Demon's Web

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Demon's Web Page 6

by Laura Hawks

  Clarissa entered the shed where there was a brand new red Ducati, which her brother Johann had brought home a week prior. He had taken her for a ride just days before and showed her how to drive it. Johann had held her while she tried to maintain balance and encouraged her to keep trying until she was successful.

  She ran to the parked motorcycle but felt the heavy paws of a wolf pouncing on her back, pushing her forward as her face quickly met the floor of the building. The wolf’s fangs sank into her shoulder. She felt the sinewy muscles and tissue being torn as she screamed and kicked, tears overflowing down her already dampened cheeks. Her hands reached out, trying to find anything to dislodge him off of her. She found a crowbar and her fingers stretched and tried to roll it towards her for a better grip. It was just out of reach and kept rolling back slightly. Finally, after several attempts, she was able to grasp it. Getting a good hold on the crowbar, she twisted at her waist and whacked the wolf in the head with as much strength as she could muster. Clarissa repeatedly hit the wolf until the vise on her shoulder slackened. She squirmed out from under his heavy body and quickly got on her feet. Her one arm hung slightly limp from the shoulder wound, she found it hurt to move it. Blood, her blood, dripped down her arm. As the wolf staggered towards her, she growled and kicked him.

  Her father had made sure his children knew how to defend themselves. She always thought carving wood with him was more fun than practicing kicks and hits but she was never more thankful he had encouraged she learn.

  Once the wolf was back far enough, he took a running leap at her again. This time she caught the beast in the chest with the pointy end of the crowbar, using the metal rod to flip the wolf alongside of her, unmoving other than a twitch or two as he expelled his last breath. She sank to her knees as she let go of the bloodied instrument. Having taken the life of a living creature, she felt she should be remorseful but she wasn’t. That creature helped to kill everything she loved. Everything which made up her life was now all gone. Shakily regaining her feet, she ran to the bike, rolled it out and revved it up. Jumping on it, she sped as fast as she could to get away. A few wolves tried to chase her. A couple of them even materialized in front of her but she skirted around them and kept driving, never looking back as she knew she couldn’t afford to. She was blinded mostly by the tears that streamed down her face, but she did not stop. She just kept moving with as much speed as she could and prayed they wouldn’t find her. Yet, a part of her hoped they would catch her so they could kill her also and she would once again be with her loved ones. Her life was destroyed in a matter of minutes.

  She never thought in her wildest dreams she would have the chance to see her family again, even if only for a few swift moments. It was enough, though, for her to apologize and beg forgiveness of her brother, Johann. It was the time she needed to make sure he knew she never meant those last words she spat at him. She had walked among her family, clearing the air, so to speak, of the ills which haunted her throughout the days following their demise.

  Mel had seen how her anger at the world for her family’s loss, of being alone and given a responsibility she was ill-prepared for, took its toll on her. He realized she needed to control her anger, her feelings derived from the murders of her family. Her enemies would use it against her and to their own benefit. He trained Clarissa, not to fight but to forgive herself and to love again. Mel didn’t need to teach her to fight. Her skill was excellent as is.

  So why, she wondered as she stepped into the shower to wash off the grime of the swamps, why had she not done the same for her own daughter? If she had taught Trinity how to fight, how to protect herself, maybe her youngest child would not be missing.

  Clarissa washed and dried herself before slipping on a pair of pajamas. She couldn’t remember the last time she was this exhausted and hated she had to stop looking in order to get some rest. Truth was, she had been searching non-stop for over a week with no results and little food or sleep in the process. However, every minute she was not out there looking was another minute her daughter wasn’t home, so Clarissa continued to press on until exhaustion overcame her and she finally returned to recharge her batteries.

  Clarissa pulled the covers back and was about to crawl into bed when the door opened and Mel walked in. The smile Clarissa gave him instantly disappeared as she saw his countenance. Rushing to his side, she grasped his arm in fear.

  “You found her? She is not, I mean, she is okay? Please, tell me she is okay.”

  Tears sprang to her eyes as she waited for Mel to speak. He didn’t say anything for several minutes, peering down into those green orbs he fell so deeply in love with. When he did speak, it was nothing what she thought he would say.

  “How dare you?” he growled low, trying to maintain a calm he did not feel.

  Clarissa peered at him, totally perplexed. “How dare I what? Search for my daughter?”

  “I expect you to search, but not to abuse innocent creatures in your questioning.”

  Now she understood. He was upset because she used some heavy handed tactics with her questioning in order to get the truth of who had taken Trinity. Anger flared inside of her, her emerald eyes darkening.

  “I did what I had to do in order to try and find answers. In order to find Trinity.”

  “I agree with doing everything possible to find her, but not beating up the Rougarou. Not all of them are guilty or know anything, and breaking their arms and legs, sending fireballs as warning shots and stabbing them in the shoulders or thighs, is not the way to get the answers you are seeking. Worse, you are creating an atmosphere which is becoming rapidly volatile. I’ve never had issues with this race before, but I am not going to be able to keep the peace with them if you keep up your severe oppressive approaches to your investigation.”

  “So what? Am I supposed to pour them tea and serve them crumpets in hopes they will just fork the information over? Do you think there is time for that? Every minute they don’t answer is one more minute Trinity is not where she belongs. Here! It’s one more minute she is gods knows where and in danger. One more minute for whomever took her to do horrible things to her.”

  Clarissa gripped the lapels of the black suit jacket he was wearing. Azamel looked fresh and clean. He must have been home for a while, but she couldn’t think about how sexy he looked or how good he smelled. His accusations infuriated her. On top of her concern for Trinity, she was furious with him.

  “I will do whatever it takes to get the information needed to find her. I’m sorry if that goes against your diplomatic plans with the swamp creatures, but I am not sorry about my methods of trying to find her. She is my daughter. I will do whatever it takes to get her back.”

  She released her hold on him, pushing him back and away from her. Spinning, she turned her back to him, trying to catch her breath, trying to calm down. She didn’t have much of a chance before he grabbed her upper arm and spun her around to face him. He pressed his face close to hers. Had he not been so angry, she would almost think he was about to kiss her. His warm breath blew against her face as he struggled to keep some semblance of calm in order to talk to her without yelling.

  “I have to be diplomatic. They have not done anything as a race to incur my wrath. I will not blame a whole ethnicity for the actions of a few.” Mel let Clarissa go, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

  “I will do everything I can to find her. I am not blaming all of them for taking her, but I refuse to leave any stone unturned in my search. Don’t you care? Aren’t you willing to do anything to find our daughter?”

  “Of course. Fuck! Do you think I am pussy-footing around in my attempt to find her? But I am not going to start a war to locate her either. Wasn’t it you who taught me years ago that I could catch more flies with honey and not vinegar? Maybe you should take your own advice.”

  “My own advice? Thanks for throwing those words back at me. My own advice was getting me nowhere. My own advice had them ignoring me like I was invisible or non-ex
istent. My own advice wasn’t getting me any results.”

  “And is treating them all like enemies obtaining any results in finding her? No! All it is doing is banding them against us instead of making them willing to help us.”

  Mel started pacing about the room, his hands flinging wildly as he talked. “You think I am not doing everything possible to find her? She is my daughter, too. I won’t abandon her or the search to find her, but I can’t afford a war with a species I have never had prior issues with. I don’t know why she was taken, or by whom. I have a feeling a couple of the Rougarou were hired to capture her, but since there has been no ransom, I am not sure for what nefarious purpose they plan to use her to their advantage. Zenthus and Jakome killed the attackers, with the exception of the one who took her. Rougarou are solitary creatures for the most part. Small packs at best. They don’t like to talk and share. None know or will know unless they were a part of the scheme, and I think those that were are now spending their time in their version of hell.”

  Azamel turned back to look at Clarissa, a softening of his features coming over him slightly. “I’m trying to talk to Chip to let me into his land to find their souls and talk to them, but he says he can’t do that. Or he won’t. Even Nana cannot force him.” He stood in front of her again, peering down into those eyes he loved so much. “I’m not giving up, Rissa. I just don’t need a fucking war on top of this too.”

  “I’m not stopping. If breaking a few arms or setting fire to a couple of legs is going to get the information I need, then the possibility of a war would be worth it. I need to find her,” Clarissa railed on him. “I won’t leave her alone, at the hands of whoever has her, and hope they are merciful. I need to find her. I have to find her!”

  She began to beat against his chest with each of her declarations. After the last one, she collapsed against him, her fists still against his broad chest, her head between her hands. For the first time since Trinity had been taken, she broke down and wept, the emotions finally overwhelming her to such a degree she could do no less. Mel had broken the wall of detachment she had built to focus on getting Trinity back. Azamel wrapped his arms about her, holding her close in his embrace, his cheek resting against the top of her head. He rubbed her back softly, trying to give her the comfort he knew she needed but would never ask for. She was too stubborn and proud. She always had been from the moment he first met her. He knew this was tearing her apart. Hell, it was ripping out his insides as well, but he had to be strong for his family, for his wife. And he made a silent promise to her, to himself. When he found Trinity and she was safely home, he would make sure whoever took her would pay the price for their hubris in a long and suffering kind of way. Nothing in any realm would stop him from exacting his revenge for the heartbreak and worry they brought to his family and himself.

  He could feel Destruction calling to be released, but with nowhere specific to go, it was too dangerous to give the demon his head to freely destroy the realm. Destruction was perfect for exacting retribution or protection, but for searching? Not so much.

  Chapter 7

  Months had passed and Azamel and Logan branched into other realms in search of Trinity. Shara stayed at the house to help Zenthus recover and handle all inquiries as to where the family was. She also fielded any supposed sightings and passed them along to Mel to be investigated in hopes of locating his daughter. Nothing panned out. Clarissa remained in the Maurepas Realm since it was the natural home of the Rougarou. Still, none of their searches had produced results. It was almost as if Trinity had been wiped from existence.

  Logan stood facing the black roses in the garden. They were beginning to get a bit wild without the constant trimming and tending from his mother, who has been so preoccupied of late in the frantic search for Trinity. As each day passed, so her desperation grew. He had seen her but only a few times since Trinity had been taken from this very garden. When he had seen her, his mother had been haggard from being so distraught. Dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep. Loss of weight from lack of eating. She appeared more wearied than he had ever seen her, although he couldn’t blame her in the least.

  Azamel also appeared exhausted and worn down, yet every day they were out there searching. Every day they hoped for a clue, a lead, something which would let them know where their youngest child was located. Every day they clutched to the belief they would find Trinity and return her to the safety of the manor. Yet, every night they returned disappointed in their failure to discover where she was or who might have taken her.

  As he stood there, he felt a presence enter the garden and turned to face her. A smile appearing on his own worn face. It was the first time he had seen her in months. They had been so busy searching for his sister, he had done or concerned himself with little else. Even her. He moved quickly to be by her side, pulling her into his arms.

  “Jasmine! I was worried about you. I didn’t know how to find you. Are you okay?”

  “I’m sorry, Logan. I heard about your sister, Trinity. I felt it best to stay hidden longer. The ripple effects of Trinity’s abduction have rebounded throughout the universes. My mother has kept me concealed. She also thinks Trinity was taken because of me, though she also believes Trinity will be used to hunt me. My mother is unaware I’ve ever come here or even that I am here now, but I had to see you. I have missed you so much.”

  “Why are you being hunted, Jaz? Why can’t you tell me? I want to protect you, help to keep you safe, but I can’t do that if I don’t know what I am up against or why.”

  Jasmine pulled back within the confines of his arms. “How would you be able to do that anyways when you are stuck here?”

  “I’m not. I can go into the human world to guard you. My parents have trained me well. We have searched for months with no sign of my sister and my father feels I should not give up my entire life. I can still hunt for her, but he feels I should be there to protect you. He knows how I feel about you.”

  “You told him?” She was astounded, and suddenly nervous about others, especially the demon judge, knowing about her or that she was even here, much less visiting here for the past decade.

  “He suspected something when we first started looking for Trin. He asked and I had to tell him the truth. He didn’t mind, though. I was rather surprised. He wanted me to be with you and help to keep you safe.”

  “And your mother?”

  “She still doesn’t know. Dad thought it was best she not have to worry about me while she is still so distraught over my sister. She is going to be upset as it is, when she learns I am leaving to live in the human world so I can be with you, before finding Trinity. She feels like she has lost one child as it is, to have me leave so soon will only agitate her further.”

  Jasmine frowned. She hadn’t really been living in the Human Realm. Yet, this was not the time or place to discuss all of this.

  “When will you be going to the Human Realm? When will you tell your mother?”

  “As soon as I can. I wanted to talk to you first. I don’t know where you live or where I am going. I, honestly, wasn’t even sure you would want me.”

  “Yes. I want you,” she said softly, looking up into those turquoise eyes she was so enamored with. “But you should know, I only live in the human world for short amounts of time. If I am there too long, I can be discovered.”

  “Who is hunting you? Why? What am I going to be up against?”

  “It’s a very long story and I will explain it all in good time. I promise.” She pulled back and looked around nervously. “I need to go. I am being summoned. Meet me in New Orleans in one week. Bourbon Street, the Cat’s Meow courtyard at midnight. I’ll explain everything then.” Jasmine leaned in and kissed his lips softly. “I promise. I’ll tell you all about my strange life then.”

  “I will see you there at the appointed time. I will wait for you to tell me the whole kit and caboodle when we are together next.” Logan paused then took a deep breath. “I know I have never said it, but I want
you to know, Jaz, I have fallen in love with you.”

  Jasmine cupped his cheek and kissed him again. “I know.” She then disappeared from his arms and he was left standing alone in a fragrant garden of black roses.

  Jasmine entered the small cottage in Faefardom, the realm of the fairies, which resembled a building the Flintstones could’ve been perfectly content to have lived in. It was about the only realm protected from detection, thereby keeping her safe from being discovered. Her grandmother, Archanidou, was waiting for her. Although normally such a visit would not cause an issue, the fact her grandmother was here waiting for her could be a concern. She realized her presence would not have been detected since she was in another realm and they would have realized she had left the sanctity of Faefardom.

  “You were in the Nether Realm again, weren’t you, my child,” Archanidou stated without preamble.

  Jasmine flushed. She should have known she couldn’t keep secrets from her grandmother. She wondered how long the woman had known. Archanidou answered the unspoken question as if she actually had said it aloud.

  “I’ve only recently been made aware of your visits.” Archanidou, also known as Spiderwoman, pointed to the seat next to her. “I’ve seen Azamel and I have seen the toll it has taken on him to have lost his daughter. I can’t even imagine what Clarissa is going through. However, I take it they are not the ones you have concerned yourself with.”

  “No, Nunohum.” Nunohum was the Native word for grandmother. “I went to see their son, Logan.”

  “A good looking male. If I was younger, I might have gone after him myself. Alas, I am too old for the likes of him. He takes after his father more in looks, but has his mother’s kind heart and soul. He has the strength of both. I guess it has come time to let you go and live your own life. To be with him.”


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