Ethazol: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Warriors of Orba Book 5)

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Ethazol: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Warriors of Orba Book 5) Page 9

by Zara Zenia

  "Actually, I'm okay," I said and burrowed deep beneath the covers.

  Cuddling up against him, I felt comforted by his warmth and lying in between him and the wall, I felt that nobody could touch me, not until I stepped foot outside this room anyway.

  "Can I still call you Ethan?" I asked. "It suits you."

  "I'd like that," he said and kissed the top of my head before yawning and stretching out.

  It would seem the stress of the evening took a toll on him too.

  "Are you tired?" he asked.

  "Not really," I said.

  The truth was that I was wide awake like a hummingbird after five coffees. I wondered if, after hearing his revelation, I would sleep again.

  Beside me, I felt his chest rise and fall with longer and slower breaths. Looking up, I saw his eyes flutter shut.

  I reached up and kissed him and he mumbled something incoherent as he fell asleep.

  "Goodnight Ethan."

  He snored in response.

  Too awake to sleep but too afraid to get out of bed, I thought about what insidious creature was out there stalking us. Was it the government, hell-bent on snaring the alien that was evading capture? Or was it someone from this planet Orba who was caught up in a political war I couldn't understand?

  I rolled over to face the wall and closed my eyes but my mind was racing. All there was to do was panic. What should I do? The thought of leaving him drifted into my mind. Was there really a way an ordinary person like me could be in love with an alien, an extraterrestrial I'd not even seen without his disguise!

  But I couldn't leave him. I was in too deep, had fallen in love too hard. I'd be with him throughout whatever nightmare he was involved in. Even if that meant we could both be killed.

  I pressed my back up against him just to feel him, knowing that when I woke up, life wasn't going to be the same again. There was no way I could return to work as though everything was the same. Nothing would ever be the same again.

  Aliens existed. I had proof of that now and I wondered what I should do with it. I was bursting to tell someone about it, but who would believe me? Should I alert the government? Tell them that there were people amongst us disguised as humans.

  Maybe they already knew. Maybe it wasn't so much of a big deal.

  I looked over my shoulder at Ethan who looked so normal.

  Maybe I'd met a thousand aliens before and had no idea.

  Chapter 11


  I could hear the shower running and rolled over to see the bathroom door was open. Inside, I could see the outline of Demi's body through the steamed-up shower door. Amazed that she was still there, I sat up, smiled, and pulled back the curtains to let in the sunlight.

  You'd be forgiven for thinking today was a normal day, just a couple getting up in the morning like there was nothing going on, but we both knew otherwise. There was a terror in the room, a sizzling energy that loomed over us.

  The shower taps squeaked as the water shut off. A moment later she emerged in a towel with her hair wet and tied up in a bun.

  "You always look the sexiest when you're not trying," I said.

  She laughed and sat down on my lap, enveloping me in the fresh, damp skin of her arms. I leaned my face against her and felt the softness of her skin.

  "Do you have to go to work?" I asked.

  "What am I supposed to do? Call in sick because I need to hang out with an alien?"

  We both laughed.

  "It's worth a shot," I shrugged. "I'm just worried about you. What if whoever is watching us is out there?"

  She reached for her clothes on the floor.

  "I don't know what to do about that? It's not like we could call the police. Nobody would believe us. Anyway, are you sure you'll be okay in here?"

  I nodded although I wasn't so sure.

  "I'll just have to be."

  She pulled her dress down over her pale and perfect body and I had the strongest urge to reach out and grip my fingers around my waist but before I had the chance, she moved away and stepped into her shoes.

  "Shit," she said as she saw the time. "I need to go. My boss'll have kittens if I'm late."

  Giving me a quick peck on the cheek, she pulled on her coat and grabbed her bag.

  "I miss you already," she said.

  "Are you coming back?"

  "Of course!" she laughed, a fake and forceful chortle that showed how much she was struggling to act normally.

  "I'll be back tonight as soon as I finish," she smiled and bopped me on the nose. "Just try and stop me."

  Pulling the chair out from under the doorknob, she hesitated for a moment before stepping out into the hall and looking left and right.

  "There doesn't seem to be anyone here," she said.

  "Let's hope it stays that way."

  "Love you," she said.

  "Love you too."

  I watched her saunter down the stairs looking as beautiful as ever and it struck me that although we obviously felt it, it was the first time we'd said we loved each other. It was a bittersweet moment, one that should have been joyful but was tinged with fear.

  I meandered back to my room with a heavy heart. For some reason, I couldn't escape the idea that I'd never see her again. After last night, it would be a miracle if she didn't pack her things and run away. I was an alien, after all, I must frighten her.

  And what if she told someone? The police? The government? Maybe she's telling them right now and they'll be here within the hour with a swat team. I'd heard about the things humans had done to aliens. They experimented on them, pulled their bodies apart and performed barbaric tests. And that was just the stuff they did to aliens they didn't kill on the spot.

  Rushing over to my window, I looked down and saw her walk up the street toward the subway. Squinting to see better, I tried to make out the shape of a phone being pressed to her ear but there wasn't one. She wasn't telling anyone about me, not for now anyway.

  "Fuck..." Was all I could say as I flopped down on the bed. What was I supposed to do now?

  At the back of my mind, there was the nagging feeling that I should run away, that I should clear all my stuff out of this room and take the next train to anywhere. The more I thought about it, the more I came to the realization that she must have reported me. The images whirled around my head for so long that, eventually, they meant nothing and were only an abstract jumbled mess.

  At last, exhausted by my own fears, I closed my eyes and dreamed that Demi was beside me. I imagined the softness of her skin and the smell of her hair. I remembered the warmth of her body and the comfort that came from feeling her limbs wrap themselves around me. Falling into a deep sleep, the last thing I remembered was the sound of footsteps outside my door. Listening to them for a moment, I wondered if it was Gerald again, then the steps ambled down the hall and I began to dream of Orba.

  A knock on the door woke me up. Sitting bolt upright, I looked at the clock and saw it was early evening. The knock came again, this time louder.

  "Okay, I'm coming. I'm coming!"

  Still rubbing my eyes as I opened the door, I saw Demi standing there with a smile on her face and a pizza in her outstretched arms.

  "I'm still not convinced about Eugene's room service," she laughed. "It's pepperoni and black olive," she said as she placed it down on the bedside table. "I hope that's okay."

  Shocked to see her back again, I just stared at her and wondered if I was still dreaming. The only reason I knew I wasn't was the smell of the pizza finding its way to my nose and making my stomach rumble.

  "Hungry?" she smiled and moved to hug me.

  I nodded.

  "You're not looking so great," she said and touched the back of her hand to my forehead. "You're a little hot actually."

  I yawned and cuddled into her, realizing just how grateful I was she was there.

  "You came back," I said, surprised.

  She narrowed her eyes and frowned.

  "Why wouldn't I? I sai
d I would, didn't I?"

  Now annoyed, she took a step back and folded her arms.

  "What are you thinking? What's going on?"

  "Nothing it's just that..."

  "Just that...."

  She waved her hand impatiently.

  Unable to control my hunger anymore, I flipped open the pizza box and lifted out a slice, the smell of meat and melted cheese making me salivate. I crammed in a mouthful and chewed rapidly before swallowing hard and saying

  "I've had a horrible day without you."

  Her face softened and she sat in the chair opposite me, pulling out her own slice.

  "I've missed you too."

  "No I mean I've had a really horrible day. Demi, I've had all these thoughts floating around in my head. Terrible ones."

  Looking concerned, she cocked her head to the side as she chewed.

  "You wanna talk about it."

  Feeling guilty, I shook my head but then spat out, "I almost ran away today."

  A look of hurt crossed her eyes and she put her unfinished pizza back in the box.


  "Because... I thought you might be repulsed by me. I thought you'd tell the government and want to be as far away from me as possible. Never, for a moment did I think you'd come back."

  She sniffed and dabbed at her eyes.

  "Oh, Ethan!"

  She flung herself at me and we both toppled onto the bed.

  "You thought I was repulsed by you? That's awful!"

  I pushed her away slightly to see her face.

  "I'm just so surprised you came back. So many people would have run away. I'm an alien... Doesn't that frighten you?"

  She rolled over onto her back and twirled a strand of her auburn hair around her finger.

  "The idea of it scared me at first but no, I'm not frightened of you. Actually, I find it intriguing and can't wait to hear about everything. Maybe someday, you could even take me to your planet."

  My mouth dropped open. She was an incredible woman.

  "I just love to learn about new cultures and people," she continued. "And I've always wished there was something beyond the mundane reality we all know. If anything, meeting you and discovering who you are has been a dream come true."

  She leaned over and kissed me.

  "I suppose that's the perk of dating a bookworm," I said. "Thank you."

  "Thank you?" she furrowed her brow.

  "For being so smart and understanding. So many people would have freaked and had a meltdown, but not you."

  She laughed.

  "I always was the odd one out."

  Pulling her to me, I kissed her hungrily and pulled her on top.

  She began to pull down the thin straps of her dress before stopping.

  "What's the matter?"

  She glanced over her shoulder toward the window.

  "What if someone's watching?"

  I'd felt it all day, the omnipresent sensation that someone was nearby.

  "Have you seen it again?" I asked.

  "The figure? No. Not today."

  I pulled the covers up over us so that we felt protected, even if it was just with a thin blanket. She seemed to relax beneath it and slipped out of her dress before unbuttoning my jeans.

  "We don't have to," I said. "If you're too worried to --"


  She silenced me with a kiss and lowered herself onto me, letting out a gasp as I entered her. Pressing her chest into mine she nuzzled her face into my neck, the heat of her breath tickling my skin. Tangling my fingers in her hair, I held her close and kissed her softly as she moved in a steady rhythm, her heart beating fast against my own and her voice coming out of her, creamy and hushed.

  She shuddered as she came, then leaned back so I could see her. Her breasts were full and perfect and I reached up to caress them, her own hands holding mine in place as she urged me to grip them harder. I could feel myself reaching a fast climax and closed my eyes to distract myself, trying to think of anything that could stop me. But she was moving faster, her voice becoming louder. She began rocking her hips back and forth, groaning loudly as she bit down on her lower lip.


  She began to bounce.


  I gripped onto her hips in an attempt to slow her down but she grabbed my hands and pushed them back to her breasts.

  "Baby..." she whispered as she quivered.

  Toppling forward onto me, she came a second time with her teeth sinking into my chest. Unable to hold back, I climaxed hard with the pain of her bite and the pleasure between my legs washing over me in a wave of heat and ecstasy.

  Then we both lay silent and shaking with the sweat sticking us together beneath the shroud of the blanket.

  "It always gets better with you," she said and kissed my cheek.

  "It does," I gasped in a lungful of air as my pulse began to finally slow down. "Fuck... It really does."

  Chapter 12


  "I'm sorry but I have to go."

  "So soon?" she asked as she opened her eyes.

  I nodded and pulled up my jeans.

  Draygus had phoned with the go-ahead a moment ago and I had to leave right away. If only he'd given me a few more hours or even a day. I knew I'd have to leave at a moment's notice but I didn't realize it would have to be right now. I was still lingering in the memory of last night, still wishing I could hold onto Demi for a little while longer before leaving her.

  "I really don't want to go but I have to. I'm sorry."

  She sat up and pulled the blanket around her. I could tell she was close to tears but held herself back, for the moment anyway.

  "What if you don't come back," she said with her voice shaking.

  The thought had crossed my mind too.

  "I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure I do come back. I'll be thinking about you the whole time. You'll be motivating me to succeed."

  She gave a weak smile which I could tell was to stop the tears from falling. Standing, she hugged me tight and laid her head on my shoulder.

  "Is there no other way this can work out?"

  "No," I said with a great finality. "But I wish there was."

  She nodded to show she understood and kissed me.

  "Do what you have to," she said, her eyes becoming watery. "Whatever is taking place, I-I can't even pretend to understand, but all I want is for you to return safely."

  I coughed as I felt a lump in my throat and decided it was now or never.

  "I'm not going to say goodbye," I said. "I'll just say that I'll see you later."

  "Yeah," she smiled. "See you later."

  I hesitated in the doorway for a moment and turned back round.

  "You'll be okay on your own, won't you?"

  She looked down her feet and bunched up her shoulders.

  "I expect so. I mean, this Palzu person, he's looking for you, not me, right?"

  "Right," I replied. "But please... take care of yourself."

  I kissed her one last time before departing and as I closed the door behind me, I heard her sniff.

  As I reached the stairs, there was the distant sound of her sobbing and my stomach tied itself into a knot. I felt like a monster for letting her fall in love with me when there was a chance I could die. But more than anything, I worried that someone would get to her while I was away.

  At the same time, I had the battle to worry about and tried to push everything else out of my mind. To make sure we'd succeed, I had to ensure my crew had my full attention. I hurried down the stairs and nodded at Eugene on the way out.

  "Going somewhere?" he asked as he spotted the backpack slung over my shoulder.

  "Don't worry, I'll be back," I said as I made for the door.

  "Make sure you are," he said. "You're my favorite customer.

  Draygus met me at the train in Richmond with a cigarette drooping from his lips. He had a stormy look in his eye and a rip to the front of his leather jacket. As I steppe
d onto the platform, he gave me a salute and slid on his sunglasses. He had truly settled into his bad boy image.

  "Dray! Buddy, it's great to see you. I just wish it was in happier circumstances."

  He slapped his hand into mine.

  "Too right. Now come on, everyone is waiting for you."

  Back at Benzen's, the night was settling in around us as we sat around the kitchen table. Victorinth was chewing on her strawberry bootlaces while the rest of us sipped our beers. In front of us, was a jumble of papers where we'd been writing down our strategy. Above us, the dim light of the hanging light bulb cast a pale glow through the smoke drifting up from Draygus.

  "A lampshade wouldn't hurt," Victorinth said as she looked up. "I feel as though we're in an interrogation cell.”

  Draygus ignored her and turned back to the papers. Putting his finger onto the nearest one, he sucked on his cigarette and said, "So, we all know what we're doing."

  We all nodded.

  "Benzen, you're the bait."

  He gulped and sat wide eyed.

  "Okay..." he said, "Remind me why I was chosen to be the bait again?"

  Draygus ignored him too.

  "Okay. Victorinth, you are to stay here."

  "But I want to come with you!" she wailed and clung onto her brother.

  "No," Jarick pushed her off. "You need to stay here. It's too dangerous for you and you haven't been trained to fight like the rest of us."

  She huffed and chewed on her candy as Draygus continued.

  "So that leaves the rest of us," he said. "Jarick, Voland, and me, we'll attack from our hideouts. Right?"

  "Right," the other two said in unison.

  "And you Ethazol... As the oldest, you have the most important job. You'll be coordinating our every move from the safety of your own hideout. If we need you, you come."

  "And I'll ensure you have a secure escape route," I cut in. "I've been over it a thousand times in my head."

  "Good," Draygus nodded solemnly.

  Before he could say anything else, my phone rang. Pulling it out, I saw it was Demi and I so badly wanted to answer it but knew now was not the time.


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