Hangman's Army: Lake Of Sins, #3

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Hangman's Army: Lake Of Sins, #3 Page 46

by L. S. O'Dea

  Birchwood: Birdie’s real name. See also Birdie.

  Birdie: A male Avion with brownish-gray feathers. See also Birchwood.

  Bo: An adult male Guard. Lead Guard for the Almightys.

  Brennon: An adult, male Guard. Can pick locks faster than anyone.

  Bruno: An adult, male Guard. Very large. Belongs to Townsend.

  Buddy: An elderly, male Guard. He belongs to Hugh Truent. He has salt and pepper hair, a beard and is about five foot tall. He was bred for protection, not speed and is solid muscle.

  Captain Calvin Folgrant: An adult, male Almighty. A Captain in the Almightys’ armed forces.

  Casper: An elderly, male Guard. Belongs to the Remore family.

  Carla: A female Guard. Belongs to the Remore family.

  Christian: The name given to a River-Man by Trinity.

  Coakers: The male Almighty who used to supply Hugh with the serum for the Handlers and Trackers

  Cold Creepers: Reptilian-like creatures, about three-feet tall and over six-foot long, walk on all fours. They are green, gray or brown in color. They generally hunt in packs.

  Council, the: A group of Almightys appointed to rule by the Supreme Almighty and the public.

  Crosnics Manor: An Almighty estate owned by Dresschew.

  Curtis: An adult, male protection Guard.

  Dave Davies: An adult, male Almighty.

  Dede: An adult, female Servant. Has dark hair. Works as a prostitute at Ray’s.

  Doma: A young, male House Servant and Almighty mix, mother is Libby. Father is Townsend.

  Drakka: An adult male House Servant trained in fighting

  Dresschew: An Almighty. Owns Crosnics Manor.

  Eela: An adult male House Servant trained in fighting

  Ferssia: A House Servant. Matilda’s daughter.

  Gaar: A male Handler. He is the bonded pair to Mirra. See also Handler.

  General Hugh Truent Senior: A male Almighty. Deceased. Brilliant military strategist. Raised Little Sarah and Hugh with wife Sarah Truent.

  Glareclow Village: A Servant village near the edge of the forest. Barney and Matilda live there.

  Guards: Belong to the Almightys. They hunt for the Almightys and protect the Almightys. They vary in size and hair color. Their eyes are usually brown. The males generally wear facial hair.

  Grunts: Are large and strong. They are bigger than Producers. They walk on all fours and do not speak. Their purpose is to haul things for the Almightys.

  Handler: Predators that bond and help to control Trackers. They are between five and six-feet tall but are extremely wide and muscular. They have long arms. see also Gaar.

  House Servants: Belong to Almightys. They manage the households and businesses of the Almightys. They are slender in build and short, between four and five-feet tall. They have fangs and claws and their eyes are a vibrant hue.

  Howling Hut, The: A Guard’s bar located in the Guards’ section of the city.

  Hugh Truent: A male Almighty. The youngest Almighty to ever be bestowed the title of High. Raised by Sarah and General Hugh Truent Senior. Invented the tracking device. Sister Little Sarah Norable.

  Jackson: A male Guard. He is called the hairless Guard because he wears no facial hair. He used to belong to the Remore family.

  Jason Dophilez, the Supreme Almighty: A middle-aged Almighty. Rules their government with the Council. He is fat and likes to drink. See also Supreme Almighty.

  Jethro Remore: A college age, male Almighty. Son of Benedictine and Martha. Sister is Kim.

  Jezzy: A female Producer. Stuart’s mate.

  Jooneen: An adult male House Servant trained in fighting.

  Kim Remore: An Almighty. Benedictine and Martha’s daughter and Jethro’s sister.

  Laddie: An older, male Guard. Once belonged to Professor Conguise and worked on level five in the professor’s lab. He is a large protection Guard.

  Lead Producers: A title given to a small set of Proudcers. They are allowed to carry a club and they have interaction with the Almighty who runs the Producer Camp. They also guard the perimeter of the camp from dangers.

  Leelee: A young, female House Servant and Almighty mix, mother is Libby. Father is Townsend.

  Libby: An adult, female House Servant. Townsend is her mate. Mother to Leelee and Doma.

  Little Sarah Norable: A middle-aged, female Almighty. Daughter of the General and Sarah Truent. Raised with Hugh Truent. Also called Sarah (no longer Little Sarah) since her mother’s passing. Wife to Sam Norable.

  Martha Remore: A middle-aged, female Almighty. Mother to Jethro and Kim. Wife of Benedictine.

  Matilda: House Servant. Barney’s mate.

  Michael: An Almighty who owns the pub called Michael’s Pub

  Millie: A Producer. Mother to Trinity and Arthur. Her mate is Tim.

  Mirabelle: A female Producer. Daughter of Bell. She has one leg shorter than the other.

  Mirra: A female Tracker. The bonded pair to Gaar. She is brindle with yellow eyes and large teeth. See also Tracker.

  Meesus: An adult, female House Servant. Manages the prostitutes at Ray’s. Was Ray’s mate. Very pretty, exotic.

  National Health Assurance Registry System: DNA database. Was supposed to be used to eliminate deformities and illnesses in offspring of all classes and to create better offspring in all classes except Almightys.

  Nirankan: A male Tracker. Russet colored. Wild born.

  Parra: A male Tracker. He’s white and brown. Wild born.

  Peetie: An adult, male Guard.

  Petarvarius: A male Handler. Wild born.

  Phelecks: An adult, male House Servant. Libby’s father. Deceased.

  Producers: Large boned and strong. They stand between six and eight feet tall. They usually have dark hair and brown eyes. They work in the fields and produce all the food for the other classes.

  Professor Peter Conguise: A geneticist. Used to be Hugh Truent’s mentor. Daughter was Viola. See also: Conguise.

  Protective Services: The Almightys’ army.

  Randy: A young, male Producer. He’d lived in the encampment with Trinity and she’d liked him.

  Ray: An adult, male House Servant. Has gray hair but is in his prime. Is a childhood friend of Tim’s. Runs the Servant section of the city. Was the mate to Meesus.

  Reese: A young, female Guard. She belongs to Sarah Truent. She has long, brown hair and is short and thin. She is a cross between a hunting Guard and something else.

  Remy: A Producer. Millie’s sanctioned mate. He was gay and was Troy’s lover. He was a father figure and friend to Trinity.

  River-Men: Fish-like creatures. Can live in or out of water, but prefer to be in the water. They can breathe both above and below water. They have scales for skin, sharp teeth. Hunt from below the water and drag their prey under to drown it. Also called Fish-Men. See also: Christian.

  Rocket: A teenage, male Guard. A stray. Brother to Sassy.

  Sam Norable: A middle-aged, male Almighty. Husband to Little Sarah Truent.

  Sampson: An adult male Guard. Works at the Howling Hut.

  Sarah Truent: An elderly, female Almighty. Mother to Little Sarah and Tim. Raised Hugh.

  Sassy: An adult, female Guard. Friend of Trinity’s. Good at escaping. Brother is Rocket.

  Scar: An older, female Guard who was experimented on by Professor Conguise. Friend to Laddie.

  Sikka: A female Tracker. She is black and gray. She is wild born.

  Skeekie: A young Guard. A member of the Allied Classes.

  Skippy: An adult, male Guard. Friend of Bruno’s. Deceased.

  Stockers: Short and stout, long muscular arms, usually bald and very nearsighted. They are ill tempered and violent.

  Stuart: An adult male Producer. Travis’ brother.

  Sue: An older, female Guard. She belonged to Hugh Truent. She has long legs. She is a hunting Guard.

  Supreme Almighty: The main ruler of this society along with an appointed Council. Currently, this position is held by Jason

  Tammie: An adult, female Producer. Learning to be a healer.

  Timothy (Tim): House Servant. Trinity and Arthur’s father. Millie, a Producer is his mate.

  Todd: Adult, male Almighty. Assigned to Midtown Shelter.

  Townsend: An adult, male Almighty. A reporter. Mate is Libby. Children are Doma and Leelee.

  Tracker: A predator. Bonds with a Handler. Stands around ten to twelve-feet tall on its back legs. Can travel on all fours or on two legs. Covered in soft fur which varies in color. Has long sharp claws and teeth. Can find (track) anything. See also Mirra.

  Travis: A male Producer.

  Trevor: An adult, male Almighty. Assigned to the Midtown Shelter.

  Trinity: A Producer and a House Servant. Daughter of Millie and Tim.

  Troy: A male Lead Producer. He was Remy’s lover.

  Trunk: A middle-aged, male Producer. Large and bad tempered.

  Victor, The: A large, adult, male Servant. He works for Ray and Meesus. He is a fighter.

  Viola: a female Almighty. Daughter of Professor Peter Conguise. Hugh Truent’s girlfriend. She was a scientist and a lifelong friend to Kim Remore.



  CONGUISE STARED OUT THE window at the rising sun. It was going to be a beautiful day, crisp and sunny. Unfortunately, he’d spend most of it in the basement. He could hold off another day or so, but sunny or rainy this task was never pleasant, so he might as well get it done and he would. Right after breakfast.

  He added another slice of toast to the large tray of bread and fruit on the counter and picked up his plate of toast and sausage, carrying it to the table. He refilled his coffee and sat. There were two papers waiting for him today. It was early for the rebel’s propaganda. Usually, Afar only brought that paper on Saturdays. His hand skimmed over the rebel’s rag. No. He’d read the official paper first, like always. He scanned the news while he ate. There wasn’t anything unusual or interesting in the pages. His eyes darted to the other paper. If there was nothing interesting to report, why were the rebels early with their lies? He folded the paper and put it aside, picking up the second smaller one.

  There was nothing but more stories about the freeing of the Guards and Servants from the shelters. It seemed the rebels had nothing new to report either. He turned a page and his hands shook as his gaze landed on a photo of Hugh and that creature they called Trinity. Hugh was bandaging her arm. Apparently, she’d been injured while helping to steal the Guards from the shelter. Hugh gazed at this female as if...as if he were infatuated with her. The professor’s hands fisted, wrinkling the paper. It was that creature’s fault Viola was dead. Viola had loved Hugh and he was betraying her again, defiling the memory of her love with that thing. He pushed his plate aside. One day, he’d kill Hugh. All he had to do was decide how and the more brutal the better.

  Afar stepped into the kitchen from the pantry, closing the door behind him.

  Conguise took a deep breath as he straightened the rebel’s paper and set it aside. “Is everything ready?”

  “Yes, sir. There are four Guards in the back room.”

  “Get two more. We may need them.” He walked to the counter.

  “Of course, sir.” Afar collected the abandoned breakfast dishes.

  Conguise added a glass of water and a large knife to the tray of bread and fruit. His reflection caught in the spotless blade. He’d aged a lot. Sorrow did that to a man. He opened the pantry door, grabbed the tray and headed down the stairs. Dread filled his stomach, churning with each step. This wasn’t a task he enjoyed. He wasn’t a cruel man, but he’d never again prepare or eat any food without knowing firsthand the source of the meat.

  The first time he’d done this he’d had no idea what to expect. His plan and execution had been flawed and the results had been horrible. He stepped off the final stair, took a deep breath, plastered a smile on his face and entered the concrete room. He’d been right about leaving the room bare. It was cold and desolate, but easier to clean than tile or wood.

  “Good morning, Professor.” The young, male Producer was lying on the cot in the cage. He scratched his chest, his shirt stained with dirt and sweat, as he stood and walked to the table and chair. “Whatever you have smells good. I’m starving.”

  The cage was filthy, clothes and bedding littering the floor. This male was slovenly and his habits were unclean. “Yes, I’ve brought homemade bread—the brown kind you like. I even toasted a few slices.”

  “Great.” The male locked his feet in the restraints attached to the floor by the chair and then snapped another shackle around one of his hands. “Can I leave the other off today?” He held up his free hand which was slightly swollen. “I’ve injured my wrist.”

  “You know the rules.” The professor placed the tray on the table outside of the cage and retrieved the key from the wall across from the cell.

  “Okay.” The Producer’s tone was sullen as he snapped the other lock around his wrist. “Ouch.”

  “I’ll take a look at your injury after breakfast.” Conguise opened the door. It was best to keep up the chatter, no matter how inane. “It doesn’t look too bad. A cold compress should make you feel as good as new.” He picked up the tray and carried it into the cage, placing it in front of the Producer.

  “Looks good.” The Producer lifted his hand toward the bread.

  “Rules.” The professor touched the male’s shoulder.

  “Okay.” He dropped his hand and closed his eyes, tipping back his head.

  “How did you hurt yourself?” Conguise picked up the knife.

  “I was trying to stand on my hands.” The Producer’s face flushed a bit.

  “Whatever for?” He stroked the male’s hair. He was always surprised at how soft it was. It reminded him of brushing Viola’s hair when she’d been a little girl.

  “I was bored. Can I eat now?” asked the Producer, eyes still closed.

  “Not yet.” His voice was calm. That was important. These creatures could sense dread and unease. He raised the knife and in one smooth stroke slashed the Producer’s throat.

  The male stiffed for one moment, his eyes opening and meeting Conguise’s. Confusion and surprise filled the male’s visage as he tried to stand, but the restraints restricted his movements. Conguise stepped back as the Producer grasped his neck, pushing the chair and table as he stumbled. The professor looked away from the betrayal in the creature’s brown eyes and focused on the blood pouring onto the floor. There was always so much blood. He needed to figure out a way to capture it. It’d be good fertilizer and some could be saved for blood sausage—cooked with peppers and onions would be delicious.

  A few minutes later there was a thud as the Producer hit the table and fell to the floor. Conguise stepped out of the cage as six Guards moved down the hallway from the backroom. They always knew exactly when to arrive. He wasn’t sure if it were the sound or the smell, but he was grateful. He didn’t like to be alone down here as the body twitched its final fight. He strode to the room where the Guards had been. They’d follow in a few minutes with the carcass.

  By the time the Guards carried the Producer into the room and hooked him on the hoist, the professor was ready. He had his knives, saw and spreader lined up on the table. The Servants cleaned and set up the room after each butchering, but he always sharpened his knives and double checked everything.

  “He was a big one,” said a Guard.

  Conguise placed his hand over the Producer’s eyes, closing them. They reminded him too much of Viola’s on the cart, glassy and unseeing. “Tell Afar to get another one right away. Have him get a large one, but make sure it’s obedient. I won’t have much time with this next one.” He was in charge of the menu for Jason’s granddaughter’s college graduation in a few months.


  IT’D BEEN WEEKS AND there was still no sign of the Producers. Jethro was glad. He liked the thought of young Producers running free through the fores
t. He inhaled deeply, savoring the scents of the forest—rabbit, squirrel, earth. He’d missed this. He didn’t ever want to go back to living in the suburbs and managing the Producer encampments. He should flee the Protective Services and live out here. He sniffed again, half-hoping to catch a whiff of Trinity. He’d caught her scent when they’d first set out, following the Producers’ trail away from the encampment. No one else even noticed it, but he’d recognize her scent anywhere. It’d accompanied her into his dreams every night since he’d seen her in his basement.

  As soon as possible, the Producers had moved from the brush to the clearer sections of the forest, thus leaving no trail of broken branches and smashed bushes. The Guards had resorted to following the scent but that hadn’t taken them far. The smell of Producer had been all over the forest and then it’d vanished, replaced by pine and herb. He had no idea what Trinity had used to cover their odor and he wasn’t going to try and figure it out. Conguise and Jason expected him to help and he was, but he didn’t have to like it. He didn’t have to like Captain Calvin Folgrant either.

  The captain was arrogant without cause. If he were the best the Almightys had to offer, Hugh and the others would never get caught. Cal had spent most of this morning droning on about how important it was to be quiet in the forest, especially when hunting. It was hard to keep a straight face when he’d catch the disgusted looks the Guards shared with each other. There was no way anything didn’t know about their approach with Cal’s constant chattering, but finally the captain had fallen silent.

  “This way,” said Brick, one of the Guards. He had his head tipped back, sniffing the air. “Producer, I’m sure.”

  Jethro’s nose twitched. Sure enough. It was Producer. Cal’s entire army followed Brick through the forest. He trailed a little behind the Guards, not wanting to be in the lead and give any indication that his sense of smell was better than it should be. He also didn’t want to be in the back because that was where Cal and the other Almightys were and he didn’t get along with them. They were condescending toward him and the Guards. Only the threat of being sent back to the Producer encampment had kept him from punching the sneers off their faces more times than he could count.


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