Women's Prison

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Women's Prison Page 5

by James Nash

  Grinning, the boy issued another command in an urgent, almost panting voice, and Jane knew he was aroused. She hung her head, ashamed and frightened, as the woman translated.

  “He thinks we should search you, in case you’ve managed to smuggle something from one of our street girls since you’ve been in here. I think he’s right! Spread your legs!”

  Jane wept loudly, long and pitiful like a child, as she parted her legs and felt the boy’s hand move down the small of her back, the palm caressing the hot, sore naked bottom and she cried out as his fingers retraced the fresh weal marks. He laughed at her discomfort, his breathing heavier as his fingers moved between her bottom cheeks and found the delicate opening of her anus. Jane stood bowed and helpless as he allowed his finger access to the sensitive opening, hurting her as his finger twisted around inside the tight little hole. He moved his palm down between her legs where he began to rub the lips of her vagina as she wept and trembled, caressing and stroking before, as Jane moaned in anguish, inserting his finger into the now moistened sheath. He rubbed and stroked the delicate membranes until he found his way obstructed. He babbled with surprise and pleasure, withdrawing his finger and muttering something to the woman who answered back with a chuckle.

  The woman was grinning broadly as she watched the effects of this gross sexual intrusion on the young and innocent English girl. It would not be allowed to happen often but the woman used this as a lesson in power. She would convince this newcomer that she had no rights, no dignity, no self-respect ... the girl would soon be putty in her hands, doing exactly as she was told like a robot!

  Jane stood dumbly, her head bowed, her eyes pouring humiliated tears as her violation continued. Oh Christ, she had thought that the worst was over when the caning ended ... but this! She squealed and her whole body began to tremble violently as she heard the boy laugh, heard the metal hiss of his trouser zip and she spun round, her hands flying up to her face in shock as she saw his long thick brown penis thrusting out of his opened pants, veins standing out purple against the brown skin with the power of his erection and he reached for Jane again, motioning for her to lie on her back on her bunk.

  As the shocked, terrified girl tried to scream, vainly tried to say something, the woman issued some curt instructions to the young warder. He stopped in mid stride, his penis thrusting menacingly forward, and called back. The woman angrily repeated her command, then suddenly, with a glare at Jane, the boy turned away, cursing, his erection still immense. As Jane watched him, her mind spinning with a mixture of relief and horror, he walked over to where Su-Kir lay on her side facing the wall and ripped the sheet from her bed. He grabbed the girl’s shoulder and, as she cried out, he pulled her onto her back, her big full breasts quivering as she was forced over, shouting with shock. The boy, cock thrusting forward, reached out and took hold of the girl’s plump brown thighs, forcing them open and exposing her richly fleshed vagina surrounded by thick black pubic hair.

  As Su-Kir cried again, the boy rolled on top of her and, as Jane looked on in hypnotised terror, he thrust his penis into Su-Kir’s vagina and began to fuck her very roughly indeed. Jane lay on her bunk whimpering and watching the young warder’s buttocks rising and falling, hammering into Su-Kir as a stallion rams a mare, intermittently slapping her face in an attempt to get some response, but there was none. Eventually, as the girl lay expressionless and still, he gave one last thrust and finished in her, pushing her head roughly back onto the pillow as he climbed off her body.

  The woman had watched the proceedings with a detached icy stare, but once the boy had finished and done up his pants she called him to her. She looked down at Jane, who sat on her bunk wide eyed and whimpering, and said

  “That was a bit of luck for you, my little English flower! I spared you, but he is not pleased and you may suffer his wrath as a consequence ... but at least your virginity is still intact!” She pointed at the trembling Su-Kir. “ It’s fortunate that she was here to serve the purpose...” the woman continued contemptuously “... it’s probably the first cock she has ever taken without being paid! This has been a lesson for you! Just remember you are nothing here and I can do with you anything I like, anytime I like, as often as I like! Don’t ever forget it!” and with that they both left the cell.

  Jane, shaking like a leaf, walked unsteadily over to where Su-Kir lay like a statue, her legs still wide apart, traces of semen visible on the lips of her vagina and in the thick pubic hair. The young English girl, weeping quietly, put her hand on Su-Kir’s head and gently began to stroke her hair.

  “Please forgive me, Su-Ker...” she said softly “... I am so sorry and ashamed that I did nothing ... nothing! I was terrified ... they are animals, animals! It was all my fault!”

  Su-Kir reached out and grasped Jane’s hand and looked at her, eyes full of pain and shock.

  “No, not your fault ...,” she said shakily “... I know he from my work. He come sometime to use girls. He try to barter. Not pay price. He animal like to shame girls. No, Jane, not your fault. I glad he not rape you. You virgin, I think?” and Jane, still weeping, nodded her head.

  “Then...” Su-Kir said softly “... better me. I not have baby. Know many men. Better me!”

  “Oh Su-Kir...” Jane whispered, her eyes full of tears “... but they had no right to use you! No right ...!” and she broke off weeping.

  Su-Kir held her hand. “Go back sleep, Jane ...” she said tenderly “... over now. They not return. Not tonight!” and she turned over on her side. Jane went back to her bed and climbed, naked now, under the sheet. She settled down for the night, hearing Su-Kir weeping quietly.

  The next morning both girls were woken at 6 a.m. by a young wardress who brought a sparse breakfast. Jane stared at the minuscule meal which appeared to consist of rice husks and what looked like uncooked beans.

  “Oh God, this is dreadful!” she said, pushing the plate away, but Su-Kir firmly pushed the plate back under her nose.

  “Jane must eat ...” she said firmly “... not nice but much vitamins. Go on, eat!” and Jane reluctantly began to nibble the unedifying food.

  At 7.a.m., the sound of the cell being unlocked brought both girls to their feet. They had both washed at the tiny basin in their cell and dressed in the prison blue tunic and trousers. The wardress beckoned them both to follow and dutifully they left the cell to join the stream of women in the corridor all being herded towards the exercise yard. First the girls were given the opportunity to use the lavatories and Jane had been relieved that the prison was at least this civilised with no compulsory use of slop buckets.

  Although when they eventually stepped outside the air was very cold, Jane found it a welcome release from the confines of the cell. They were walked around the block, some 400 feet by 150 feet in groups of twenty, no one allowed to stray from the very formal walking procedure.

  Jane heard the sound of a heavy vehicle approaching the prison and, from the yard, she could see the main driveway and the drop off point quite clearly. Within a minute, some twenty women climbed off the bus including, to Jane’s surprise, a young nun with light brown skin and almond eyes, probably Malayan, in full habit who stood quietly alone, her hands clasped nervously together until roughly ordered into the reception building. Though Jane was vaguely aware from newspaper articles before her holiday that the regime here was cracking down on religious groups considered to be a threat to the state, she idly wondered exactly what crime the young and attractive nun had committed, and then whether the girl would be spared the humiliating strip naked and examination by the doctors to which every other prisoner was subject. Jane suspected that she would be treated just like the rest and resolved to find out more.

  After about an hour, the courtyard was ringed by warders shouting shrill instructions and Jane realised the exercise period was complete. They were walked back in pairs, Jane and Su-Kir virtually pushed up the two flights of
stairs of the inner cell compound, past the rows of cells on each floor. As Jane’s eyes roved around the huge block with its rows of mainly empty cells, the girls still in the process of returning from exercise, she spotted a cell containing the solitary figure of the young nun Jane had seen alighting from the bus. To Jane’s surprise, the girl was still dressed in her modest black habit and white head dress as she knelt in her cell praying softly.

  Dawdling as she looked at the pretty young nun at prayer, Jane was firmly pushed by the wardress and she stumbled on the stairs but hurried forward towards her own cell where she and Su-Kir were again incarcerated.

  When they were alone and free from prying ears, Jane mentioned the young nun to Su-Kir who promised to do what she could to find out more. Jane smiled, having realised from gestures and movements during the courtyard exercise, Su-Kir had a sophisticated code system with the other prisoners which relayed sometimes quite sophisticated bits of information. At other times, Su-Kir told her, trusty prisoners who swept the corridors would bring messages, sometimes on the soles of their shoes, attracting the prisoner’s attention by kicking a heel against the cell door and leaving the foot raised for a split second, long enough for the cell occupant to read it through the grille. All this was done under the eye of a, supposedly, eagle eyed wardress.

  The days passed with no real disturbances, boring and tiresome but at least free of intrusion by the young warder and his female boss who had so terrified Jane. The very vision of her face, even more than what the boy had done and might do, sent Jane into a trembling sweat. Jane could never forget that day of her sentence, so fresh in her mind, where at the woman’s behest, she had been stripped naked and caned with such relish.

  Then something happened to disturb the calm. One morning after breakfast, Jane was sitting on her bed trying to write a letter to her parents, when she was suddenly afflicted by a violent spasm of pain in her stomach. She leaned forward and retched into the cell bucket, provided for emergencies, the pain becoming so intense that she began to cry out in anguish. She lay in bed, writhing in agony, the pains like white hot daggers and Su-Kir, in panic, ran to the cell door and banged hard until an angry wardress came to seek the cause. Immediately the young woman summoned help and she and her colleague carried Jane out of the cell, down two flights of stairs and into the prison hospital where Jane was dumped unceremoniously on a bed and left for what seemed an eternity. Her stomach was on fire and she wept bitterly as she realised from the sticky mess in the seat of her pants that she had fouled herself, and she lay crying and wailing.

  Eventually a doctor arrived and he quickly pulled up Jane’s tunic and put his hands firmly against her belly, pressing sensitive areas of her gut. The pain intensified and the agonised girl cried out as, simultaneously, she vomited down the front of her tunic and flooded her pants with another burst of diarrhoea. The doctor unbuttoned Jane’s tunic and took it off, holding it between thumb and finger as he dropped it on the floor. He did nothing to clean up the mess on her body, some of the vomit having dropped on her breasts, and she still lay in her sodden pants, crying desperately. He opened her mouth and looked down her throat, then, having satisfied himself, he reached up to the medicine chest and produced a bottle of purple tablets which he put on the bedside table.

  The doctor turned abruptly, calling out sharply as he left the room. Jane lay still in distress and pain for some minutes until the young nun she had seen earlier walked into the room, smiling at her sympathetically. Jane tried to smile back, holding her stomach, the sweat mingling with the vomit running down the ravine between her breasts. The young nun looked so kind and concerned, first taking a damp cloth and gently cleaning up the mess on Jane’s breasts and stomach. Then she reached forward and unbuttoned the sopping, stained pants, pulling them off Jane’s body so gently, seemingly oblivious to the smell and the mess. Jane put her hands to her face, weeping in shame as the nun produced a warm, wet cloth and began to clean up Jane’s bottom and legs.

  Eventually she finished and made to get up as Jane moaned softly and cried out as her bowels gave way once more, thin brown fluid running down her legs. The young nun immediately cleaned her up again very gently and sat her up on the bed.

  “Pain bad?” she asked and Jane nodded, glad that the girl spoke some English. “You drink!” the nun ordered softly and produced a glass of water. As Jane opened her mouth, the nun popped one of the purple tablets into it and said “Drink and swallow!”

  Jane swallowed the pill down and flushed it with water. Suddenly her face paled.

  “Oh please, I want ...!” she began desperately and quickly the nun found a bed pan. This time Jane managed to last out until the pan was slid under her still tender buttocks, making her wince. She relieved her bowels noisily and eventually as the naked girl swallowed deeply the nun enquired


  She nodded dumbly. Gently the young nun removed the bed pan and cleaned the stricken girl up yet again, before binding Jane’s loins and bottom with a towel held together with a pin, virtually a nappy. As she stroked Jane’s head the exhausted girl began to fall asleep.

  When Jane awoke she looked at the hospital clock and realised she had slept for three hours. The pain in her stomach had eased, replaced by a general soreness and she realised too that the involuntary bowel emissions had stopped. She suddenly felt a little happier with life. Eventually, the young nun returned smiling and asked “How do you feel?”

  Jane gratefully replied “Much better thank you, Sister.” and the nun looked around guiltily before reaching up for the purple tablets and again inviting Jane to drink and swallow.

  “You do not tell ...” she said quietly “... Doctor say one tablet only... on ration. One not enough. Do not tell or I am in trouble!”

  Jane shook her head gratefully. “Oh no, I won’t tell!” she said. “Please, what is wrong with me?”

  The nun smiled. “Bad food, miss, not good English diet. Body not ready. You have dysentery but not too bad. You live, I think!” and she stroked Jane’s face with a damp cloth.

  “Sister, why are you in here ...?” Jane asked “... are you a prisoner like me?” but the young nun flushed and looked around as she heard the return of the doctor. He asked a few brusque questions after which the nun bowed and left the room. He called out and within seconds, two wardresses were in the room. Without ceremony, they picked up Jane, still naked except for her nappy and carried her up the two flights to her cell where she was dropped onto her bed and left.

  Su-Kir was overjoyed to see her safe return.

  “Oh Jane, I think you die...!” she said “... I glad you back. Get sleep now!” and Jane held her hand before falling into a deep relaxed sleep.

  She slept all the rest of the day and all night. When she awoke at 6.a.m. and used the slop bucket, she no longer had the looseness of bowel and realised she was on the road to recovery. She got up unsteadily and, finding a clean prison uniform on her bed, dressed, still feeling very weak, but Su-Kir persuaded her to eat some breakfast, nibbling at the husks with disdain and some trepidation.

  At 7 a.m., the door of the cell was flung open and a wardress appeared, shrilly demanding their appearance in the exercise yard. Su-Kir pointed to Jane and spoke in her native tongue to the wardress who shook her head from side to side, pointing to her swagger stick, then at Jane, barking out an instruction. Jane realised that Su-Kir had tried to get her excused exercise but the wardress would have none of it, so she smiled gratefully at her cell mate and gamely walked up the cell steps out into the corridor.

  It was only when she got outside that Jane realised how weak she was, her head spinning and her eyes blurring just from the effort of climbing the steps. The exercise too was more strenuous today, the prison staff having decided on a slow jog around the perimeter. Su-Kir whispered

  “Jane, ask them let you walk. You not stand it. You not well!” but she shook her
head and gritted her teeth replying

  “It’s no use complaining. I’ll do it, I’ll do it!” and she began to run, soon dropping behind the pack. Angry shouts from the guards began to frighten her and she ran faster, her heart beating much too fast and her stomach feeling as if it was being punched. By the third lap, her head was swimming and she was vaguely aware of voices shouting at her as her feet stumbled one in front of the other, running like a drunk, round and round in circles staring down at the concrete which suddenly seemed to loom up and ... oblivion.

  As Jane fell forward in a dead faint, Su-Kir and the other girls alerted the guards, who ran over. One, suspecting play acting, turned Jane over with her foot, but one look at the purplish bruise on her head where she fell and her glazed eyes led the guard to call for help and once again, Jane was carried into the hospital.

  It was two hours before she came to, and the young nun was bathing her head.

  “Sssh, do not speak...” the young nun said softly “... just rest. They are stupid, so stupid. You are a sick girl and need rest!” Guiltily she looked around and, reaching into her pocket, took out the medicine chest key and opened the cupboard. She produced some pale yellow medicine with which she spoon-fed Jane until the young English girl dropped off to sleep.

  When she awoke she was back in her cell and it was dark. Her forehead throbbed a little but otherwise she felt much better. Su-Kir was asleep and Jane got off her bed to use the bucket and realised she was naked, her prison uniform folded at the end of the bed. When she had finished with the bucket, she got back into bed and was well on the way to sleep when she heard distant voices from the next landing. She heard the voice she detested most and she chilled as the Senior Officer’s strident tones rang out, speaking in her native tongue which Jane could not understand but in which there was no doubt of the menace. Joined to the woman’s voice were that of a male officer and another light female voice she thought she recognised, fearful and frightened. Then she heard the sound of a slap and a whimper and the voices receded into the distance, the sound of crying eventually dying away. Jane sat up in bed, shivering between the sheets, before lying down and trembling before eventually falling asleep.


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