(Watch Me) Body You (Run This Town Book 2)

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(Watch Me) Body You (Run This Town Book 2) Page 14

by Avril Ashton

  What did they need but this? Is shifted, maintaining his hold on Reggie’s shoulder, legs moving apart to give him more, better access. Reggie took it and gave him another finger as a reward.

  “Jesus. God.” The muscles in there spasmed with each curse Is expelled, they rippled, squeezing Reggie’s fingers. He couldn’t stop, it was a compulsion, this, fucking Is. He shoved the digits in deeper, until there was no more, until he was in there to the last knuckle, then he wiggled them, twisted. Feeling his way.

  Is gasped, hold getting tighter, cutting into Reggie’s skin. This. Fucking this. All of it. He slammed in, teeth bared. And Is moved for him, on him, with him, taking them. Like Reggie wanted him to. Taking them. Taking him.

  “Oh, God.” Reggie was shaking, coming apart right fucking then. “Is.”


  Reggie thrust in and then out, shoved in then pulled out, and Is rode him, cock against Reggie’s chin getting hard again.

  For him. Reggie went back to it, nuzzling, lapping at the cum there. He’d thought he’d sucked away all of it, but there was still some clinging to Is’ crown and Reggie’ licked it all up with a moan and a sharp thrust of those fingers.

  “Reggie.” Is’ knees buckled and he almost fell, but Reggie caught him, held him with one hand, kept him upright because he wasn’t done. He might never be done.

  Reggie’s wrist ached, his balls too, but he didn’t want to leave Is, didn’t want to take his hand away. His knuckles grazed against a small knot. He went to it, pressed on it.

  Is fell back against the wall and slid down. Reggie stayed with him, still digging his ass out, still pressing on that knot as Is’ eyes closed and his hold on Reggie went slack. Then Is was coming again, not as much cream as before, but he was coming for Reggie again, sticky shit shooting out onto his lower belly. Reggie didn’t stop finger-fucking him until Is slumped against the wall, sweat dripping down his face, body heaving.

  Reggie pulled his fingers away and Is caught him, shackling his wrist and hauling him against his chest. Reggie shifted onto Is’ lap, his naked ass over Is’ equally unclothed crotch, his cock hard again and dripping pre-cum everywhere. Is’ hands moved from Reggie’s face to his head before sliding down his back and cupping his ass.

  “Tell me. I want to hear you say it.”

  Is pushed back onto him, an angry growl rumbling in his throat. “You know. Fuck you, Reggie. You know.”

  Reggie put an arm at Is’ throat, tilting his head back, pressing against his windpipe. “Say it.” Hadn’t he just said he wasn’t going to beg? “Say it, Is.” He sank his teeth into Is’ shoulder, humping his hot ass. “Say it.”

  “I want you.” Is arched into him. “I want you.”

  And Reggie was lost, falling. He slammed his mouth down on Is, pushing his tongue inside, licking him up. Eating him. He wanted to devour that son of a bitch. Is held him, clawing at him, nails flaying his back, but see, Reggie kinda liked that. He writhed on Is’ lap, riding him, going after what he wanted, whimpering when his sensitive cock head grazed Is’ belly.

  He tore his mouth away, pressing wet, rushed kisses to Is’ jaw and throat. Is shuddered and lifted his head, giving Reggie better access, nails digging at the flesh of Reggie’s ass.


  Reggie felt the word rumble in Is’ chest before he heard them from his lips.

  “Please. Reggie. Fuck.”

  “Don’t beg.” Reggie nipped the underside of Is’ jaw. “Not now. Just show me.” He flicked his tongue over Is’ Adam’s apple. “Touch me.”

  Is cupped him, his ass, tight. A death grip that would definitely leave hand prints. That too, Reggie was in favor of. Is swiped the pad of one finger down Reggie’s crack. Reggie hissed and bucked. The cock trapped under him jerked, and Reggie reached behind him, stroking it, bringing it right to his hole and rubbing against it.

  Is’ hold tightened impossibly and he groaned. “Christ.” He circled his hips, erection bumping Reggie’s entrance. “Christ.”

  “Yes.” Reggie ground down, eyes sliding shut at the insane pleasure. “Is. Yes.” He didn’t know what he was doing, not really. He just knew he wanted skin on skin with Is. He wanted to inhale Is’ pants and taste his groans. The smell of them, mingling, floating around in the air, he wanted that.

  “Reg.” Is grasped his face, held him away. “Fuck are you doing to me?”

  Reggie stopped moving. “What am I doing? Tell me.”

  Is kissed him this time, hard and savage. Punishment. Reggie shook under the power of it.

  “I’m fucking powerless,” Is bit out. His eyes were heavy-lidded, narrowed to flints. His lips were wet and swollen. Never looked sexier. Reggie wanted to lick him up, top to fucking bottom, and all crevices in between. “You’ve got me out of control, Reg.”

  Reggie laughed in his face. “Control is for people who don’t feel the shit we feel.”

  Is lunged, teeth clamping down on Reggie’s bottom lip.

  “Unngh.” The drawn out moan fell right into Is’ mouth. He pinched Reggie’s nipple, hard, the pain sharp, and Reggie went off, fucking himself on Is’ cock, right there at his ass. Is’ dick was sticky, semi-hard, but the head was positioned right at Reggie’s hole, and Reggie rocked hard and fast on it.

  The pleasure was insane, impossible to contain, to predict. It shot through Reggie like lightning, super fast, burning everything in its path. And through it all, Is held him, that good, tight grip on his ass, and his hold on Reggie’s bottom lip with his chipped tooth with the sharp edge.

  He was the only thing keeping Reggie conscious, but even that wouldn’t last for too long. Is took his mouth again, tongue stabbing deep, and he let out a long pained sound. Slapped up against each other, Reggie felt Is’ stomach contract then he froze. Thick liquid scalded Reggie’s ass cheeks, splashing against his hole as Is came, cock pulsing in Reggie’s hand.

  “Is!” At the feel of Is’ release, something hot burst in Reggie’s lower back and he was stammering, coming, spilling his seed all over Is. Heat washed over him and he collapsed against Is’ chest, knocking him back.

  Is lost his balance and swayed, falling to the floor on his back.

  Holy fuck. Reggie slumped against Is chest, struggling to breath as Is’ heart clamored in his ear. “Wow.” He rolled away from Is and lay on the carpeted floor, staring up at the ceiling.

  “Is?” Reggie placed a hand on Is’ thigh. His hot skin burned Reggie’s palm, especially when Is flinched at the touch. “Is.” All the fear in Reggie’s heart bled through in his voice. “Look at me.”

  Is lifted his head and rose up on his elbows as he met Reggie’s gaze. His eyes were red-rimmed. “That was the best and worst sex I’ve ever had.”

  Reggie gaped at him. “Really.”

  “Just saying.” Is’ lips quirked.

  Reggie grinned. “Yeah, wasn’t my best work, was it?” He barked a laugh, and Is joined in. The tension eased away from Reggie’s shoulders and limbs. He hadn’t blown everything to hell. He reached out, touched Is’ jaw and the laughter stopped abruptly.

  Is turned his face into Reggie’s touch. Reggie caught his bottom lip with his teeth to hide their trembling.

  “Is.” There were still so many questions.

  “Kiss me.” The need was stark and sharp in Is’ eyes, on his face, stealing Reggie’s breath all over again.

  Reggie had only to shift a few inches and his mouth was pressed to Is’. He heard Is’ sharp inhale, heard the loud swallow. Hell, maybe if he listened hard enough he’d even hear the swoosh of blood rushing through Is’ veins.

  Is parted his lips, tongue sliding over the seam of Reggie’s as his hands came up to clasp both sides of Reggie’s face. He couldn’t have dreamt this, the intimacy and heightened awareness that flooded him then.

  “Tongue,” Is murmured against his mouth. “Gimme tongue.”

  What was Reggie supposed to do after such a direct request? He opened, letting Is have him. The finger
s on his face tightened and Is groaned before plunging into Reggie’s mouth, all slick tongue and hot breath. Reggie gripped him. He was on his back on the floor, but he still had the floating sensation of falling.

  Is kissed him hard and fast, tongue delving deep, tasting all of him. Reggie clung to him, hungry little grunts bubbling in his throat. Grunts that Is drank up like a man dying of thirst. He matched Is’ strokes, cupping the back of his neck to keep him where he was. There’d been nothing to prepare him for this. He’d expected to have to fight Is all the way, to drag him to this place kicking and screaming.

  But Is was there, shaking hands bracketing Reggie’s face, tongue tasting every corner of his mouth.

  Is was there.

  Is pulled away and tucked a finger under Reggie’s chin, lifting his head. The look on his face was one Reggie had seen there many times before, but it was still different. Is gazed at Reggie in a way he’d never look at the many women hoping in and out of his bed.

  Reggie touched a finger to Is’ nose. “This is—” He didn’t have the words.

  “For you,” Is said. “All this is for you.”

  Reggie cocked his head. “What do you mean?”

  Is looked around them. “I’m just saying, I did all this for you.”

  What the fuck? Reggie scrambled off his lap and got to his feet, dick swinging. Hands on his hips, he stared down at a clearly confused Is. “You saying you didn’t want this, that you just did it for me?”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Is stared up at him, stone-faced, and something inside Reggie shriveled up and died. He wanted Is’ words, but the other man just gazed up at him in contemplative silence. Aware of his nakedness now more than ever, Reggie turned away, giving Is his back. He had no doubt Is could see the evidence of his pleasure, of his lack of control, all over Reggie’s ass and the back of his thighs.

  “You think this is how it goes?” he asked quietly. “We pack up what we just did, what we feel, into a box, tie it with a pretty ribbon and shove it to the back of our minds never to be brought up again?” He faced Is. “You think that’s how it goes?”

  “Will you let me fucking talk already?” Is got to his feet, reaching out to Reggie who dodged the outstretched hand.

  “What do you want to say?” He steeled himself.

  “Our friendship has been the most important thing—”

  He couldn’t stand there and listen to Is put a full stop to what they had. “If friendship is all you have to offer, I don't want it. I want what’s behind door number two. All the messy shit you've hidden away because it's inconvenient and doesn't fit the mold. Whatever that is. I want what people who feel like we feel— Don’t.” He held up a hand when Is stepped forward. When he parted his lips as if to speak. Reggie couldn’t take Is’ words right now. Not unless they were what he needed them to be. They never were. “Don't interrupt me. I want what people who feel like we feel, who burn like we fucking burn, have. Because I burn, Is. I want what we should have. Nothing less. We’ve changed too much to ever go back.”

  Is lurched forward, circling Reggie’s wrist and yanking him into his chest. “Nice speech.” He kissed Reggie, quick and sharp, tongue quickly sliding into his mouth and taking over his mind. “But you talk too fucking much.”

  Reggie hung on to him, helpless under a touch like that. Reeling, but knowing better than to hope. He pushed away from Is, palms flat against the hard planes of his chest. “Is.”


  Is released him and Reggie stumbled back, licking his lips and trying to decipher what it was he truly saw shining in Is’ eyes. “What is this?”

  “You should take a shower or something. Got my cum crusting all over you.” He sank onto the edge of the bed, all carefree, a small smile playing at his mouth.

  Reggie frowned. “Wha—You gonna sneak out when I’m in there, aren’t you?”

  “What do you want, Reggie?” Is asked instead. “What do you really want from me? Not theoretical shit, but for real. Tell me.”

  How many times had he asked himself that very question? Reggie closed his eyes and rocked back on his heels, letting what was in his heart inform the unrehearsed words. “You and me. That’s what I want. Not just the sex, but everything else. I want you to be mine and me to be yours, and for people to know it. I want your head on my pillow when dawn breaks. I want everything you never thought to give anyone else.” His women, but Reggie didn’t say those words.

  “A relationship.”

  His eyes flew open at those words, spoken so matter of fact.

  “A relationship,” Is said again, gaze piercing into Reggie’s soul. “That’s what you want.”

  A relationship. Reggie whispered the word, testing the weight of it on his tongue. “A relationship.” He nodded slowly. “Yes.” He braced himself, feet apart, hands fisted at his sides as he waited for Is’ reaction. “I want a relationship with you.”

  Is nodded once. “So, you gonna go take that shower or…”

  Reggie stared at him. “That’s it?” What about everything he just said? Why wasn’t Is at least telling him to go fuck himself? These non-answers were eating away at the nerves Reggie didn’t even realize still existed.

  “That’s it.” Is smiled.

  Reggie pursed his lips. He could stand there and ask more asinine questions to keep Is where he was or he could go wash off the cum itching his ass and risk Is slinking off. It was excruciating to turn away, to walk into the bathroom and close the door, but God help him, he did it. And over the shower he strained to hear the sound of a door closing. He didn’t catch anything, but you never know. No one made Is stay where he didn’t want to be.

  Reggie showered, forcing himself not to rush. He washed himself thoroughly, hands shaking, mind flashing back to what they’d done. The kissing and everything else. He ignored the hard-on bobbing under the shower spray. What was he going to do if Is wasn’t there when he stepped out the shower? He had no back up plan. Nothing else, but this.

  He finished up and stepped out the shower, quickly wrapping his towel around his waist and re-entering the bedroom.

  Is remained where Reggie had left him, seated on the edge of the bed. Well, this time he was reclined, weight on his elbows with his face toward the ceiling. The jeans that had been bungled around his ankles were off, as were the remaining tatters of his shirt.

  Naked. Skin the color of burnt umber, dark hair scattered over his chest and tapering to a thin line down to his groin. Naked Is.

  Reggie slumped against the bathroom doorway, heart lodged in his throat. “You’re here.”

  Is stood and walked toward Reggie, nodding. “And I’ll be here when dawn breaks.” He brushed past a stunned Reggie and into the bathroom, gently pushing him away then closing the door.

  Reggie remained frozen in place, Is’ words floating around in is head.

  Fucking fuck.

  * * * *

  Alright, so he wasn’t a man who used all those words like Reggie. He could say shit, but he preferred to let his actions do the talking. Which, it was hard, yes, but not impossible. Not difficult once he allowed himself the possibility of what waited out there for him without Reggie in his life.

  The reality of just what his decision meant had hit him long before now. He wiped away the steam from his shower in Reggie’s mirror and stared at his face reflected back. He’d come over to Reggie’s place, decision made, knowing what might happen. His mind rebelled—no way it wouldn’t—but Is wasn’t having it. He was in. All in.

  He’d fucked-up earlier by making it seem as though he was only there because of Reggie when that was the last thing he meant. What they’d done, the hurried touching and humping, that had been for Reggie because Is sensed he was on the edge, that he needed it in that moment way more than Is did. And Is had needed it something fierce.

  Kissing Reggie was different, for sure. Touching another man in that way, allowing himself to be touched the way Reggie had touched him— He shivered. That took ad
justing and Is figured he’d be adjusting to it for a minute, but he didn’t hate it. Didn’t want it to stop.


  This was Reggie. His Reggie. Even though neither of them had all the answers, they’d work it out. They’d find a way. So Is was ready. For whatever would happen next outside that bathroom door.

  His stomach churned. Trepidation. A healthy dose of fear, too. But mostly anticipation. So much anticipation.

  He opened the door and steam followed him out into the bedroom. Reggie stood in the middle of the room, watching him. As if he hadn’t taken his gaze off the door since Is locked it behind him.

  “What?” he asked, but he knew.

  “Let’s pretend I’m simple.” Reggie walked to Is. Slowly. Deliberately. “Break it down so I understand what you mean when you say you’ll be here when dawn breaks.” His words picked up speed as he reached Is. “Tell me what it means that you’re here and I’m here, and you’re not punching me or running from me. Tell me—” The words snapped off like a dried twig breaking in two. “Is, fucking tell me before I lose my mind.”

  “You know what I meant.”

  “I don’t.” Reggie grabbed him by the neck. “Tell me.” He kissed Is, hard on the mouth. “Say it.”

  Pressed up against Reggie’s hot, naked torso, Is felt his tremors, felt his heartbeat. He touched Reggie, one palm pressed to the small of his back.

  Reggie groaned.

  “Everything you want,” Is whispered against his mouth. “It’s yours. Everything.”

  Reggie reared back, eyes wide and searching, lips wet. “You?”

  The tightly-controlled hope in Reggie’s tone brought goose bumps. “Me.”


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