His Willful Bride (Victorian Brides Book 1)

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His Willful Bride (Victorian Brides Book 1) Page 13

by Maggie Carpenter

  “You’re going to lie over them so your bottom is nice and high,” he whispered, moving his lips to her ear.

  “Oh, my goodness,” she murmured, picturing how she would look.

  “Let’s slip off your robe. You are naked under there, I trust?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Look how beautiful you are,” he softly remarked. “Your sweet cunnie is so much prettier without its bush.”

  The comment sent a warm blush to her face, and as he guided her onto the bed, she glanced up at his twinkling eyes.

  “I’m a bit nervous,” she muttered.

  “Perfectly natural, but you must relax and put yourself in my hands. You said I could do anything with you, remember?”

  “I do remember, and you can, and I want you to, but I’m still nervous.”

  “Soon you will have that wonderful release, and then you will feel a little foolish for being so worried,” he said warmly as he positioned her over the pillows.

  “You’re right, thank you, sir.”

  “There, that’s better,” he said, leaning in for a long, leisurely kiss. “I’m going to put your wrists and ankles in the cuffs now, and then blindfold you.”

  “I liked the blindfold,” she sighed as she settled into the pillows.

  “You’ll like what I’m about to do as well, once you accept it.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Stop talking now, Charlotte, you’ll find out soon enough. First, though, the cuffs.”

  In short order he had her shackled and the blindfold in place, then gazing down at her pale, naked body, her backside still showing signs of his earlier discipline, his cock surged to life. Pulling back the bench at the foot of the bed, he sat down and gazed at her sex. He had tied her legs wide apart, and all her charms were revealed to his eye.

  He touched her shimmering cunnie, toying and teasing, thrusting his finger forward then tickling her clit, continuing the amorous play until she was moaning softly and squirming with need. He had taken his time as he’d dallied, the only sound that of the ticking clock on the bedside table, and he had persisted in his play until she was sorely in need. Only then did he leave her to retrieve his black bag from its hiding place under the bed, withdrawing a small dildo and a bottle of vegetable oil, courtesy of his friend Maude. It was a potion made especially for the purpose of lubrication, and pouring a little on his finger, he rubbed it across the tip of the phallus.

  “Ah, Charlotte, your cunnie is so gloriously wet,” he declared, returning a finger to play with her clit, “and you do so want me.”

  “I do,” she said, squirming against his hand as much as her tethers would allow.

  “I will put my member in you very soon, and ride you to that wonderful moment, but first, I’m going to slip something between your cheeks. You must relax and accept it. Understood?”

  “Ooh, my cheeks? Ooh, yes, sir.”

  “First, though, a little spanking, just to bring a nice, warm tingle before I begin.”

  Holding the dildo with one hand, he began slapping her bottom with the other, whisking his palm upwards from her sit spot, and landing flat-palmed smacks in the center of her cheeks. The blows were meant to enhance her state, and it was achieving the goal. She was moaning and wriggling in a most lascivious manner, so much so that he was hard-pressed not to forget about the dildo and plunge his cock into her depths. Resisting the temptation, he stopped spanking and touched the fabricated penis against her back hole. She didn’t cry out, she didn’t protest, but her wriggling ceased and she lay utterly still, as though frozen.

  “I’m going to press this forward,” he said softly, delighted that she hadn’t made a fuss, “and you’ll take it, understood?”

  “Yes, sir,” she gasped.

  “Breathe, Charlotte. Don’t tense. Inhale deeply, and when you let the air out, sink into the lewd, wicked feeling. My cock will soon follow and slide into your cunnie.”

  Charlotte could not believe what he was doing, but she trusted him, and she was in such need of his cock and the marvelous orgasm; if it meant she had to suffer through him probing her most private place, she would do her best to relax and take it in.

  “Good girl, I’m so proud of you,” he murmured as he continued to slide it forward. “There. Are you all right?”

  “I think so,” she whispered. “It feels very strange.”

  “In the days to come you will beg me to do that again,” he promised, his voice throaty as he kneeled on the mattress behind her. “Now my cock will stroke you, and you will have a very big orgasm.”

  “I know, I can already feel it,” she bleated.

  “It’s because of the thing I just slid inside you. It will make you very happy, very soon,” he promised.

  “Ooh, sir, it’s so overpowering.”

  Clutching her rose-colored cheeks, he snaked his cock between her soaked lips, driving himself home, and keeping a thumb on the flange of the dildo, he began to pump.

  “Yes, yes,” he panted, “glorious girl, you’re such a glorious girl. I shall ride you like this until you have your moment. I will not pause, not even for a second.”

  “Oh, sir,” she wailed, “your words make me feel almost as much as your member.”

  Keeping his promise, he stroked with a rapid, consistent rhythm, carefully watching her body, listening to her breathing and mutterings of pleasure, and as he sensed her drawing near to her release, he increased his pace.

  “Sir, sir, it is upon me!”

  Her body tightened, her cunnie clutched, and her thighs tensed as the powerful orgasmic convulsions took hold. The sight and sounds toppled him over the edge, and as his cock pulsed with its release, he closed his eyes and sank into the tingling sweetness of the intense release. A few moments later, as his spasms began to wane, he could still hear her muffled cries of ecstasy, and opening his eyes, he was overjoyed to see how utterly she had been swept away.

  Holding himself still, he watched, soaking in the sight of her continued spasms until she let out her last utterance of joy and fell limp before him. Slipping out, he carefully withdrew the dildo, dropping it in his bag to be washed later, then quickly unbuckling her cuffs, he stretched out beside her, removed the blindfold, and pulled her into his arms.

  “Dearest Charlotte,” he crooned, “you are magnificent.”

  “Edward, the things you make me feel,” she whispered, “it is amazing. I never knew.”

  “Rest now, rest and enjoy the sweet bliss.”

  “Was it terribly wicked, what you did?” she panted.

  “It would only be wicked if you chose to see it that way,” he sighed. “There are many things our society condemns, that I do not.”

  “Edward,” she sighed, “you are so special, and I feel honored that you chose me.”

  “Charlotte, you turned down all those young men, but accepted me. It is I who am honored, even more so as you continue to give yourself to me. Now you will do as you are told, and rest.”

  “Yes, Edward,” she yawned. “This is all so much more than I ever dreamed it would be, and it is easy for me to rest now. I feel better with every passing hour.”

  As Edward felt her slip away, he thought back to the night he’d first seen her.

  It feels so long ago, but I believe I knew she would be mine in those first few minutes. The look in her eye as she stared directly back at me, the elegance in her step as she moved down the stairs, were those the things that captured me, or was it something else, some unfathomable knowing?

  “Charlotte,” he whispered. “I feel compelled to speak the words of Lord Byron. I have great hopes that we shall love each other all our lives, as much as if we had never married at all.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  The following morning Edward and Charlotte awoke to find the wind had abated and the sun was shining. After leisurely roaming his mouth across her body and making languid love until she was panting with pleasure, he held her softly, indulging in the idyllic respite. There was nowher
e they had to be. They could simply relax and enjoy the morning.

  “Isn’t this divine,” he murmured.

  “It is, Edward. I’m so happy. I love the seaside. I never want to leave here.”

  “You wouldn’t say that on a freezing day with biting cold winds stinging your face, and rain drenching you in seconds.”

  “If I had you to keep me warm, I wouldn’t mind a bit,” she said, gazing up at him.

  “Would you like to walk to the Royal Pavilion? It’s only about fifteen minutes.”

  “That sounds like a wonderful plan.”

  “Then we shall have a good breakfast and set off.”

  “Do you think it will be warm enough to go into the ocean later?” she asked hopefully.

  “I think the water will still be cold, but if the sun stays high, and the wind doesn’t come up, I don’t see why not.”

  “What a truly splendid day we’re going to have,” she declared, stretching her arms above her head.

  “Indeed, beginning with the enjoyment I shall have helping you dress,” he murmured, kissing her neck.

  “I hope you’ll be able to figure it out!”

  “Cheeky girl. Just for that, no drawers all day.”


  “Don’t sound so shocked. I can see by the sparkle in your eye, you’re totally tantalized by the idea.”

  “I admit, I am, but it’s so scandalous,” she giggled.

  “So is sleeping without a nightgown,” he said, raising his eyebrows.

  “I’m very pleased you said that. It is scandalous, but I love it. You know, Edward, my life has been completely dull. Everything was so tedious and hush-hush and formal at Uncle Hugo’s, except for his secret cabinet of books. If I hadn’t been able to sneak a peek now and then, I’d know nothing about anything. Creeping into his study was very risky, but it was the only thing that stirred my imagination while I was living there. I am so grateful it was you who whisked me away from that dreadful life.”

  “Your aunt never discussed anything with you?”

  “Not at all, except what I told you. On your wedding night, lie still and let him do what he needs to. My goodness, if she could see me now,” Charlotte laughed.

  “I feel rather sorry for your aunt.”

  “Don’t. She has my uncle under her thumb, though she pretends she doesn’t, and he pretends the same.”

  “That, my dear wife, is why I feel sorry for her. It’s not a natural state for a woman, not at all.”

  “She is unhappy most of the time,” Charlotte said thoughtfully. “Perhaps that’s why.”

  “I’m sure of it,” Edward said earnestly, “but enough of that. Shall we rise and shine so I can battle my way through your undergarments and help you look like a civil young member of society?”

  “Yes, please, but I would like to shower first. I think I must take more baths and showers than most, but I do enjoy them.”

  “As do I. Shall we be truly scandalous and step into the shower canopy together?”

  “I don’t think there’s room, and we’ll make a dreadful mess of the floor.”

  “Hmm, perhaps you’re right. I’ll go first, and you can lay out your clothes in the order they must be placed on your body.”

  “I think I’d like to start a whole new fashion,” Charlotte announced. “One that does away with all those petticoats and undergarments.”

  “You’d have my support, though I do enjoy the sight of a woman in a corset.”

  “Excuse me, don’t you mean, you enjoy the sight of me in a corset?”

  “Definitely, I stand corrected,” he grinned. “Please forgive me. Old habits, you know.”

  “You’re forgiven,” she sighed, kissing him lightly, and rolling out of bed, she padded into their bathroom.

  It took Edward much longer than he’d anticipated to dress Charlotte in all her finery, but he’d thoroughly enjoyed the experience, at one point threatening to fire Helen.

  “You will not,” Charlotte had protested. “Helen was with my mother and she’s now with me, and she will stay with me for the rest of my days.”

  “I was joking,” Edward had laughed. “Of course you must have her.”

  Finally finished, they made their way to the main dining hall and discovered the breakfast buffet was still on offer.

  “I think it’s an excellent omen for the day, and I’m very glad because I’m hungry,” she stated, but as she settled into her chair, she thought she saw the handsome man who had been staring at her the day before. “Edward,” she said urgently, “I think that man is here. The one who was watching me.”


  “He was by the windows,” she replied, glancing back towards them. “Now he’s gone! How does he do that? Appear then disappear so quickly.”

  Edward scanned the area but saw no one, then much to his surprise, before he could stop her, Charlotte suddenly rose from the table and started marching across the room. Following quickly, he soon caught up, and taking hold of her elbow, he pulled her to a stop.

  “Charlotte, what are you doing?”

  “I know I saw him and I’m going to find him and confront him,” she vehemently exclaimed.

  “As I believe I told you yesterday, you’ll do no such thing. You’re married now,” he scolded in a hushed whisper, doing his best not to cause a scene.

  “Oh, yes, I’m sorry,” she frowned. “I’m just so used to taking care of things myself. Sorry, I didn’t think.”

  “I understand, but you’re not alone anymore. You need to remember that, and I shall make sure you do.”

  “He’s probably gone anyway,” she said hastily, seeing the intent in Edward’s eye. “Do you think it’s me specifically, or is he just a man who stares at women?”

  “It’s hard to say,” Edward replied as he led her back to their table. “If you didn’t recognize him, how can it be personal?”

  “That’s true,” she agreed as they sat down.

  “Next time you see him, you tell me, don’t just charge off like that.”

  “I will, I promise,” she said earnestly.

  “After breakfast I’m taking you back to our room and making sure of it.”

  “Edward, I said I will, and I promised.”

  “Charlotte, I made my feelings very clear to you yesterday. You must have a quick, sharp reminder of what happens if you don’t do as you’re told.”

  “Yes, sir,” she said with a resigned sigh.

  “At least you’re not attempting to argue with me a second time. That’s a good sign, and now it’s time we visited the buffet and filled our plates.”

  Dutifully Charlotte rose from the table and followed him across to the vast selection of foods artfully laid out, but with the prospect of a yet another spanking, her butterflies were playing havoc with her stomach. Returning to the table, as they settled down to eat, Edward noticed Charlotte was taking only small bites, and with very little enthusiasm.

  “Charlotte, I thought you said you were hungry,” he remarked, watched her chase her scrambled eggs around her plate.

  “I was, I am, I just, uh…”

  “Are nervous about your pending punishment?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Then perhaps we should take care of it right now,” he declared.

  “Here? In the dining room? But… uh… there are people,” she whispered.

  “I saw the perfect place to take you, and I have an implement with me.”

  “You do? Why?”

  “I thought it wise to bring it along in case I might need it while we’re out. It appears I was right. Follow me.”

  Fighting the urge to argue, she fell into step behind him as he walked past the buffet and across to where she’d thought she’d seen the handsome stranger. There was a door marked Supplies, and without hesitation Edward pushed it open and ushered her inside.

  “Edward!” she exclaimed as he closed the door behind her and switched on the lights. “What if someone comes in?”
/>   “Then they’ll witness a man spanking his disobedient wife,” he said sternly. “Turn around, face the shelves, and raise your skirt and petticoats.”

  Terrified that someone would walk in, she hesitated, but the look in his eye pushed her forward, and she hurriedly lifted her clothes around her waist. Without any drawers, her bottom was immediately naked and ready for punishment.

  “Not wearing any undergarments has its advantages,” Edward declared.

  “I feel so exposed, standing here this way,” Charlotte bleated, her face flaming red.

  “Good. Perhaps it will underscore the lesson. Young ladies do not chase after strange men in order to confront them,” he said sternly.

  “No, sir, I see that, I do.”

  “I have with me a folding stick made expressly for such a purpose,” he announced, pulling it from his pocket and snapping it open.

  “A stick?” she quivered.

  “It’s a miniature cane, ideal for a moment like this. Do not yell out,” he warned, tapping it against her bare backside. “You shall receive three sharp cuts. One for unladylike behavior, one for disobeying me, and one to underscore the point that punishment can be delivered at any time, regardless of where we might be. I repeat, do not yell out.”

  “I won’t, sir,” she quivered.

  Raising the small stick, he flicked it against her naked bottom with three rapid strikes, spacing them three inches apart. Charlotte stamped her foot and bit her tongue, but in spite of the keen sting, she kept her word and did not make a sound.

  “Excellent, that should hold you in good stead,” he declared. “Remember this lesson. If you choose to chase after a man again, you will feel more than my hand, and more than that stick. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir, I understand.”

  “You may lower your dress and we shall return to the table. You’re to eat a good breakfast, Charlotte. We will be strolling for quite a while.”

  “Yes, sir,” she muttered as she let her clothes drop, then added with a groan, “Ooh, sir, my bottom does sting.”

  “As it should. A willful bride must learn her lessons,” Edward said firmly, then moving across, he placed his arm around her. “I’ll keep you out of trouble, dearest Charlotte, and make sure you learn these things no matter how red your bottom must be.”


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