Love's Joy

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Love's Joy Page 34

by Emil Toth

  “I canoed south on the Nile and the Sengali river, the same one you call Kahali, and reached the Sengali village. I did not know the village existed. I talked to a group of elders inclined to think as my people thought. I stayed three days hoping to uncover a better way of interacting with people. I did not find it.

  “I left and after many days I came to the Hun Nation. I was impressed they were warring only with the baboons. In my discussions with them, I realized they were isolated from other people and it helped them in developing a friendly culture. They are good people, but they were lacking something. They were not being challenged by others, consequently they never knew how an unfriendly episode with another people would test them.

  “I left and came upon Homar. This society had changed. King Edmund admitted to me he had been a dictatorial tyrant and ruled with an iron fist. He told me he had been converted by a woman in Kahali named Kaathi. He initiated changes in his kingdom by having instructors teach his people how to interact with each other. They learned by attending something he called Relationship Sessions.

  “Every bone in my body told me this was the woman of my dreams. I was intrigued and sat in on every session they conducted until I left. I saw the worthiness of the sessions and was excited to meet the woman responsible for their creation. It is what brought me here.”

  Moshe turned away from Elgar and looked at the mystic. He did not see the pride he expected to see on her face after he had praised her. What he saw was peace and contentment.

  “Where do you go from here?”

  Moshe never took his eyes off Kaathi. “Nowhere until I am satisfied I have in my grasp all there is to know.”

  “A commendable endeavor,” replied Elgar. “And once you have acquired it, what happens?”

  “I shall return to my home and share what I have learned. Do you mind if I attend the sessions?”

  “I have no objections. Do you?”

  Kaathi smiled. “I welcome your attendance.”

  Moshe turned to Jacob. “Would you show me around your village?”

  Jacob thought the request strange. “I can.”

  Many villagers upon seeing Moshe stopped them to chat. Jacob had showed him less than half of the village and Moshe touched his arm. “Can we find a place quiet to talk?”

  “Of course.” Jacob led him outside the village to the high energy spot at Batu’s tree. They reclined. Before Moshe could ask a question Jacob voiced one of his own, “You seem too young to have a full head of white hair. Is there a reason for it?”

  “Indeed. When I witnessed the death of my second brother it shocked me. As the battle wore on, I had maimed and killed several men with my sword. My luck changed as a soldier confronted me. He swung his sword at my head. I whacked his weapon and it missed my head. He spun around like no warrior I had ever seen and struck my arm. My sword fell from my useless arm. I was defenseless. My lieutenant saved my life by killing him. I almost bled to death on the battlefield. While men fought for their lives around me, my lieutenant ripped a cloth from the warrior lying dead beside me and tied it over my arm to stem the blood flow. He put a piece of cloth over my wound and tied it down. The fighting moved away from where I lie. I fussed with the tourniquet until the wound clotted. I kept thinking my name had been called and I was to appear before death’s reaper. The death of my brother and my near death struck at the core of something in me. Fear shook me. The strength of my fear shocked me. I fell asleep quaking with fear. I woke the next day and my lieutenant came by to see if I had lived through the night. He was the first to see my hair had changed overnight and told me my hair had turned white. Such are the horrors of war.”

  Jacob shook his head.

  “Enough about me. What can you tell me about Kaathi and be comfortable?”

  “Anything you want to know. She is very open about herself.”

  Moshe nodded. “Was she the first woman on your council?”

  “No. Her mentor, Batu, was the first. Batu was a trailblazer and reformed many concepts about women. Kaathi stepped into her position and furthered her ideals.”

  “I noticed she is also your High Priest. I find it remarkable and unusual to attain such a prestigious position and to also hold the position as healer.”

  “You have to understand she is an unusual woman with many gifts.”

  “Such as?”

  “Hmmm. She is undoubtedly the best healer we have ever had and we have had some marvelous ones. Batu in particular was renowned. Batu went to Sumati to help them during an epidemic and discovered the cause and saved hundreds if not thousands of lives. Since you have talked to Edmund, you already know Kaathi’s skills of persuasion. She assumed the role of High Priest and transformed our religion from fear based to a love based one by initiating the Spiritual Awareness Services. In addition, she convinced our people to accept a mutant couple into our society.”

  “Astonishing. How did it come about?”

  Jacob told the story how he and Kaathi made the journey to Homar and came across the last of the Searcher tribe, Leah and Isaac and convinced them to return with them.

  “And what is the story about Mara? I have never seen anyone like her.”

  Jacob told him of the journey to visit the Ancients and how they fought for their lives with the Uchakwa and Mara was the sole survivor of the attacking warriors.”

  “I find it incredible Kaathi initiated all of these adventures.”

  “She has been remarkable since she was a child.”

  “You mentioned Ancients. Who are they?”

  Jacob shared his experiences with Ancient Mother and Ancient Father and told him Kaathi was in telepathic communication with them.

  “The more I hear of Kaathi the more remarkable she appears to be. Can I ask a personal question?”

  “You can.”

  Moshe raised his eyebrows. “Elgar introduced Scarlet and Ashlee as your wives.”

  Jacob smiled. “He did not introduce my first wife because she is not on our council. When I married Keri we were allowed only one wife.”

  “Whoa, I think your wife Keri should also be by your side. All the other wives and husbands should be present when important introductions are made.”

  Jacob smiled. “You are here only a day and you already see how we can improve. Excellent idea, Moshe.”

  “How did it come about you could have more than one mate?”

  Jacob related the events leading up to how he came to know and marry Scarlet and Ashlee.

  Jacob picked up the story about Kaathi. “Perhaps the largest jewel in her crown is having all the neighboring villages ratify a peace agreement.” He went on to describe the reaction of each tribe.

  Moshe nodded saying, “I agree. An endeavor to bring so many tribes to understand the benefits of peace is a huge accomplishment. She seems so young to have accomplished so much.”

  “She has been tireless.”

  “Tell me, Jacob. Are you able to sense energy?”

  “I can.”

  “Are you aware of the energy emanating from Kaathi?”

  “I am.”

  “I am as well. I have had this ability ever since I can remember, and I have never felt anyone so filled with energy.”

  Jacob smiled.

  “I am eager to have a conversation with her and get to know her.


  Moshe was staying in Elgar’s home. He awoke hearing Elgar’s wife preparing the first meal. He ate heartily with the family, thanked them and excused himself saying he wanted to talk to Kaathi. He asked about the announcement protocol, got directions from the Elder and easily found the Talker Healer’s hut located on the periphery of the village center.

  Outside her hut he tentatively called her name. She appeared.

  “Moshe, it is nice to see you. What can I do for you?”

  “Can we talk?”

  “I would love to.”

  She wrapped her arm around his and led him to an opening on the riverbank and they

  “I am sure by now you have heard why I am here. I wanted to know if you have had any inkling of my arrival.”

  “I have had a few dreams foretelling me of your arrival. The moment I saw you on the river there was a strong attraction. I sensed you have been on a quest and desired to understand the mysteries of life.”

  “I have had the attraction to you since I first dreamed of you over a year ago. Can you help me find the answers I seek?”

  She smiled and raised an eyebrow. “I have to know your questions first.”

  In the face of her request, he forgot all of them and spoke from the vast emotional reservoir of his heart. “Yes, yes. I have this great yearning… It is as if I feel unfulfilled?”

  “Do you have a name for God?”

  “Yes, it is Beloved.”

  “What a beautiful name. Do you mind if I use it as well in place of Creator?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Thank you. Now let us get to your yearning. It is similar to someone yet to meet the love of his life. In your case the one you yearn for is the Beloved.”

  “I have never seen my Beloved. Will I ever?”

  “I am certain you shall. I am uncertain of the way or how Beloved will present Herself to you. Some of us see a symbolic representation of the Beloved, the rest of us sense the Beloved as a presence, as love, as energy, as stillness, as the person we are talking to, a smell, a tingling or a peace enveloping us.”

  “Your words intrigue me. I thought by being a hermit I would find Beloved. I did not. Can you help me?”

  “It will be my pleasure. When you were alone did you quiet your mind?”

  “No it was filled with questions and thoughts.”

  “I believe it is your problem. You were speaking to your Beloved. Now you must listen to Beloved and open your heart. I want you to come to the healer’s hut before sunrise. The Talker Healers, High Priests and Warrior Hunters sit in silence every day as the sun rises and sets.”

  Moshe eagerly nodded his head. “Is there anything else I have to do?”

  “Yes. I want you to attend every Relationship Session and Spiritual Awareness Service we conduct. In addition, every moment of the day you are not interacting with someone, I want you to say this little prayer over and over from sunrise to sunset: Beloved, I love you. And you need to say it with affection and passion.”

  “How long will it take before I am united with my Beloved?”

  “I do not know. Perhaps before you leave or during the next blue sky season or the next or the next. It all depends on how much you love the Beloved. I do sense you are earnest in your desire, so it will happen.”

  He took her hand and kissed it time and time again. He finally felt as if he was home. He felt cradled in love. Her tenderness brought tears to his eyes.

  “Thank you.”

  She wrapped him in her arms. “I love you.”

  Moshe returned the gesture and love.

  Moshe arrived before the sun crested. He sat on the bench and waited for the others. They arrived in small groups and everyone embraced everyone else. The walk to Taja’s meditation site was done in silence. Moshe was used to silence after living alone for three years. Trying to control his mind was far more difficult than he had imagined. His mind kept fluttering from one thing to the other like a butterfly. The meditation ended and the group walked back to the village in silence. The first opportunity he got he asked Kaathi for help to control his racing thoughts.

  “It is difficult to control the mind,” she acknowledged. “I would like you to pay attention to your breath. You could do it by feeling your in breath and out breath as air passes through your nostrils. If it does not seem to be working you could try paying attention to the movement of your stomach as you breathe in and out. If those are not working well for you could silently say the prayer: Beloved, I love You.”

  “Thank you.”


  Moshe had made Kahali his home for two years. During those years, he had faithfully attended every Relationship Session, Spiritual Awakening Service and meditation meeting he could. Moshe was seated at Batu’s tree together with Kaathi, Ashlee, Scarlet, Marie, Mara, Kacy, Janos, Sharika and Jacob. They had finished their sunrise meditation and waited for someone to share.

  Jacob broke the silence, looked at Moshe and said, “I am glad you left your home and found your way here.”

  “It was indeed my good fortune. The fact is I could not stay; wanderlust had captured my heart and I had to find Kaathi. When I return, I am hoping I can impart to my people all I have learned from all of you.”

  “It is a noble venture, Moshe,” exclaimed Marie.

  “I need to thank all of you for the kindness and love you have given me. The only consolation I have for leaving you will be the pleasure of thinking of all of you, while waiting to fall asleep. I especially need to thank you, Kaathi. You have patiently answered every question I have thrown your way and have been a magnificent example of whom I want to become. Through your guidance, I have experienced my Beloved. I cannot express my gratitude enough to you.”

  Kaathi smiled. “You are almost as inquisitive as Ashlee.” The remark brought laughter from the group. “I am so pleased you spent so much time and energy finding how to improve the culture and spiritual nature of your village. I sensed your desire from the start and was blessed to have you so driven to understand how to cause as little harm as possible in life.

  “I know people will oppose you and what you want to share. Do not get discouraged if they do not converge on your sessions in droves. There will be times they will set upon you in anger and violent remarks. Take heart. Your village will eventually be transformed by what you have learned here. It would be wise to ingratiate yourselves to the leaders of your village and let them see the wisdom of what you have learned.

  “Trust yourself. What you have to offer them is going to improve their relationships with others and with Beloved. At one time or another, all of us have told you stories of the difficulties Taja, Batu and we have had changing the attitude of people. Our persistence and patience reaped progress. And remember to love your detractors.

  “The hope of those sitting here is everyone on Mother Earth becomes instruments of peace. It is what we are striving for in our instructions. You have accepted what we shared and have become a shining example of what it means to be an instrument of peace. Bless you and your endeavor.”


  Moshe and Kaathi finished their meditation at his favorite site, which had been Taja’s as well. He sat across from his beloved teacher and was happy to have her all to himself. He preferred it. When others were present the conversation was not as intimate and revealing.

  Moshe’s eyes settled on Kaathi. “How would you describe yourself?”

  The mystic smiled at his question. “Loving, humble and free of desire and will.”

  “You have left out forgiving and kind,” he pointed out.

  “If you are truly filled with love, you are always kind and forgiving,” she sweetly replied.

  “You have told me the twelve Ancients are all likely enlightened. Is there a percentage of people attaining enlightenment in every village or nation?”

  “As far as knowing the number enlightened, I honestly do not know. I would have to be in their presence or know of their experiences. In my travels I have noticed spiritual people can come in many guises. They do not have to be pious. Spirituality has to do with every aspect of life. There is nothing that is not spiritual. How can it be otherwise, if Beloved created everyone and everything?

  “Those actively pursuing to be spiritual tend to gravitate to each other. I felt unconditional love from the Ancients something rarely found on Mother Earth. The enlightened have no ego, desires or will of their own. Enlightenment comes from the depths of their consciousness.

  Love is the foundation of Beloved. Beloved is all you see and do not see in the universe. Beloved is the fabric of conscio
usness and existence.

  “An enlightened person discovers all creation is in a state of perfection.”

  “I would hardly consider myself perfect,” Moshe responded.

  “It is due to your state of awareness or consciousness. Beloved and all of those enlightened see you and everyone else as perfection.”

  “If the good and bad disappear in enlightenment, what controls the person?”

  “In the greater self, her ethical values, spiritual truths and love guide her in all aspects of her life.”

  “Can you give me other examples of what it is to be enlightened?”

  “I will do my best. Sensing love and the energy permeating everything and everyone is an exquisite experience of the enlightened. I sense the Awe, the Beloved, and it brings me to tears. At times it is so strong, it takes my breath away or elicits great sobs from me. During these states thinking ceases. In mystical states of awareness, my vanities and illusions are shattered and disappear and allows the truth of love to shine. My devotion has enabled me to surrender to Beloved. The silent presence of Beloved is constantly with me and keeps me in a perpetual state of love. I sense Beloved’s presence, even as I am talking to you. I liken the awareness to be similar to being aware of the breeze caressing my face. If I chose to concentrate on Beloved, I would be swept away to another level of awareness or consciousness. To be one with Beloved you must be graced and the ego must be sacrificed; it must die. Your spiritual experiences can be contained in every event, every experience, every person and everything. All of it can be graced with Beloved’s love. In one of my experiences, I recall being present at the moment of creation. The magnificence of it and the energy emitted was beyond expression and comprehension. Another experience with Beloved came about with a hummingbird. You have to open yourself to the sacredness of life.”

  “Can I live an ordinary life and attain enlightenment?”


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