individual and he wanted to see if she understood her role. “I sense you had a significant position in your Hun village.”

  “Of sorts.”

  He lifted his eyebrows in question.

  “Oh, very well…you are like Ashlee. She asks one question after another. My family lived next to our village chief. We often fought side by side against the baboons and I went on occasional hunts with him. As you know, or may not know, there is a lot of time to discuss things while waiting for game to come into your territory. It gave us ample time to have serious and lengthy discussions. From them, the chief discerned I thought like he did. He did not have a son and he wanted me to stay on and assume his position upon his abdication. I thought often about it and decided I did not want to stay.”

  “Were you afraid of the responsibility?”

  “Not in the least. I had my own reasons for leaving and going on my personal adventure.”

  “Can I ask what those reasons were?”

  “I would rather not talk about them.”

  An awkward moment of silence occurred before Zach spoke, “I am pleased you did not stay. I find you interesting and exciting.”

  “Most women would want you to say, ‘I find you intoxicating and beautiful.’”

  He shook his head. “I am not used to talking to women. I apologize.”

  She smiled. You are different my prince. Most men would use the alluring words, not the ones you used. Aloud she said, “Apology accepted. Please tell me a little about yourself.”

  “Father has told me I am fortunate my exiled brother did not kill me in my sleep in my youth. Before he had his transformation, Father wanted me out of the way so Lawrence could be the next king. He did not like me. I was too dreamy, too shy and did not want to rule. I preferred to be in the fields, meditating and praying. My mother, Angela, taught me forgiveness, serenity and love. I am not sure if I am going to make a good ruler. Father has helped me. Frankly, I need someone with a different viewpoint to guide me to rule properly and justly.”

  “I assume you are speaking of a woman.”


  “Apparently you have not found a woman with the correct qualities.”

  “Not yet.” He smiled.


  Kaathi had insisted Sharika stay behind in Hamor much to the Hun’s objections, while the rest of the travelers left for Nubilon. Kaathi’s reason for w
anting Sharika to stay was for her to have plenty of interaction with Prince Zach. Two days after Kaathi’s departure Sharika realized why she was left behind and sensed a feeling of obligation to the mystic. She fervently directed herself to getting to know Zach.

  She had finished dining with the royal family and Zach suggested a walk to settle their stomachs.

  “It is not often we see someone returning to Homar. Why have you come back?”

  “To be honest, Kaathi talked me into returning.”

  “Did it take much convincing?”

  “Yes it did.”


  “I was not impressed with the men in Homar. They were boorish brutes with no communicative skills and no respect for women.”

  “We are changing thanks to the Relationship Sessions and coming to grips with the fact women are essential to our welfare and of course are equals and are to be respected.”

  “I am afraid, when I was here, I had too many experiences with barbaric men. I should have stayed close to the palace and attended the sessions.”

  “Were there any men in your Hun village with primitive personalities?”

  “A few, and they were reprimanded for their ill behavior.”

  “I know I asked you once before. Why did you leave your village?”

  Sharika weighed whether she needed to answer him and decided she should. “I left due to the onset of inbreeding among my people. I want to infuse new blood into the Hun bloodline.”

  “And are you looking?”

  “In a casual sense, I am.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I am first seeking a society honoring women. When women are honored I know the men are honorable.”

  “So you have been to Kahali, Sumati and here. What village do you find the most appealing?”

  “Kahali appears to be the most like my home village.”

  “If you find the man are you returning to your home?”

  “It was my original intention.”

  “I take it you are open to not going back home.”

  “It is a possibility.”

  “Are you going to return with Kaathi, or can I convince you to stay on with us?”

  “Why would I want to stay here?”

  Zach smiled. “To get to know my family and me.”

  Sharika returned his smile. “I have a feeling it is the reason Kaathi insisted I stay behind.”

  “I have found the best way to get to know someone is to ask questions. Did you leave someone behind in the Hun Nation you loved or liked?”

  “The relationships never got serious.”

  “Are the parents involved in any way in selecting a mate, and how old does the man and woman have to be to be married?”

  “The final decision is up to the woman, although she may be influenced by the parents. The men and women must be fourteen and have had their Rite of Passage.”

  “At what age does it take place?”

  “At the age of twelve for both sexes.”

  Zach directed his question to a more personal level. “What qualities are you looking for in a man?”

  “He must be a provider, seeker of truth, honest, respectful, kind,” she stopped thought of Janos, smiled and added, “and have a sense of humor.”

  Zach nodded. “I can see why you left us. Not many of our single men meet your standard. When you marry, how many children are you hoping to have?”

  “I would like a son and a daughter later not immediately.”

  “What are your feelings about our men having more than one wife?”

  “I know you do not allow women the same privilege, thus I am against it. The law in Kahali is just and it is due to Kaathi’s insistence. Both sexes can have more than one mate.”

  “Let me ask you in a more direct way, what do you think of Kaathi?”

  “She is more loving and wiser than anyone I have ever met, and from the stories I have heard about her, she is fearless.”

  “I suppose you are referring to the story of her having combat with Kaleez?”

  “Yes and a few others I have heard from Jacob. The most unusual one being the one where three growlers had stampeded a herd of wildebeests and having killed one had their fill and they headed toward the travelers. Jacob and the others fled to the safety of trees and Kaathi inexplicably stayed on the ground. One of the growlers slowly made for her in a casual manner. The beast came alongside her and laid down next to her, and to the bewilderment of all, she scratched him. Who on Mother Earth can do that?”

  “No one except her.”

  “You have questioned me and I think it is my turn to do the same,” she stated.

  “Please do.”

  “I have heard you are nineteen and thus five years past marrying age. Why have you not married?”

  “My life has been tumultuous. Mother protected me from Father. He hated me until he had his transformation. When I turned fourteen there were no women on the spiritual path I was on and I wanted a woman who could understand my spiritual feelings. Kaathi came for me and took me back to Kahali and I stayed there for a year. For the last two years things have changed here due to the Relationship Sessions. I have met a few women I thought could be potential princesses. So far nothing has happened.”

  “You have been cautious in selecting a princess, what if you find one, will you entertain the idea of having a second or third wife?”

  “It is hard to find one. I cannot imagine finding two or three.”

  Sharika liked his answer. “I have heard other people’s version of why Kaathi came after you. Why do you think she did?”

  “For the longest time, I thought she came to rescue me from my father and I could live out my days with her. It was only part of the story. Taking me away from my father did not anger him to the point of revenge. He wanted to destroy Kaathi, Jacob and Kahali because he was made to look like a fool. To do it he put together a huge armada and set sail for Kahali. Much to his embarrassment, his army was at risk on the river to the Kahali archers on the banks. He had to agree to sit down to a peace talk, where he exploded and threatened to destroy the village. Fortunately for everyone, Kaathi talked him into leaving the meeting and go with her to talk. During her chat with him, my father had a life altering transformation. Once he had his experience and war was averted, I came to understand father needed to be transformed.”

  “So, your father is seeking to bring about new values and understanding to the people he rules via the Relationship Sessions?”

  “He is. There is still tremendous resistance after nearly two years. Change is taking place slowly, and except for the attempted coup, it is happening reasonably and voluntarily.”

  “Is your father showing you how to rule?”

  “He is. Every fifth day, he receives people in the Meeting Hall and listens to their grievances and suggestions to improve conditions, and I am there by his side. Often, he asks how I would handle a specific situation and if it differs from what he would do he explains why he is taking his approach.”

  “About the coup, do you think he handled their punishment properly?”

  “I do. I know in the past my father would have beheaded all of them in the arena for his pleasure and the people’s. Has your village ever had to deal with a coup?”

  “We have not. If there are enough people grumbling about the chief’s decisions, he can be displaced by a majority count and a new chief rules.”

  “Does it happen often?”

  “I am not sure. It has never taken place in my lifetime or my parent’s.”

  “Is everyone as knowledgeable on how the Hun Nation functions as you?”

  “If I had to hazard a guess, I would say no. For one thing my family is the keeper of our history. The other thing is the chief lived next to us and I discussed many issues with him.”

  “It appears women are equal to men in your village.”

  “They are. I believe fighting by their men’s side contributed to it. When you count on your woman to keep
you alive it gives them a great deal of value.”

  “Did you agree with all of the chief’s rulings?”

  “It was rare when we disagreed and on those occasions we did, we would present our sides of the issue and come to an amicable understanding of our positions.”

  Zach was impressed with Sharika’s position in her tribe and with her intelligence. She brought to the discussion a wealth of personal experience which none of the women of Homar did except for his mother. She would serve Homar well if she were his princess and eventual queen. The lull in the conversation continued and he took the opportunity to open himself to her and found he liked the energy she had. He wondered how much of it had to do with being with Kaathi. He was well aware of how the mystic changed people’s personalities and energy.


  The scenery along the river had not varied much the last ten days. Even so, Ashlee and Kaathi had sensed they were near Nubilon. The twenty-second day after having left Homar drums announced their presence in Nubilon territory. Ashlee spotted two men she assumed were lookouts following their progress. Four more men joined them as they made their way slowly toward the village. The bearded men were visible and only disappeared when the forest growth prevented them from hugging the river shore. Her anticipation kept rising. She was eager to know if her home villagers met or exceeded the image she had of them. It had been twenty years since she had been stolen from her home by the mutants. She dreamed of her home often and visualized it in her mind even more. After living and recuperating in Sumati briefly, she lived in Kahali for almost two years, before taking this trip to Nubilon. She imagined and desired her home village would be more utopian than Kahali.

  Ashlee caught sight of the horde of people awaiting them on the riverbank. Her stomach knotted. She had mixed feelings. She was eager to land and see if her uncle and aunt were alive. Still, there was a nagging and unsettling feeling inside her. She could not identify what bothered her and told herself she would deal with it, when and if it surfaced.

  The dugout drew nearer to the mass of people. Ashlee noticed the line of bearded men near the shore had their weapons in hand. She saw the men were lined up in front of the women and children and wondered if it was done to protect them. The lineup gave the smaller children and women a poor viewing point of their arrival.


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