Ramona Scarlett’s Giant TOO TABOO Mega Bundle (Twenty Story Step Taboo Household Erotica Box Set)

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Ramona Scarlett’s Giant TOO TABOO Mega Bundle (Twenty Story Step Taboo Household Erotica Box Set) Page 31

by Ramona Scarlett

  “Claire? Claire, is that you?” he mumbled, still sleepy.

  “Yes, daddy, of course. Who else would it be?”

  “You’re still seventeen, right?”

  “That’s right, daddy.”

  He immediately withdrew his hand.

  “You’ll have to wait till you’re eighteen to come work at my store. I’m sorry, baby doll. That’s just how it has to be.”

  “Aw, daddy, but why?!” I demanded, sitting down on his bed and pouting with my big eyes and my full, red lips, covered as they were with bright pink lip gloss.

  “Because girls who are eighteen are… different.”

  “Different how, daddy?”

  “They’re different in that, well… They are more mature. They know their way around things.”

  “But daddy, my birthday is in four months. Am I really going to get that much more mature in four months?”

  “According to some folks, yes.”

  “According to who, daddy? Tell me! According to you?”

  “Well, not according to me…” he mumbled, sitting up in bed. I put my hand on his thigh and I felt him tense up.

  “But you’re the one making the decision, daddy. Why can’t you just hire me?”

  “Because you’ve got to be eighteen and that’s final. Now, go back to bed. You’ve got school in the morning. And take off that silly outfit. You’ll get to dress up like that in due time.”

  I sighed, on the verge of tears.

  “Okay, daddy…” I whimpered and stalked out of his room. I began to cry on the way back to my room, stripping off Rachel’s candy uniform.

  But that was when I was still seventeen. The day of my eighteenth birthday, I ran into daddy’s bedroom. My mommy was spending the night at her parents’ house. She seems to do that a lot, ever since she started working her new job at “the club.” My parents won’t tell me what kind of “club” it is and they won’t let me go there but I know mommy makes a lot of money in tips!

  “Daddy, daddy, daddy! I’m eighteen now! I can start working in your candy store now!”

  My daddy’s eyes fluttered open and a smile blossomed on his handsome face.

  “Well, honey, I’m glad you’re so excited about working at my store,” he said as he sat up in bed. “But, you know, you’ve got to interview just like everyone else.”

  “What? Really? But daddy, I’m your daughter!”

  “I know you are, sweetie, but it wouldn’t be fair to all the other girls who want to work at my store, now would it? Being a Neitzel Candy Girl is a big responsibility. You’re the face of Neitzel’s. You’re the face that everyone associates with delicious, tasty candy. I need to interview you to make sure you’re right for the job.”

  I felt like I was going to cry. This was already shaping up to be a super disappointing eighteenth birthday! Even worse than my sixteenth birthday, when Billy Mackinnon and I did mushrooms under the old bridge and they found me four days later in Maine!

  “But daddy!” I whined.

  “But nothing. Now, why don’t you come down to the shop tomorrow afternoon at four. I’ll be all ready to interview you then. I’m sure you’ll do fine, sweetheart, but we’ve still got to be fair. That’s the most important thing in the world: being fair.”

  I sighed, hanging my head. “Okay, daddy. Whatever you say…”


  The next day, right at four, I marched down to my daddy’s candy store. I made sure to wear my cutest, most-candiest outfit: a tight, white shirt that reminded me of whipped cream with the way it made my boobs look bigger than they really are (I’ve got pretty small boobs: all the boys at school say I look like I’m only twelve or thirteen, so I’ve really got to do everything I can to make sure I look eighteen!) and a bubble-gum pink skirt that barely covered my butt. I guess it was a silly little outfit but it made me feel like tasty candy, so I figured it would be perfect.

  The only problem was that the shirt must have shrunk in the wash because it was even tighter than I remembered it and it didn’t even go all the way down to cover my belly button! Oh well. Sometimes, you just have to work with what you have, right?

  The door bell jingled as I strode into my daddy’s candy store, as I had so many times before. Rachel looked up from the register and shot me a grin when she saw me. Rachel is so pretty! She’s my daddy’s favorite. She’s got big boobs and dark, tanned skin. She’s got long, pretty, silky smooth dark brown hair that daddy loves to run his fingers through when there aren’t any customers in the store. Rachel is only three years older than me and she’s been working at my daddy’s candy store ever since she turned eighteen. But she and I have been friends ever since we were little kids. She always used to come over for sleepovers and she still does sometimes, only now, she sleeps in my daddy’s room instead of mine. It’s because my daddy’s room is bigger and his bed is comfier than mine, she says. We still have breakfast together in the morning, though she and my daddy must stay up really late telling ghost stories or talking or something because she’s always super tired during breakfast.

  Anyway, Rachel smiled really big at me when she saw me.

  “Claire! You look perfect. I heard your dad is interviewing you today for a job?”

  “That’s right! Do you have any tips?”

  Rachel smiled evilly and lowered her voice so the few customers in the store couldn’t hear.

  “Just do whatever your dad says and you’ll be fine.”

  “Oh, but I always do whatever my daddy says,” I laughed. “That won’t be hard.”

  “Exactly. I knew it wouldn’t be, for you. I think you’ve got this job in the bag. And then, we’ll be able to work together every day.”

  I clapped my hands together. Rachel is so smart and pretty. It would be so much fun to work with her every day!

  My daddy came out of the back room, wiping something off his face with a handkerchief. Kelsey, another girl who works at the store, came out behind him, her face flushed and her hair mussed up. I glanced at her disapproving. How could she show up to work looking like that? I’d have to talk to daddy about that once he hired me. Maybe he would even make me supervisor after I pointed out how Kelsey was not dressing appropriately! My first action as supervisor would be to give Kelsey an ultimatum: come to work looking more professional or at the very least, make sure you shower downstairs and do your hair before customers see you. And if you can’t manage that, then Neitzel’s isn’t the place for you!

  “There’s my little Claire-bear,” my daddy roared when he saw me. I giggled and blushed. “Claire-bear” is my daddy’s special name for me. He hardly ever calls me that outside of the house and I was a little embarrassed but it also kind of made me excited for Kelsey and Rachel to hear that my daddy had a special name for me. I know he has a special name for Rachel that I hear him call her sometimes—“cum bucket”—but I don’t think that’s as cute as “Claire-bear.”

  “Hi, daddy,” I said shyly. “I’m ready for my interview.”

  “I bet you are! Come on back behind the counter and we’ll get started.”

  He led me round to the backroom, a clean, sterile looking space with boxes and boxes and boxes of candy stacked high. There were chocolates, lollipops, gummy worms, gummy everythings, chewy things that popped in your mouth, sweet sugary things that melted when they touch your tongue, hard peanut-butter caramel candies, and more! What a magical place!

  “Now, sweetheart, an important part of working here is being able to identify candy. All types of candy. When a customer comes in, he expects that you’ll be a candy expert. Do you think you’re a candy expert?”

  “Well, of course, daddy! You’ve taught me all about candy, ever since I was a little girl!”

  And he had! Ever since I was a little girl, I remember my daddy bringing home all sorts of fancy lollipops for me. Lollipops have always been my favorite, you see, though I love popsicles in the summer time too. My daddy would give me a lolly and he’d encourage me to lick it and suck it and en
joy it however I wanted, rubbing my lips all over it. It was always delicious and my daddy loved that I enjoyed it so much that he would take pictures of me eating my lollipop! He’d take pictures of me licking the lolly with my little pink tongue, pictures of me nibbling on the tip of the lollipop, and pictures of me just sticking the whole darned thing in my mouth! I think maybe he sent the pictures to his friend Ron, who I know is another big candy connoisseur. Ron loves to collect pictures of people enjoying their candy, especially the girls at daddy’s store. I think he might have a website where he shares the pictures with other people who like to look at people enjoying candy too!

  “Good girl. Now, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is. Go ahead and put this on, Claire-bear.”

  He handed me a blindfold, a pretty pink one with the store’s logo on it. I wrapped it tight around my head and giggled: I suddenly felt something warm and wet and soft on my nose!

  “Daddy! Did you just kiss my nose?”

  “I didn’t not kiss your nose, sweetheart,” he said with a laugh. “Now, you’re going to taste three different lollipops while blindfolded. Your challenge is to identify them just from taste alone. Do you think you can do that, hun?”

  “Oh, daddy, can I ever!” He had to know that I wouldn’t have any problem with this test: I’m a pro at tasting lollipops! Why else would he take pictures of me enjoying my lollipops all the time? Why else would his friend Ron put pictures of me with my lollies up on his website? For the holidays, my daddy even put pictures of me dressed up as one of Santa’s little elves in his Christmas catalog, licking candy canes and seeing how far I could stick them in my mouth.

  “Now, here’s the first one.”

  I held open my mouth slightly and I felt the hard tip of the lollipop touch my soft, pink lips. My daddy stroked it against my lips gently before slowly sliding it into my wet mouth. It touched my tongue and immediately, I went to work, wetting the hard candy and swirling my tongue around, tasting every inch of it. It was long and twisty. It tasted fruity but a little tart, and a little minty. I pressed forward a little bit, taking even more of that delicious, sweet candy into my mouth, just as my daddy had taught me that people like to see in pictures. I knew from experience that this was the best way to taste lollipops and I wasn’t about to fail at this test, even if it meant getting my pretty pink lip gloss all over the lollipop I was tasting!

  Suddenly, I slid my lips off the lollipop.

  “Daddy, I know what it is!”

  “What is it, sweetie?”

  “It’s a Randal’s Sweet’ums Pop!”

  “That’s exactly right. Well done, baby doll!” He tousled my hair affectionately and I grinned wide. I could tell the interview was going well so far!

  “Next, try this one.”

  Again, he slid the lollipop against my wet, soft lips. I wonder if daddy did this with all his new employees? I wondered if all their lips were as wet and as soft and pink as mine. I’m sure their tongues weren’t as highly attuned to the flavors and subtleties of candy but Rachel, at least, has really pretty lips. I should know: we practiced kissing once and I loved nibbling on her lips. Daddy caught us, though, and he didn’t punish me but since Rachel was already eighteen and working for him at the time and since this happened in his store, I think he took her in the back and spanked her hard. I could hear her squealing as she got spanked and when she came out, there were tears streaming down her face. Poor Rachel!

  Anyway, the next lollipop was a perfect little sphere. It fit nicely between my lips and I wrapped my tongue around it, feeling it begin to dissolve into sweet, flavorful juice under my oral assault! But what could this one be? It tasted of watermelon but there are tons of lollies that are watermelon flavored… No, this was a very specific watermelon…

  To get a better idea of the flavor, I leaned forward again, taking the lollipop further into my mouth. My daddy even helped me and held onto the back of my head, sliding the lollipop deeper, almost into my throat. I could actually taste my daddy’s fingers, the lollipop was so deep in my mouth. But what could it be?

  I let out a muffled whimper to let my daddy know that he could relent, that I was ready to give my answer. He pulled the lollipop out and I gasped. I had been choking a little bit, if you can believe it. Even though I’m an experienced lollipop eater, I still choke a little bit when my daddy encourages me to take a lollipop super deep into my throat. He tells me that’s what his friend Ron likes to see, though. I’d like to meet this Ron sometime, especially since Ron has seen so many pictures of me licking and sucking lollipops!

  “Daddy, I think I know what it is!” I announced triumphantly.

  “And what’s that, Claire-bear?” he asked warmly, stroking my cheek with even more affection than before. I giggled. It sure did tickle!

  “It’s a Watermelon Smash!”

  “Good, but a regular one?”

  I thought for a second.

  “No, a Watermelon Deluxe Smash, with the blue raspberry swirls!”

  Of course, that was why I was having so much trouble identifying the exact watermelon flavor!

  “Well done, baby girl! I’m very proud! Now, I’ve got a very, very, very special treat for your third and final lollipop. Are you ready?”

  “Of course, daddy!”

  “Then you’ll have to get on your knees to taste it.”

  “Um, what? On my knees, daddy?”

  “That’s right, Claire-bear. Get down on your knees and open your mouth wide.”

  “Uh, okay, daddy.”

  I knelt down slowly, careful not to dislodge my blindfold. I opened my mouth as wide as I could. I heard something weird, like the sound of a zipper being undone and then fabric coming off. How strange! Maybe daddy was unwrapping the sucker for me?

  “Here it comes, baby girl.”

  “Okay, daddy!”

  I stuck out my tongue and felt a lollipop I had never, ever felt or tasted before on my tongue. It was hard but soft at the same time, like it was meaty. It throbbed slightly as I ran my tongue over it and it was so warm! How could a lollipop be that warm, I wondered? This sure was a weird sucker.

  But I wasn’t discouraged. If there was anyone who could get to the bottom of this mystery sucker and make it reveal its secrets, it was me. I began to lick it all over, as much of it as I could find. Without being able to see it, it was hard to know its exact dimensions but I quickly realized that it was big. Really big! Maybe seven or eight inches long? And it was thick, too. It was more like a great big hot dog or sausage instead of a lollipop!

  “Daddy, are you sure this is a lollipop? It doesn’t really taste sweet and it’s not dissolving like a lolly should.”

  “Sweetheart, this is a very, very special lollipop. You’ve got to keep tasting it and keep licking it until you figure out what it is.”

  “Oh, okay, daddy!” I mumbled, and began to lick all along the shaft of the lollipop, from the thick meaty head and down to the base of the lollipop stick. Gee, this really was a strange tasting lollipop! It wasn’t bad, though. In fact, I kind of liked it! I loved the way it twitched as I licked it and I loved the way my tongue around over its meaty outer coating. I loved the way it throbbed and I loved the sour, meaty smell it gave off. It reminded me of my daddy and it filled my belly with warm butterflies.

  In fact, and I’m ashamed to admit it, my little cunny started getting wet as I licked that lollipop! See, I had been in such a rush to get ready and pick out my outfit and I was so flustered when I realized how my tight little white shirt had shrunk, I just totally forgot to put on underwear! Silly me! I didn’t think anyone would notice, since my skirt more or less covered my cute little butt. I actually forget to wear underwear a lot and even though I wear lots of short little skirts, no one’s ever complained. I guess some girls are just able to get away with it! I sure love being one of those girls.

  Anyway, I needed to figure out what was so special about this lollipop and I knew there was only one way to do it. I needed to invest
igate this sucker like my daddy had always taught me to taste lollies! I lowered my head, taking as much of the sucker into my mouth as I could. Oh, boy, this was the biggest sucker I had ever had! I could feel it sliding into my mouth, over my tongue, and down my throat. It was blocking off my air but I knew I had to take more, more of it into my mouth, into my sweet, tight candy tasting throat if I wanted to know what kind of sucker it was! I had wanted to work at my daddy’s store for years and years and I wasn’t about to let a silly little lollipop stop me, even if it wasn’t so little! Besides, it was actually pretty fun, even if I couldn’t breath, feeling this great big lollipop throb in my mouth, my pretty pink lips gripping it tightly to control how much was going into my throat at any given moment. Soon, I thought I had all of it in my mouth because my nose pressed up against something wiry and hairy. It smelled like my daddy but I figured it was just a weird part of the sucker or maybe him holding the lollipop? It was definitely an usual candy, no doubt about that.


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