Learning to Forgive

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Learning to Forgive Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  Molly made her way out of the back garden gate through to the open field that had the start of a steep hill. She took several deep breaths as she walked up through the long grass. Trent had really shocked her with his demands. She didn’t understand why he would want so badly for her to leave his father.

  Their time together hadn’t been the best, but it surely hadn’t been a living nightmare. David never made her fear him in any way. She was free to make her own choices. What was wrong with wanting to stay together?

  Married life hadn’t been perfect, but who had a perfect marriage? Blaze had grown to hate his first wife even though she’d given him a son. Malcolm adored Tilly, and she knew they argued throughout their years together. Age and time didn’t make a happy marriage. Being open with each other was the key. She saw the rise of the hill. Molly made her way up. Every few steps she needed to stop to gain her breath. Living in the country didn’t give her instant fitness.

  Molly thought about David and the few times they’d been happy. She forced herself to block out all of the bad memories and only focus on the ones that were good in her life. There were several moments she recalled.


  They were at the beach house. It had been a horrid summer. The heat kept getting harder to handle. Molly had to cover everyone in sunblock. The heat had gotten so bad that David came to stay with them at the beach house. She liked the beach house. He may have owned it with his first wife, but the easy access to the beach was what held all the appeal.

  She sat on the beach in a full bathing suit with a sarong wrapped around her waist. Her legs had gotten thicker over the ten years of her marriage. No matter how much walking or running she did, the thickness stayed the same. The boys were paddling along the beach. They’d been banned from going any farther out to sea. She finished coating John up then sat back watching all five boys.

  David placed a blanket down next to her, startling her.

  “You look a little lonely, Miss. Do you mind if I sit here for a while and have the pleasure of your company?” he asked.

  “I don’t mind. My husband might. Last time I checked he was being silent in the house.”

  He had argued about going down to the beach.

  “He doesn’t sound nice, this husband of yours,” David said.

  She laughed. There were times she wondered who the real man was, the teasing, happy-go-lucky guy next to her or the grumpy man who married her for propriety's sake.

  “He’s fine. Most of the time, I think. Misunderstood, maybe. I don’t know. The boys were hating the heat. Look at them now, laughing.”

  “Have you ever thought your husband gets a little jealous?” David asked.

  “Cut the crap, David,” she said, bored with the game he was playing.

  He crossed the small distance between them, tackling her to the ground. She squealed, laughing as he moved over her, trapping her underneath. David straddled her waist, and he locked her hands above her head. “You have to listen to me now,” he said.

  David leaned down, kissing her neck and making her shiver. She moaned, biting her lip to try to contain the sound. “Let it go, baby. I want to hear you moan.”

  He continued to nibble on her neck, biting down on the tender flesh of her collarbone. She went numb all over from the pleasure he gave. “You taste so sweet,” he said.

  She lay underneath him without fighting his hold. Her breasts were tender, the nipples tight. Molly felt the heat of his breath along her neck. Her pussy was dripping wet. David always had the ability to undo her. The beach was crowded. No one paid any attention to them. She stared into his eyes as he looked back.

  “Do you ever think that I may be jealous?” he asked.

  “Of what?”

  “My own sons.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “They get you all the time, Molly. I’ve never had that privilege.” He slammed his lips down on hers stopping her from arguing a point. David set her whole world on fire with a hot, demanding kiss. All thought left as she plunged her tongue into his mouth, tasting him.

  “Ew, Daddy is kissing Molly,” Chris said.

  David pulled back. “What do you say we dump Molly in the ocean and see if she comes back a mermaid?”

  All boys shouted and screamed.

  “Remember, you’re not allowed out into the ocean, boys.”

  He picked her up in his arms and carried her out to the water. She screamed, fighting and laughing. Molly watched all five boys as they followed them to the water's edge then stopped. David kept going until they were surrounded by water. He pulled her close then pressed a hand between her thighs.

  She gasped, and her fighting stopped. David pressed his fingers against her swollen clit, rubbing the nub as he nibbled her ear.

  “I sometimes get jealous of my own sons. They spend all the time with you. All I want to do is make love to you, Molly. I want to wake up in the morning and not worry about them running into our room. I dream of fucking you in every room of the house without any worry whatsoever.”

  He teased her clit, plunging his fingers inside her. Molly cried out, the sound muffled by the waves.

  “I’m desperate for you, Molly. I always am.”

  She came apart in his arms while he stroked her clit. The touch was hot, and knowing he’d gotten her out to the ocean to touch her meant a great deal to her.

  When he was done and her heart was under control she turned toward him. “Why did you do that?” she asked.

  “So that every time you look out across the ocean, you’ll remember that I made you orgasm. There will be no ocean in the world where you’re not thinking about me,” he said, dropping a kiss to her lips then paddling back to shore and holding her hand.


  David took her out to dinner on a Friday night. They’d been married fifteen years. Blaze and Chris were working, and Trent was in college. Luke and John were at a friend's. Molly hadn’t expected the special treatment. David came home from work carrying a box. Inside was a dress he’d wanted her to wear. It was a deep blue cocktail dress with matching shoes. The bodice had the wiring for her breasts. He’d demanded she wear no panties. There was no way for her to wear panties in the dress. The lines of the fabric would show.

  The meal was wonderful. David kept her entertained with some work stories. They talked about everything, movies, books, and even the children. The evening felt like a date even though they’d been married for so long. She still loved him with her whole heart. At times she wished she didn’t because then his caring wouldn’t hurt so much.

  “You’re a wonderful mother,” he said.

  “Thank you.”

  “Dance with me.” He held his hand out across the table. She took it, following his lead onto the dance floor. The slow melody was comforting to her. She wrapped her arms around him when he pulled her close.

  “I’ve always wanted to do this,” he said.

  She didn’t speak. There were times when words were not necessary.

  David danced with her for three songs. His touch made it hard for her to do anything but lean on him.

  “I love you,” she said on a whisper. Molly didn’t know if he heard the words she’d spoken. There was no change inside him, nothing to give him away.

  “I want to take you home and make love to you,” he said.

  “I want that, too.”

  David paid the bill then got them home in the fastest time she’d ever seen. He led her straight up stairs. The door to their bedroom was left open. He pulled her close, slamming his lips down on hers. “I want you so much,” he said.

  He tore the dress off her body, not waiting for her to remove it herself. She chuckled at his desperation then went for the belt on his pants. Together, in a surge or impatience, they removed each other's clothing. Molly was impatient. She felt like it had been years since they’d been alone. She cried out when he bent down, claiming a breast.

  The sound echoed off the walls. She didn’t stop. David cupped
her other breast, pinching the nipple with his finger and thumb. The pleasure went straight to her clit. She moaned pressing her pelvis against his straining cock.

  Molly fisted his shaft, wiping his pre-cum around the head. She wanted more and went to her knees before him. David hissed. She heard the sound and loved it. Working the shaft of his cock, Molly opened her lips taking him into her mouth.

  “Fuck, that feels good.”

  She bobbed her head loving the sounds he was making with the pleasure she gave him. He pulled her off his shaft then moved her to the bed.

  David followed her down, opening her legs and fingering her clit. She whimpered, her eyes closing from the pressure. Opening her eyes, she saw him moving down the bed. He spread her thighs wide then ran his tongue down her slit.

  Her whimpers grew louder and more heated in the moment. She couldn’t stop herself from riding his face. Her fingers sank into his hair. When her orgasm hit, she moaned thrusting her pussy onto his face.

  David came up, kissing her lips then pounding inside her pussy. The action was rough and raw. Molly loved every second of it. Their vicious need sparked a fire inside her. She’d never felt anything like it in her life. Molly never wanted these feelings to stop.

  He growled his release against her neck. She felt the kick of his dick inside her followed by the jet of his sperm.

  When they came down, he didn’t pull out or away. He stayed inside her, staring into her eyes.

  “I’m never letting you go,” he said.


  Molly came out of her memories with tears in her eyes. She’d never thought about those times in her life since the moment occurred. They were like shooting stars, fast and fleeting. They’d had so much going for them. They had both tainted the memories they’d created together with horrible words. Both of them were responsible for what had happened.

  She wasn’t watching where she was going. The tears were falling thick and fast. Molly tripped over a rock and stumbled. She started laughing when she was flat on her ass. Then when she tried to stand, she realised she’d hurt her ankle.

  “Crap.” Molly had forgotten to pick up her cell phone. There was no way for her to get in touch with David.

  Wiping the tears from her eyes, she gazed around the area. What was she to do? There were things she needed to discuss with David. What he’d meant by everything he’d said over the years.

  What if he had been in love with her all this time, only he’d showed her with actions rather than words?

  “What have I done?”

  Molly hoped David loved her enough to start looking for her. The sun was still up. There was a good chance he’d see her from the house. She saw the house, but it was a bloody far distance to crawl.

  Chapter Twelve

  David watched her go wishing there was something he could say or do that would stop her. She was upset. He saw that in the set of her shoulders and the tilt of her lips. What had been said to make her upset? He placed the cup of tea he’d made on a coaster on the coffee table then looked at the telephone resting on the glass.

  They’d been making progress the past few days. He loved spending every waking moment with her. It was fun, and he never wanted to leave her side again. David stared at the phone wondering who’d made her upset.

  Unable to bear the thought of her hurting, he picked the phone up dialling the last number that had called.

  “Hello,” a woman said.

  “Hi, who am I speaking to?”


  He tried to remember who she was. “Is Trent there?” he asked when he figured it out.

  “Yes, he’s right here.” He heard the sound of the phone being handed over.

  “Mom?” Trent said.

  “What did you say to her?” David asked. When it came to his woman he didn’t like anyone upsetting her, not even his son.

  “None of your business. I know you’ve been in the hospital, but I still don’t think you’re good enough for her.”

  “You listen to me, boy. You’ve upset Molly, and I won’t stand for that.”

  “Why? You’ve upset her for most of her life. I don’t think you’re good enough for her.”

  David felt his temper rising. He loved all of his children. However, none of them came close to how he felt about Molly.

  He sat down, rubbing his temples. “Trent, I love Molly. I always have. I don’t want you or the other two trying to convince her to get a divorce.”

  “She deserves love, Dad.”

  “And I’ve got more love for her than you can ever know.”

  He heard Trent scoffing at him.

  “You have no idea what I’ve done over the years for you, Trent. Molly understands what is going on.”

  “You love your first wife more than you’ll love anyone else.”

  David couldn’t take it anymore. He took the time to tell Trent the whole truth about what was going on. No more lies. He let him know every sordid truth about what happened. While he talked he watched the cup of tea he’d made for Molly go cold and form a skin along the top. By the time he was finished, he was crying, and he heard tears in Trent’s voice as well.

  “All this time you’ve been doing this for us?”

  “I never wanted you, Blaze, and Chris to know the truth. You’re my sons. Molly gave you all the love that Isabella should have given you. I messed up with Molly, I know. I’m trying to make it right, Trent. If she divorces me then I’ve got nothing. I love her with all my heart and soul.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Trent said. “I’ll talk to her.”

  “No, let me talk to her. I don’t want any more lies. I need this time with her.”

  “Yes, do you want me to talk to Blaze and Chris?”

  “No, I’ll do that. It is my place, and no one else should do that.”

  They talked for a few more moments, and when they finished, David felt much better. He placed the phone back on the coffee table then picked up Molly’s mug. He took it into the kitchen then made his way out into the garden. He followed the path he guessed she’d taken.

  When he looked up the hill he saw something glinting in the distance. He put his glasses on then looked closer.

  Frowning, he walked the short distance then chuckled. Molly was waving at him.

  “It’s about time,” she said.

  “If I thought you wanted chasing then I’d have gladly followed.” He sat next to her.

  “I didn’t. I’ve hurt my leg.”

  He glanced over, taking hold of her ankle. She screamed and slapped his arm. “That hurts.”

  “Sorry,” he said, lifting her pant leg. There were a few bruises. “Yep, it looks like I get to take you to the emergency room.”

  “Can we stay here a few minutes? It looks so lovely.”

  “I thought you’ve been waiting for me for ages?”

  “I have. This place is beautiful. I wish we could live here forever,” she said.

  “Why couldn’t we?”

  He stared at her, her full bottom lip tempting him like so many times before.

  “You don’t mean that.”

  “Of course I do. I’d go anywhere with you.” He took her hand in his. “I talked with Trent.”

  “What about?”


  David stared at her, his heart lifting with joy when she didn’t pull away from him. “I told him everything, Molly. Every little detail.”


  “He was trying to take you away from me. I couldn’t let that happen. He didn’t believe me when I said I was in love with you. I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “So you told him the truth.”

  He nodded. There was no need for him to confirm the words. “I told him the truth. I think he took it well.”

  “Are you going to tell the other two?”

  “Yes, I will. In time I think I won’t have a choice.”

  “David, I need to ask you something.”

  “I’m all ears, baby

  “I’ve been remembering certain, erm, stuff, throughout our life, and I don’t know what it means.”

  He waited for her to talk. This was her moment. He stared at her ankle hoping it was only a sprain. Never in all of his life had he liked seeing her in pain.

  “I’m listening.”

  “Wow, this is a lot harder to say than when I was thinking it.”

  “Tell me the memory, and I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Okay.” He watched her lick her lips. It was the cutest thing he’d ever seen. “Do you remember the year when the summer was blistering hot and the boys were always restless?”

  “Yeah, we went to the beach house and spent most of our time on the beach. I loved that year.”

  “Well, you took me into the ocean....” He knew she couldn’t bring herself to say any more. It was still too explicit for her to even think about. From the look on her face, he’d bet her whole body blushed at the memory. That day was one of the best days of his life.

  He chuckled. “When I took you into the ocean and gave you an orgasm.”


  “After all these years, you can still blush about that. God, I love you, Molly.” David leaned over and kissed her lips. He waited for her to argue with him. When nothing happened, he kissed her lips once more then sat back waiting.

  “You mentioned the ocean and how every time I would look at it, I’d think of you.”

  “That I did.” At the time he’d been selfish. He’d wanted her to only see him when she looked around her. The ocean was huge. It covered most of the planet, and in his own way he wanted her to never forget him.

  “Why did you do it?” she asked.

  He took a breath staring out along the valley. Their cottage looked gorgeous. He would gladly spend the rest of his life in there with her. “Because I wanted you badly. I saw you with the boys, and I was jealous. They were open around you. Loving you easily, and I felt I couldn’t have that. I was jealous of my own sons, Molly. I felt sick because I wanted with all my heart to take you away and keep you to myself. I shouldn’t be feeling like that.”


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