Dark Experiments

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Dark Experiments Page 20

by Lana Campbell

  That made her jaw drop. “What do you mean? What’s been being said behind our backs?”

  “No one has said anything specific that I can recall. It’s just been a given for years. Everyone knows you two belong together and I’m having a hard time believing you don’t. Tiffany, you two are glued at the hip during the holidays. And think about that for a second. He has family in Texas, yet he chooses to spend the majority of the holidays with our family? Trust me it isn’t for Mom’s pecan pies.”

  “Okay, but he’s been friends with Mom and Nathan for years.”

  “Give me a break. He spends far more time with you than Nathan or Mom.”

  This was true.

  “T.J., the way you look at him, the way he looks at you, that’s love or something pretty darn close. When you were human no one wanted to say anything, or encourage whatever was going on. You know as well as I, human/vampire relationships are complicated.”

  “You’re right. Relationships are complicated period and I suck at them. I don’t want Christian to have to settle for a relationship Scrooge like me. He deserves better and I’m not sure I can give it.”

  “Isn’t he worth the effort? I mean, if you don’t want him to settle for less than best, be the best. All relationships take work.”

  Chelsie was right, all the way around. “He really is hot. That alone would make the effort to tackle a forever thing worthwhile.”

  Chelsie laughed. “Most definitely. When I first met him I had a hard time keeping my eyes off him. I had to continually remind myself he was vampire.”

  Tiffany couldn’t fault her there. She’d always had the same problem herself and no wonder. God, he was pretty! That might not be a term to attach to a guy, especially one as masculine as Christian, but it was true. His honey gold eyes were beautiful and he had light brown lashes longer than hers. She liked that he wore his hair long, but she’d love to see it loose, falling across his broad, tanned shoulders. Better yet, skimming hers as he laid over her and kissed her. And his body—oh my God—was a work of art. She’d often imagined peeling off one of his tight, t-shirts and letting her fingers enjoy all that sculpted male perfection.


  Tiffany glanced back at her sister who now wore a grin probably bigger than her own. “What? Sorry. Did you say something?”

  She shook her head. “That must have been one delicious sex day dream you were just having. I haven’t seen your eyes light up like that since the day Mom and Dad bought you your first computer.”

  She laughed. “It was nice. He’s nice and fine.”

  “Yes, he is and lucky you. So, don’t be an idiot. Snatch him up while the snatching is good. I’d give anything to be in your shoes. Not regarding Christian of course, but love in general. Someday I want what Mom and Dannie have and what I hope you and Christian will have soon. A real life happily ever after. I can’t wait to see how it unfolds between the two of you. As it does, I expect juicy details.” She flashed a cute, excited grin.

  “I do care about him, a lot but…” She broke off, picked up her silverware wrapped in a white, paper napkin and began to fiddle with it. Tiffany knew she was falling in love with Christian. Still those same crippling fears she’d dealt with since her teens taunted her.

  Christian was a straight up, true blue, good guy. He’d never hurt her on purpose, but what if he strayed one day? Her dad had been a good guy too. He’d worked hard, been a deacon in their church, had always been there for her and her sisters while they grew, then one day out of the blue, he cheated. Maybe the hardest thing for Tiffany all these years was understanding how a man so devoted to family could turn on a dime like that.

  Chelsie reached across the table and took the silverware roll from her. “Give me that. But what?”

  She scowled at her because she didn’t want to admit she was a big fat chicken when it came to romance.

  “Look, I know what you’re thinking and it’s stupid. Not every man is like Dad, okay? There are some good men in this world and you’ve found one. Besides, Dad’s apologized twelve dozen times to all of us for what he did. He’s changed T.J. He really has and it kills him that you won’t speak to him or that you’ve never seen our brother.”

  Tiffany shot her a scathing look. “Good. I hope he rots in hell. Reanna too. As for Zane, I feel bad, but I wouldn’t exactly be a very good influence on the kid the way I feel about those two.”

  Chelsie gave her an equally hot look. “Shame on you. All of us were raised with Christian values and forgiveness is one of the cornerstones of our beliefs. Mom’s said it a million times and it’s true. Forgiveness is for the person who was wronged not the person who did the wrong. Forgiveness sets you free to go on with the business of life. Tiffany you aren’t living life to its fullest. And if you stay cowardly, you’ll miss out on a joyful experience and one of the most wonderful men God ever created.”

  “You suck.” She said it softly and didn’t really mean it because every word of Chelsie’s speech was truth. Christian was amazing and well worth the risk of a broken heart miles down a road they may travel together someday.

  Just then their server arrived with their salad and breadsticks causing a gap in the conversation. Once she left, Chelsie said, “Tell me you’re at least going to consider giving Christian a chance.”

  Tiffany pulled a breadstick out of the basket and inhaled its garlicky deliciousness. “You know I will.”

  A small sage smile tilted her lips. “I knew you would at the word hot. I’ve never heard you call any guy hot, but Christian.”

  She hunched a shoulder, but said nothing. To give Christian everything he deserved she did need to exercise some demons from her past. More to the point she needed to forgive her dad and Reanna. Tiffany had no idea how to do that or how to be what Christian needed. She knew how to be his friend and he obviously needed one after losing that patient today. Maybe instead of waiting for him to come by tonight to take care of her needs she could take care of him by bringing him some take out. He probably hadn’t eaten a thing all day. Later maybe she could listen to his troubles if he was up for talking about them.

  That’s exactly what she would do. It was time to show him just how caring and giving she could be.

  Chapter 15

  Tiffany arrived at the clinic around five fifteen with David. His company was a plus tonight. Her security swiper got them into the building which presently felt eerily quiet, so dark and dismal. The atmosphere creeped her out and even during the light of day it held an ominous tone now. Death had claimed way too many lives here, her human one included. It could never be a happy place for expectant parents and staff until this demon of death was exorcised.

  She made her way to Christian’s office first, knocked on the door but there was no answer so she opened it and peeked inside. Empty and dark. Next, she pulled her cell out of the back pocket of her jeans and texted him while scenting for him, which worked quicker than the text. Her nose told her he was in a room just down the hall. Chelsie's body guard, Tyler, equally as buff as David, and also partial to dark, sharp tailored suits, stood outside the closed door.

  Christian either read her text or scented her. He walked out just as she opened her mouth to ask Tyler if the doctors were still interviewing Chelsie.

  Christian’s expression was both curious and pleased. “Tiffany? What are you doing here, Darlin’?”

  “I hope I’m not disturbing your interview with Chelsie.”

  He offered a reassuring smile. “No. Noah and Asa had a few more questions for her, but she should be out any minute.”

  “I’m not here for Chelsie. I’m here for you.”

  He quirked a brow. “Oh?”

  Obviously, he didn’t expect that answer. He appeared perplexed. “I brought you dinner.” She smiled and held up a plastic Olive Garden bag. “Chicken Scampi. I had a feeling you might not have had much of an opportunity to eat today. You’ll have to nuke it though. It’s probably cold.” The offering surprised him bas
ed on the way his beautiful gold eyes lit up with both delight and hunger.

  “That was very sweet of you, Baby, but I’m afraid I don’t have time right now. I have a meeting in about ten minutes, but I’ll definitely get to it later. Thank you.” He looked at the sack and inhaled with appreciation.

  “I know. I heard you and Nathan setting the time when you were holotiming with him this morning. As you know, Dominic has a great audio/video system in mind that may be able to track this person down, which sounds very interesting. Any chance I could sit in on this meeting?”

  He frowned. “Asa and Noah won’t like it. They were none too happy I drug Nathan and Dominic into this mess, but they understood the necessity.” He glanced at Tyler. “I know Nathan’s men are discreet but I’m not happy about the growing number of people discovering our issues here.”

  She chewed on her lower lip, disappointed, but she understood where he was coming from. “Neither am I, but honestly, Christian how could this have been avoided? You had no choice but to be honest with me and my family about how I nearly died. You know how Nathan is. When he feels someone in the family is in danger he brings in the goons en mass.” She glanced at the two present. Lord only knew how many more he had waiting in the wings. Her younger siblings and the other kids would be flying in this weekend with Jazerra, their nanny for the Memorial Day Celebration. He’d probably have more security guards on hand than any given day at the White House.

  Christian rolled his eyes. “I know.”

  “Also know no one in our family would dare jeopardize this investigation or your practice. Am I not now a part of it?”

  He huffed then took her hand. “Of course you are. Alright, you’re in. Besides, I know you’d end up wheedling the information out of me at some point.” He flashed a teasing smile.

  “Thanks.” She squeezed his hand.

  He glanced behind her at David with a curious expression. “Your body guard I presume?”

  “Yes. Christian, this is David Townsend. David, this is Dr. Christian La Mond. He’s my dude.”

  David extended his hand to Christian. “It’s nice to meet you, Dr. La Mond.”

  “Nice to meet you too.” Christian shook his hand then faced her with a big grin. “So, I’m your dude, huh? Officially?”

  She inhaled deeply and made a little groaning sound for the upcoming confession. “For certain. I’ve been doing some hard thinking about this life mate thing and what you said this morning. I’m willing to see where things lead. I care about you, Christian. I always have. But nothing could have come of those feelings before all this happened to me. Blake told me about interspecies marriages, but that sort of deal wouldn’t have been fair to either of us. Anyway, I meant what I said. I never wanted to turn. But here I am. A full-fledged vampire. So, I guess that fact finally opens a door for us.”

  He glanced down, his expression a bit guilty. “I suppose it does. Tiffany I have to be honest with you. The fact I knew you were my life mate played a big hand in my decision to turn you. Even before I knew you were my life mate I probably would have done the same. I could never imagine living in a world where there is no you.”

  His sweet, honest words hit her heart like a one two punch. Her eyes began to sting with tears. She looked at the floor and blinked rapidly.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Of course,” she hurriedly replied. There was only one thing Tiffany hated more than crying—someone witnessing her doing it. “I have to ask you this one last time. Could I have survived that poisoning?”

  He shook his head slowly, his eyes sad. “Not a chance. I will tell you one thing, though. If this had never happened to you, I would have been willing to be with you, the human you.”

  Tiffany scratched her neck, pondering that possibility based on how she felt about him now. She meant what she’d said. It couldn’t have worked, but his admission spoke volumes to the depth of his desire to be with her. “Well that would have probably sucked. Guess it doesn’t matter anymore.”

  “No, it doesn’t.”

  An awkward silence hung between them for a bit. Tiffany broke it.

  “Okay. I guess it’s settled then. We’ll give us a shot. Oh, and we need to discuss the perimeters of this new relationship when we have time. I have some ground rules.”

  “Oh boy.” He rolled his eyes. “Such as, short version?”

  “I do what I want to do when I want to do it. No one controls me. I’m nothing like my mom domestically. I don’t cook nor do I clean up after people. You’re a total mess maker. Best be hiring more housekeepers.”

  “Anything else?” Humor sparkled in his eyes.

  “Well, I’m extremely opinionated, moody at times and often just a pain in the ass bitch for no reason. Oh, and I always control the scepter. Meaning the remote.”

  He lost it. When he finally stopped laughing he said, “This is supposed to be news to me? I know what you’re made of Tiffany. I know who you are, all your little quirks, the sarcasm and foul language. Has it scared me off so far?”

  She glanced over his shoulder and noticed David and Tyler had wandered off down the hall at some point to give them privacy. “No.”

  “And nothing will.”

  She nodded, believing him. “I had lunch with Chelsie today. You can thank her in part for my decision.”

  “Believe me I will. What did she say?”

  “Apparently, she as well as the rest of my family think we uhm…” She paused, seeking the right words. “…have a connection of some sort and that I should explore it with you.”

  His expression ripened with male satisfaction, then he slid his arms around her waist. “Yeah, I think we definitely have that and more. So, let’s explore.” He leaned down and kissed her.

  And a bone melting kiss it was. Everything in her went liquid as he plundered her lips. She wove her fingers around his silky ponytail and pressed her body against his, loving the sensual heat sparking between them. His unique, spicy scent fanned her hormones into a frenzy. She groaned wanting to get lost in the frenzy. In him.

  How many times had she fantasied about kisses like this with Christian? His mouth taking sweet control of hers, the gentle brush of his hand against her cheek while the other, far more wicked, snaked beneath her shirt to pinch one of her lace covered nipples into a taunt, hard bud. Too many times to count for sure. This was no fantasy, but pure heaven. She groaned her approval into his mouth, eager for him to do naughtier things. Unfortunately, the door behind them opened interrupting the awesome moment.

  Christian released her and backed up. Chelsie walked out, Asa behind her. They were looking at each other and laughing about something, seemingly oblivious to her and Christian’s heated moment.

  She swiped a hand over her tingling mouth and glanced at Christian with quirked brows.

  “Seems as if Asa likes her. She’s hired as far as I’m concerned.”

  “Oh, she’ll be thrilled.”

  Both Chelsie and Asa turned toward them with surprised expressions.

  “What are you doing here, TJ?”

  She hadn’t told Chelsie her plans to attend this meeting because she hadn’t been sure Christian would be okay with the idea. “I’m here for this meeting with Nathan and Dominic.”

  Asa frowned at her. “I’m sorry Tiffany, but this meeting is for partners only.”

  Christian’s response was quick and firm. “She will be a part of it.”

  Asa did not look pleased, but offered no further argument. He faced Chelsie and extended his hand. “It was a pleasure to meet you Dr. Peebles. We’ll be in touch with you soon. Have a pleasant evening.”

  Chelsie shook his hand and thanked him. She slid Tiffany a quick ‘ouch’ look as she passed.

  Ouch was an understatement. From the irritation aura Asa beamed her way, she suspected he not only didn’t want her in this meeting, but his zip code and she could hardly blame him.

  She took a step toward him and tried for an apologetic expression. “Look, Asa, I
’m really sorry about what happened that night and I won’t even attempt to make excuses. I just hope we can put it behind us and get along.” She gulped because he was an overwhelmingly larger man than she’d considered him to be the night she’d went crazy on him. Lucky, she hadn’t gotten a broken neck in the deal.

  He frowned at her first then behind her at Christian. After a few seconds, he sighed then pinned her with a stern look. “Water under the bridge, but anything said here tonight is private, okay?”

  She lifted her hands defensively. “I get that totally. Try to understand I’m as furious as you and want answers as badly as you. I was after all a victim. Quite honestly, whether I’m in this meeting or not, I’ll learn details at some point. Either Christian or Nathan will cough them up. I can be very persuasive.”

  Asa sighed resolutely then frowned at Christian. “I can just imagine. But good luck with Noah.” He turned and entered the room he and Chelsie had exited.

  Tiffany turned and faced him. “Noah’s going to be a jerk about this?”

  “Undoubtably. Luckily a practice such as ours is a democracy and you have the majority ruling in your favor. So no worries. Come on.” He took her hand and led her inside a large conference room.

  When Tiffany entered, she saw Noah seated at the end of a long rectangular wooden table, surrounded by a dozen tall-backed, black swivel captain chairs. His head was bent over some paperwork, probably Chelsie’s credentials since her interview had just wrapped up. Noah glanced up, his piercing cobalt blue eyes honed on her and filled with disdain.

  Before he could fuss--and Tiffany knew he was fixing to--Christian said, “I need her in on the meeting.”

  “Whatever for?” he snapped.

  “She may have information that could us help. Information she doesn’t even know she has because she’s been working here since all this started. And mainly because I want her in on the meeting. Period.”

  Noah pursed his lips, clearly disapproving of Christian’s decision. “It would be best to question her at another time privately, but I realize arguing her presence would be futile.” He snatched up the paperwork in front of him then stalked out of the room.


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