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Omega Remembered M/M Shifter MPREG Romance (Northern Lodge Pack Book 2)

Page 7

by Susi Hawke

  “Yeah. Can we not go into all that? I don't want to talk about Fremont, or any of that shit. It's over, he's dead, I have a safe home in a new pack that accepts me, and my pups have been found and returned to me. The end.”

  “Not the end, Aries. What about us?”

  “There is no us.”

  “But there should be. I know that you feel this pull as strongly as I do, it would be impossible not to. Not to mention that I could feel it in our kiss.”

  “I can't do this. I'm not sure if I even want a mate, to be honest. It would be nice, and my pups love the hell out of you, but I'm pretty broken, Micah. I'm not the sweet little omega that a traditional alpha like you would want.”

  I turned to look at him. “What makes you think I'm a traditional alpha? I admit that I can be heavy-handed at times, but I'm flexible, and young enough to learn how to be more open minded. Don't pigeon hole me, Aries. You don't know me well enough. Yet. And I'll give you the same courtesy.”

  He looked back at me with mild surprise, but nodded before turning his head away. “Even if we could be compatible, would you honestly want a used up omega like me? You could have anyone, Micah. I'm not good enough for you.”

  Turning on my side, I used my free hand to grasp his chin and turn his face back towards mine. The tears in his eyes melted me, as I said huskily: “Aries. Don't ever say that you're not good enough. You are one of the strongest people I've ever met. When Sy told me your story? Damn. I can't imagine what you've been through. But it was not your fault. You didn't ask to be assaulted and forced into whelping pups for some narcissistic lunatic.”

  “Maybe not,” he whispered, closing his beautiful, chocolate colored eyes. “But I did get into that car in the first place. Even a grade school kid knows better than to get into a stranger's car.”

  “You were hungry, desperate, and all alone, sweetheart. You just trusted the wrong people. They're the ones who were at fault in that scenario, not you. Never you.”

  “What if you want pups of your own someday? I never caught again, after Dylan. Maybe I'm broken now.”

  “And maybe Fenris took pity on you and didn't give you another babe to be stolen from your arms, hmm? And even if we never have a pup together, you'd already be giving me two to love. I adore your pups, Aries, that doesn't change whether we get together or not. Those little shits weaseled their way into my heart from the get-go. I'm pretty sure that Sara is serious about keeping me, anyway. You should probably just try to accept that at some point,” I teased.

  Blinking his tears away, Aries smiled shyly at me. “I just think you could do better, Micah. I mean, think about it.”

  I wiped away his tears with the pad of my thumb and leaned in to gently kiss his cheek, before saying: “I can't do better than a fated mate, Aries. Nobody can. Fenris made you just for me, and me for you. Your past is what made you into the person that you are, and that person is beautiful. If you don't accept my claim, you know that I'll never find another who would complete me, it's not possible. That's the whole thing works with fated mates, you know?”

  He looked at me for a long moment, before he sighed and said: “I know. And I won't either. I just didn't expect to ever find my fated mate, and then here you are, and you're you, and I just...”

  “Just what, sweetheart?”

  “I just don't know how to do this. What if I'm not enough for you?”

  “Spin that around, babe. What if I'm not enough for you? But we both know that Fenris wouldn't have designed us for each other if we didn't already complete each other in every way. This is just our human sides fighting what our wolves already know.”

  Aries smiled shyly, before leaning over to cautiously press his soft lips to mine. Threading my fingers through his on the hand that was cuffed to mine, I rolled closer to him and deepened the kiss.

  He parted his lips, tentatively thrusting his tongue toward mine, while I held myself back and let him explore. Braver now, he rubbed his tongue around mine, licking along the inside of my mouth while running his free hand up to grab onto my arm. Pulling himself closer to me, I felt his stiff cock push up against my hip as he lost himself in our kiss.

  With a groan, I rolled completely on top of him, grinding my own erection against his through our jeans. The friction was almost enough to make me lose my nut like a damned teenager. Soon, we were grappling with each in a fury of hands, lips, and tongues, and I knew that naked time needed to start happening real damned fast.

  Aries' hand ran up under my shirt, and brushed across my nipple, making me gasp with tortured pleasure.

  “Oh, you like that, huh?” My little mate broke away from our kiss and was nuzzling my alpha scent gland, where his claiming bite would go later.

  “You have no idea, babe. I'm just trying to figure out how to get these shirts off with our hands cuffed together.”

  He pulled his head back and smirked at me. “Who says our shirts are coming off, alpha?”

  “This does,” I replied, reaching down to cup his rock hard cock.

  Biting his lip, a quirk of his that was fast becoming a favorite of mine, he said: “Does that mean that, umm. I mean, are we going to..”

  “Are we going to claim each other?”

  He nodded silently, his velvety chocolate eyes gazing at me hesitantly.

  “Do you want to? I don't want to push you, sweetheart.”

  “No. I mean, yes.” He rolled his eyes in frustration, as he tried to explain. “I meant, no you're not pushing me, but yes, I think I do want that.”

  “You think? Because there's no going back if we do it, sweet-cheeks. You know that as well as I do.”

  He nodded shyly. “I meant, I want to if you're sure you want me.”

  “Baby, I could never not want you. I can't wait to make you mine, so if you're sure, then this is happening.”

  “I'm sure.”

  That's all it took. I reached down and solved the shirt problem by ripping his shirt right off his body, only pausing for a moment to take in his gorgeous, tanned skin and flat brown nipples, before ripping my own off as well.

  We both frantically started unfastening our jeans and kicking off our shoes as we pushed, pulled, and yanked the offending articles of clothing off our bodies until we were both fully naked in each other's arms.

  Aries stilled for moment, gazing up at me from under his thick lashes, as I settled over him. Brushing the back of my hand along the curve of his jaw, I smiled down gently at him, amazed that Fenris had gifted me with such a gorgeous mate.

  Clasping our handcuffed hands together, I moved our arms out to the side, as I sat up and knelt between his thighs. My eyes roamed hungrily over his body, taking in each dip and swell of his lithe yet muscular form. I leaned over and kissed him softly, before running my tongue down his neck. Nuzzling his omega gland, I inhaled that intoxicating sweet scent of spiced vanilla again, before moving down to explore his body with my mouth.

  I nipped at the small, dark brown nipple on his solid chest, then kissed the pain away, as he writhed and moaned from the attention. I licked a line across his pecs, and stopped to tease his other nipple into attention. Continuing my tongue's journey across his flesh, I stopped briefly to breathe in the pure scent of masculine musk as I buried my face into his armpit, before licking down his ribs and across his abdomen.

  Pausing long enough to flick my tongue into his cute little navel, I followed the faint pleasure trail that led down from there to his manhood. Ignoring the obvious, l licked along the crease between his hip and thigh, and nipped my way down his inner thigh.

  “Micah! Quit with the teasing,” Aries whimpered. “I need you.”

  I could smell his need, the scent of our joint arousal was filling the room. I looked at the slick juice seeping from his omega hole, and pushed his legs further open, so that I could get in there to get a taste of him.

  “Fuuuck,” he groaned, as I licked his hole with the flat of my tongue, lapping up his sweet juices. Aries moved his free hand down to
grab his twitching cock, as I licked up across his taint and suckled his balls into my mouth. Reaching over, I batted his hand away, before releasing the tight sac and finally running my tongue up his cock from root to tip.

  He was packing an average sized cock, it was the perfect girth to wrap my hand around, but not too long to suck all the way in to the back of my throat. I bobbed my head up and down it a few times, sucking my cheeks in while I watched the reactive expressions that flitted across his expressive features.

  I lapped the precum that was dripping from his slit, savoring his taste before I swirled my tongue around that fat, mushroom shaped head and down along the prominent vein running down the underside of his shaft.

  Not ready for him to come just yet, I ignored his whimpering moans and licked my way back down to that sweet omega hole, needing another taste of that nectar seeping from it. I licked his hole clean, teasing my way around the tight rim of muscle, relaxing it open with my tongue.

  Aries' hips jerked when I speared my tongue inside his tight hole, my face buried between the firm, round cheeks of his hairless ass as I fed there. He lifted his knees up to his chest, opening up to give me better access as he ground against my face and groaned his delight.

  The juicy slick was seriously flowing from his hole now, and I lapped it up as fast as I could, not wanting to waste a drop of my mate's essence. Putting my free hand up to grab his cock, I gripped it firmly and tugged on it a few times to push him over the edge.

  His abdominal muscles contracted as his head and shoulders lifted from the bed, eyes squeezed tightly shut in a face contorted by the overwhelming pleasure I was causing.

  “Nnnnngggghhhhh,” he grunted, as a thick rope of cum shot out over my hand and across his torso. I left his ass, and moved up to lick it away, eagerly lapping up every drop until his body was clean, though wet from my tongue.

  While he was still riding the high of orgasm, I lined my big alpha cock up with his hole and leaned over him to ask: “Are you ready for me to fill you now, babe? To make you mine?”

  “Please, alpha. Make me yours.” He panted, still hungry for more.

  That was all I needed to hear, and with one smooth thrust, I pushed through his loosened rim and glided smoothly inside, until I was fully seated with my heavy balls pushed up against his ass. I stilled for a moment, ignoring my urge to fuck until I knew that he was ready for me to move.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist,” I grunted, at his nod of encouragement.

  He did, and I put my free hand under his back, lifting him up so that we were chest to chest with him sitting on my lap, as I knelt there on the bed with my cock embedded in his ass. I bent his arm back behind him, the one that was handcuffed to mine. With my free hand, I gripped his hip and slowly began to thrust in and and out.

  I started slowly, increasing the speed and pressure of my thrusts until I was pounding in and out of him, fucking up into him as his legs squeezed around my waist. He gripped my neck with a firm grasp of his free hand for leverage, while he leaned back and rode my cock with wild abandon.

  “Fuck, babe, I'm not going to last for long. I can already feel the knot forming, ahh, fuuuuck,” I moaned as my knot expanded for the first time ever. Thickening quickly, it filled his hole as I frantically humped that tight ass, until my knot finally grew so big, that I was unable to pull it out again.

  Aries writhed up against me, rubbing his cock off against my abs, where we were now tightly clenched together. My knot rubbed against that bundle of nerves inside his ass that gave the most pleasure, and I watched as his dazed eyes rolled back and he groaned aloud. His ass tightened around me, and he began to come at the same time as I began releasing my load into him.

  “Now, omega. Claim me,” I growled. Lining my teeth up over his scent gland, I bit down at the same time that his teeth broke the flesh over my own alpha gland.

  Time stood still for a moment, as our souls merged and our spirits joined together. I could feel his pleasure as he rode my cock, and through the same bond, I knew he could feel what I felt with his tight ass squeezing around my knot. Once I was back in my own head, I licked his shoulder clean where it had bled from my bite, while he did the same to mine.

  Turning my face for a kiss, his lips were right there searching already for mine. Legs cramping, I eased our sweaty bodies back down onto the bed. Not wanting to crush him with my heavier weight, I rolled us over until he was on top of me. We would be locked together for Fenris only knew long, until my knot went down again.

  Aries shuffled and shifted until he was resting over me in a tight, little ball, his legs drawn up across my hips where he straddled me. Every time my mate shifted, it would tug on my knot a little. Not enough to hurt, but enough to make me automatically thrust again, my greedy cock searching for more pleasure even though we were both exhausted.

  We passed out at some point, after we both came again more than once from the crazy amount of stimulation we were both getting through my swollen knot. Our bodies were sticky with cum and sweat by the time we slept. I woke up at some point a few hours later, to find myself being ridden again by my mate.

  His entire body was flushed, hot to the touch and pouring sweat, as he frantically writhed and wiggled on my hard cock. It took a moment for the fog of sleep to clear, when I suddenly realized that our claiming must have brought on his heat. That was the last coherent thought I had before I spent the next few hours fucking and being fucked by my desperate mate's needy hole.

  The next morning, I woke up to find Aries watching me with a soft smile and a shy blush on his cheeks, as he sat there straddling my hips.

  “What's the matter, babe?” I asked sleepily, before I yawned and tried to stretch my stiff back. “You okay? You have a weird look on your face.”

  “I'm okay. I just, well, I kinda feel like I may have taken advantage of you during the night.”

  Snorting out a laugh, I reached up with my free hand to cup his face. “Trust me, sweet-cheeks. The pleasure was all mine. Well, maybe both of ours? But, yeah, I definitely got my share. No need to ever worry about wearing out my cock. That's every alpha's fantasy, right there. Besides, you can't help it if you woke up in heat, you know?”

  “Yeah, but that's never happened like that before. And my heat wasn't even due for another month or so.”

  “I've heard that meeting your mate can bring it on early, maybe that's what happened? Because we claimed each other?”

  He nodded, his eyes looking thoughtfully off to the side as he considered what I'd said. “Well, anyway. I wish we could take a shower, and find some food, but that will be difficult with these cuffs still on.”

  With an adorable blush, he continued: “Plus, I kinda really need to pee.”

  “You know that there's an obvious solution that one of us really should have considered last night, right?”

  “What's that?” He asked curiously.

  “We shift. If we go to wolf form, the cuffs will be too large and just fall right off for us.”

  His jaw dropped as he gaped at me. “And you couldn't have maybe thought of that before we ruined our shirts?”

  “Baby,” I grinned back at him. “If we'd have shifted with our clothes on, they all would have been ripped to shreds. At least this way, we still have our pants, right?”

  “True,” he agreed and slipped off me, smoothly transitioning into his gorgeous little gray and white wolf. He stepped out of the cuff as I quickly shifted too, letting the cuff fall off my own arm.

  Our wolves sniffed each other appreciatively for a few minutes, before Aries shifted back and headed to the bathroom. I shifted back too, waiting for the toilet to flush before I followed him into the bathroom when I heard the shower start.

  I took a piss, and then paused in front of the mirror while I admired the new claim mark on my neck before I joined my mate in the shower. I didn't know how long we had until his heat hit him again, so I contented myself with just getting us clean rather than trying to get up to any naught
iness in the shower. That could wait for another day. Right now, I wanted to see about getting my mate some food after we were cleaned up.

  We had just gotten our pants on after our shower, when I heard a knock at the cabin door. I went to answer it, while Aries went to get a drink of water.

  “Hey, cuz. Looks like you two figured things out,” Daniel drawled with a smirk, eyeing the mating mark on my neck. Sy was with him, carrying a basket that smelled delicious.

  “We've got company bearing what smells like food, should I let them in?” I called out to Aries, while grinning broadly back at my cousin with smug pride.

  “Oh, shut up.” Sy said, pushing past me, and shoving the heavy basket into my hands as he went by. Daniel shrugged and followed him as I stepped back, opening the door wider.

  “Ooh, you really did bring food!” Aries squealed, making a beeline for the basket.

  I held it up over my head, grabbing his hand instead and pulling him toward the little round table that sat in the alcove across from the tiny kitchen in this main room of the cabin.

  “I know your ass isn't planning to leave any time soon, so you might as well join us,” I said to Daniel, as I watched Sy stroll over ahead of us and take a seat at the table. Releasing my mate's hand, I let him pick a seat, before I took my own right beside him. My cousin flipped the remaining one around, and straddled it with his arms resting on the back.

  “How did you know that we would need food?” Aries asked Sy, when I opened the basket and began pulling out fruit and muffins. I saw sandwiches, and other yummy items like nuts and cookies, but I left them there for now and set the basket down on the floor by my feet.

  Sy rolled his eyes. “Please. With the pheromones you two were throwing off when you left last night? We figured you'd either be mated or dead. It was a fifty-fifty thing, but just in case, I thought I should probably bring food.”

  Aries grinned at his friend, while he munched contentedly on a chocolate muffin. “How are my pups today? Did they do okay with their first night in the new place?”


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