Snake Oil: How Fracking's False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future

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Snake Oil: How Fracking's False Promise of Plenty Imperils Our Future Page 14

by Richard Heinberg

  7. Megan C. Guilford et al., “A New Long Term Assessment of Energy Return on Investment (EROI) for U.S. Oil and Gas Discovery and Production,” Sustainability 2011, 3, 1866–1887, doi:10.3390/su3101866.

  8. “White’s Law,” Wikipedia, last modified July 25, 2012,

  9. Gail Tverberg, “How Resource Limits Lead to Financial Collapse,” Our Finite World (blog), March 29, 2013,

  10. Robert Gordon, “Is U.S. Economic Growth Over? Faltering Innovation Confronts the Six Headwinds,” The National Bureau of Economic Research, NBER Working Paper No. 18315, August, 2012,

  11. Gail Tverberg, “How High Oil Prices Lead to Recession,” Our Finite World (blog), January 24, 2013,


  1. Peter A. Dea, President & CEO of Cirque Resources, (speaking at the ASPO-USA annual conference, Denver, CO, October 10, 2009).

  2. “Interview with Boone Pickens,” JobVetka (website), last modified March 12, 2012,

  3. “Natural Gas: Fueling America’s Future,” Chesapeake Energy (website), accessed May 10, 2013,

  4. Stephen Lacey, “After USGS Analysis, EIA Cuts Estimates of Marcellus Shale Gas Reserves by 80%,” ThinkProgress (blog), August 26, 2011,

  5. Leigh Price, “Origins and Characteristics of the Basin-Centered Continuous-Reservoir Unconventional Oil-Resource Base of the Bakken Source System, Williston Basin” (paper presented to the Energy and Environmental Research Center (EERC)),

  6. Fred F. Meissner and Richard B. Banks, “Computer Simulation of Hydrocarbon Generation, Migration, and Accumulation Under Hydrodynamic Conditions—Examples from the Williston and San Juan Basins, USA” (oral presentation, AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Bali, Indonesia, October 15–18, 2000), Jack Flannery and Jeff Kraus, “Integrated Analysis of the Bakken Petroleum System, U.S. Williston Basin” (poster presentation, AAPG Annual Convention, Houston, TX, April 10–12, 2006),

  7. “USGS Releases New Oil and Gas Assessment for Bakken and Three Forks Formations,” US Department of the Interior, April 30, 2013,

  8. Leonardo Maugeri, “Oil: The Next Revolution,” Geopolitics of Energy Project, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, June 2012,

  9. David Strahan, “Oil Glut Forecaster Maugeri Admits Duff Maths,” David Strahan: Energy Writer (blog), July 30, 2012,

  10. Frederick Kempe, “America’s Geopolitical Gusher,” Thinking Global (blog), Reuters, November 26, 2012,

  11. Angel Gonzales, “Making Sense of the U.S. Oil Boom,” Wall Street Journal, September 13, 2012,


  1. Loren Steffy, “Shale or Sham? A Skeptic Speaks Out,” Houston Chronicle, November 12, 2009,

  2. Bill Powers, “US Shale Gas Won’t Last Ten Years: Bill Powers,” interview by Peter Byrne, The Energy Report (website), November 8, 2012,

  3. J. David Hughes, “Drill, Baby, Drill: Can Unconventional Fuels Usher in a New Era of Energy Abundance?” Post Carbon Institute (website), February 2013,

  4. “Drill, Baby, Drill: Can Unconventional Fuels Usher in a New Era of Energy Abundance?” abstract, Post Carbon Institute (website), accessed May 10, 2013,

  5. Rune Likvern, “Is Shale Oil Production from Bakken Headed for a Run with ‘The Red Queen’?” The Oil Drum (blog), September 25, 2012,

  6. “Number of Producing Gas Wells,” US Energy Information Administration (website), accessed April 30, 2013,

  7. Energy Information Administration, Annual Energy Outlook 2012.

  8. Hughes, “Drill, Baby, Drill,” 50.

  9. Rafael Sandrea, “Evaluating Production Potential of Mature US Oil, Gas Shale Plays,” Oil & Gas Journal, December 3, 2012,

  10. Rune Likvern, “Is the Typical NDIC Bakken Tight Oil Well a Sales Pitch?,” The Oil Drum (blog), April 29, 2013,

  11. Jaci Conrad Pearson, “It Takes Oil Money to Make Oil Money,” Black Hills Pioneer, September 19, 2012,

  12. Ashley Eady, “Oil Industry Insiders Divided Over Longevity, Feasibility of Shale Play,” Lubbock Avalanche–Journal, February 2, 2013, 3091#.UTDmLBmRrEM.

  13. Hughes, “Drill, Baby, Drill,” 95.

  14. Hughes, “Drill, Baby, Drill,” 99.

  15. Hughes, “Drill, Baby, Drill,” 106.

  16. Alison Vekshin, “California’s Fracking Bonanza May Fall Short of Promise,”, April 9, 2013,

  17. Wael Mahdi, “Saudi Arabia’s Shale Plans May Be Slowed by Lack of Water,”, March 12, 2013,

  18. Jeff Tollefson, “China Slow to Tap Shale-Gas Bonanza,” Nature 494, no. 7437 (February 20, 2013): 294, doi: 10.1038/49429.

  19. Hughes, “Drill, Baby, Drill,” 28.

  20. US Energy Information Administration, “Annual Energy Outlook Retrospective Review: Evaluation of 2012 and Prior Reference Case Projections,” March 2013,

  21. Terry Macalister, “Key Oil Figures Were Distorted by US Pressure, Says Whistleblower,” Guardian, November 9, 2009,

  22. Andrew Nikiforuk, “Why Energy Experts Get Things Wrong So Often,” The Tyee (website), March 20, 2013,

  23. Raymond T. Pierrehumbert, “The Myth of ‘Saudi America’,”, February 6, 2013, _science/science/2013/02/u_s_shale_oil_are_we_headed_to_a _new_era_of_oil_abundance.single.html.

  24. John Westwood, “Energy Business Prospects,” (lecture, SNS 2012, Norwich, England, March 1, 2012). See slide 8 of Westwood’s presentation at


  1. Felicity Barringer, “Hydrofracking Could Strain Western Water Resources, Study Finds,” New York Times, May 2, 2013, http://www.

  2. Sandra Postel, “As Oil and Gas Drilling Competes for Water, One New Mexico County Says No,” National Geographic, May 3, 2013,
  3. Ian Urbina, “Regulation Lax as Gas Wells’ Tainted Water Hits Rivers,” New York Times, February 26, 2011, “Report: Fracking’s ‘Radioactive Wastewater’ Discharged into Drinking Water Supplies,” Environmental Leader (website), March 1, 2011, Abby Zimet, “Fracking Debris Ten Times Too Radioactive for Hazardous Waste Landfill,” Common Dreams (blog), April 25, 2013,

  4. Ian Urbina, “Regulation Lax as Gas Wells’ Tainted Water Hits Rivers,” New York Times, February 26, 2011, Urbina references EPA documents (2011) obtained by the New York Times.

  5. Sheila M. Olmstead et al., “Shale Gas Development Impacts on Surface Water Quality in Pennsylvania,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, March 11, 2013, doi:10.1073/pnas.1213871110.

  6. Brett Walton, “Study: Shale Gas Fracking Taints Rivers in Pennsylvania,” Circle of Blue (website), March 21, 2013,

  7. Anthony R. Ingraffea, “Fluid Migration Mechanisms Due to Faulty Well Design and/or Construction: An Overview and Recent Experiences in the Pennsylvania Marcellus Play,” Physicians, Scientists and Engineers for Healthy Energy (website), October 2012, 8–9.

  8. Maurice B. Dusseault, Malcolm N. Gray, and Pawel A. Nawrocki, “Why Oilwells Leak: Cement Behavior and Long-Term Consequences,” (paper presented at the SPE International Oil and Gas Conference and Exhibition, Beijing, China, November 7–10, 2000)

  9. Diane Ryder, “Report on Bainbridge Well Problem Released,” News–Herald, September 11, 2008,

  10. Stephen G. Osborn et al., “Methane Contamination of Drinking Water Accompanying Gas-well Drilling and Hydraulic Fracturing,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108, no. 20 (May 17, 2011), doi: 10.1073.

  11. Deborah Solomon and Russell Gold, “EPA Ties Fracking, Pollution,” Wall Street Journal, December 9, 2011,

  12. Ellen Cantarow, “The Downwinders: Fracking Ourselves to Death in Pennsylvania,” (blog), May 2, 2013,

  13. Joe Spease, Chairman, Kansas Sierra Club Fracking Committee, Testimony on Risks of Hydraulic Fracturing, (testimony, Kansas Legislature), January 31, 2012, _other.pdf.

  14. Peter Lehner, “Fracking’s Dark Side Gets Darker: The Problem of Methane Waste,” Natural Resources Defense Council Staff Blog, October 15, 2012, _side_gets_darke.html.

  15. Jon Hurdle, “US Gas Drilling Boom Stirs Water Worries,” Reuters, February 25, 2009,

  16. Philip Doe, “A Must Read Account of Fracking Colorado,” EcoWatch (website), March 5, 2013,

  17. Lisa Song, “First Study of Its Kind Detects 44 Hazardous Air Pollutants at Gas Drilling Sites,” InsideClimate News (blog), December 3, 2012,

  18. In West Virginia and parts of Pennsylvania, most landowners do not own subsurface mineral rights and thus have no say in whether their land is drilled.

  19. Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association, “Fracking and Farmland: What Farmers and Landowners Need to Know About the Risks to Air, Water, and Land,” Fracking Factsheet, September 27, 2011,

  20. Ibid.

  21. Oswald Bamberger, “Impacts of Gas Drilling on Human and Animal Health,” New Solutions 22, no.1 (2012): 51–77, doi: 10.2190/NS.22.1.e.

  22. Judith Kohler, “Report Says Drilling Threatens Colorado Wildlife,” Aspen Times, January 20, 2010,

  23. Katy Dunlap, Eastern Water Project Director, Trout Unlimited, Shale Gas Production and Water Resources in the Eastern United States, (testimony, US Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Water and Power), October 20, 2011, _id=1cbe5c49-aa41-4bec-a6b7-992068c59666. Susan Young, “EPA to Regulate Fracking Waste Water,” Nature News Blog, October 21, 2011, _eye_on_fr.html.

  24. Katie M. Keranen et al., “Potentially Induced Earthquakes in Oklahoma, USA: Links Between Wastewater Injection and the 2011 Mw 5.7 Earthquake Sequence,” Geology (first published on March 26, 2013), doi: 10.1130/G34045.1. Becky Oskin, “New Mexico Earthquakes Linked to Wastewater Injection,” Live Science (website), April 23, 2013,

  25. “Loss of Property Values, Difficulty Getting Mortgages and Home Insurance,” Save Colorado From Fracking (website),

  26. Jeff Abbas, “Farming, Foraging and Fracking: Our Fight Against the Machine,”, March 26, 2013, Steve Horn and Trisha Marczak, “Sand Land: Fracking Industry Mining Iowa’s Iconic Sand Bluffs in New Form of Mountaintop Removal,” (blog), April 30, 2013,

  27. Dr. Wayne Feyereisn, “Potential Public Health Risks of Silica Sand Mining and Processing,” (presentation hosted by Concerned Citizens for St. Charles, St. Charles, MN), March 7, 2013,

  28. US Environmental Protection Agency, Inventory of US Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: 1990–2010, (Washington, DC, April 15, 2012), Energy 3-5, The EPA measured each source of energy by its carbon (C) intensity in comparison to coal.

  29. Robert Howarth, Renee Santoro, and Anthony Ingraffea, “Methane and the Greenhouse-Gas Footprint of Natural Gas from Shale Formations,” Climatic Change 106, no. 4 (June, 2011): 679–690, doi: 10.1007/s10584-011-0061-5.

  30. Tom Zeller Jr., “Studies Say Natural Gas Has Its Own Environmental Problems,” New York Times, April 11, 2011,

  31. Jon Entine, “New York Times Reversal: Cornell University Research Undermines Hysteria Contention That Shale Gas Is ‘Dirty’,” Forbes, March 2, 2012,

  32. Lawrence Cathles et al., “A Commentary On ‘The Greenhouse-Gas Footprint Of Natural Gas In Shale Formations’ by R. W. Howarth, R. Santoro, and Anthony Ingraffea,” Climatic Change 113, no. 2 (July 2012): 525–535, doi: 10.1007/s10584-011-0333-0.

  33. Ramón A. Alvarez et al, “Greater Focus Needed On Methane Leakage From Natural Gas Infrastructure,” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110, no. 13, (March 11, 2013): 4962–4967, doi:10.1073/pnas.1202407109.

  34. David Hughes, “Lifecycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Shale Gas Compared to Coal: An Analysis of Two Conflicting Studies,” Post Carbon Institute, July 2011, 16–18,

  35. Jeff Tollefson, “Methane Leaks Erode Green Credentials of Natural Gas,” Nature 493, no. 7430 (January 2, 2013),

  36. Ian J. Laurenzi and Gilbert R. Jersey, “Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Freshwater Consumption of Marcellus Shale Gas,” Environmental Science and Technology 47, no. 9 (April 2, 2013): 4896–4903, doi: 10.1021.

  37. “EPA Methane Report Further Divides Fracking Camps,” Associated Press, April 28, 2013,

  38. Tim McDonnell, “Frackers Are Losing $1.5 Billion Yearly to Leaks,” Mother Jones, April 5, 2013,


  1. “Major CEOs Feeling the Recession... Somewhat,” Associated Press, May 1, 2009,

  2. Christopher Helman, “The Two Sides of Aubrey McClendon, America’s Most Reckless Billionaire,” Forbes, October 5, 2011,

  3. Christopher Swann and Robert Cyran, “Did Chesapeake miss Enron lessons?” Reuters, May 22, 2012,

  4. Christopher Helman, “Here’s What The Analyst Who Uncovered Enron Thinks About Chesapeake,” Forbes, June 4, 2012,

  5. John Shiffman, Anna Driver, and Brian Grow, “Special Report: the Lavish and Leveraged Life of Aubrey McClendon,” Reuters, June 7, 2012,

  6. Nicholas Sakelaris, “Aubrey McClendon Back in the Game with New Oil/Gas Company,” Dallas Business Journal, April 19, 2013,

  7. “Benefits of Fracking,” EnergyFromShale (website), accessed May 13, 2013,


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