Monroe, Melody S. - Chelsea's Pleasure [Pleasure, Montana 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Monroe, Melody S. - Chelsea's Pleasure [Pleasure, Montana 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Melody Snow Monroe

  As he searched through his drawers for a bathing suit, he prayed his brother would come up the stairs and take over the cleaning duties. Luke wasn’t convinced he could keep his control from breaking if he stood in the shower with an all-wet and naked Chelsea. He inhaled to gain a bit of composure and crossed the living room.

  Before he reached the entrance, Preston rushed in. His fists were clenched and his jaw tight. “Ross got away.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  Chapter Two

  Preston’s three words rang in her ears. Ross had gotten away. Chelsea couldn’t believe the bastard had managed to disappear. She’d only heard bits and pieces of the rest of the conversation, but she could tell both men were livid. Their concern helped with the frustration and ache pulsing in her body.

  She needed to know more. “Luke? Preston?”

  She made sure she was covered, as Luke seemed quite uncomfortable tending to her. Blood had already gotten on the comforter, the one their mother had made so many years ago. Chelsea hoped she could get it clean since it was one of the few items they’d saved after the house fire took their mom’s life.

  Both men both rushed in. Preston ran to her side and held her hand. “You okay?”

  Yes and no. She expected to be more traumatized with the near rape, but at the moment she was more pissed than anything. She’d almost been a victim, but the fact that asshole hadn’t succeeded gave her a lot of courage. Most likely, she’d break down later when the reality sank in. The fact Doc Trumble believed she might need anxiety pills caused her stress in and of itself.

  Sure, her face hurt from the punch, and her breast still throbbed from where Ross had bitten her, but the ache on her belly had subsided. “I’ll need time to heal, that’s all.” She didn’t want to focus on herself. “You said Ross was gone?” His disappearing act upset her more than the fact her face probably looked like an eggplant.

  It was just her luck. She’d come back home to make her two dream men fall in love with her, and she ended up looking like she’d been in a train wreck.

  Preston stabbed a hand through his gloriously wavy, black hair. “When I left, I swear he was out cold. I hit him so hard he never should have been able to get up.” He blew out a breath. “He was still out when the sheriff arrived. I guess when Bradford came up here, Ross woke up and split. Shit. I should have tied down the bastard, but I was so concerned about you, I guess I forgot.”

  Even if his action was brotherly in nature, her heart zinged at his care. “Luke was taking care of me.”

  “In the heat of the moment, I forgot I’d asked him to check on you.” He swallowed hard. “Then when I saw you standing at the door, I lost it.”

  His concern helped heal her. “Are both the sheriff and deputy looking for him? Ross has to be punished, you know. He assaulted me.”

  “We know, Seach.”

  She cringed at the nickname, but at the same time it gave her comfort to remember the good times, before her father left and her mom died.

  He continued. “They’re going to do everything they can to bring him in. We’ll make sure of that. I’m betting everyone in Pleasure will help in the search if the sheriff can’t find him.” He rubbed her hand. “Don’t worry. He can’t hide in this town without someone seeing him.”

  Pleasure was a good town. She’d come back here to get away from the loneliness and the cruel people she’d encountered in the big city. She never realized that Pleasure was so special in its accepting ways. Two men loving one woman was the norm here, as were same-sex marriages, but in the big city, people weren’t as open-minded. In fact, too often they were downright cruel.

  It was one of the reasons she wanted to return. It was too bad that in less than two weeks, she’d been cut, beaten, and almost violated. Getting a job where she could see Luke and Preston every day more than made up for it, though.

  She tapped her cheek to see the extent of the damage, and a sharp ache drove straight to her teeth. She winced. “Can you get me some ice?”

  “I’m on it,” Luke said from the doorway.

  She hadn’t seen him standing there. His sudden discomfort at seeing her slightly undressed surprised her. After all, it was only skin. She’d heard from Lydia that Luke was quite experienced in bed. She trusted Lydia. The social-butterfly barmaid had supposedly slept with half the town. Thank goodness she’d never been able to get Luke in her claws, or so she claimed.

  Luke returned with a towel filled with ice. She was already chilled to the bone, but she needed the cold to reduce the swelling. The moment she placed the pack on her face, she jerked from the freezing temperature and the pressure.

  Preston placed a hand on the comforter covering her leg. “Tell me what I can do to help.”

  Warm me up, kiss my face, and make me forget about the pain, even though it might be more emotional than physical.

  She looked up at his enticing form leaning over her. “I was telling Luke I need to take a shower.”

  “Good idea. Shower’s in there.” He nodded to the half-open door.

  Don’t you want to join me and help me erase the thought of Ross’s hands on my body? “Anyone willing to help?”

  Preston’s jaw hardened. “I, ah, need to check downstairs.”

  Likely excuse. Luke was still standing back, leaning against the bedroom doorframe. “Luke?” He’d changed into his shorts, looking like he might be willing. “You said you’d help me.” She swore he blushed, but it was hard to tell, given it looked like he hadn’t shaven today.

  “I’ll be right outside the door if you need me.”


  Both men left her alone to take a shower. Washing her hair took some effort, but she found if she dropped her head, she didn’t have to raise her arms as high. Once done, she reapplied the bandages and was about to get dressed when she remembered she had nothing to put on. Ross had basically shredded every bit of her clothes. Even the zipper on her jeans had broken from Ross’s forceful tug. With the towel around her body and head, she went into the living room in search of one of the brothers to see if she could borrow something of theirs. Luke’s back was to her, searching for a book on the bookcase.

  “Ah, Luke?”

  He spun around and his gaze went from her head to her feet and back again.

  “Seach?” His Adam’s apple bobbed.

  She hoped his darkened eyes implied lust rather than disgust. “Looks like I’ve got nothing to wear.”

  His gaze glanced around the room. “Let me see what I can find.”

  He went into his room and returned a moment later with a big T-shirt and a pair of snow pants.

  She laughed. “I’m not sure that’s going work.” He held them out, looking lost and adorable. The thin white T-shirt might work had it not been almost see-through, but the pants were about ten inches too long. “Maybe I should give Vicki a call. Perhaps she’ll go over to my place and pick up some things.”

  He grinned, his cheeks dimpling. “Great.”

  She dialed her best friend’s number. “Vicki, it’s Chelsea.”

  “Chelsea, my God, I just heard what happened. How are you?”

  “I’m good. Listen, I know you just got home from work, but I’ll be forever grateful if you go over to my place and pick up a few sets of clothes.”


  She walked into Preston’s bedroom for more privacy and began her explanation. The call took longer than she wanted as her best friend insisted on learning every detail. After she calmed Vicki down, assuring her she was okay, more or less, Vicki said she’d help in any way.

  “So you see, I have nothing to wear but a towel.”

  She chuckled. “That’s a bad thing, why?”

  Chelsea, too, had to laugh. “I don’t want to look like I’m seducing them.” She inhaled. “Actually, I’m not really in the mood right now. Every time I close my eyes, I see Ross’s face.”

  “Oh, Chelsea, I didn’t mean to make light of the situation.”

  “I kn
ow. You were trying to take my mind off of what happened. Soon I’ll move on, but for the time being can you please grab my toothbrush, makeup, and whatever else you see? I’m betting they’ll insist I stay here a few days. Oh, and could you bring the crocheted blanket I was working on, along with my needles and yarn?”

  Vicki sucked in an audible breath. “They asked you to stay with them for a few days?”

  “More or less. After the attack, I don’t think they’ll let me leave the building until the jerk’s in jail.” They never actually stated a length of time, but implied they wanted to protect her for as long as need be.

  “Oh, Chelsea. The staying part is good, but not the cause. You sound in good spirits, but tell me the truth. How are you really holding up?”

  She’d always been honest with Vicki. “I don’t think it has hit me yet, but hey, they should be at my mercy in no time.” Her lips faltered. Dwelling on what might have happened wasn’t healthy.

  “You always were one to see the glass half-full.” Her friend gasped. “Oh, no. The costume party is in three days. Will you be up for that?”

  It had been Chelsea’s idea to celebrate the one-year anniversary of Preston buying back the bar from Ross by holding a costume party. “Nothing is going to stop me from being at that party. That reminds me, can you pick up my costume I rented when you get yours?

  “No problem.”

  She thought a costume party would be the perfect opportunity for her to dress up in something sexy. Her chef’s outfit made her look like a shapeless woman, and she wanted to show her men she had curves, too.

  “You sure you want to wear something so sexy after the attack?”

  “Because of the attack, I need to feel desirable again, but if the swelling in my cheek doesn’t go down, I might change my mind.”

  “I’m halfway to your house now. See you soon.”

  “Come up the side entrance. I’ll be waiting.”

  * * * *

  Once Vicki dropped off her clothes and the rest of the items, exhaustion claimed her.

  She insisted Luke go back to work. “I don’t need any help sleeping.”

  His gaze shot right then left. “If you’re sure. Keep your phone by your side, though, and call me if you need anything.”

  “I’ll be okay.” She smiled and wanted to run a hand over his face to erase the worry.

  “I’ll lock both doors. No telling what Ross will try.”

  She didn’t need that thought racing through her brain. “Thanks.”

  Her body ached, and no sooner did she lie down when a noise sounded in the living room. She shot up and a twinge grabbed her stomach and chest. Footsteps moved into the kitchen and she sank back into the bed.

  “That you, Luke? Preston?” Ross would have pushed his way in by now.

  Luke poked his head into the room. “Thought you might be hungry.” He grinned. “Be back in a sec.”

  She hadn’t given much thought to eating, but a moment later, he came in carrying a tray, and her stomach grumbled. The scent of chicken reached her. Next to the dishes sat a small vase with a fake flower.

  “Preston thought it was too early for you to come downstairs.” He set the tray on her lap.

  Not only was there a bowl of chicken soup, but he’d brought a piece of her favorite pumpernickel bread covered in some homemade jam. “This looks wonderful. Thank you.”

  “How are you feeling?”

  In a way, she wished they’d act like nothing had happened. It might help her forget the attack sooner. “Good.”

  “Doc’s coming in a day or two to give you the all clear.”

  “Thank God. I can’t wait to get into my routine.”

  “Well, I gotta go.”

  Her disappointment drained her. “You can’t stay? It’s lonely being my myself.”

  His face brightened. “If you want. Sure.”

  So as not to spill the soup, she ate a few spoonfuls. Once she finished the bread, her mood improved. “You never did tell me what it was like after you left Pleasure.”

  He sat on the end of the bed. “Not much to tell. After college, I came back for a few months, but couldn’t find a good job, so I headed to Denver, where I got a job at a brokerage firm.”

  “Did you miss Pleasure at all?”

  “At first? No. I loved being able to walk downtown and not know everyone. I dated a lot and partied hard. I was good with investments and made a lot of money.”

  “So why come back?” She’d heard a few things, and Luke had dropped some hints, but she wanted to know what made him tick.

  “I guess I was lonely. The people were too superficial. Here, they’re mostly accepting. If someone needs help, everyone pitches in.”

  She smiled. “I missed that part, too.”

  “That’s when I found out Ross was being an asshole. He’d promise to tend bar, then not show up. I could tell every time I spoke with Preston that his mood was getting blacker. Not only that, but Ross was hitting on anything in a skirt. Needless to say, Mountain View started to lose business. That’s when I decided to cash in my investments and buy out Ross.”

  She failed to read the expression on his face. “Did it bother you to give up your dream?”

  “I thought it would, but no. What I believed was my dream really wasn’t. I think it’s good sometimes to leave a place where you’re comfortable. It makes you appreciate what you had when you come home.”

  Her pulse sped up. “Me, too. I couldn’t wait to get away from this town. I was so naïve. The people here are good.”

  “Don’t I know it.” He nodded to her tray. “You finished.”

  “I can take it into the kitchen.”

  He held up a hand. “If Preston thought I had you do work, he’d give me kitchen duty for a week.”

  She knew he was exaggerating, but it was nice to hear that Preston cared.

  Luke stood. “I’m tending bar so Preston can sit with you.”

  “I don’t want to interfere with the business. I can watch TV. I’m good.”

  He grinned. “I’ll pass on the message, but expect my brother momentarily.”


  He took the tray and left.

  If this was how it was going to be for the next few days, maybe she should sneak home. No. Ross might find me.

  As soon as the back door closed, she got out of bed. She wanted to show Preston she didn’t need a babysitter anymore.

  He came up the back stairs a few minutes later. “You’re up?”

  “Yes, and I’m fine. You don’t have to sit with me.”

  “I know, but I need to fix the sofa.”

  She hadn’t thought about taking his bed. “Is there only one bath, too?”

  “’Fraid so.”

  “I can stay with someone else. I don’t want to be such a bother.”

  He stepped closer, and when he ran his hands down her arms, her breath stopped. “I want to take care of you. I promised your brothers. You are my responsibility now.” He stepped back. “I should have figured Ross would want to retaliate. I was stupid.”

  “It wasn’t your fault.”

  He cocked a brow. “Doesn’t matter anymore. From now on, I’ll do my best to keep you safe.”

  She studied him, trying to figure out how much of his feelings came from obligation and how much came from his caring about her. Damn. He was as readable as clear chicken stock.

  Preston nodded to his bedroom. “Let me get some of my stuff out of the room.”

  He was taking this too far. “Let me stay on the sofa.”

  His jaw tightened. “Not a chance. You are our guest. Besides, if Ross tries anything, I want to be the first person he sees.”

  Clearly, he wasn’t going to change his mind. “Well, thank you.”

  The thought there was only one bathroom made her uncomfortable, but she’d deal. She hoped they would, too.

  * * * *

  After Doc Trumble declared her fit to go back to work two days later, Chelsea had to rac
e around to get ready for the party that night. At least the activity helped keep her mind off Ross, but she had to admit the two-day rest gave her a chance to almost finish the blanket she’d been making for Luke and Preston.

  So far, no one had spotted Ross, but rumor had it he’d crossed Montana’s state line for Wyoming to stay with one of his siblings who lived there. As long as he didn’t come back to Pleasure, she’d be happy.

  Preston sauntered into Mountain View’s kitchen for about the tenth time today. “How’s it going?”

  “Same as an hour ago, but I am making progress.” In the first two weeks, he rarely came back to check on her. Ever since the attack, he’d been overly protective.

  He picked up a stuffed mushroom and took a bite. “Not bad.”

  She laughed. “I’ll have you know, that appetizer was one of the most requested dishes in St. Louis.”

  “I can see why.” He looked down the hallway, appeared satisfied, and left.

  This hovering was driving her crazy. She caught sight of the slight wince when he tasted the onion in the canapé. Clearly, he’d come to make sure the kitchen was secure and not sample the party platter.

  She probably should have explained that she wanted to put the incident behind her. Routine brought her solace. If they would act normal around her, she could move on. To her, that meant getting the men to see her as a woman and not someone in need.

  The initial purpose of tonight’s party was to convince at least one, if not both of them, she was no longer a little girl who needed supervision, but rather was a sensual and desirable woman who would make a great addition to their lives. She wondered if the attack had totally derailed that plan.

  The moment the door between the bar and kitchen stopped swinging from Preston’s exit, both Vicki and Lydia rushed in.

  Vicki waved a piece of paper. “The band is here early to set up. They said with the storm coming, they didn’t want to bring their instruments in and chance getting them wet.” She glanced down at the paper. “The tables and chairs are off to the side so we can mingle and dance.” She held up a finger. “We’ve only had to turn away two customers because of the party preparations. They were passersby and didn’t know about the affair tonight.”


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