Sugar Daddy

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Sugar Daddy Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  However, she’d also felt a buzz from the small touches he’d given her as well. She’d been with one other guy on prom night, but that had been all, and not exactly thrilling. Most of that she’d been in pain and not enjoyed the experience. A couple of guys had asked her out on a date, but she’d not been interested. Her education meant more to her, and if she’d not been struggling for cash, she’d wouldn’t be doing this with Daniel either.

  The shift helped to take her mind off Daniel. Serving coffee, muffins, and sandwiches filled her afternoon. She could probably leave this job with the money Daniel was paying her, but she liked the change of pace. When she was dealing with coffees, it helped her to forget about everything else. By seven o’clock when her shift ended, she checked her phone and saw a message waiting for her.

  Inside the message was an address with the simple words: meet me.

  It was Daniel.

  He’d sent the message half an hour ago.

  She didn’t exactly have much time, but she cursed herself for not checking her phone. She hailed a cab, and asked for the driver to take her to the address as quickly as he could. She texted back to Daniel that she was on her way, and hoped that trying not to think about everything else, he didn’t just get up and leave.

  Within thirty minutes, she was pulling up outside of a large building and saw Daniel waiting outside for her. He stepped toward her, paying the driver before he opened her door.

  Neither of them said a word as he escorted her inside the building, nodding at the man at the main door. Once they were in the elevator, he didn’t speak, and she couldn’t help but take a look at him. He had short black hair, greying at the sides, which only added to his attraction. That maturity kept women looking at him, wondering if he’d be able to teach them a thing or two. She liked his blue eyes as well.

  Staring at him made her nervous, especially as they both knew what was coming.

  “How was your day?” he asked.

  His voice was deep and made her wet, which again surprised her. Attraction had never been something she’d felt.

  Losing her virginity on prom night had seemed like the right thing to do. She’d regretted it as soon as her cheap-ass date hadn’t been bothered to rent a room for the night. She’d lost her cherry in the back of a truck, with no romance, no nothing. The guy at the time thought he’d been the best thing in the world.

  Afterward, when he wanted round two, she asked to be dropped off at home. Any thought of going for round two didn’t appeal to her. At home, she’d told him she had a nice night but it was over, and he could go and screw anyone he wanted.

  That had been the extent of her first and only sexual relationship.

  The elevator doors pinged open, and then Daniel moved down a long corridor toward a far room. She watched him place the key in the lock, turn, and they were inside an apartment. Daniel flicked on the light, closing the door behind him.

  Entering the room, she held onto the strap of her bag, which she’d placed over her head on the way out of the coffee shop.

  Turning toward him, she nibbled her lip. “I’m sorry I took so long to get here. I was working.”

  “Ah, where do you work?” he asked.

  “The coffee shop.”

  His brow rose.

  “I didn’t have my cell on me, and I checked my messages after I left. I wasn’t ignoring you. I went to that doctor you requested, and he told me that I’m to see him from now on.”

  “Yes, I want to have every single report so I know you’re fine.” He grabbed a file off a small table in the hallway.

  “That’s my medical forms?”

  “Yes. I paid extra to have them as quickly as possible.” He pulled another set out of his pocket and handed it to her. “These are for you.”

  She took the offered forms and opened them up, seeing his name, age, weight, height, and health. The doctor had described him at the peak of health with all blood work coming back normal.

  “He has put here that he’s recommended you lose weight.”

  Lizzie gritted her teeth and nodded. Every single doctor said that to her no matter who she saw.

  “Don’t. I happen to like you, and everything here is healthy.”

  She walked everywhere and tried to keep healthy, but her and diets didn’t go well together.

  “You’re on birth control, and that’s good.” He closed the file and smiled. “I’ve read all of this, and I’m ready to get started.”

  “Erm, I may not be able to always come to you when you demand,” she said. “I study, and I work. I don’t want to put them at risk.” She didn’t want to give up her job in case this ever went sour. All of her life she planned ahead, and liked to constantly have a backup plan.

  Daniel held his hand up. “I’ll have a copy of your schedule. The classes you take, and when you work. We’ll find an arrangement that suits us. I won’t be wining or dining you. Nor will I send you flowers. This is not romance.”

  “It’s sex. I know.”

  She stood still as he advanced toward her. He reached out and cupped her face, tilting her head back. “Don’t expect me to be selfish. I won’t. This is about you just as much as it is about me. Have you removed your profile from the site?”



  She didn’t get a chance to say anything else as he slammed his lips down on hers, and all thought escaped her as the pleasure of his kiss took over. Grabbing his shoulders, she closed her eyes. One of his hands moved from her cheek to sink into her hair, gripping the back of her head. He moved her back so that she was pressed against the wall. With his other hand, he took hers and pressed them up against the wall, keeping her there.

  His cock nestled against her stomach, and for the first time in her life, Lizzie felt a little smaller than everyone else.

  “Damn, you feel so good,” he said. “No one can know about our arrangement.”

  “I won’t tell anyone.” She stared into his blue eyes. “I promise.”

  “Have you ever fucked a man you’ve just met?”

  She shook her head.

  He released her, and she watched as he removed his shirt. Seeing that she was here for sex, she began to remove her own shirt as well. The curtains were wide open, and light filled the room. The last time she had sex, there had been a blanket of darkness to hide everything. Biting her lip, she ignored her nerves and wriggled out of her jeans.

  “Take down your hair,” he said.

  She reached behind her, removing the band that she’d put loosely to keep her hair tamed.

  Her hair fell around her. The black bra and panties didn’t exactly hide anything. She was on show for him to see every single part of her.

  Clasping her hands together, she waited. He stood before her naked. The suit was folded neatly on the chair. Her gaze went to his black boxer briefs. The outline of his cock surprised her. Not only was he hard but also long and thick.

  “You can look because believe me, babe, I’m looking at you.” He held her hips and pulled her closer. “You need to relax. We’re not in a rush.”

  “That’s why we’re here tonight, right? To have sex.”

  “Yeah, but I’m not a rapist, and good sex is to be enjoyed, savored.” He stroked the base of her back, and she really wished she wasn’t so damn tense.

  Daniel was attractive. Her nerves were just getting the better of her.

  She had to reel them in, otherwise it was going to cost her, and she really didn’t want that.


  For a twenty-one-year-old college chick, she was tense, and that didn’t sit well with Daniel. The women he’d gone to college with were all for partying and fucking, but that had been some time ago.

  “Are you a virgin?” He really didn’t want to deal with a virgin, and would end this now.

  “No. You’d have seen that in the report.”

  He pulled away to look at her. “How many sexual partners have you had?”

  “You really want to


  “Will you tell me how many you’ve had?”

  “I don’t keep count.”

  “Ugh, fine. I’ve been with one guy.”


  “Yes, one guy. Prom night, in the back of a truck. It was … horrible. Not that I think sex with you is going to be horrible.”

  She bit her lip and looked totally worried.

  Daniel laughed. “Okay, I was expecting three to five but not one. Did this one you were with happen to be multiple times?”

  “No, it was one guy, one time, and since then I’ve been focusing on my studies. They’re important to me. How many women or guys have you been with?” she asked.

  “I’ve not been with any guys, but I’ve had over ten women.”


  “Yes, wow.”

  Her cheeks were really pink, and he found that to be utterly adorable. “Do you want to end this?” she asked.

  “No, I don’t. I’m curious now, though. Have you ever been brought to orgasm by a man?”


  “Have you ever sucked a man’s cock?”


  “Did he really just slide a condom on, go to town, and leave you hanging?”

  “I wasn’t exactly aroused, to be honest. He was a nice guy, just not for me. Can we not talk about this? It’s so embarrassing.”

  He tilted her head back to stare into her eyes. “I don’t find this embarrassing. In fact, I want this to be one of my rules.”

  “Another one?”

  “Yes. I want to know everything that you like. After we’ve fucked, I want you to give me feedback in text form for the next day.”

  “What if someone gets your phone?” she asked.

  “They won’t. You’ll do this for me. I want you to enjoy it as much as I do. I love to fuck, and to hear a woman scream. That’s what you’re going to do, Elizabeth. You’re going to scream my name as I fuck you, and you’re going to beg for more.” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “Do you want that?”


  “Good. Go to the bedroom, and I want you to remove your underwear, spread those thighs, and be waiting for me.”


  She pulled away from him, and he watched as she moved toward the bedroom.

  When she was out of sight, he pulled down his boxers, folding them up into his neat pile of clothing. Grabbing a condom, he tore it open and began to slide it over his length. He was so hard, and he couldn’t recall being this excited for a woman in a long time.

  If it hadn’t been for his curiosity about the site, he never would have tried it. Then of course it had been the ease of finding someone for sex who he didn’t have to woo first. Sugar Daddy just seemed tacky and made him at times feel old, but he didn’t mind Elizabeth. She’d caught his eye from her picture alone, and he knew he had to have her.

  She was a beautiful woman, and he liked looking at her smile. He wanted to give her the experiences none of the punk-ass men ever had.

  Entering the bedroom, he saw her resting on her elbows, her legs spread, exactly how he’d asked.

  Moving onto the bed, he stared down at her pretty pussy. The fine hairs were wet with her juices and he licked his lips, wanting a taste of her. Spreading those lips wide, he slid his tongue across her clit before moving down to plunge inside her.

  She gasped, and her body shook at his first touch. He grabbed her hips, holding her in place as he ravished her pussy. Knowing that he was only the second man to touch her, and the first to taste her, sent a shock wave of primal need rushing through him. He wanted to completely dominate her. To wipe out any memory she had of anyone else ever touching her.

  The thoughts and feelings she inspired completely shocked him. He’d never been the kind of man to stake a claim on a woman. His work meant everything to him.

  Flicking his tongue back and forth, he found a pace that brought her closer to the peak of her orgasm. The moment she came, screaming his name, he licked her cream, relishing the taste, knowing he was going to have a lot of fun hearing her voice echo along the walls.

  He changed positions, grabbing his cock and rubbing it through her slit before placing the tip at her entrance. Slowly, he watched as he pushed his cock inside her cunt, and she was so fucking tight.

  Her pussy squeezed him like a fist as he worked his dick inside her, slamming up to the hilt.

  “You’re going to have to get used to me,” he said, taking hold of her hands and pinning them on either side of her head. He lifted up a little so that he was staring down at her.

  One day soon he’d take her without the condom.

  It was early days yet, and he had no intention of doing that until he could trust her a little more.

  They were strangers, and yet it drove the excitement higher. He didn’t really know anything about her, other than the stuff that was standard on forms.

  This wasn’t about getting to know her, though. Sex for money, pure and simple.

  Pulling out of her tight heat, he began to thrust back inside her.

  He wanted her to enjoy this, and he saw she struggled a little with his length. He let go of her hands, easing back so that he could hold onto her hips. “Touch your pussy for me.”

  She reached down, and he saw the hesitation within her.

  Maybe there was a chance he could show her what to expect from a man, to make up for what that loser did on prom night, only satisfying his own needs.

  Daniel didn’t want the complication of a relationship, which was why the temptation of Sugar Daddy was so great, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want his partner to enjoy it.

  Elizabeth had been the only woman to hold his attention on that website, and having her beneath him delighted him.

  Now, he wanted her to become addicted to him.

  Rocking inside her, he watched as she stroked her pussy. The lips of her sex were open as she slid her fingers across her clit.

  “I want you to come, Elizabeth. Come all over my cock. Show me how much you like it.”

  His thrusts increased as her pussy fluttered around his dick.

  He was getting close to finding his own release, but he gritted his teeth, holding back, waiting for Elizabeth to find her own peak.

  Finally, when she did, coming around his dick, which was sheer fucking heaven, Daniel slammed into her, finding his own orgasm in the softness of her body.

  When it was over, he collapsed, resting his head on her breasts. She didn’t wrap her arms around him, and to him it seemed strange her not responding like that.

  Most women wanted to hug, and yet there was that distance of strangers. She didn’t know him, and he didn’t know her.

  Stroking the curve of her hip, he licked his lips. “If you weren’t desperate for money, you wouldn’t have been on that site, would you?” he asked.



  “I don’t have sex with strangers.”

  He pulled back, staring into her eyes. “Did you enjoy that?”

  “It was very nice.” She smiled at him.

  “Do you want to stop? I can call the whole thing off.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not used to what to do afterward. I really enjoyed what we just shared, and I … erm, I want this to work.”

  Pulling out of her tight heat, he watched her wince. Before he could say anything, she was already leaving the bed and heading back to where her clothes were. Disposing of the condom, he left the room and found her stepping into her underwear.

  This was what he’d been wanting for a long time. A woman who knew to leave afterward.

  Watching Elizabeth, he held onto the doorframe, admiring her body, wondering why he wasn’t happy. This was exactly what he wanted.

  His cell phone buzzed, reminding him he needed to get back to the office.

  “I’ll e-mail you my schedule,” she said.

  She was already dressed, her hair back in a band and her bag in place wi
th the strap nestled between her breasts.

  “We’ll get all the details fleshed out in time.”

  He watched her turn to leave only to stop at the door and look at him. “I noticed there was some money in my account. You paid me in advance even before we had taken tests.”

  “That’s right.”


  “You needed the money. I don’t want to have to worry about you being on the streets. Don’t ask how I know these things. I’m a lawyer. I have my tricks.”

  She nodded. “Goodbye.”

  Chapter Three

  After paying her landlord the rent she had due, along with a month in advance, Lizzie rushed up to her apartment, slamming and locking the door. Pulling her bag off her shoulder, she threw it onto the floor and went to the mirror, removing her clothing and seeing the marks on her hips from where he’d held her.

  Her pussy was tender, and her feelings were all over the place.

  She quickly took out her cell phone and thought about what she should text.

  Lizzie: I’m aching all over and it feels really good. I really enjoyed it.

  She didn’t know what else to say, and she wasn’t comfortable going into detail.

  Daniel was a nice man. A little rough around the edges to her, but she liked him. She enjoyed listening to him, even if he was blunt and to the point. He didn’t leave any room to misinterpret what he wanted.

  Just thinking about his instructions to get on the bed and spread her thighs had a renewed arousal that she wasn’t used to.

  She’d done everything he’d asked, and when he’d come, afterward she’d been … stumped.

  At prom, she’d been dropped off back home, no need for conversation. According to Daniel, he didn’t want to make small talk.

  Sex and then leave.

  She could handle that.

  He was very domineering. When he asked if she wanted to stop, she hadn’t.

  She didn’t talk all that much most of the time, and talking about her feelings was something she’d gotten out of the habit doing a long time ago.


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