His Willful Bride (Victorian Brides Book 1)

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His Willful Bride (Victorian Brides Book 1) Page 8

by Maggie Carpenter

  “Oh, you precious girl,” he panted as he pulled back. “You possess such passion. We shall have a thrilling life, but I am not like other men, rather, most other men, and you must never gossip to other women about the things we do together, do you understand?”

  “I never gossip,” she replied, “and I would never talk about us. You don’t have to spank me to ensure that.”

  “No, I have always felt that about you. As I am different, you are not like the other young women of society. Soon you will make friends outside our social circle, special friends, friends who share my particular erotic tastes.”

  “Erotic tastes?”

  “Indeed,” he nodded, “now lie flat and spread your legs. You are going to meet my manhood.”

  Dropping her arms from his neck, she rolled on to her back, wincing slightly as her hot, scratchy bottom moved across the towel, then watched him rise to his knees above her and undo the sash tied around his waist. As the black robe fell away, she stared in astonishment at his rampant cock.

  “Good heavens,” she breathed.

  “Are you truly so uneducated about these matters?” he frowned.

  “Uh, no, not really. Maybe. I’ve read some, uh, naughty novels,” she murmured. “As far as, uh, what you’re about to do, my aunt told me to lie very still and allow you to do what a man does. That’s exactly what she said. On your wedding night, let him do what a man does. It bore no resemblance to the things I’ve read, and certainly not to what you have done and how I’m feeling,” she exclaimed. “How could I possibly just lie here? I don’t understand.”

  “My goodness,” Edward sighed, shaking his head. “That certainly explains a great deal.”

  “It does?”

  “It does. A woman who thinks the way your aunt does is most unhappy. I can promise you, Charlotte, you will not be an unhappy woman.”

  “I believe you,” she whispered, still staring at his impressive erection. “I’m not even sure why, but I do.”

  “Place your hand around it.”

  “Oh! Should I?”

  “Of course, place your hand around it.”

  Taking a breath, she raised her arm, tentatively reached out, but paused as her fingers were about to take hold.

  “It won’t bite,” he said with a smile. “You like it very much when I touch you. I will like it just as much when you touch me.”

  His words made sense to her, and wanting to please him, gingerly she curled her fingers around his shaft.

  “There, you see, I told you it didn’t bite,” he exclaimed as he dropped his hand between her legs. “Now move your hand up and down, while I rub you.”

  As his fingers explored her wetness and began to massage her clit, she let out a long, low moan and instinctively tightened her grasp. A surge of unfamiliar sensations was moving through her nether regions, and the more he rubbed, the stronger they became. Without thought her hand began to stroke him, and when the first drops of pre-come oozed from his tip, she looked up at him with a puzzled stare.

  “It is natural, it will help me when I glide inside you.”

  “I can’t imagine it going there,” she panted. “It is so big, but your rubbing is making me feel very good, like something amazing is about to happen.”

  “Take your hand from me,” he said softly. “Your sweet cunnie is ready.”

  As her hand dropped away, he climbed between her legs, gripped her hips, and pulled her pelvis into him.

  “This beginning part might hurt a tiny bit, and you might bleed a little, but you must be brave and bear it. Soon afterwards you will feel pleasure, and the pleasure will be much greater than any momentary pain.”

  “I read about this in my uncle’s secret books,” she confessed as he rubbed the head of his cock between her lips.

  “I want to hear about those books, but later,” he said as he pushed slowly forward. “For now, close your eyes and try to relax. I must knock down the guard at your gate.”

  His grip was holding her fast, and he thrust with determination as he watched her face. Her chest was already blooming with arousal from his play, and as he continued his powerful thrusting, she unexpectedly brought her fingers to her mystical nub.

  “Yes, my dearest, yes, rub it. It will help you.”

  “I felt the need, I must, I can’t seem to help myself,” she moaned, but a moment later she cried out, and he abruptly realized he was in. “Oh, my goodness, you are filling me,” she gasped.

  “Are you all right? Do you feel any pain?”

  “No, not really, no, just a little, and I feel as if I must keep rubbing.”

  “Yes, keep at it, my darling, keep doing it as I thrust.”

  “Edward, I feel something else, something… I’m going to… oh, Edward, something is rising up in me.”

  “Let it, let it rise up and have its voice,” he said earnestly, beginning to pump, shocked that her body was responding so quickly.

  “Oh, Edward, it is upon me, what is happening?” she wailed as she neared her orgasm. “I am going to explode.”

  As her orgasm rippled through her body, her tight pussy clutched him fiercely, making his cock spasm in response. He groaned loudly as his moment swept him away, but his eyes never left the glorious sight of her. As the convulsions swept over them both, then waned, then finally abated, he dropped from her depths, and rolling on to his side, shocked at the suddenness of their mutual moments, he cradled her next to him.

  “That was truly extraordinary,” she panted.

  “Indeed it was, as are you, my dearest Charlotte,” he said breathlessly. “Next time it will last longer, and as the days pass, longer still.”

  “I have such great feeling for you,” she declared, tears threatening as the swell of emotion engulfed her.

  “We are one,” he purred, kissing her forehead.

  “Yes, Edward. I have never longed to please someone as I long to please you,” she murmured, snuggling against him. “I don’t think you will ever have to spank me again, at least not hard.”

  “We shall see, my dearest,” he replied with a knowing smile. “I’m going to hold you for a moment more, then I must have a quick wash, and you must soak in a warm bath for a few minutes.”

  “Another bath?”

  “Yes, you need to tend to yourself. Your womanhood needs to be cleaned and pampered.”

  “Oh, did I bleed?”

  “A little bit, not too much.”

  “I didn’t empty the tub after my first bath. I can just add some hot water.”

  “That’s good. That will save time. I think we both need something to eat.”

  “I agree. I hardly ate anything at our wedding party.”

  “After your soak, have Helen come up and dress you. I shall arrange a light supper for us in the small dining room.”

  “I don’t want to leave your arms.”

  “It won’t be for long, then I will hold you all through the night, and tomorrow I have a surprise for you.”

  “A surprise? What kind of surprise?”

  “You will find out tomorrow,” he promised, kissing her softly. “Now we must freshen up.”

  Charlotte watched him climb from the bed, don his robe, then reach for her hand. As he helped her pull her nightgown back over her head, she could feel the moisture, and a sweet soreness, permeating her sex.

  “Shall I return here, or meet you in the dining room?” she asked, leaning against his chest, loath to leave him for even a minute.

  “Meet me down there. I’ll make sure there’s a hot pot of tea waiting. Off you go now.”

  A few minutes later, sinking into the lukewarm water of her bath, she closed her eyes and leaned back, her mind swirling with thoughts.

  I never expected anything like this. It’s as if I’m living a dream. My bottom hurts, but I don’t mind. In a strange way I rather like it. I cannot wait to sleep with him through the night. What a peculiar and wonderful thing that will be. I shall never be lonely again.

  Chapter Niner />
  Charlotte had never had slept so deeply, or for so long, and when she finally blinked open her eyes, to her dismay she found the bed empty. Yawning, she sat up and stretched, then climbing from between the sheets, she picked up her nightgown from the floor and slipped it over her head, a slight smile crossing her face as she remembered Edward’s decree the night before that she was to sleep naked. She was about to pad across to the door to head to her room when it miraculously opened.

  “Ah, finally awake, excellent,” Edward said with a wide smile, opening his arms. “My poor Charlotte, you were so tired, I didn’t have the heart to disturb you.”

  “Thank you for letting me lie in,” she sighed, moving into his hug. “I don’t ever remember sleeping like that.”

  “Yesterday was a momentous day,” he said softly, “not to mention the early evening. You go to your room and call for Helen to dress you. I shall have a late breakfast prepared and meet you in the small dining room. Just come down when you’re ready.”

  “Yes, please, I’m starving,” she declared, then lowering her voice, she added, “Thank you for everything, Edward. I’ve never been so happy.”

  “How is your bottom this morning?” he asked, leaning his lips to her ear. “Is it as happy as the rest of you?”

  “It is tender,” she replied, feeling an unexpected blush cross her face, “but yes, it is as happy as the rest of me.”

  “Come, I will escort you to your door.”

  After depositing her in her room with a soft good-morning kiss, Edward trotted down the stairs to his study and rang for Harding. He could have transported Barker, his butler at his country estate, on the journeys to London, but Edward’s visits were frequent, and he felt Barker was needed at the large country home to keep the house in order.

  Harding had been with him for several years, and Edward was glad of his service. Though Harding carried himself with the prerequisite deportment and manner, he wasn’t cemented in the old ways as Barker was, and Edward appreciated how open Harding was to the many innovations that were happening in the world. The butler was eager to learn about the various gadgets that were making their way into the household, and was able to learn how to use them with ease.

  “You rang, my lord?” Harding said formally as he entered the study.

  “Harding, please have a full breakfast prepared for Lady Charlotte, then send a message to the Criterion. I wish to dine there tonight at seven-thirty.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “That will be all.”

  With a quick nod the butler left and headed to the kitchen, and as he made his way down the stairs he thought his employer had appeared very happy. He was glad of it, and though he’d only met Lady Charlotte fleetingly, she had appeared to be an effervescent and bright girl.

  Edward continued with his work, studying the complicated legal documents that had been waiting for his return. He wasn’t a noble who depended on the family fortune as his sole income. He was a sharp businessman, and had a keen eye for investments. His vast estate provided an excellent revenue, but he enjoyed controlling his fortune, and watching it grow through wise and careful planning was immensely satisfying. As he remained busy perusing the details of his latest venture, upstairs in Charlotte’s room, Helen had dressed her and was primping her hair.

  “How are you settling in, Helen?” Charlotte inquired. “Is the staff treating you well?”

  “Yes, m’lady. Everyone has been very kind and obliging, and the room is nicer here than the one I had at Kimberwick Hall. Surprising really, when you consider the small size of this house compared to your uncle’s big home.”

  “Kimberwick Hall is certainly grand, but my aunt and uncle had such a large staff, and there is only so much space given to sleeping quarters for the servants,” Charlotte remarked. “I don’t know what it will be like at Lord Pemberly’s country home, but he has assured me it’s every bit as grand as Uncle Hugo’s, though he did say it was smaller. I hope it is.”

  “I do too, m’lady. The staircases at Kimberwick Hall were very trying. There, is your hair to your liking?”

  “It is, as usual. Thank you, Helen.”

  “M’lady, may I ask, how long do you think we’ll be staying here?”

  “I don’t know, but I intend to find out this morning. I’m curious too. Please make sure I have something unwrinkled and suitable for dinner out this evening. I’m fairly sure Lord Pemberly will wish to take me somewhere. The royal blue I think, with my sapphire jewelry.”

  “Very well, m’lady.”

  “I’ll see you later,” Charlotte said, rising from her chair.

  “May I say how happy you look?” Helen remarked.

  “Thank you, Helen. I am. Very.”

  Sweeping from the room, Charlotte moved through the wide hallway and down the stairs, and as she approached the intimate dining room, she was greeted by the tempting aroma of bacon. It reminded her of that first morning when Edward had arranged for her to be woken early to teach her a lesson. Breaking into a smile at the memory, she walked through the door and found Edward sitting at the table drinking tea and reading a newspaper.

  “There you are. You look ravishing,” he smiled, standing up to greet her. “How are you feeling?”

  “Wonderful, and hungry, definitely hungry,” she replied.

  “The buffet has everything you could want.”

  “Will you be joining me?”

  “I did have an early breakfast, but I think I’m able to have a little more.”

  They filled their plates and sat down to eat, and after a few mouthfuls, Edward sat back in his chair and took a sip of his tea.

  “Charlotte, we will be taking a walk to Bond Street after we finish our meal.”

  “Wonderful. I would love to do some shopping,” she said enthusiastically.

  “Yes, I do wish to talk about shopping in a moment, but there is another reason we’re going there. I have made an appointment for you at a special place.”

  “An appointment? What kind of special place?” she asked, immediately intrigued.

  “I’ll tell you about it as we walk,” he replied, mindful of the servants.

  “Edward, I must ask, will we be going on a honeymoon? You never said. It’s all right if we’re not, but I am curious, and for how long will we be staying here? When will we return to your country home?”

  “Full of questions this morning,” he said with a smile. “Yes, we will be going on a short honeymoon. I was planning to tell you about it in a few minutes but your query beat me to it.”


  “No need to apologize. I should have told you last night,” he said, lowering his voice, “but we had other things on our mind.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I thought you might enjoy the seaside, so tomorrow we will be catching the train to Brighton.”

  “I’ve never been to Brighton. I’ve wanted to go there for such a long time,” she said happily. “How exciting.”

  “That’s the shopping I was going to suggest. We must make sure you have the right attire for the seaside.”

  “Yes, definitely,” she nodded. “What does one wear? Never mind, I’m sure I will find just the right thing at Harrods, or Selfridges.”

  “I’m sure you will. I have an account at both stores, but I believe Selfridges is more convenient to where you will be for your appointment, so let’s plan on stopping in there.”

  “This is so exciting,” Charlotte repeated.

  “Time is marching on. Finish your breakfast and we can head off. Oh, and tonight we’ll be dining at the Criterion.”

  “I love the Criterion,” she declared. “I’ve only been there twice. With Uncle Hugo and Aunt Mildred, of course. Even so, I still enjoyed it.”

  “I’m sure you’ll have quite a different evening with me,” he said, raising his eyebrows. Very different.

  “I don’t doubt that,” she replied with a twinkle.

  A short time later they left the house, and w
ith her hand looped through his arm, they began their stroll to the nearby exclusive street. It was home to fashionable boutiques, galleries, and stores, and was one of Charlotte’s favorite places to visit when in town.

  “Will you tell me about this mysterious appointment now?” she asked, filled with curiosity.

  “Yes, but you must prepare yourself. It is not like any appointment you’ve ever had.”

  “Should I be scared?”

  “My goodness, no, there is nothing to be scared of, but it is delicate in nature.”


  “Yes, you see, you have led a rather sheltered existence. You had your coming out, and you’ve attended balls and so on, and I’m sure you’ve had your share of admirers.”

  “Boring, all of them,” she remarked.

  “From what I understand, you have very few close girlfriends.”

  “Yes, very few,” she nodded.

  “Did you ever discuss, shall we say, grooming habits with those friends?”

  “Grooming habits? No, Edward, not especially, except powders and rouges, that sort of thing. Why? What is this about?”

  “It is about your hair,” he said quietly.

  “My hair? Do you not like its style?”

  “I adore the hair on your head,” he replied, “very much, and I wouldn’t change it. Have you seen many paintings of nude women?”

  “Yes, many, at the museums, and in books.”

  “What have you noticed that makes the women in those paintings different to how you look?”

  “Different,” she said thoughtfully.

  “Yes, different. Different in how they appear naked. Consider their hair, or rather, the lack of it.”

  “Oh! You don’t mean… the, uh, curly hair, uh, down there?”

  “Yes, my dearest. I would prefer that it be significantly trimmed away. Removed, actually, and this salon is going to take care of that, and teach you how to do it yourself.”

  The deep blush that crossed her face made her cheeks burn, and she darted her eyes away.

  “Is this, uh, common?” she asked quietly. “Do many women do this?”


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