Longing for Love

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Longing for Love Page 6

by Vicki Green

  Kane doesn’t move from his position, simply stares at Daddy. More like shoots daggers with his eyes at him. “I’m the lead crew chief here.”

  Daddy turns and looks at me over his shoulder. He’s not happy. I open my mouth again but he turns back to Kane and interrupts me. “Well, Mr. Crew Chief. I’ll ask you to mind your own business and I’ll conduct mine.” Daddy doesn’t look at me again and proceeds to walk to the door. He stops in front of Kane and they seem to have a silent stare down. Finally, Kane takes a few steps into the trailer and Daddy reaches the door. Right before he steps out, he turns and glares at me. “Banquet tonight. Six o’clock sharp. If you’d keep up with your emails you’d find the invitation. You haven’t RSVP’d. I expect you to be there.” And with that, he walks down the step and shuts the door.

  My mouth is still open, the silence is deafening. I’m shaking and my heartbeat is out of control. I’m not sure if it’s due to Daddy’s rage or Kane in such close proximity. I feel weak yet still angry. “You might want to sit down.” My eyes snap to his. He’s leaning against the long fold-out table where the plans lay. He’s wearing his construction hat, a t-shirt with the sleeves ripped off, a tool belt hung loosely around his slim waist, jeans that show the definition of his muscular legs, and work boots. He’s the epitome of sex.

  I straighten my shoulders. “I’m fine.”

  He stands up and starts walking towards me. I take a step back, my legs hitting the edge of the chair. “You don’t look fine.” His eyes scan down my body then back up until they reach mine again. “I’m mean, you look fine but after that asshole yelled at you, you don’t seem fine.” He’s tripping over his words.



  He cares.

  I raise my chin at him, reaching for the arm of the chair behind me, and slowly sit. “I assure you, I’m fine.” I scoot up to the desk and cover the mouse with my hand, looking at the screen coming to life. “That’s my father. That’s his normal way of talking.”

  I hear him walk away, my heart racing for another reason. His brows are lowered, anger hanging there. “Not a good way to talk to family.” My eyes flitter up as he reaches the door. He turns and smiles. “Try to have a good day anyway.” He lifts his hand and tips his hat then walks out leaving me all confused.

  A rough exterior.

  No morals.

  Sexy as hell.

  God help me. I want him.

  I ended up working until noon, getting all the figures sent to Daddy – pushing the send button with a little more force than was needed – then I talked to a few clients and sent emails to some potential prospects. Daddy’s little impromptu visit has had me rattled all day. When I left, I spotted Kane staring at me as I got in my car, his eyes melting me yet shivers ran through me. I went to my favorite place, got a coffee, and then had a mani/pedi, getting ready for tonight. Another banquet. Another dull evening.

  I slide my black cocktail dress over my freshly shaved and lotioned body, fussing with my hair that’s pinned up with tethers of curls falling down around my face and down the back of my neck. I look in my full length mirror as I place my pearl earrings in my ears and clasp the matching necklace around my neck. “There. I guess I’m presentable enough.” What I wouldn’t give just to go down to the beach, take my favorite blanket and my small cooler filled with iced cold beer, and just sit and watch the waves. Sigh. I lean down, putting on my black high heels and stand up, looking in the mirror at my reflection. “Well, let’s get this over with.”

  Fifteen minutes later, I pull up to the curb of The Royalty restaurant, a man at the valet opening my car door. He smiles as I put my hand in his, helping me out. I walk gracefully to the building, the doorman opening the front door for me. When I walk in, I look around, hoping to see Daddy quickly. I need a drink.

  “Miss Daniels?”

  The hostess smiles and I nod then follow her to the back and into a private room. There’s probably fifty people here, most of them I know. “Brianna.” Daddy’s voice sounds from the corner, his fake smile plastered on his face. Here we go. I walk over, smiling, and saying my hellos to people as I pass by and sit down next to him. “Brianna. This is Aaron Montgomery. He holds the lead in advertising sales in the country. Aaron, my daughter Brianna.”

  Oh now I’m his daughter. I look to my left and smile at a very well-dressed man. He is handsome. Short light brown hair, parted on the side. Blue eyes stare into mine, a dimple showing next to his smiling mouth. “Brianna. It is a pleasure.” Suave. Well mannered. A little stiff but still nice to look at.

  “Brianna is my best sales associate.”

  Back to an employee. That’s all I really am. I keep my smile on my face and look down to see a gin and tonic above my plate. I pick it up and take a much needed drink, the alcohol burning down my throat. I so hate these but the alcohol is welcomed. “I took the liberty,” Daddy says as I gulp down another drink. I look at him and smile.

  “Thank you.”

  “Bradley!” A lovely woman calls Daddy’s name. He excuses himself and gets up to go to her. I wonder who that is.

  “That’s Veronica McGuire. Her father owns McGuire Advertising, the company I work for.” Aaron’s low voice pulls me to him. My brows raise. “She’s quite pretentious but it’s the best advertising group.”

  I lean my arm on the table to get closer. “Does she work there?”

  He laughs. “Oh, heavens no! I don’t think she’s worked a day in her life. She just lives off of Daddy’s money.”

  My mouth opens, forming into an O and I sit up and take another drink.

  The evening progresses, my prime rib is delicious, and I found the company not as bad with Aaron here, unlike normal business banquets. Finally, an hour and a half later, I’m saying my goodnights, feigning tiredness, and drive home. It’s a beautiful starry night. After getting home and changing into a pair of jeans, a long sleeved t-shirt, and a pair of my flip flops, I put some beer in my small cooler, grab my big beach blanket, and open the back door. The breeze is warm and inviting as I walk across the deck, down the few steps, and over to the gate. After passing through, I walk down the stone steps, heading towards one of my favorite places. The beach. My little slice of heaven. When I step off the last step, I bend down and remove each flip flop, putting them together and holding them in my left hand. I step down and feel the sand squishing in between my toes. Heaven. I walk down several feet, not wanting to get too close to the tide pulling out. I set down the cooler and spread the blanket out on the sand. I sit down, bring my legs up, wrap my arms around them, and look out across the waves at the lowering sun. This is one of the best times to come out here, the warmth of the day almost gone, the beautiful sunset, and a cooler of beer. I take out a beer, twist off the cap, and take a long drink. How can anything beat this?

  “This seat taken?”

  Startled from my thoughts, I turn my head and see the most magnificent sight. Kane is walking towards me, clad in jeans, a shirt thrown over his shoulder – leaving nothing to the imagination – and barefoot. Why in the world would he be here? Is it just coincidence or is something else lending a hand? I shake my head, rattling those thoughts from my mind as well as telling him he may sit. I move over, slightly, the blanket while large still doesn’t fit his large frame with my smaller one. He sits and in a bit of awkwardness, we both turn to look out at the ocean, the water darkening with the setting sun. My heart is beating so wildly in my chest, I’m not sure if it’s the crashing waves or the sound of my heart that’s filling my ears. Suddenly, I remember my manners and raise my beer.

  “Would you like one?” I ask, glancing a peek of him shyly.

  “I’d love one. Thanks.”

  I open the cooler beside me and pick up a bottle. I begin to remove the cap when his hand covers mine. Tingling sensations carry through my fingers and up my arm. I snap my eyes to his and see his brows are lowered, his body stiff. Did he feel that too? Quickly I release the bottle and he smiles. “You’re
welcome.” Silence as we drink, my mind racing of what to say. I take another drink, swallowing hard. “So, what brings you out this way?” Curiosity gets the better of me. I mean, what are the chances with all the beaches around that he would end up on mine? You’d have to know this small piece of beach is here or stumble on it by accident walking on the public beach a ways down from here.

  He gets comfortable, laying his shirt down on the blanket then lying down on his side, resting on his strong forearm. “I come out here a lot, well, when I can. I usually go to the area from where I came from but decided to take a walk, clear my head.” He looks up at me and gives me a grin. “It’s nice here. Peaceful.” I smile back, knowing exactly what he means. “What about you?”

  I half turn towards him, crossing my legs, and smile. “This is my little piece of heaven, away from all the stress and cruelness in the world.”

  He looks around, down the beach then at the water, until his eyes find mine again. “I like that. How did you find this little slice of heaven?”

  I look over my shoulder and then back at him. Do I really want him to know where I live? I guess it’s harmless. Shrugging my shoulders, I look behind me. “I live right up those steps.” I look back at him and take a drink of my beer. He turns, looks, and takes a drink too.


  More awkward silence.

  “I love how you and your family and friends are so close.” I look out at the water and shiver a little when a breeze swarms around me. It’s cooling down as the sun gets closer to the ocean as if appearing to touch it.

  “Yeah, I guess not all families are like that. I’m lucky.” I smile. He is lucky. He has no clue how much. “What about you? Your dad like that all the time?”

  He takes a drink and I watch his throat move as he swallows. Taking a deep breath, I let out a sigh. “Yeah, pretty much.”

  “Why?” Now that’s a million dollar question.

  “Well. His daughter is the son he wished he’d had and the son he has he ignores because he’s not willing to admit or accept that he’s gay.” Kane’s eyes widen as the corner of his mouth lifts. “He didn’t used to be that way when we were younger.” A laugh escapes me, thinking of fond memories. “Mom used to put him in his place. All the time. She’d say, ‘Brad, if you don’t stop it and let them be, one day they’ll grow up and go out on their own and never look back.’ Of course, we were young and at the time we had no idea what she was talking about.” I laugh again, looking down as I pull a thread from the blanket.

  “And do you understand that now?”

  I look up to his gorgeous face, my eyes moving over his strong features, then to his eyes.



  “Yes. I know what she meant now.” Another breeze blows my hair back and around me. I shiver. “I just wish she was still here to remind me.” I look down, playing with the label on the bottle.

  I feel his warmth before his hand covers mine.

  “Bria. I’m sorry.”

  His touch is tender and those sensations flowing through me again. I look up into his eyes.



  “Thank you,” I whisper. He removes his hand, leaving mine cold. I let out a sigh. “She died when I was eight. Daddy had a hard time dealing with her death and two small kids, especially a girl who wanted her mommy.” I look out at the waves, trying to calm my heart. “And as for friends. Daddy was always particular who he’d let me hang out with and school was a priority. Then when I was old enough I started helping him at the office, while still taking college courses, I had no time for anyone or anything. I felt like the only attention I would get from him was if I worked hard and helped with his business.” I smile but it falters. “Of course, he treats me like an employee, well, worse because I’m his daughter. He expects so much more.”

  “Sad that he pushes you away, takes you for granted.” He looks so sad. His eyes look like they are a bit wet too. He looks down, rubbing his hand across the blanket. “Makes me appreciate my family and friends that much more.” He looks up at me and grins.

  My smile appears and I relax. “Well, I kinda stole a couple of your friends.” A chuckle releases from him, low, rough, moving right to my core. “Irish and Taren are amazing! And Jen, Caylan’s sister? I love her!” His eyes change, growing into something else. Desire? Lust? We sit there in silence and another shiver takes me with his glare.

  “It’s getting chilly and you’re shivering. Maybe you should go home.” Feelings overtake me, not wanting this evening to end. For the first time, I want to know a man. I mean really know him. And his touch. I want to feel that again, feel those tingles that spark all through me when he touches me. My body shakes again. He sits up, concern covers his face. “See. Don’t want you to catch anything.” I nod and we put our empty bottles into the cooler. He stands, taking his shirt and pulling it over his head then pushes his large arms through the sleeves, and reaches his hand towards me.



  Not at all what I’d thought about him originally. I place my hand in his and those tingling sensations return. I look up and watch his eyes widen, a different look on his face than last time, one I can’t decipher. He helps me up then leans down and picks up my cooler. We step off the blanket and I pick it up and fold it. I’m not really ready for him to leave just yet. I’ve actually been enjoying his company. He starts to hand me the cooler but as I reach for it he pulls it back. “Let me walk you home.” I nod, not wanting the evening to end. I grab my shoes and carry them as we begin to walk to the stones. We’re quiet as we ascend the stone steps, then I open my gate and he closes it behind us as we pass through. It seems that even with that rough exterior, he’s still a gentleman, one I’m finding I want to know more and more. We walk up to the deck and to the back door and I pull out my key from my pocket and unlock it, sliding it open. I walk in and flip on the light, illuminating the kitchen. “You can just set the cooler down anywhere,” I tell him as I put the blanket down on the table and turn to face him. I watch while he scans the room as he walks over and sets the cooler down on the breakfast bar. I look down when I hear the little pitter patter of toenails and see Smoky coming straight to me. I bend down and pick her up, petting her, and loving the sound of her welcoming purr. I look up and see him look at her in my arms. “This is Smoky. I guess I lied when I said I didn’t have any friends. She’s my best friend.” His eyes soften as he leans against the counter.

  “I’m kind of a dog person but I like pretty much all animals. I’m glad you have her for a best friend.” He smiles and my heart melts with his words. He does care. I love seeing such a tough strong male who has a tender side. He looks down and then back up into my eyes, looking like he’s struggling with what he wants to say. I’m glad I’m not the only one. “So, what are your plans now?”

  My heart rate increases, the thought that maybe he wants to spend more time with me thrills me. It also scares me to death. This man. He could either make me blissfully happy or he could destroy me in an instant, shattering my heart in so many pieces that I may not recover. I know I’d go on, live my life as I do now, but it wouldn’t be the same. I want so much more.

  “I was just going to maybe look for a movie on TV and relax.”

  He reaches up and rubs his hand over his closely shaven head. I never thought I’d like a man that keeps his hair this short, thinking that if some day I’d be lucky enough to have a boyfriend, I’d want to run my fingers through longer hair. Yet, now, my fingers itch to run over where his hand is going, wanting to know if it’s as soft as it looks. The same thoughts I’ve had about the scruff on his face, wishing I could rub my cheek across it.

  “I love a good movie.” He grins.

  Damn, he seriously takes my breath away. I smile. “Well, let’s see what we can find then.” I carry Smoky into the living room and sit down on the couch. She cuddles up in my lap as I reach over to the coffee table and pick up the remote. I feel the
dip in the couch when he sits down at the other end. My eyes snap to him and then back to the TV as I flip through some movie channels but ask an important question. “What type of movies do you like?”

  “Most movies. Probably the ones I like best are action or comedies though. I don’t even mind a chick flick, sometimes.” A man after my own heart.

  Just to be safe, I find a comedy and we settle down to watch. About halfway into it, my eyes begin to get heavy.

  Chapter Seven


  I open my eyes, the room dark except for the light of the TV. I can’t even seem to focus on what’s playing, I’m so tired. I hear soft, light breathing and turn my head. A vision. Bria’s sound asleep, her hands underneath her head acting as a pillow. Her legs are bent, curled up. Her long hair is splayed out around her yet she shivers. I spot an Afghan folded up on top of the couch, pick it up and spread it out over her. I should go home but the thought of walking down to the beach and then over to where my truck is parked, isn’t something I feel I have the energy to do. Leaning back, my head hitting the back of the couch, I close my eyes. Maybe if I just get a few more winks of sleep I’ll be able to head home. Just a few.




  My nose twitches. It feels like someone is waving a feather across it. I open one eye. Looking down, I see that my nose is being tickled by hair. Dark hair. I open my other eye and look around. The room is fairly light, the sun’s rays filtering in through small slits in the blinds covering the windows over her TV. I look back down and see Bria nestled into my side, her arm thrown over my waist, her head on my chest. I vaguely remember covering her up with an Afghan last night, after watching her sleeping form shiver. I hear a purr and see Smoky snuggled firmly beside her stomach. I lay my head back onto the couch and smile until something occurs to me. Shit! My heart begins to beat wildly with my thoughts.

  I just spent the night with a woman for the first time. Breaking my own rules.


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