Fallin' For a Boss

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Fallin' For a Boss Page 10

by Lucinda John

  “Are you ready to order?” Ms. Thickness asked when she came back. She tapped her pencil against the notepad she held in her hand.

  “I’ll have the fried chicken dinner with seafood rice, collard greens, and extra mac and cheese,” Lisa ordered without even picking up the menu.

  “And for you sir?”

  “I’ll have the fried cat fish dinner with extra mac and cheese, green beans with two extra slices of cornbread,” I said, handing her my menu. After scribbling down the orders, she walked off, but not before she discreetly gave me a wink. Yeah the bitches were feeling a chubby nigga and if you ain’t got you one you better get in. Skinny niggas wasn’t in style no more.

  Midway through our meal, Lisa excused herself to the restroom. I flagged the waitress down, took down her number, and ordered me a to go plate for later on. Damn this mac is good; I thought as I first degree murdered the plate.

  “You on a date and still getting numbers.” I looked up and saw Stacks’ ass looking at me. Bitch ass nigga.

  “You know how it is,” I replied trying my hardest to hide all the hate I had for the nigga.

  “Was that Lala’s home girl you was with?” he asked me with a serious look on his face.

  “Yeah, Lisa. Why?” I asked hoping this nigga wasn’t about to tell me he was smashing her.

  “Just asking,” he said with a look of confusion on his face. “Well, I’m out, enjoy your date. Be easy,” he said before he picked up his food at the counter and walked of. Pussy ass nigga had my trigger finger itching.

  Lisa came back to the table and we finished up our food and made small talk. Talking to her, our conversation was always on a different level. We spoke about stuff that made me think. If I could figure out a way to follow through with my plan and keep her on my team, I’d kick Tasha’s worn out pussy ass to the side in a heartbeat. That bitch wasn’t nothing but a headache anyways.

  “You coming back to my house?” Lisa asked with sex on her mind. I knew she couldn’t get enough of this dick. Name a big nigga that had a 9 ½ inch dick that knew how to do overtime in that pussy without getting tired.

  “For sho,” I answered, finishing that last crumb on my plate before washing it down with a glass of homemade peach sweet tea. This place right here was the truth for real.

  Pulling out the money to cover our meal and a few extra hundreds to tip the waitress, we made our way out hand in hand. A nigga was on full and ready to put in work tonight. I planned on sleeping in that pussy tonight. Fuck Tasha; I thought as I turned my phone completely off.

  Chapter 18


  I couldn’t believe this nigga was still fucking with Lala’s bitch ass and I was the one carrying his first child! I was pissed as fuck sitting here watching them look like the world’s greatest couple. What really ticked me off was when they got in his car.

  I allowed them to get down the street before I followed them back to his house. I wanted to get out the car and snatch her ass up, but I played it cool, her end was near soon. I watched them walk into the house. What killed me was that the hoe had been shacked up with the next nigga for a little over three months, but now she wanted to get back in my nigga’s face like damn hoe how much dicks can your pussy take? I knew she was an undercover thot, I wasn’t buying that “Oh she’s loyal” bullshit.

  “Arrrgh.” I opened the car door and allowed everything I ate for dinner paint the floor. I was sick of this little bastard in me. I didn’t know what the fuck was taking Bear and Ted so long to carry out their plan. I was ready for them to get rid of Lala so that I could kill this little piece of shit in me before it was too late. I just needed the baby to make sure James stuck around.

  After they killed Lala’s ass, he would have no choice but to stay with me. Scrolling through my phone, I found Ted’s number and called him.

  “What’s good fam?” he answered.

  “What the fuck is taking so long getting rid of Lala’s ass?! I’m sick of seeing that bitch in my nigga’s face,” I snapped getting right to the point. I ain’t have no time for small talk.

  “Just chill cuz, everything take a little time, but we on that,” he replied, trying to calm me down.

  “Hurry the fuck up before I get out this car and kill that bitch myself. She up there in my man’s house probably sucking his dick and shit!” The thought of Lala and James fucking had me 38 hot!

  “He with her now?” he asked with a hint of excitement in his voice.

  “Yes I watched them walked inside. I’m out here parked in front of the house now,” I replied taking a swig of my water hoping like hell this baby was not about to have me throwing up again. I swear this little devil in me was evil as hell.

  “When they come out snap some pictures of them then send it to me.”

  “Do I look like a fucking private investigator?” I snapped on his dumb ass for asking me to do some shit like that.

  “Man just do it, trust me this will make things go way faster,” he reasoned with me.

  “How?” I asked wanting to know what the hell me taking pictures of Lala and James was going to do to speed up the process.

  “Man just do it!” he said getting annoyed and hanging up.

  When they finally came out of the house, it was 11pm. They was all hugged up and fucking for three damn hours. I snapped as many pictures as I could before they got in the car and pulled off. Something had to give because this bitch was fucking shit up for me.

  * * *

  Pulling in my driveway, I noticed James’ car wasn’t there. I called him three times back to back only for him to forward my calls. Oh, he wanted to play? Well, I was good with the games. I was even a good magician because I had a trick for his ass. I went in the house and sat on the couch. I scrolled down my phone and sent him a text.

  I sat back with my legs crossed and waited for him to call and just like clock work my phone started ringing. I let the first call go to the voicemail before I finally answered.

  “Hello?” I faintly answered the phone.

  “What’s good ma, the baby ok?” he asked sounding so concerned for the little demon.

  “Oh, my God baby, it hurts so bad,” I dramatically cried into the phone as if I was really in pain.

  “What happened?” he worriedly asked.

  “I got up and went to the bathroom and when I got up there was so much blood, I’m in so much pain. Oh, James I think I’m losing the baby,” I cried harder.

  “Don’t move ma, I’m on my way,” he said, hanging up the phone. I hung up the phone while laughing at his dumb ass.

  Not long after, I heard the keys in the door and I quickly laid on the ground and closed my eyes.

  “Yo Ash, where you at ma’?” I heard him yelling for me. “C’mon ma get up,” he said picking me up.

  “It hurts so bad,” I whispered as I cried in his neck, hiding the fact that I was actually cracking the fuck up.

  “Ok, I’mma get you to a hospital,” he said carrying me to the car. He laid me in the backseat and sped off running every red light and stop sign.

  * * *

  “Can I get a nurse please?” James asked walking over to the nurse’s station with me cradled in his arms. This shit was so comical, it reminded me of the movie Menace to Society when Kane got shot and the rushed him in the E.R.

  “Sir, what’s wrong with her?” a nurse asked, rushing over to us.

  “She’s pregnant and she’s been bleeding and having really bad cramps,” James replied with a somber look on his face. That was what he got for playing with me, now I was about to play with his emotions

  “Oh, God, I think I’m having a miscarriage,” I cried holding my stomach as if I was really in pain.

  “Can you help her please!” James sounded as if he was about to cry, poor baby. The icing on the cake was when the nurse told him that he had to sit in the waiting room while I got examined. Good, now he could sit out there with his thoughts driving him crazy
wondering if his first child was going to make it or not. Ha! Teach him to play with me.

  Three pokes in my arm and a urine sample later, I was laying in the hospital bed waiting on my results.

  “Is everything ok with the baby?” James asked as he walked into the room and took a seat next to my bed.

  “I don’t know, I hope so,” I lied. To be honest, I could really careless.

  “Ms. Perkins, I’m nurse Glenda and I’m going to perform an ultrasound so that we can check on the baby.” She squeezed this cold ass gel on my stomach and began looking for the baby. Once she found it, for a brief moment my heart skipped a beat. Looking at my baby on the screen, I actually considered keeping it; however, under the circumstances that I conceived the baby, I quickly dismissed the thought.

  I looked over at James who had his face glued to the little screen with a smile on his face. For the first time, I felt a little bad about him never getting to meet the baby that he thought was his.

  “Ok, well I’m done here. The doctor will be in here shortly to speak with you. Feel better Ms. Perkins,” the nurse spoke before she left.

  Years later, the doctor decided to show his face. I was about to get real ignorant with his ass too. I was hungry, tired, and this hospital was giving me the damn creeps.

  “Ms. Perkins, everything looks fine. The baby is ok with a nice strong heartbeat. I am going to put you on bed rest for two weeks. So, for two weeks no work, sex, or lifting anything. The only thing you need to get out of bed to do is go to the restroom. Do you have anyone at home that can help you?” he asked me while scribbling something down in my chart.

  “I’ll help her, Doc,” James spoke up. The thought of him being home with me for two whole weeks had me doing the happy dance.

  “Good. This is a prescription for your Prenatal Vitamins. I also want you to follow up with your doctor in two weeks. If you do not have a doctor, here is a list of some,” he said handing me a folder. “Oh, and before I forget, here are the pictures of your baby.” He handed me an envelope that James took from me. The doctor also handed me some discharge paper to sign then he said his goodbyes. I quickly got dressed and we left the hospital

  On the drive home, James kept talking me to death on how happy he was to finally become a father. I didn’t want to rain on his parade by telling him that he would never father this baby in me, so I let him carry on. I wish I had some headphones because he was becoming so annoying.

  It was baby this and baby that, like damn shut the fuck up. I wanted to scream and tell him that the baby wasn’t even his, but that would only ruin the plans. I didn’t even really care for the paternity of my child because that was a bridge I didn’t plan on having to cross.

  As long as everything went according to plan and quick, everything was good. I faked sleep just so he could take the hint and shut up. I wasn’t mad that he was excited about the baby, I was more mad at the nurse for showing me the baby and having me feel some type of way. Either way, it was getting sucked out of me, I couldn’t keep it even if I wanted to.

  Chapter 19


  Life with Lala was great. She showed me how it felt to be in love with her all over again. She was everything a man could dream of. She was smart, sexy, and a freak. Plus she had wife qualities; she could cook, kept the house clean, and was always there asking how a nigga day was. I was on cloud nine with my boo.

  “Are you listening to me?” Lala asked me as she stood in front of me in this short ass black, tight dress. I paid attention to her stomach; I knew she was pregnant. My grandma called me the other day saying she was dreaming of fishes, and that she saw a baby lizard in her room. I also knew she hadn’t had a period. One thing about me was that, I played real close attention to my woman. I knew her like clockwork.

  “No, put it back,” I told her bringing my attention to that little ass dress she wanted to buy.

  “Why bae?” she whined, giving me the puppy dog sad face.

  “Because I don’t want to have to go to jail for murder, now put it back!” The way these Miami niggas was thirsty I knew without a doubt they would try to step on my toes at any given moment.

  “I’m hungry,” Lala said as we walked out of the mall hand and hand.

  “What you want to eat?” I asked as I opened the car door for her.

  “Can you make me burgers and fried?” She put on her seatbelt and began munching on a big bag of sunflower seeds. This was another reason how I knew she was pregnant; she had a newfound love for them things. I wasn’t going to press the issue though. She probably didn’t know and if she did, I’d let her tell me on her own.

  As soon as we got home, I got in the kitchen to make dinner. While I was flipping the burgers, Lala came in the kitchen and grabbed a big bag of Cool Ranch Doritos and started eating them.

  “The food almost done,” I said, eyeing her suspiciously. Lately she’d been eating a lot more, too.

  “Ok bae, can you make my burger a double with cheese and bacon?” she asked while licking the crumbs off her fingers.

  “Yes ma’am,” I replied while shaking my head. I wanted to go out and buy her a damn test, but I’d let her do that on her own.

  Once dinner was done, we sat at the table and ate. “How would you feel about going to Flint with me to meet my grams?” I asked her before taking a sip of my soda. She took two big bites of her burger.

  “I would love to meet her,” she finally answered, diving right back into her food. I decided to let her pig out and save this conversation for another day. Two double cheeseburgers and fries later, Lala finally decided she had enough and helped me clear the table. We cleaned up the kitchen and went upstairs to prepare for bed.

  I heard the shower and decided to join her. Right when I was about to make my way in the bathroom, a calendar caught my attention. I flipped through the pages and noticed that with every month there was a red circle around a day except for last month.

  Yeah she’s pregnant; I thought as I picked up a pen and wrote GO GET A TEST! The thought of having another baby scared me, but I was happy at the same time. I didn’t want to get too high only to be disappointed if she wasn’t really pregnant, but something deep down inside told me she was.

  I got in the shower behind her and started kissing on her neck. “Mmmmm,” she moaned as she threw her head back. I gently lifted one of her legs and entered her. “Oh shiiiit Stacks,” she sang as I started digging in them guts.

  I lifted her out of the shower and laid her on the marble countertop, placing her legs on my shoulders.

  “Bae slow down,” she said, throwing me off. Usually, Lala loved for a nigga to go knee deep in her, so for her to tell me to slow down puzzled me. “It hurts.” She placed her hands on my abs slowing down my thrust.

  “Lala you pregnant?” I asked wanting to know why all of a sudden she couldn’t take the dick. She looked at me as if I just told her I was gay or some shit.

  “No, why y-you ask?” she stuttered.

  “You eating like you been starving, now all of a sudden I’m going too deep for you, makes me think that cervix door is shut closed,” I said slowly sliding in and out of her.

  “Noooo, bae I’m not pregnant,” she said moaning as I took my dick out and used it to tease her clit.

  “You sure?” I asked sliding deep in her again.

  “Yes bae, now shut up and fuck me,” and with that I made love to her. We got in the shower, washed off, and got ready to go to bed.

  While in bed, Lala and I was watching re-runs of Martin when my phone started to ring. I looked at my phone as saw it was Bear calling me, so I decided to let him talk to my voicemail. Five minutes later, my phone started to beep. I looked down at the text and saw it was a message from Bear with our 911 code, so I decided to call him back.

  “Yo’ fam, you need to come meet up with ASAP,” Bear greeted me.

  “Why what’s good, everything a’ight?” I asked praying that none of my traps go
t touched.

  “Yo’ kid it’s about ya girl,” he said.

  “What about her?” I asked walking out of the room so Lala wouldn’t be all in my mouth.

  “Word is she was out with ol’ boy the other day.” Once he said that, I felt the wind get knocked out of my body.

  “How you know?” I asked, not wanting to jump to conclusion.

  “Ted was fucking with a bitch around the way from where ol’ boy stay and he spotted her coming out of his house, he even snapped a few pics for you,” Bear said making me mad all over again. I wanted to go and snap Lala’s neck, but I had to see the proof first.

  “A’ight I be on that side in a little bit, holla at Ted for me,” I said, hanging up the phone. I counted to ten in my head slowly before I went back in the room and got dressed.

  “Where you going?” she asked as soon as she noticed that I was putting my clothes on and getting ready to leave.

  “Out to handle business, go to sleep and I’ll be back in a few,” I said walking out the room. I had to get out of there fast. There was no telling what I would do to Lala if I stayed in that house with her ass.

  I jumped in my hooptie and made that drive to the Dale. I was hoping like hell Lala wasn’t fucking with that nigga after I told her that once I got up in her it was a wrap for them. I was so mad that I didn’t even notice the police behind me until the flashing blue and white lights brought me back to reality. Damn!

  Chapter 20


  It felt weird lying in Stacks’ bed without him. He was usually home by 12 a.m. the latest and it was now 4 a.m. and still no sign of him. I’d been calling him back to back and all I got was the voicemail. I hoped like hell he wasn’t cheating on me. I knew he was too good to be true.

  I snuggled up with his pillow and went to check all my social network accounts. The sound of the door closing brought a smile on my face. Daddy was home; I missed my baby all day. I could hear him coming up the stairs. Although my back was towards the door, I could feel his presence in the doorway.


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