Dark Experiments

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Dark Experiments Page 28

by Lana Campbell

  “How in God’s name could we’ve not recognized her behind all this? Something should have tipped us off about the little snake,” Asa snarled.

  Noah scoffed. “Seasoned criminals rarely display overt tells. She must be seriously deviant to have pulled the wool over our eyes for this long. My mother’s as well, although there were no problems with her at my mother’s clinic. She had nothing but good things to say about her. Seems very odd.”

  Christian rushed toward the couch, terror gripping his heart like a vice. “I don't care about Katie right now. What about Tiffany? Did Betty say if she was with David?

  Asa approached Christian, his green eyes ripe with concern. “Calm down, Christian. Take a breath and lets figured this out. Noah, did Betty say anything about a passenger in the SUV.”

  “She did not. She was clearly upset, but thorough. I’m confident our nurse Betty would not have omitted the fact Miss Peebles had been abducted if someone had witnessed her in the vehicle. She’s in the process of speaking with an officer. She’ll call back to relate more news when she’s able.”

  Christian glared at him, breathing hard, but began to calm. Noah was right. If Betty knew Tiffany had been in that SUV she would have told him. Of course the police may have omitted that information. But he had to consider Tiffany herself. She wouldn’t stand idly by and let Katie abduct her at gunpoint, frightening as that possibility might be. No, she would have raised a fuss and someone would have noticed.

  Asa patted Christian’s back. “Okay, this is good news. No one saw Tiffany in relation to the SUV. When was the last time you saw her?”

  “At the restaurant where we had lunch. David had taken a lunch break too. Where I don’t know, but Tiffany called him so I know he was on his way to pick her up minutes after the alarm sounded. Of course I raced here.”

  Christian grabbed the sides of his head, pressing both palms against throbbing temples. He wanted to plow his fist into something. What he really wanted to do was rip out the throat of every sorry soul involved in these crimes. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the luxury of falling apart at the moment. He needed to know Tiffany was okay.

  “God!” he exclaimed, clenching his fists so tight his hands hurt. “This can’t be happening. Not again.” Nearly losing her once about capped his existence. He squeezed his eyes shut, unable to finish the gruesome thoughts.

  Asa came to him and clamped a hand on his shoulder. “Simmer down, Chris. You’re allowing today’s horrid events to have a field day with your imagination. You don’t know anything at this point. You could call her but if the two of you have ever mind spoke that would be quicker.”

  “Shit! Of course. Why didn’t I think of that?” Because my brain is frozen with fear, that’s why.

  Asa shrugged and affected a sympathetic smile. “Try.”

  Christian closed his eyes and pressed at her mind, calling her name repeatedly, but only received silence. He couldn’t even sense her mental energy, which could only mean she was asleep or unconscious.

  Christian walked over to his massive hearth, framed four feet wide on both sides by inlaid river rocks stretching all the way to a cathedral ceiling. He stared at the impressive eight point, bull elk mount above the mantle, while trying to get control of his rabid emotions and thinking. Every tragic loss he and his partners had experienced from the beginning of this assault on their clinic until today paled in comparison to imagining Tiffany as his final, fatal one.

  “Where the hell are you, Tiffany?” Then the whole ugly picture dawned on him. “Son of a bitch! Katie has her and I know it in my gut. After she shot David she must have drove to the Mexican restaurant where we were having lunch. It’s only ten maybe fifteen minutes from the clinic. The time line stands to reason. It’s only been a little over an hour since I left Tiffany. I’ll bet when she saw the SUV pull up she just got in, thinking it was David.”

  “Christian, we know Katie’s neck deep in this somehow, but how could she have known where you were having lunch with Tiffany?” Asa asked.

  “I told Betty where we’d be. She must have told Katie. I’ll bet she’d been looking for an opportunity to get Tiffany alone and snatched it up when she saw David in the parking lot on his way to pick up Tiffany.”

  “I still think that’s a long shot because she wouldn’t have known David was on his way to pick up Tiffany. She rode with you, Chris.”

  “If that little murderous bitch could pull the wool over our eyes for months, how easy do you think it would have been for her to get David to tell her where he was going? All these abductions happened virtually simultaneously. She knows about the mother’s retreat alarm and you can bet she probably had her cohorts sound it in order to get me away from Tiffany.”

  Asa sighed. “It’s possible. After everything that’s happened, anything’s possible.”

  “That bitch!” Christian swiped a hand across the mantle sending every picture and item of decor flying across the room. “That murderous fucking bitch! If she hurts Tiffany I’ll kill her!”

  He shook with raw fury imagining unspeakable things happening to her, while berating himself for leaving her at that damned restaurant.

  Noah spoke, but Christian didn’t turn, afraid his face would reveal his meltdown in progress.

  “You don’t know that to be the case, Christian. I take it you can’t get her to respond to your push?”

  He shook his head. “She’s unable to know I’m trying.”

  “You’re saying she’s unconscious?” Asa asked.

  He marshaled his emotions the best he could and faced him. “Yes. That’s why I know Katie has her. Or someone working with her.”

  Noah let out a disgusted grunt. “That’s not good.”

  “You think?” Christian snarled, itching to unleash his rage. Sanity prevailed. If they had a ghost of a prayer to find their missing patients or Tiffany, each needed their wits and needed to work together. Right now his wits were scattered to the four winds.

  “I’m only trying to help.”

  “I know and I’m sorry. She’s alive. I’m sure of that.” A life mate instantly knew when his or her other half exited planet earth.

  He would find her. If he had to tear apart New Orleans and Lafayette county searching for her he would. He’d question or if necessary enchant every human at the V clinic, every possible witness in or outside that restaurant. No stone would be left unturned until he had her back safe and unharmed.

  He stalked off toward the front doors, saying as he went, “The life mates will be here shortly. Brainstorm with them. Encourage them to keep reaching out to their females. One of you probably needs to go back to the V clinic and try to sort out that mess with David Townsend. As far as the police, I’d hold off calling them as long as possible.”

  “Where are you going?” Asa asked.

  He grabbed a pair of sunglasses from a table near the door and covered his eyes, then yanked open the double doors. He paused to glance back at his friends, “Forgive me, but the two of you are going to have to do what’s needed without me. I have to find her.”

  Asa nodded once, his expression resolute. “Do what you have to do. I’ll be on standby to help, brother.”

  Christian appreciated that. “If necessary I will take you up on that offer.”

  Noah’s determined look mimicked Asa’s. “I too will assist any way I can to help you find your life mate.”

  “Thank you both. I’ll be in touch.” He left them, intent on turning New Orleans upside down in order to find Tiffany.

  Once inside his truck he placed a call to Nathan, loath to break such news, but he had no choice. Christian needed all the help he could get to find Tiffany. Nathan’s love for both Mia and Tiffany and his unlimited resources made him the perfect ally. True to Christian’s expectations, Nathan in conjunction with Dominic immediately began a plan to track down Katie Nettleson.


  An ear-piercing scream pulled Tiffany out of a deep, gripping dark fog of sleep. It took every
ounce of energy she had to get her eyes open, but when another shriek of pure agony rent her cocoon of drowsiness, fear and self-preservation became potent motivation for alertness.

  By the time she gained a portion of her wits, the screams had ceased. Were the screams hers or someone else’s? Hard to tell. Her thinking was mush, but she did remember where she’d last been—in Nathan’s SUV with that crazy bitch, Katie.

  She began to take inventory of her surroundings. Best she could tell, she was in a hospital room. Her mouth felt arid as desert dunes, her vision as fuzzy as her head. When she attempted to raise her arm to rub her eyes, she couldn’t. In fact, she couldn’t lift either of her arms or legs.

  Her blurry gaze slashed across her body mostly covered by a cotton sheet and white blanket. Her next discovery turned out to be gut wrenching. Brown, leather restraints shackled her exposed wrists and ankles to a hospital bed. She felt drowsy and weak as a ninety-pound anorexic, but terrified enough to cuss heartily and fight her bonds. That didn’t last long. Energy ran out of her like water through a sieve.

  She glanced about. Tan curtains, suspended by round grommets fastened to a drop ceiling rectangular metal track, had been completely drawn around the hospital bed. Stationed on the left, an IV pole supporting a blood unit and saline solution bag with plastic tubing linked to a needle in her forearm. She’d also been trussed up with heart monitor connectors. To her right the unit beeped wildly with each erratic beat of her racing heart. To make this physical violation complete, she felt a catheter tube between her legs, taped to the inside of her thigh.

  Where the hell had that sick, psycho nurse taken her and what had she been doing to her while she’d been unconscious? Worst yet, what next was on her agenda?

  Pitiful sobs coming from some woman beyond her curtained cell said there was at least one more unfortunate captive wrapped up in this ghoulish nightmare. Obviously, she’d been the screaming woman needing help. Tiffany needed something too. Answers. Maybe they could help each other.

  “Hello,” Tiffany called out. “Are you okay?”

  “Wh-who are you? What d-do you want?” she returned, her voice both suspicious and breathless.

  “I’m Tiffany. No offense, but it sounds like you’ve had better days. What’s the matter? Is someone over there hurting you?”

  She scoffed. “You and your demented friends know exactly why I’m screaming!”

  Tiffany winced because it didn’t sound like she’d be making an ally with Ms. Iceberg anytime soon. What the heck were they doing to her? Was she next on their torture format?

  And what did she mean by ‘you and your demented friends’? Katie had to be one of them. Who else was in on this and what did they want from them? The chilling possibilities made her shiver. One way or another she had to convince Ms. Iceberg they were both on the same losing team.

  “Look, I know you’re in a bad way. I really am sorry for whatever’s happening to you. I’m in no mood for twenty questions either because I was kidnapped, drugged and now I’m tied to a bed with all kinds of medical stuff connected to my body. Believe me, all I care about is getting out of here. I want to help you too.”

  Again, she scoffed. “If you’re confined by restraints as you say, you won’t be going anywhere or be of any help to me.” Her last three words ratcheted up in volume till she let loose a shrill high pitched sheik.

  A frigid chill slithered down Tiffany’s spine. What happened for her to be screaming like that? Restrained she could do nothing to help the woman or herself. Tiffany closed her eyes and tried tugging free of the bands. Twisting and shimmying her wrists rubbed them raw; an all too familiar experience thanks to Christian and Noah. Then she’d been madder than heck at them both, but now just plain terrified, wishing Christian here, even Noah. How pathetic was that?

  She sighed, accepting the fact she was no Houdini. She’d have to figure another way out of this.

  Wait a minute. Christian! He could get them out of here. Maybe. If she could discover where Katie had taken her. She closed her eyes and willed herself to push her thoughts and emotions toward his mind the way she had before.

  Christian! Christian, can you hear me? I need you. I’m in some serious shit here, dude. Please answer me.

  Nothing. Not even a hint of an emotion followed her mental push and pleas which were filled with desperation and despair. Tiffany tried again over and over with the same results. Hopelessness set in so hard she began to bawl and shake. Tiffany ran out of options and that woman’s intermittent cries and sobs just kept jacking up her fear and despair.

  “Why are you crying?” she demanded.

  Tiffany craned her neck the direction of the woman’s voice, laden with mistrust. She ground her teeth, itching to unload on her, on anyone because her despondency had morphed into rage after that ridiculous question. On a good day, she loathed feeling vulnerable. What she wouldn’t give to be free so she could exact retribution. Not on the lady, but whoever put them both in this position.

  “Hello? Are you alright?”

  She sniffed hard, wishing she had a tissue and furious she couldn’t wipe her tears or blow her nose. “You can seriously ask me that? I told you I was drugged and that sick person has been doing God knows what else to me while I’ve been unconscious. Yeah, sure, I’m just peachy.”

  A long silence ensued. Tiffany knew her words and tone had been scalding and was surprised she finally did answer.

  “I’m Teresa and I’m sorry I didn’t believe you. I was drugged too and the effects are making it very hard to think clearly, not to mention I’m scared to death. I still don’t know why they brought me here or what they want from me.”

  Tiffany breathed a small sigh of relief because the woman finally believed her. “I’m so very sorry. I do recall how I was abducted, but I couldn’t tell you if I’d been here for minutes or days.”

  “Neither can I. The last thing I recall was napping in my room at the mother’s….at the resort where my husband and I were residing. Some noise woke me, sounds like gunshots and sadly they were. Seconds later a nurse came into my room and shot my friend who was visiting me. I have no idea who else was shot or killed. Before I could react, a man ran inside and stabbed a needle in my arm. Soon after everything went dark.”

  Tiffany was without words. She couldn’t imagine Katie a murderer, but that nurse Teresa mentioned had to be Katie. Who were the other shooters? Obviously, some sick partners of Katie’s.

  Now she was dealing with multiple captors who thought nothing of murdering people? Oh yeah, she was in really hot water here. Teresa too.

  “Are you still there?”

  Tiffany snorted a laugh. “Yes. I’m sorry. Sorry for the loss of your friend. I’m just trying to make sense of all this. Maybe if we knew why we were here it would help us negotiate a way out.”

  Teresa sighed heavily. “Thank you. I don’t know how long I’ve been here either because I’ve been under a potent anesthesia of some sort, I was told. About thirty minutes ago I woke in excruciating pain and realized I’d gone into labor. Another nurse…” She paused there and scoffed again. …if one could call her that told me the baby would be here very soon. She assured me she would help deliver my baby. She’s supposed to be preparing the delivery room right now, but I’m terrified of what they may do to us. She’s insane. She’s the woman who shot my friend.”

  Tiffany shot an open-mouthed gawk at the curtain separating them, not just because Teresa had recognized the shooter and nurse as one in the same person, probably Katie. Teresa was pregnant and in labor. Tiffany felt like a heel. So caught up in her own problems, the notion Teresa was in labor hadn’t even occurred to her, despite all the moaning and screaming.

  With an unborn baby in the mix, Tiffany was more determined than ever to get them both out of here. Physically, both were seriously freedom inhibited, but information might be a good start to a plan. “Look, Teresa, fact is we’re both in serious trouble. If we have a prayer of getting out of here we have to pool
our resources.”

  She sighed then released a soft groan. “You sound like a very brave lady, but I can’t leave because my contractions are mere minutes apart and you can’t help me if you’re restrained. This is my third child and I assure you he’s minutes away from entering this world.” More heavy breathing, moans and cries punctuated her last words.

  “A boy, huh? Well, congratulations. A hollow comfort at this point. I’m sorry.”

  There was no answer and Tiffany understood. “You can’t deliver that baby on your own! Scream louder. I’ll help.”

  “No!” Lamaze style breathing followed her exclamation. “Please hush. Just let me get through this contraction. I do need help, but I’m so terrified of what they may do to me and my baby.”

  Tiffany had no problem believing that, but she obliged despite the fact terror screamed like a banshee through her own soul. Like herself, Teresa had been drugged and kidnapped. Why wouldn’t she be scared to death about what these people had in store for her and the little life inside her trying to make its way into the world? Tiffany had no idea how to help either of them. Right now she needed Christian more than she’d needed anyone in her life. She mentally screamed his name over and over in her head, told him every detail of her situation and Teresa’s, but received nothing but silence. “Damn you, Christian La Mond! Answer me!”

  “Tiffany? You know Dr. La Mond?

  “Uh, yeah. Why?” She couldn’t wait to hear this.

  “How do you know Dr. La Mond?”

  Tiffany gazed in the direction of her voice as two and two began to equal four. This woman knew him which could only mean she was vampire, one of the V clinic patients. So why had her olfactory senses failed to pick up the scent of one of her kind? Tiffany had never felt so weak. Her strength was nil and it appeared her hearing and sense of smell had been damaged by whatever drugs Katie had given her. The thought of what else those drugs were doing inside her body made her stomach plummet.


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