Dark Experiments

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Dark Experiments Page 26

by Lana Campbell

  Tiffany thanked her, then proceeded to follow Christian out of the building.

  Christian knew her penchant for Mexican, so he took her to an authentic Mexican eatery a mere ten minutes from the clinic. The tone was casual, the decor and furnishings bordered on dive-like, but Tiffany felt confident the food would rock. She loved little mom and pop ethnic places like this because in her experience they usually had amazing food.

  They seated themselves in a booth at the back of the restaurant. Minutes later a teenage latino boy brought them menus, chips and salsa, then took their drink order.

  “So how’s your morning been?” Tiffany asked Christian, then dipped a chip in salsa and took a bite.


  His brows knit as he spoke the word and Tiffany was pretty sure she knew why. Last night he’d told her the investigation had reached a stalemate. For the last four days surveillance hadn’t revealed any suspicious activity. Christian and his partners felt like the person or persons knew they were being watched. It had prevented further poisonings, but hadn’t gotten them closer to catching the killer.

  “Well, uneventful is good in some respects, right?”

  He hunched a shoulder, lifted a chip out of the basket and stared at it. “Certainly. None of the patients we’ve seen this week have tested positive for VHS. The ones who have are all doing great and going home today. I thank God for both of those things, but it’s as I told you last night, considering the frequency of poisonings in the beginning it leads me to believe the criminal or criminals suspect they’re under surveillance.”

  “That’s impossible, Christian. Even I can’t tell where the little boogers Dominic had installed are located. The command station is under lock and key. You told me not even maintenance can get in there now because ya’ll changed the lock.”

  “True. I can’t help wondering why they’ve stopped. It seems odd.”

  “I know. Why do you think they have?”

  “I’m not sure, but I have a really bad feeling they’re planning something even worse than what we’ve experienced thus far.” He dipped his chip in the salsa and popped it in his mouth.

  “Well maybe they’ve stopped because you and your partners decided the only food and drinks served to patients had to come from vending machines or you three. You also told me you and the partners were personally giving patients their transfusions and vitamin shots. Smart moves, but both of those things seriously limits this creeps ability to tamper with stuff.”

  “Maybe or due to the fact the entire clinic now suspects foul play, they’ve decided to choose more cautious methods of terror.”

  Tiffany could feel the worry rolling off him in waves. She worried too because most likely he was right, but that didn’t necessarily mean the bad guys had the upper hand. “Maybe they are regrouping. That might not a bad thing for us.”

  He scoffed. “How do you figure?”

  “Well, it could give us time to regroup too. We have every person’s move and word video and audio recorded over the last five days. Perhaps nothing’s stood out as glaringly apparent, but that doesn’t mean the perp hasn’t displayed guilty or suspicious behavior. Such as body language, expressions, slipping something into their pockets from a purse, back pack or locker. Who knows?”

  Christian chuckled. “Talking like a cop now, huh?” He plucked another chip from the basket and ate it.

  “No, just talking this thing out. Maybe fate has given us a reprieve for a reason. And maybe you should have someone who’s very good at spotting guilty, nervous people review the footage over the last week. Say someone like David?”

  Christian rapped his fingers on the table top. “That’s not bad. Not bad at all. You think he would do it? It would have to be at night after you’ve gone home. That might make for some long days.” He reached across the table and took her hand, giving it a squeeze.

  Tiffany squeezed back. “Not only will he do it, he’ll be thrilled to have something to do that’s up his alley. He’s been bored to tears these last few days, scanning paperwork and literally acting in the capacity of my personal assistant.”

  Christian laughed. “I’ll bet.”

  The young server returned with their drinks then took their food order. After the boy left she picked up her glass and took a sip of soda contemplating whether to open the can of worms which had been on her mind the last few days. She put down her glass and stared at him for a few seconds. “Have you thought about enchanting staff again? Maybe the person responsible for all this can thwart an enchantment, but knowing that maybe you can flush them out.”

  He frowned and scratched his chin. “Asa, Noah and I talked about it and we think it’s futile. If a person can beat an enchantment once they can do it again.”

  “I’m sorry, Christian but I still think Blake is connected to this somehow. It’s not just about him being nosey. He was sitting beside my plate of food the day I became sick. And we’d had words that morning. Plus, he’s had access to every patient that has that VHS thing. He’s the most logical suspect in the building.”

  Christian sighed. “Be that as it may, he’s been enchanted twice. You may have to accept the fact he’s innocent.”

  “I suppose that’s possible. By the way, where has he been all week? I haven’t seen hide nor hair of him.”

  “He’s been working at my mothers’ retreat this past week. Currently, we have three mothers staying there who are several weeks from their due date. There were others, but they delivered and were discharged throughout the week.”

  Tiffany gasped because she hadn’t known that. She just figured Blake’s absence this week meant he’d been working second shift in the hospital beneath the clinic. “What are you thinking? That’s like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse. Are there security cameras there?”

  “No. Look, I know it seems more sensible to have him under surveillance at the clinic, but I assure you he’s under a different more effective surveillance there. We told those patients and their spouses what’s been happening at the clinic. Of course they were shocked and scared, but after Noah, Asa and I explained things in detail, they agreed to a plan we proposed to both protect them and possibly ferret out the killer if indeed it’s Blake.”

  Tiffany shook her head and touched her temple. “Sorry, Christian, I’m not following you. How could they possibly be safe if Blake is working there?”

  “Rest assured I’m not turning a blind eye. The couples each agreed to allow us to replace their male life mates during the day shifts with security personnel like David so the men can watch over the women and keep an eye on Blake and other staff members. They’ve been briefed on what to look for, what staff should not be giving patients, such as food, drink or meds.”

  “Fine. What about at night?”

  “Betty’s there and one of us. So are the male life mates. Betty is the only person we all agree is completely trustworthy. She’s been through thick and thin with us for over twenty years.”

  “All right. How are these guys supposed to protect them against poisoned food or meds?” She munched a few more chips while he continued.

  “Transfusions are given at bedtime and none are on any meds, which eliminates those means of poisoning. I’m having all their meals catered in order to avoid food tampering.”

  Tiffany was hurt Christian had kept her out of the loop on something this big. “Okay, you have them guarded, and all the poisoning bases covered. What if Blake or whomever decides to change his or her M.O. and do something more hands on to snuff the lives of these women? I’m guessing you talked to Nathan and Dominic about this.” But not me. The rat.

  “Of course. How do you think we secured the guards? As to your concern, remember Nathan and Dominic’s men are top notch, ex-navy seals and such, trained for combat and undercover work. Plus, the women are all mature vampires, well able to protect themselves with their physic and telekinetic abilities. Trust me Tiffany those women are far safer there than they’d be at the clinic. Each of
them live out of town and are very close to their due date. They have to be housed at the mother’s retreat in case they go into labor, which they each will do very soon.”

  She shook her head, unconvinced the decision was a good one. “I still can’t understand why you’d allow Blake to be there when he’s raised eyebrows more than any staff member.”

  Christian sighed and took her hand. “It’s very simple Tiffany. There he has access to only three patients right now who are well guarded. At the clinic over this last week he would have had access to dozens who weren’t. I believe in Dominic’s surveillance equipment. I really do, but I also believe this person is sneaky as hell.”

  His explanation made good sense, but why he’d kept this from her made none at all. Their food arrived just then. She used the interruption to consider her next question.

  “This smells great,” Christian commented and forked a big bite of a cheese enchilada into his mouth.

  “So, when did ya’ll decide to do this?” She dug into her own plate of carne asada tacos.

  “Saturday when we moved them from the clinic to the mother’s retreat.”

  She put her fork down and glared at him “In all this time since, you never thought to mention this to me because you thought it would worry me?”

  Christian set his own fork on the edge of his plate and sighed. “No. Of course I didn’t want to worry you, but that’s not the reason. I didn’t feel comfortable talking to you about it at work, because I didn’t want to take the chance someone might have big ears. At night, I want to spend time with you, not talk about problems. If I don’t put this away for at least a few hours a day, I’ll lose my mind.”

  She understood, but wasn’t happy he’d neglected to tell her. “I get that. You’re reasons aside, you still should have told me.”

  “Maybe so, but you have no idea the burden this whole mess has been not just on me but Asa and Noah too. If I fail to talk to you about issues regarding these matters it’s only because I want to dwell on some sane thoughts for a while. Being with you is a huge reprieve from the stress.”

  She agreed he could definitely use a break. “Well then tonight let’s take a reprieve together. At your place like you suggested.”

  Heat filtered into his gaze and he drug in a ragged breath. “You’re tempting me to be completely vampire with you. Meaning as soon as we’re alone, really alone, we’re going to make love for real, Tiffany. I’ve been a good, chaste boy way too long.”

  Tiffany let out a dark chuckle. “Threatening to ravage me are you? Whatever will I do?”

  “That’s exactly my plan because I’ve lost patience with this teenage dating scene we have going at your mother’s house. I need you and we’re too old for this. Well, I am anyway.”

  Tiffany smothered a grin, happy and excited she had him riled and ready to take this thing all the way home. She’d been ready for real sex with Christian for years. But she wanted him to know unequivocally she was on the same page so she scooted out of her booth and joined him on the other side. “I need you too, Christian. I’m ready for whatever comes next.” She paused there to take his hand, threading their fingers together. “You know you have my heart. Truth is you always have. I’ve just been too scared to admit it until recently.”

  “You scared? I’ve always been scared to show my real feelings to you. The first time I tried, you shot me down if you recall, told me things could go no further because you didn’t want to be vampire. You sliced down every overture I made after that. But it was more than you not wanting to turn, wasn’t it?”

  She knew what he was asking and although she hated bringing up the subject of her father, it was probably time. “Yes. Much more. I’ve always avoided intimate relationships. I don’t trust them or people.”

  “Because of your dad?”

  She nodded.

  “You were afraid I’d cheat on you. That’s it isn’t it?”

  She nodded again. “Remember in the beginning I had no idea we were life mates. Even if I’d known early on, I still would have feared you’d change your mind about me some day.”

  He snorted. “I can’t believe you thought I would cheat on you. That bothers me on many levels, but mostly that you don’t really know the depth of my character. You couldn’t make me mad or crazy enough for that to happen first off. But the main reason it would never happen is because I have more respect for myself than to do something like that.”

  She knew that now. His morals and ethics were impeachable and if she’d been thinking straight at the time she would have known what he’d just said to be true back then. “I believe you now. The reason I didn’t in the beginning is because my dad was so like you. That’s why it was so shocking and hurtful when he cheated on my mom. He really was the perfect father until the day he wasn’t anymore. I never saw it coming. None of us did. It’s led me to the conclusion that anyone is capable of anything whether they want to be or not.”

  He shook his head. “That’s not true. It goes back to choices. We all get them and we all make them. A person can choose in any situation to do the right thing or the wrong thing. But I believe if you have respect for yourself, you’ll always do the right thing.”

  He was correct as usual. She ducked her head, embarrassed she’d actually thought so poorly of him when deep down she knew what he was made of. “I’m going to say this and then I want to drop the subject. It’s a tender one for me. I’ve never forgiven my dad. I can’t see him beyond the mistake he made. It makes it hard for me to see others beyond the mistakes they could make to hurt me. But you have to believe me when I tell you, I do trust you, Christian. Maybe that seems hard to believe based on all I’ve just said, but I wouldn’t be ready to go forward with you if I wasn’t willing to take a chance. You know what I mean?”

  “I do. Look, I want forever and it can’t come soon enough, but what I want more is for you to be completely ready for the next part of this journey we’re walking together. It won’t hurt my feelings if you need more time.”

  Tiffany realized he wasn’t just talking about riding the cowboy and saving the horse. He wanted to mate in the way of their kind, a bite that would alter their scents and bind them as one flesh. The thought was a bit daunting after that life mating speech from her mom, but she was ready to take the next step leading to forever. She loved him that much.

  She rubbed a hand down his denim covered thigh. “Tonight sounds perfect, Christian.”

  He covered her hand with his as he leaned in for a kiss. It was one of his sweet, melting ones that lit an instant fire and went on for several long, delightful moments until his cell phone began to wail with a loud siren-like sound. She jerked away, startled. Christian cursed and snatched it from the back pocket of his jeans.

  “Wh-what’s wrong. What is that?”

  He glared at the thing and she noticed his Adam’s apple bob and his lips thin. “It’s an alarm sent from the mother’s retreat, my country lodge. It’s only to go off in the case of an emergency.”

  Tiffany didn’t like the way he stared at the thing as if it were a snake in his hand about to strike. “Uh, like a mother went into labor kind of emergency or a natural disaster, fire emergency?”

  “The latter. I have to go, Tiffany. Call David and tell him to pick you up here immediately.”

  “Whoa. Back up. What do you think’s going on?”

  “I don’t know, but it can’t be good. Call David now please.”

  “Sure. Why don’t you call the retreat and see what’s going on?”

  He sighed. “I’ll try.”

  They both made their individual calls. Tiffany reached David on the first ring, but Christian’s call attempt wasn’t so successful.

  “No one’s answering. Darlin’, let me out. I really have to go. David’s on his way right?”

  She nodded as she exited the booth. He was scaring her. “Why don’t I go with you?”

  He scooted out and stood, pulled his wallet out and withdrew a couple bills. “Not a chanc
e. I have no idea what I might be getting into. It could be a fire. It could have something to do with this shit happening at the clinic. Worse it could be a trap for you. You’ll be safe with David. But I want him to take you home, not back to the clinic. When I know something, I’ll call you.”

  She didn’t want him going by himself. “Please let me go with you. I’ll worry myself sick until I know you’re okay.”

  “Baby, I don’t want to leave you, but I can’t take you. Not once since I had this app installed on my phone has anyone ever used it. I don’t know what’s happening there, but it’s likely at catastrophic level. As soon as I know something and I have a moment, I’ll contact you. Promise.”

  “That’s fine, but catastrophic level is ample reason for you to take me. You may need help.”

  “Tiffany! I don’t have time to argue. I have to go. Do what I said. Stay inside and wait for David.” He slapped the money on the table, then rushed out of the restaurant. Tiffany followed and watched him at the door until he disappeared around the corner of a building.

  Her mind rifled through so many various catastrophes that could be happening at the mother’s retreat her stomach began to sour. However, she did what he’d asked of her. She stayed inside and watched for David. She’d yield to his edict to go home too. She’d be useless at work until she knew what went on at the mothers’ retreat.

  Almost thirty ulcer producing minutes later Nathan’s Navigator pulled up to the curb in front of the restaurant. Tiffany couldn’t believe it took David so long. He must have gone to lunch halfway across town.

  She slipped on her sunglasses and headed for the SUV. Usually he got out to open the passenger door for her, but when she saw the crazy amount of traffic buzzing past, she realized he couldn’t, so she hurried and got inside.

  “Thanks for picking me—” She broke off when she looked over and realized the driver wasn’t David. “Katie? What in the world are you doing here?”

  Her face was void of the cheery smile she usually wore, replaced by a weird, calculating smirk. “Giving you a ride.”


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