Sugar Daddy

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Sugar Daddy Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Elizabeth hadn’t realized anyone had followed her. Standing up, she saw Susan Clark’s reflection in the mirror. “Excuse me?”

  “Look, I’m used to little tramps and sluts. You’re younger than most of the whores he’s been with, but I’m sure you can see you don’t belong here. I couldn’t believe it when I was shown your picture.” Susan looked her up and down, and she tutted. “The shame my son will bring to my family. I won’t have it. He will be marrying Melanie, and they will be having children. None of this stupidity of being his own man. I’ve lived with it long enough. It’s time for him to stop being so frustrating, and to do as he’s been told. Your sort need money all the time. What will it be? A couple of thousand?”

  Elizabeth shook her head. “I don’t want your money.”

  Susan chuckled. “I’m not the kind of enemy you want.” She took a step toward her. “You’re young, and when Daniel looks elsewhere, you’re going to be needing a job. Imagine how bad it will be to find work if I just happen to … whisper some rumors into the ear of a prospective employer. Don’t mess with me, little girl. I will crush you.”

  “Give me the pocket watch,” Daniel said, startling both of them.

  She’d not even heard Daniel come toward them.

  “Darling, we were just talking about—”

  “I know what you were talking about. You thought I didn’t hear you. Threatening my girlfriend. You know the only reason I’m here. I want the pocket watch, and then I’m out of here.”

  “You’re still after that stupid pocket watch. Even after all of this time. What about your name? Your legacy?”

  “I never wanted it. I told you both that years ago. This is done. I want nothing from any of you.” He stepped toward his mother. “If you think to threaten what’s mine again, let’s see if I’ve become the master at raining down all kinds of hell on the both of you. Elizabeth, go and wait in the car.”

  She nodded, and brushed past Susan, more than happy to get the hell out of that house. The mansion may look beautiful on the outside, but within it was evil. His parents were cruel people, and she hoped she never had to see them again.

  Daniel didn’t take long, coming back to the car minutes later.

  Within seconds they were driving out of the mansion, and onto the main road. Out of the corner of her eye, she watched him pull out the pocket watch, handing it to her.

  The gold was well worn, but over the years it had been cared for.

  “Open it, read it,” he said.

  She opened the watch, and turning on the light in the car, she read the inscription. “Daniel, never forget who you are, and make your own way with my blessing.” It was signed by his grandfather. “That’s all you wanted?”

  “It means something to me.”

  “Can your parents do that? Can they ruin me?” she asked.

  “I wouldn’t let that happen.”

  “But they can. You’re not going to be around forever, and even you said you’re not interested in relationships. They can do what they want, and it won’t bother you.”

  “I’ve told you I wouldn’t let anything happen.”

  “You can’t control everything, Daniel.” She felt tears fill her eyes, and she closed them. Everything his mother said scared her.

  She’d fallen in love with Daniel, and she’d known it all along, but she’d been fighting it. She didn’t fit into that world, or any of his world. They’d met each other because he wanted sex without complications. She provided that.

  “Don’t do this, Elizabeth. Damn it, don’t let her get to you.”

  “I’m falling in love with you, Daniel. You don’t want that, or this, and I can’t … I can’t keep pretending that I don’t have feelings anymore. I’m sorry.”

  She saw him grip the steering wheel even tighter.


  “I want you to take me home, and then I don’t want you to talk to me or contact me in any other way. I don’t think I can handle the pain.” Speaking the truth didn’t help her, not one bit. In fact, she was even more brokenhearted because the truth was finally out.

  He didn’t love her.

  He’d never love her, and she’d fallen for him.

  She’d broken his rules, and it would only be fair that she gave him a clean break.

  “No,” he said. “This isn’t over. We were fine until we got there.”

  She shook her head. “We weren’t fine. Not really. You want something and I thought I could give it to you, but I failed, Daniel. I failed you. I’m so sorry.” She looked at him through teary eyes. “I tried, but I love you.”

  Wiping the tears away, she tried to ignore the pain as he didn’t say a word. They’d never had this much silence before, not that she could recall, and knowing he didn’t feel the same way, broke her heart.

  What did you expect?

  He didn’t promise anything.

  He paid for everything.

  Whatever happened, Elizabeth knew she would never be the same again.


  Daniel gripped the steering wheel even tighter. His rage knew no bounds as he recalled what his fucking mother said to Elizabeth. She’d not given in, though. There hadn’t been a sum she’d been willing to settle for, but now he felt like the fucking loser.

  He’d gained his grandfather’s pocket watch, and it had cost him Elizabeth.

  Her words of love didn’t fill him with rage, and he couldn’t bring himself to respond to her. Time passed, and it didn’t feel long enough when he pulled up outside of Elizabeth’s apartment.

  Everything in him screamed for him to stop her, but he didn’t. The rules he’d been clear on. Don’t fall in love with him. It was only sex.

  It’s not just sex anymore.

  She climbed out of the car and he followed her, grabbing her suitcase from the trunk. He held onto it a few seconds longer, and tugged her close. Normally, she fell against him, accepting the kiss.

  This time, she didn’t. Her eyes were red from crying, and he felt like the biggest asshole in the world. He’d done this. He’d made her cry.

  Stepping away, he watched her leave without saying a word.

  Rules were rules.

  Rules are made to be broken.

  Climbing back into his car, he didn’t look back.

  It was a lot easier not to look back, or to think as he went home to his very empty apartment. The Christmas he had planned was totally screwed because his parents couldn’t keep their mouths shut.

  Pouring himself a large shot of the strongest whiskey he owned, he paused when he caught sight of a selfie picture he’d taken at Thanksgiving. Elizabeth was curled up against him, his arm wrapped around her, and he was kissing her head. They looked happy, and he realized that he’d fallen for her long ago, even before he stopped paying for her.

  Throwing the glass across the room, he watched it shatter, spilling liquid down the wall.

  He didn’t lose, not ever, and he wouldn’t lose his shit over this. Elizabeth had made her choice. Even as he thought this, he couldn’t help but recall he never got the chance to call her Lizzie. Such a stupid, trivial thing, and yet it struck a nerve inside him.

  Chapter Eleven

  In the days that followed, Elizabeth concentrated on her studies, and took several shifts at the coffee house. She didn’t want to think of Daniel, which was impossible to do. Memories of him were everywhere. Her apartment, her work, even walking around campus as he’d taken the time to visit her there. No matter where she looked, he dominated, and it was hard for her to focus on anything else.

  She kept her cell phone turned off, and spent a great deal of time at the library. Studying seemed the only thing that gave her a few moments where she didn’t have to think of him all the time.

  Love was such a fickle thing.

  Actually, she finally understood why people wrote books, made movies, and created poetry. Love really was everything. She’d screwed everything up, and now her heart was breaking.

ng around Daniel, the feelings he evoked took away every single doubt, all the negative, and what she was left with was just love.

  Christmas came and went. She stayed in, eating ramen noodles, watching television, and crying because she wasn’t in Daniel’s arms.

  Their relationship hadn’t been conventional, not in the real sense, not at all, but she’d fallen for him so easy. She’d fought it. The sweet gesture of the rose to the way he touched her body, she’d basked in that kind of pleasure and attention.

  Finally, New Year’s Day was only days away, and with that came extra shifts at the coffee shop.

  On New Year’s Eve they were serving special chocolate lattes, with a splash of something extra while also staying open to see in the New Year. The coffee shop hummed with activity from the moment they opened, and Elizabeth didn’t have a second to think as she served one after the other, muffins, sandwiches, coffee, and everything in between.

  The excitement was palpable as everyone made plans, resolutions, and looked forward to the future.

  Her heartache couldn’t get her to stop her thinking that she’d walked away from the best guy in her life. She didn’t care about the nineteen-year age gap, or that he’d found her on a website designed to help women find sugar daddies.

  No, Daniel had broken down her walls, gotten into her heart, and now she knew she’d never be able to love anyone else like the way she loved him.

  Not anyone.

  Turning her back to place the exact change in the till, she spun around and came face to face with the man she’d fallen in love with.

  Daniel stood, as a customer, waiting.

  He looked a little unkempt. His hair was not immaculate, and she noticed a stubble several days old.

  Did she look similar?

  Red puffy eyes.

  Completely consumed by sadness.

  “What can I get you, sir?” Andrew asked. He was one of the owners of the place, and he always came in around busy times to help with the extra customers.

  “To be served by her,” Daniel said.

  His voice sounded gruff.

  “I’ve got it, Andrew.” She smiled at her boss and stepped closer.

  Her hands shook a little, and she clenched them into fists in the hope of not showing how upset seeing him had made her.

  She loved this man more than anything else in the world, and now she couldn’t focus, nor could she think.

  Elizabeth imagined jumping over the counter and throwing herself at him, covering his face with kisses as she professed her undying love.

  Shaking those images out of her mind, she forced a smile to her lips. “What can I get you?”

  The queue behind him went out the door, but he didn’t seem in a rush to speak.

  “I want you back,” Daniel said.

  She didn’t say anything, biting her lip. “I … can’t.” She had to try to fix her broken heart. He didn’t love her, and she couldn’t risk being with a man who really didn’t want her.

  “I miss you.”

  “Daniel, what coffee do you want?”

  She was so close to falling apart, and she couldn’t handle this. Not right now.

  “I want to wake up in the morning with you in my arms. To take you to college, and listen to your assignments so I can help you catch any words that don’t sound right. I want you to visit me at my office, and to take you to dinner. Above everything else, I want you to love me, Elizabeth.”

  Staring at him, she couldn’t think. “What did you say?”

  “Watching you walk away was the hardest thing I’ve ever done. I didn’t want you to leave. Hearing that you loved me, it didn’t make me angry or upset. All my life women have been falling at my feet trying to please me. You’ve been so different. I didn’t want you to fall in love with me, and you fought it. You fought it harder than anyone else. Here’s the thing, I fought it as well. I tried not to love that smile you give, or the little giggle when I do silly things just to hear it. The way you bite your lip when you’re so close to tears you don’t want anyone to see that you could be a little weak. How you worry even though you’re not helping anyone, the risks you take. Damn it, Elizabeth, I love you so fucking much that the past few days have been a nightmare. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. All I have done is drink to try and numb the pain, and every time I think of you, I feel like a total fucking asshole for letting you go. I’m old enough to be your father, and you know what? Age doesn’t mean shit. I love you. I want you, and if you’d be willing to give me a second chance.” He looked down at something, and when he lifted his hand up, she saw he had a ring in his finger. “I’d love for you to marry me.”

  She couldn’t believe that he was offering her a ring.

  Pinching her arm, she winced. Yep, she was awake.

  “You want to marry me?”

  “I love you, Elizabeth. I made a mistake.”

  “Your rules—”

  “What did I tell you? Rules were made to be broken.”

  His words brought a huge smile to her lips. He’d told her that several times during their time together, reminding her that she only ever lived once, and she had to learn to live life to the fullest.

  “Yes,” she said, laughing. “Yes.”

  Without waiting another second, she rounded the counter, wrapping her arms around his neck, and he slammed his lips down on hers.

  Applause met their kiss, and breaking away, she saw that everyone watched them.

  He slid the ring on her finger, taking her hand, and moving away from the crowd. She glanced over to make sure it was okay with Andrew, and he gave her a thumbs-up.

  Daniel found a private spot around the back of the building, and he pressed her up against it. His face went to her neck and he inhaled, holding her hands and locking their fingers together.

  “I’ve been so fucking miserable without you, baby.” He pulled away, staring into her eyes.

  “What about what your parents think?”

  “I don’t care what they think. They’re out of my life now for good.”

  “You’re ready to marry?” she asked.

  “I’m ready to marry you. Only you. I’m in love with you, and have been for a lot longer than you think. I’ve fought it, and put it down to sex, but I know it’s not sex. Not even close.”

  He kissed her lips, and she smiled.

  “I want you back in my bed, Elizabeth.”

  “There’s just one thing,” she said.

  “What? You’re going to give me rules now? I think I can follow them.”

  “You can call me Lizzie.”

  He sank his fingers into her hair, pulling her down, and taking her lips once again. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she chuckled. Maybe she shouldn’t have caved so quickly, but then, having the love of your life telling you that he loved you as well, how could she resist?


  Two years later

  They were married three months after he proposed, and Daniel didn’t have a single regret. Twirling his wedding band around his finger, he watched as his wife moved toward him, carrying their hot chocolates. Several women glared at her, but she only stared at him.

  “Here you go, husband,” she said.

  It was the annual Christmas party, and normally he didn’t attend as he had more important things to do. He always stayed in the building, but rarely joined because he used the guise of working not to be part of it all.

  Taking her hand, he pulled her close, kissing her lips. This was also a celebration for them as well. Even though he’d proposed at New Year, and they’d married a few months after that, it was Christmas that he realized he couldn’t live without her, that he didn’t want to live without her.

  “Merry Christmas, Lizzie.”

  “And to you.”

  Pulling her into his arms, he nuzzled her neck, and she moaned. “I can’t think when you do that.”

  “I don’t want you to think.”

  He was so proud of her. After graduating college, she’d b
een working at a local firm, training to be a psychologist. She loved her job, and even though at times she looked stressed, he knew there wasn’t anything else that she wanted in this world other than to help people. She still took classes though.

  It would seem his wife worried about decisions, so she always made sure to have a backup plan.

  She turned in his arms. “You’d tell me anything, right?”

  “Okay, I feel like I’m about to be in your bad books or something?”

  “It’s not bad. I just hope you know that you can trust me. With anything.”

  He frowned. “You’re going to have to give me a clue.”

  “I saw your baby book, Daniel. You’ve got three baby books.” She tucked some hair behind her ear, smiling at him.

  “That’s nothing.”

  “Do you want a baby?” she asked.

  Taking her hand, he made his way down to his office, closing and locking the door.

  “Yes, I want a baby, but not until you’re ready. I want you to have your career, and I can wait. I just want to be prepared.” He paused, seeing a wicked smile on her face. “Why are you smiling?”

  “I just, the thought of you holding a baby.”

  “Sexy? Cute? Wrong?”

  “I was thinking more that it would be so amazing to see you holding a baby.” She stepped toward him, placing her hands on his waist. “Would you like to start making one now?”

  “I want you to have everything your heart desires first. I can wait for kids.”

  She gripped his ass and pulled him in close, kissing him with a passion that made him ache all over.

  “I want to be with you, Daniel. Having a family, so long as it’s with you, I really don’t care. I love you.”

  He tucked some hair behind her ear. “I’ll never get tired of hearing you say that.”


  “That you love me.”

  “I love you. I love you. I love you.”

  He kissed her one more time, gripping her ass just like she did his. “You want to make a baby?”

  “Yes. I think we’d be amazing parents.”

  Daniel moved her back toward the sofa, dropping her down and moving between them.


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