Lure of the Blood

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Lure of the Blood Page 5

by Doris O'Connor

  “No, please, no. I couldn’t stand anyone else dying because of me.”

  She went so pale Ion thought she was going to pass out on him, before she raised her chin to look at him. The sight of her small teeth biting her bottom lip was the only indication of the nervousness he sensed in her, mixed with steely determination. He balled his hands into fists to stop himself from crushing her to him and tasting that lush mouth.

  “He didn’t do anything, I…I… hell, I don’t want to talk about it.”

  “Good, ‘cause I don’t need to hear how he fucked you senseless in my bedroom.” Her soft gasp at his growled response had Ion shooting off his bed, throwing the damned cushion across the wall with such force that the painting fell to the floor with a loud crash. “The girls will have breakfast ready soon. Make sure you wash his stench off you, before you come down, or I can’t vouch for the reaction you’ll get from the pack.”

  And then, not waiting for Marnie’s response, Ion stalked from the room, slamming the door shut on his way out.

  “Everything okay, boss?”

  Jenkins’ sudden appearance out of one of the spare bathrooms did nothing for Ion’s mood, and his beta had the good sense to duck his head and make himself scarce. Entering the room, Ion cursed at his reflection in the mirror. Covered in mud and leaves, he looked every inch the wild animal he was, the eyes of his wolf looking back at him. If she hadn’t known what he was, his appearance like this in her room would have made it perfectly clear to her. It was a wonder Marnie hadn‘t run away from him screaming in terror.

  He groaned in relief when he stepped under the hot stream of water. It felt damn good on his sore muscles, before images of Marnie with Lucas made him tense up in frustration, his agonised howl echoing throughout the cubicle. She couldn’t have run, could she? No matter what she said, the vampire had clearly lost control, taking too much blood in the process and leaving her as weak as a puppy. And he had been rough––if the awkward way she had been sitting and the fresh bruises he had spotted forming on her soft skin were anything to go by. His claws shattered the tiles, imagining them to be Lucas’s throat and he turned off the shower with a muttered curse. His sensitive ears found her movements across the hall effortlessly, and he smiled a grim smile at the sound of her getting into the bath. Her soft moan of feminine appreciation as she slid into the water made his cock harden painfully again. At this rate, he would have to pay a visit to Louisa or one of the other unmated females in his pack, if he was to stand any chance of keeping his paws off the sighing woman in the bath across the hall, whose scent was even now calling him. With another groan he stepped back into the shower, any thought of other females forgotten as Marnie’s scent grew stronger still. He was so fucked.


  The rumble of many voices and the clinking of cutlery guided Marnie to the dining room, next to the kitchen, some time later. Louisa had appeared with a small bundle of clothes, just as Marnie was getting out of the bath.

  “The boss said you’d need these. They should fit you. Breakfast is ready in ten, sugar. Everyone is intrigued to meet you, but don’t worry, they don’t bite, much…”

  Marnie had smiled weakly at that. “Everyone?”

  “Sure, sugar. The pack congregates for the full days of the moon phase, when hunting is at its most rewarding. The boss’s estate gives us the privacy we need to run free. Anyway, I am talking too much as usual, but as you’re here, you will find these things out soon enough. I best go and help. See you downstairs when you’re ready.”

  Tugging nervously at the neckline of the longest summer dress she had been able to find in the bundle Louisa had given her, Marnie forced herself to push open the saloon-style doors and stepped into chaos. Along one wall of the huge room a buffet-style breakfast was laid out, the smells of freshly brewed coffee and home baked bread drawing her further into the room. Coffee, that’s what she needed to get rid of the sluggishness in her veins, which slowed her movements and made her feel like an old woman. Conversation hushed for a moment when she stepped into the room, and she smiled nervously at the assembled group of men and women. The hunks from the forest were there, and so was Jenkins. His cheeky wink in her direction caused a deep growl behind her and she whirled around too fast, leaving her dizzy and in danger of falling over. The strong arm about Marnie’s waist steadied her; before Ion released her, his breath hot on her cheek, his nostrils flared and he sniffed her ear. She couldn’t help a little sniff herself. Gone was the dirt-smudged, barely controlled wolf she had woken up to, and in its place was a freshly showered male packaged into tight faded jeans and a vest, which left little to the imagination. His natural scent made her mouth water and she longed to lean into his incredible warmth. A small body careening into her legs had her reaching out to steady herself and she swallowed as her hand connected with his chest, an arch of electricity shooting up her fingers. Her startled gaze flew to his face. Had he felt that too? Ion’s face gave nothing away, but his body went rigid and he carefully removed her hands, steering her expertly through the open doors to one of the small tables dotted around on the terrace.

  He nodded to the men and women watching them, smiled at the many children running around and issued a clear warning growl to the boisterous little fellow who had almost sent Marnie flying. He settled her onto a chair.

  “Sit down and stay there, before you fall down,” he said, and beckoning a young girl to come over he continued,” tell her what you want for breakfast and she’ll get it for you.”

  “I can do that myself; there is no need to trouble anyone.”

  The commanding look Ion gave her stopped any further protest. “You look as though you’re going to pass out, which would inconvenience Ruthie far more, so stay put and eat something.”

  “And if I don’t want to?”

  “Don’t be a fool, little one. I’ll be watching and if need be, I’ll force-feed you myself.”

  The harsh expression on his face left Marnie no doubt that he would follow through on that threat. As seemingly every eye in the vicinity was watching them, she nodded her agreement. With one last heated look, he walked away from her.

  “Phew, you really don’t want to goad him like that.” Ruthie’s nervous laughter made her drag her gaze away from the poetry in motion that was Ion’s retreating backside and pay attention to the teenager.

  “I don’t take kindly to being ordered around.”

  “Yes, well, he’s the alpha. What he says goes.”

  Marnie’s head was starting to hurt again. Seriously?

  “So he says jump and you all say how high? But that’s ridiculous.”

  The girl just shrugged her shoulders. “It’s the way it is. Someone has to be in charge and the alpha it is. Now, please tell me what you want for breakfast. He’s watching us and he doesn’t look happy.”

  Sure enough, Ion’s expression could have turned eggs sour in their shells and as their eyes connected, he raised one eyebrow in a silent challenge and Marnie sighed. Clearly this was a battle not worth fighting. She told Ruthie what she wanted. So much for being an independent woman, forging her path. And heaven help her, if there wasn’t a small part of her that revelled in being taken care of.

  Glancing around the room, she observed Ion’s interaction with his pack. It was clear immediately that he was completely in charge. An aura of quiet strength and leashed power surrounded him and he seemed to communicate with unspoken demands, which were quietly followed. The men, all of them tall, broad-shouldered and sporting the same tattoo she had spotted on Ion’s arm only that morning, were pure eye candy and the women were stunningly beautiful. It shouldn’t have come as surprise to her that she recognised many of them from the club. She had known he ran a tight ship at the club. That was one of the main reasons why she had agreed to let Ellie drag her along for auditions. She had to smile to herself at the shy mouse she had been then. She had noticed Ion of course, he was hard not to notice quite frankly, but only in a Wow, he’s hot but completely out
of your league way. And besides, he was her boss––nothing good could have ever come from it. So how on earth had she ended up here in the middle of a pack of wolves, having been used as a glorified snack bar by a goddamn vampire, no less? Thoughts of Lucas had her tugging at her hair nervously to make sure it was still covering those ugly marks on her neck. She could only pray they would fade soon and (please, God) not leave any scars. That was another thing. Ion had said Lucas could be very persuasive. Had he used that persuasion to weave the sexual hold he’d had over her? Certainly her behaviour around him had been completely out of character. And if so, how dare he? Fresh anger at the vamp made her blood boil. How dare he treat her like his plaything, toying with her emotions and making her feel responsible for the man he’d killed! Goosebumps broke out all over her skin, recalling his statement that he had stopped the man from raping her. She ought to be grateful for that, but he didn’t have to kill him in such a brutal way, damn it.

  A sudden commotion across the room shook her out of her musings. One of the hunks that had helped move the truck was talking in hushed, urgent tones to Ion. The look he threw in her direction made an icy fist close round her heart. As she watched, the hunks left one by one, their faces grim, their bodies alert and with one last considering look in her direction, Ion too, left. The streaks of grey and brown darting past the terrace moments later made Marnie almost drop her coffee cup. Wolves…

  As she watched them disappear into the tree line, the largest of them stopped and turned, sniffing the air. His eyes went boring into hers across the clearing and Marnie had the strangest sense of…connection. The wolf threw his head back and howled mournfully before melting into the trees. Marnie released the breath she had not been aware of holding.

  Now, what was wrong?

  Chapter Eight

  The scent of sun-kissed human hit him the minute Ion stepped out of his truck, and his worry over what he’d learned warred with his instant awareness of her. Ion’s legs followed his nose without any conscious effort on his part, around the house, through the gardens, and out to the overgrown patch the pack youngsters used as their playground. He barely acknowledged the young ones’ mothers huddled together in a corner, nor did he pay attention to the toddler throwing himself at his legs. He simply scooped him up and tossed him in the air, not once breaking his stride, knowing that Jenkins’ youngest would land on his feet and scramble away giggling. Where the hell was she? A newborn’s cry, mingled with the exasperated tones of his mother, brought a fleeting smile to his lips. The newest addition to the pack was a fractious and feisty little thing and there was rarely any peace to be had when she was around.

  Leaping over the last bush, Ion landed softly on the balls of his feet and for once even his wolf was stunned into silence. The sun behind Marnie rendered her dress transparent, every one of her delicious curves clearly visible, but it was the tender expression on her face that lodged a lump in his throat and made his wolf roll over in submission. As he watched, little Leah’s crying subsided to a mere mewling as Marnie expertly took the baby off her anxiously hovering mother and laid her across the length of her forearm. Her hand supported the little girl’s head; her other hand drew soothing circles over the three-week-old’s back. The baby quieted further when Marnie began to sing an ancient lullaby, her voice soft and soothing. Her body swayed gently, to and fro and up and down.

  Her eyes briefly connected with his, their expression so soft and yielding his wolf rolled over again as though she had just stroked his soft underbelly and something shifted deep inside of him. A sense of peace and rightness settled over Ion, as he continued to watch. She had turned her back on him and shifted a now-sleepy Leah high on her shoulder, so that he could just about see the little shock of black hair and one eye desperately trying to stay open as Marnie talked to Leah’s mother, her voice light and happy.

  “No, not really, they always settle easier with someone else. No great miracle in that. Go and have a rest while you can. I’m quite happy to keep her here.”

  He nodded his consent to the baby’s mother and with a grateful smile and one last stroke of her baby’s downy hair she padded away, every line of her body screaming exhaustion.

  “I’m not sure she would have taken me up on my offer had you not turned up, Ion. Why has she been allowed to run herself ragged?”

  Ion took a step back at the sudden steel in those amber eyes and his insides tightened uncomfortably at her next words.

  “You’re supposed to be the all-high and mighty alpha. Surely that extends to protecting your most vulnerable. Leah’s mum won’t be good for anybody, if she doesn’t get some support. Is that not the whole point of a pack, to look out for each other, or does your concern only extend to the males?”

  His wolf growled low at the suggestion that he may be neglecting his duties and Ion’s temper prickled, the fine hair on his neck raised as he took a step towards her, every fibre of his being meant to intimidate. But instead of submitting, the little human just rolled her eyes and closed the gap between them, her voice clear and angry.

  “Oh, stop that ridiculous noise. Your wolf doesn’t scare me and neither do your macho antics. Save them for some of the young females who have been sniffing around you. What are you going to do about this?”

  Marnie had never looked more beautiful to him than at that moment, all fired up, ready to go into battle for the females of his pack, just like his mate should be doing. Whoa, where had that thought come from? She wasn’t his mate, no matter how much his wolf growled, Mine.

  “Well, cat got your tongue, wolf? Fleas scrambled your brain? I don’t necessarily expect big, bad you to babysit, but surely there has to be someone in charge of the females. One of your relatives, maybe; a sister, mother?”

  Her voice trailed off at the expression on his face and she swallowed, taking a few steps back, her eyes darting across the shrubbery nervously as though she had just realised that they were very much alone all of a sudden. The youngsters had been scooped up by their mothers the minute his wolf had growled his first warning and his gaze dropped to the rapidly beating pulse in her neck, his smile turning wicked at her whispered, “Ion, I’m holding the baby,” as she backed away further.

  “I thought you weren’t afraid of me, little one?” he kept his tone low and he knew it was his wolf’s eyes she saw when he looked at her.

  “I…I’m not, at least I’m not, unless you look as though you want to eat me.” She shifted Leah from her shoulder to her arms, holding the little bundle between them like a shield, her lips trembling and he smiled again, his wolf almost foaming at the mouth as he picked up her fear, mixed in with aroused female, her heartbeat hammering, calling him to the chase.

  “Who’s to say you wouldn’t enjoy being eaten by my wolf, little one. Give me one good reason why I should rein him in? He is very dexterous. Leah won’t stop him.” He allowed his claws to run out, expecting her to run––but she stood her ground, staring him down, even when he ran one claw along her jaw line and down to the top of her breasts, before leaving it there, his eyes searching her face.

  “Cat got your tongue now, little one?”

  It was the silent contempt in her eyes that made him back away as she continued to stare at him and he ordered his wolf to stand down. No female had looked at him like that since his mother died and he could hear her berating him now, for his actions. She was under his protection, as was the baby she was holding and he shifted on his feet, realising that he had been slack in his duties. Looking after the finer details of the females had always been his mother’s job and ultimately would be his mate’s.

  His muttered curse made Marnie jump, and Leah moaned in protest. Ion’s face softened looking at the baby in Leah’s arms and his voice was gruff with emotion when he finally allowed himself to look into her expressive eyes.

  “My mother used to look after the females. Since she was taken from us, the job has been empty. Louisa does what she can, but she is not the most maternal of wolves.”<
br />

  Marnie blinked at the sudden change in his demeanour, whilst breathing a sigh of relief that he was once again just Ion. A cloak of sadness had settled over him at the mention of his mother and she could feel his pain as acutely as if it was hers. Since when had she started to be so in tune with his emotions?

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to pry. Has she been gone long?”

  She didn’t think he was going to answer her, seemingly lost in the past, his shoulders slumped, his hands balled into fists.

  “What happened to her, Ion?”

  She held her breath at the pain she saw in his eyes. He would have turned away had she not put one hand on his chest to stop him. She felt his sharp intake of breath as the surge of electricity zinged up her arm, his incredible warmth seeping through her skin and calling her further into his space, until they were so close his scent threatened to overwhelm her. Had it not been for the baby in her arms, Marnie wasn’t sure she would have been able to stop the urge to snuggle into him and kiss away the lines of sadness, which made him look much older and weary.

  “I don’t need your pity, little one.”

  He tried to distance himself from her but she simply stepped in front of him again.

  “I’m not offering pity, Ion. Just a listening ear. Surely, even big, bad alpha wolves need someone to listen to them every once in a while? You can’t bring me here and not expect me to ask questions. I’m training to become a lawyer; asking questions is in my nature.”


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