His Willful Bride (Victorian Brides Book 1)

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His Willful Bride (Victorian Brides Book 1) Page 16

by Maggie Carpenter

“That’s a very good question,” Edward said thoughtfully. “I have my own ideas about how to deal with her, and I’m concerned that putting the police onto her would only exacerbate the situation.”

  “It seems she is extremely volatile,” Charlotte remarked.

  “Normally I wouldn’t hesitate to turn someone in to the authorities, but in this instance, I think discretion is the better part of valor.”

  “Then I shall only describe what happened with Freddie, and when I went into the house there was no one there.”

  “I truly hate for you to lie,” Edward said solemnly.

  “My instinct says you’re right,” Charlotte said softly, leaning forward and touching his arm. “I think it’s for the best.”

  “Thank you for saying so. It’s reassuring. I’m glad we’re in agreement about this.”

  “May I ask you something?” she said softly.

  “Of course, what is it?”

  “When are you going to punish me?”

  “When we return to Dunworth Abbey,” he said firmly, “and Charlotte, do not think I have forgotten about my notebook, or what happened with the baron. Over the next month or so, each of your former crimes will be dealt with.”

  Her butterflies immediately burst to life, and shuffling her body forward, she leaned against his chest.

  “I do love you so,” she murmured.

  “I love you too,” he whispered. “Now it is time to sink into that seawater. You look much better, but you still need that soak. I shall go and turn on the taps again.”

  “Thank you, Edward.”

  “Poor girl, what a day you’ve had,” he said, kissing her forehead, “and in spite of the fact that you disobeyed me, I am immensely proud of you. You may have gotten yourself in a pickle, but look at how cleverly you got yourself out of it. I don’t know any other young woman who would have been able to do what you did.”


  “Yes, really, but you’d better not do something so foolish again, do you hear me?” he said, shaking his finger at her.

  “I won’t, Edward, at least I’ll try not to.”

  “No, you won’t,” he said, raising his eyebrows. “I’ll make sure of it.”

  As Charlotte watched him rise from the bed, she let out a long sigh. It had been a dreadful ordeal, but she’d managed to get away from her abductors, and Edward was proud of her. He was cross, but he was truly proud of her.

  If you could only see me now, Aunt Mildred. I’m not such a wicked child. I’m quite smart in a pinch, and quite brave as well. Edward can see who I really am, and he loves me for it, not in spite of it. I truly am the luckiest girl in the world.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Dunworth Abbey

  Edward had sent word ahead to Barker, his appropriately named butler, that he would be arriving at the railway station at approximately three p.m., and when he escorted Charlotte off the train, his carriage driver and head of the stables, John Soames, was waiting to meet him, along with Roy, the first footman.

  Charlotte had sprung back to life, her ordeal with Miranda fast becoming an unpleasant memory, and during the early afternoon train journey she had sparkled like her former cheeky self. Edward was greatly relieved to see her bounce back so quickly, and it was further testament to his belief that she was a woman of character and courage, qualities apparently unrecognized by her aunt and uncle.

  When the earl had first contacted him in reference to his niece, he was almost apologetic in his description of her. During the train ride, as Edward thought about her bravery and cleverness, he was appalled that her aunt and uncle hadn’t realized that Charlotte had been a handful because she was bright and inquisitive, not because she was inherently wicked.

  “Good journey, m’lord?” Soames asked, stepping forward to escort the lord of Dunworth Abbey and his new wife to the waiting carriage.

  “Very, thank you, Soames. I trust Roy is fetching our luggage?”

  “He is, m’lord.”

  “Soames, this is my wife, Lady Charlotte, formerly Lady Charlotte Winthrop.”

  “An honor, m’lady,” the horseman said with bow of his head.

  “Lead the way, Soames, we’d like to make a start.”

  “Yes, m’lord, the carriage is just on the other side of the station house, and I see Roy is bringing the luggage now.”

  Edward could sense that Charlotte was nervous, and as they settled into the comfort of the carriage, he sent her a reassuring smile.

  “You need not worry,” he said warmly. “The servants are well trained and will treat you with the utmost respect.”

  “I’m young to be the mistress of a house. I’m suddenly worried. What if I do everything wrong and the staff snigger at me. I’ll die!” she exclaimed dramatically.

  “If anyone were to say anything out of turn, they would be out on their ear, and they know it. I shall be at your side, and I will teach you everything you need to know.”

  “Thank you, Edward, I’m sure you will, but I can’t help worrying.”

  “You’ll have Helen as well, a friendly familiar face.”

  “Will she and Reese be there when we arrive?”

  “They should be, but if they’re not, I’m now well practiced in the art of dressing and undressing you,” he winked.

  “Edward, you say the most scandalous things,” she giggled.

  Delighted to see her happy smile, he settled back and thought about their initial appearance at Dunworth Abbey. She would be startled when she saw it. It was an impressive estate, and the servants would be in a line outside the tall, arched front doors waiting for their arrival.

  Wanting to make her introduction as quick and as painless as possible, he had instructed Barker to have everyone announce their name and curtsey as he and Charlotte walked down the line. It would save Charlotte the annoying and sometimes awkward chitchat. After he’d given her a short tour of the important rooms in the house, they would have tea in the drawing room, a walk through the grounds, then freshen up and dress for dinner. It would all be very proper, but after dinner, when the servants were tucked safely away on the opposite side of the house, things would change.

  “Edward, you have the most whimsical look on your face,” Charlotte remarked.

  They had left the station and were rolling through the countryside, and Edward had been gazing out the carriage window with a bemused smile.

  “Have I, indeed?” he replied, glancing back at her.

  “Yes, you do. Please tell me what you’re thinking about.”

  “Since you asked so politely,” he said, leaning forward. “I was thinking about the rest of the day and evening, but most especially the evening.”

  “Oh? May I ask why?”

  “Again, so polite, and so you will have your answer,” he said, lowering his voice. “After the servants have retired to their quarters, which, by the way, are on the opposite side of the house from where our apartments are situated, I shall take you into my, or rather, our bedroom, and begin your training.”


  “Yes, my dear, and I’m going to tell you exactly what that will entail so you will ponder it as the hours tick past. I shall, of course, begin with a spanking, but not an ordinary, over-my-knee spanking. You will be in a most lewd position.”

  “I will?” she asked breathlessly, her butterflies suddenly fluttering.

  “Yes, you will,” he nodded, “and while you are in that position I shall be placing an intruder inside your bottom—”

  “Oh, my…”

  “Just as I did before,” he continued, ignoring her interruption, “and when I have finished with that part of things, and it has opened you up, I shall be sliding my member there.”

  “It sounds, uh, it sounds like…” she stammered.

  “It sounds like what?” he pressed.

  “It sounds like something I shall not be able to forget about until it happens,” she whispered, “and the idea is a bit, uh, scary.”

e me, Charlotte, having you submit me to me in this manner is the best way to introduce you to my house, and to our lives there.”

  “May I ask why?”

  “I will tell you when it is happening,” he promised.

  Her eyes showed she was frightened, but he could also see she was tantalized, and he was glad he’d made the decision to deliver the news on their way to the house. It would keep her somewhat distracted when she met the servants, which would help her through the short, but nerve-racking experience, and also help prepare her both mentally and emotionally for the event itself.

  Leaving her to her thoughts, he spent the remainder of the journey contemplating Miranda Witherspoon and her atrocious act of revenge against his precious Charlotte. By the time the carriage turned off the road and passed through the tall iron gates of Dunworth Abbey, he knew exactly how to proceed. Miranda and Charlotte could not remain enemies. The situation had to be handled delicately, but it did have to be handled, and soon.

  “Edward! Oh, my goodness!”

  Charlotte’s exclamation didn’t surprise him. The house had come into view, and the servants were waiting in a line in front of the house as he’d instructed.

  “That is to be my home? I am to be mistress of that?” she gasped, completely overwhelmed by the palatial residence.

  “Yes and yes,” he grinned. “Don’t let it intimidate you. Your uncle’s place is larger and grander, and I’m sure you grew up in a home similar in stature.”

  “Not quite so large or imposing, and I didn’t see it as I would probably see it now. My uncle’s place, that’s different. It was his home, and he and my aunt were in charge. I always felt as if I had arrived to stay overnight and never left, and Edward,” she said earnestly, “my uncle’s home is not grander than this, no, no, it is not. Edward, your home is far more majestic.”

  “Perhaps it is taller,” Edward admitted. “The turrets make it appear larger than it is.”

  “Your lineage must be attached to the royals,” she declared, unable to take her eyes off the regal manor.

  “Um, distantly,” he nodded, “as your family is. Most nobles are.”

  “My family home is nothing like this,” she said, shaking her head. “My goodness, is that a lake I see?”

  “Yes, it is a small lake, and it—”

  “It has swans,” she breathed, interrupting him as she pressed her face against the window, “and so many servants in a row. How many do you have?”

  “An even thirty,” he replied. “I suspect your uncle has a similar number.”

  “Forgive me, Edward, but I have no idea how many servants are at his house. I only saw the same few faces every day. You cannot compare what I am seeing now to my uncle’s home,” she continued, still trying to take in the size and grandeur of his home. “He certainly doesn’t have a lake.”

  “Charlotte, his house is on the outskirts of London. It couldn’t possibly have a lake. My townhouse is like a—”

  “Your townhouse is for when you visit London and stay occasionally, and it is beautiful. This is your real home, this magnificent place is where you truly live,” she exclaimed, her voice rising. “How shall I ever manage?”

  “Charlotte, look at me,” he said firmly as the carriage began to slow.

  Shifting her wide-eyed gaze from the imposing spired structure, she searched his eyes for reassurance.

  “Do you think highly of me?” he asked solemnly. “Do you see me as an intelligent, practical man?”

  “Yes, Edward, of course, most definitely. I admire you greatly.”

  “Do you think I would be foolish enough to take a wife I did not think capable of becoming mistress of my household?”

  “I, uh…”

  “Charlotte, you are an extraordinary young woman, and I have complete confidence that you will one day rule my home with all the grace, charm, and cleverness of a queen. I believe you will become the most respected and envied hostess in the county.”

  “You do?”

  “Most certainly,” he nodded. “You have tremendous will and fortitude, and you have a determined spirit. If you are patient and allow me to teach you, Dunworth Abbey will become your domain, and you will be well liked by the servants, and admired by all who visit here.”

  “Edward,” she whispered, “that you have such belief in me. You take my breath away.”

  “Do I see tears brimming?”

  “Yes, tears of… I’m not sure what,” she sputtered.

  “If you believe in me, then you must believe in yourself,” he said stoically.

  “Then I shall!”

  “Excellent, good girl,” Edward smiled as the carriage came to a stop. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, I am,” she said with a confidence she wasn’t sure she felt.

  The second footman had hurried forward to open the door, and as Charlotte stepped from the carriage, she saw the inquisitive looks on the faces of the many servants, though some had their eyes downcast. Edward quickly followed, and resting his hand on the back of her elbow, he gently guided her forward.

  “I’d like you all to meet my wife, Lady Charlotte, of the noble family of Winthrop, niece of the earl of Cheltenham.”

  As they moved down the line, each of the servants announced their name and position, the women offering a small curtsey, the men bowing their heads. When they reached the end of the line, Charlotte was delighted to find Helen waiting for her, but before Charlotte could speak to her, Edward steered her to Barker, the butler, waiting stiffly by the door for his official introduction.

  “Barker, this is Lady Charlotte. Barker is our butler, and runs this house efficiently and with great pride.”

  “Thank you for saying so, my lord, and may I present Mrs. Marks, our head housekeeper.”

  “Delighted to make your acquaintance,” Charlotte said warmly.

  “I will be taking her ladyship on a tour of the main part of the house,” Edward declared, “then we’ll take tea in the drawing room.”

  “Very good, sir,” Barker said, then followed them at a distance as they walked through the imposing doors and into the house.

  “You did that beautifully,” Edward whispered as he led her into the first reception room. “I’m so proud of you. Now I’m going to show you the rooms we use most often. The rest of the house I’ll take you through over the next few days.”

  As the tour progressed, Charlotte discovered the rooms were decorated in a far less traditional fashion than her uncle’s home. Much of the furniture was in the new style, with heavy carving and floral and leaf designs in the wood. When he opened the door to her suite of rooms, she discovered they had been decorated to match her bedchamber at the London townhouse.

  “Edward, this is wonderful,” she beamed. “Thank you.”

  “I want you to be comfortable, and I thought you’d prefer both places to be similar, but you can change anything you wish.”

  “You are so thoughtful,” she sighed. “I love it, and I don’t want to change a thing.”

  Finishing the tour in Edward’s apartment, Charlotte was once again deeply impressed. The bedchamber was expansive by any standards, and the bed itself was the longest and widest she had ever seen, a four-poster canopy affair with an abundance of artfully sculptured figures.

  “The wood is so dark, but it’s vibrant,” she remarked.

  “It is called flame mahogany,” he said, moving behind her, “and I had this bed commissioned just for us.”

  “You did?”

  “Yes, my dearest, and you see those rings through the mouths of the lions?”

  Staring at the heavy posts at the foot of the bed, she spied the shiny brass rings, six in all: a pair set above her head, another near her waist, and the last several inches above the floor.

  “Yes, Edward, they’re beautiful.”

  “You shall often be tied to those,” he whispered.

  “I shall?” she asked, staring up at him.

  “Does the thought tantalize or terrify you?�

  “Both,” she breathed. “Will you tie me tonight?”

  “Not tonight, but possibly tomorrow night. I will tie you when the spirit moves me.”

  Shifting her eyes back to the rings above her head, she ran her fingertips around the gleaming brass, then trailed them down the carved post.

  “Edward, I am feeling quite faint. I believe I need some tea.”

  “Yes, I believe you do,” he murmured, stepping behind her and placing his lips at her ear, “but the thought of being shackled to these posts is that which is making you faint, my dearest, not the lack of sustenance.”

  “Sir,” she sighed, turning to look up at him, “you are absolutely correct.”

  As the late afternoon and early evening progressed, though she went through the motions, Charlotte’s focus never wandered from the debauchery waiting for her as the wife of Lord Pemberly III, both later in the evening and in the future. There were unexpected moments when she would feel an unexpected thrill through her stomach, or her face would suddenly blush red, and a swath of moisture would fill her private parts. As they sat through their dinner, Barker and the first footman standing at attendance, she maintained the appropriate demeanor, but every time she looked across at Edward, he would smile a knowing smile, and her body would offer some form of excited response. When they were finally in the library enjoying a brandy after their meal, Charlotte couldn’t wait a minute longer, and pretended to yawn.

  “I believe I shall have Helen attend me,” she said quietly. “I’m feeling rather tired after this long day.”

  “Yes, I think it is time for us to retire,” Edward agreed. “I shall instruct Barker not to have Mrs. Marks bring breakfast in the morning. I shall ring when we decide to come down.”

  “Yes, that sounds lovely. I might need a good lie-in,” she twinkled.

  Charlotte’s suite was much larger than her single room in the London townhouse. It included a bedroom, a dressing room, an entire room designated just for her clothing, a bathroom with both a canopy shower and tub, and a salon should she desire to eat or have tea in her quarters. When she entered the dressing room, she found Helen waiting with the nightclothes already laid out on the chaise lounge.


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