Make Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence Book 5)

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Make Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence Book 5) Page 6

by Laylah Roberts

She resisted the urge to stick her tongue out at him. Just. She was surprised by the childish urge. When had she ever stuck her tongue out at someone? She remembered doing it once to her father, and he’d soaped her mouth out. She wrinkled her nose.

  “Want to share that thought?”

  “Just remembering how bad soap tastes.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “You eat soap?”

  “Not by choice,” she muttered. She stood, feeling like she’d said enough. “I’ll just wash these. It’s getting late.”

  “We need to talk about tomorrow.”

  “What about it?”

  “You going to work?”

  “Yes, of course. I took today off, so I really need to go tomorrow. I can't stay at home until this is over.”

  “Not saying that. I need to go with you.”

  “You mean escort me there and back?” She guessed that was okay.


  “Stay? At my work? With me? All day? Ahh, I don’t think so.”

  He looked determined.

  She ran her hand through her hair. “I won’t be able to concentrate.” The sad thing is, it wasn’t an excuse, she found it difficult to think properly when he was around.

  “I’ll keep out of your way.”

  “My boss might not like it.” But Lionel didn’t have much of a backbone, and he wanted to keep Reagan happy because she was the best in the business.

  “I’ll talk to him.”

  She snorted. “Better let me do that.”

  He raised an eyebrow. “It’s settled then.”

  Damn, had she just agreed to him coming to work with her? She guessed she kind of had.

  “A boyfriend wouldn’t accompany me to work.”

  “He would if he were worried about your safety.” He looked at her as though he truly did care. “I’m going to do a security check before bed.”

  Reagan washed up, trying to keep herself occupied. She felt nervous. Not because of the intruder, but because Tiny was going to be sleeping in her apartment.

  “All secure.”

  She jumped with a squeal.

  “Sorry. Did I scare you?”

  No. She always jumped around like a bunny rabbit on steroids. She leaned against the counter for a moment to catch her breath then turned around. “You move very quietly for such a big man.”

  Silence fell between them as she wondered what she should do next? Should she go to bed? Considering how poorly she’d been sleeping, she should be exhausted. Instead, she felt wired. Should she do some work? How could she concentrate?

  “Want to watch some T.V.?” he asked casually.


  A few hours later, after watching a comedy movie she hadn’t thought was all that funny, Reagan yawned.

  “Oops. Sorry.”

  “Bed time.” Tiny turned off the T.V. and stood, stretching.

  “Why do they call you Tiny?” she blurted out, totally fascinated by the small strip of skin she spotted between his T-shirt and jeans as he lifted his arms above his head.

  He grinned. “Why do you think?”

  “I don’t know. You’re so big it seems a strange nickname.”

  “It’s ironic.”

  “Oh, so because you’re big they call you tiny.”


  She wondered briefly if he was big all over… no, best not to think about that. She wanted to get some sleep tonight. And to get some sleep, there was one more thing she had to do.

  She glanced around. “Don’t be mad at me, okay?”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  “I need to recheck the door, windows, and locks. It’s not that I don’t trust you or think you can’t do your job or anything, it’s just—”

  He placed his hand gently over her mouth. “It’s fine.”

  He didn’t look grumpy or put out. She forced herself to relax. He let go of her mouth. “I’m going to use the bathroom.”

  “Okay. Tiny?”

  “Yeah?” He turned.

  “Thanks for not treating me like I’m different.”

  He nodded.

  She sighed. She didn’t know how she was going to get through these next few days. Not only did she have a stalker, but now she had someone living with her. Someone she was way too attracted to for her peace of mind.


  She looked up to see Tiny watching her. “Do you need something?”

  “Being different isn’t a bad thing.”

  “Tell that to everyone else.”

  “I will,” he promised.

  She stared at him in surprise.

  “Check the door and windows then go to bed,” he ordered quietly. “You need some rest. I’m here now. Nothing bad will happen.”

  “Tiny?” she blurted out again. He turned back once again. “Why are you doing this? I mean, you’re not even getting paid. We don’t even know each other.”

  He let out a deep breath. “There was a job. A woman and child I was guarding. My job ended, and I left them unprotected. Her ex nearly beat her to death.”

  Oh, so that was it. He felt guilty about what had happened to this other woman.

  “I’m going to pay you,” she told him. She couldn’t let him do this for free.


  “But I can afford it, and it’s only fair.”

  He shook his head.

  “Well, why not?” she asked with exasperation.

  “Because if I’m working for Black-Gray, then I can’t kiss you. Or spank you.” With a wink, he turned and left, leaving her slightly breathless and light-headed.

  He wanted to kiss her.

  And spank her.

  Oh, boy, she was in trouble.

  Chapter Seven

  Reagan pulled into the parking spot outside her apartment that Friday night. She looked over at Tiny as he studied the small parking lot. She knew better than to leave the car before he’d come around for her.

  Even though she knew he was just doing his job, she was surprised by what a gentleman he could be. He didn’t look like a gentleman. She’d overheard one of her colleagues at work call him a thug. She hadn’t liked that description. Tiny wasn’t a thug. He might be built like a boxer, but he wasn’t a brute.

  He was surprisingly easy to live with. He never made fun of her quirks or acted as though she annoyed him.

  But the fact that he was such a gentleman was also extremely frustrating. The sexual tension between them had almost reached its boiling point—at least for her—and he hadn’t made a single move.

  Maybe he’d changed his mind, and he no longer wanted to kiss and spank her. Maybe she’d put him off after living with her for the last few days.

  Tiny came around and opened her door. “You okay?”

  “Sure, just thinking about some stuff from work.” Having him in the office was distracting, she’d finally had to ask him to wait in Tara’s office so she could actually get some work done. She felt guilty about wasting his time. Especially as nothing had happened since she’d received the note.

  “Do you think the intruder has given up?” she asked as they walked up the stairs to her apartment.


  She sighed, and he wrapped his large hand around the nape of her neck. “I’ll make dinner while you bathe.”

  “Thanks. We work pretty well together, don’t you…” she came to a sudden stop, her words trailing off as she saw a huge flower arrangement on the floor in front of her door.

  Tiny must have seen too as he grabbed hold of her arm, pulling her to a stop.

  “Wait here.”

  She bit back her protest. He was the professional. Still, she watched anxiously as he approached the door to her apartment, pulling out his gun and holding it against his leg. He avoided the flower arrangement and studied the door.

  When he unlocked and opened the door, she swore her heart almost stopped. But nothing happened. No bogeyman jumped out to attack him.

  Tiny looked over at her and held his hand up.
She guessed that meant she was supposed to stay there. She nodded, and he disappeared inside. Seconds ticked by slowly as she waited for him to reappear. When he finally did, she let out the breath she’d been holding in, and leaned against the wall weakly.

  Tiny turned his attention to the flowers. Reagan ignored her shaking limbs and walked over to him.

  “Is there a note?”

  He glanced up and frowned at her. She bit her lip at his fierce gaze. The gentleman was gone. The warrior had taken over.

  “Did I give you permission to move?”

  “No,” she whispered.

  “That’s ten.”

  Ten? Ten spanks? Holy hell, did that mean he was going to spank her? She didn’t think she deserved ten spanks just for moving. She wasn’t stupid. She’d waited until he was certain the apartment was clear. She wouldn’t place herself or him in danger deliberately. But she was also dying to know what it was like to be spanked by him.

  And ten spanks? She could take twice that without flinching.

  Suddenly he whipped off his shirt, and all thoughts of being spanked by him fled as she stared at his naked chest.

  Holy. Hell.

  She hadn’t realized he would be this beautiful. His chest was wide, his waist trim, and those abs. Oh man, she actually licked her lips as she imagined kissing her way down the wave of abs to—

  “Reagan. Get inside. Now.”

  She moved into the apartment without hesitation. It didn’t seem like a good idea to argue with him when he was in warrior mode. He placed his T-shirt over the handle of the basket and picked it up, carrying it into the apartment.

  “Call your detective friend,” he ordered before shutting and locking the door.

  He wasn’t exactly a friend, but she knew who he meant. Jake had come around a few days ago to take her statement. She’d promised to call him if anything else happened. She pulled out her cell and called Jake, telling him what had happened. He promised to be over within the hour. She hung up.

  “Well? Did you find a note?” she asked, disappointed when she turned to find he was dressed once more.

  Damn it.

  “Yep.” He was carefully extracting the note using a pair of tongs and a pen. She looked at the note over his shoulder.

  Roses are red. Violets are blue.

  Soon he’ll be gone. And I’ll have you.

  “He knows about you,” she said, fear almost paralyzing her. “Is that a threat against you? Does it mean he’s going to get rid of you?”

  “Hey. Nobody is getting rid of me.” He drew her against his wide chest, rubbing his hand up and down her back. For someone who wasn’t used to having people touch her, it amazed her how quickly she’d grown used to his touch, how she craved it. When she was scening, she could let people touch her because there were rules and checks in place. There was none of that with Tiny, but that didn’t seem to matter.

  Right now, though, her fear was making it hard to enjoy his embrace.

  “But he says you’ll soon be gone. He might try to hurt you.” Or worse. So far, this person hadn’t been violent, but this was a definite threat.

  “Haven’t you worked it out yet?”

  “What?” she asked, wondering how he could sound so calm.

  “I’m not that easy to get rid of.”

  She leaned back so she could look up into his face. He looked so confident, so relaxed, that she felt some of her tension fading away. “Yeah, that’s true. I haven’t managed to run you off yet.”

  He ran his finger down her nose then across her lips. She parted her lips, and he moved his finger, replacing it with his lips. His tongue slid into her mouth, teasing her gently as he held her close, those large arms surrounding her, but not suffocating her. He always took care with her. As though she was precious.

  For some reason, that thought brought tears to her eyes. When Tiny leaned back, the pleasure on his face morphed immediately into alarm.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I don’t know. I’m being silly.” Damn it. Who cried after being kissed like that? She swiped at her eyes. He brushed her hands away, wiping any tears that escaped to drip down her face away with his thumbs.

  “You’re frightened. And overwhelmed.”

  Yeah, that too. And she felt completely out of her depth. And not just because of her stalker.

  God, she wanted him. Funny, she’d never had problems articulating her wants and needs before. But she found herself hesitating with Tiny.

  “Take a bath.”

  She shook her head, and he gave her that look. The one that told her he expected to be obeyed. “Jack is coming over.”

  “I can talk to him. Go.” He turned her around and gave her a light smack on her ass. She closed her eyes as desire grasped her. She glanced over her shoulder at him. But he had already turned back to the flowers with a frown. She wasn’t offended his focus had shifted.

  After all, he was focused on protecting her.

  Tiny waited until Reagan left the room to let his fury erupt. With a growl, he slammed his fist against the table. The sight of her tears had nearly done him in. But she’d needed his calmness and confidence, and so he’d pushed his anger aside. He would always try to give her what she needed. To put her first.

  But fuck, he was dying to get his hands on this asshole. How dare anyone terrify his Reagan.


  Damned if he didn’t like the sound of that. He liked Reagan. She was different, but he thought her quirks were cute. It had taken some patience, but he’d gradually gotten her used to touch. She no longer stiffened up when he pulled her against him or took hold of her hand.

  He knew she wanted him. But would she still want him after this was over? He shook his head. He had more important things to worry about. He moved to the bathroom and found the door shut.

  “All good, Reagan?” he called out.

  “Yes,” she told him. “I’m fine. Just doing as I’m told.”

  That was a change.

  There was a knock on the door, and he strode over, checking through the peephole first and spotting Detective Wyatt. He opened the door nodding to the detective.

  “Hey. Reagan called me. Said she got some flowers from this creep.”

  Tiny lead him over to the flowers. The detective studied the note and took some photos. “I’ll dust for fingerprints, but it’s unlikely we’ll find something. Especially if he used a florist.”

  “Should be able to track him through a florist.”

  “Yeah, maybe. If we can work out which florist he used. There’s no address or name on the note. He’s threatening you.”

  Tiny nodded. Bring it on.

  “Haven’t checked the cameras yet.”

  He brought up the camera feed on his laptop, moving through the feed until he spotted a florist’s van pull up outside the apartment building. Jack watched over his shoulder.

  “I’m guessing the building manager gave you permission to put these up?” Jack asked dryly.

  Tiny just grunted. McDonald wasn’t back yet, but he didn’t care about the asshole building manager, and he wasn’t waiting around for his permission. Reagan’s safety was more important. A slim-built woman exited, carrying the flowers. She walked through the foyer and took the elevator. She rang the doorbell before placing the flowers down in front of the door and leaving.

  “Right. I’ve got the name of the florist. Hopefully, the bastard used a credit card, or she can give us a description.”

  “Let me know what you find out.” He didn’t feel very hopeful, though. This asshole had been smart up until now; why would he fuck up by leaving evidence behind?



  Reagan stepped into the room living room. After her bath, she’d dressed in some comfy yoga pants and a baggy T-shirt.

  Tiny put down his laptop and stared up at her. Then he gestured her forward. She slid onto the sofa next to him.

  “Feel better?” he asked her.

  She si
ghed. Not really.

  He reached out, placing his hand around the nape of her neck and massaging. She groaned. That felt amazing. Not just the massage—although that was great—but having him touch her.

  “What’s that?” she asked, pointing at the screen where she could see a grainy black and white image of a van.

  “The florist’s van. Caught it on camera. Detective Wyatt is looking into it.”

  “Oh. Maybe he paid with a credit card, and it will lead us to him.”

  She glanced up and caught his smile. “What?”

  “You’re smart. Quick.” His smiled faded, replaced by a frown.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “Nothing.” He stood. “I’ll make dinner.”

  She followed him into the kitchen, surprised by the hint of vulnerability she’d seen. “I’m not hungry.”

  He didn’t reply, just put a pan on the stove.


  “You need to eat. You’ve lost weight.”

  She had. But she’d hoped he hadn’t noticed. She glanced down at herself. Did it make her less attractive or more? The media seemed to think skinny was good, but she didn’t understand how bony could be attractive.

  “Reagan, look at me.”

  She raised her gaze up to his serious one. “That wasn’t a comment on the way you look.”

  It wasn’t? It certainly felt that way.

  “You’re beautiful no matter what size you are.”

  Completely floored by his statement, she watched as he cooked an omelet. Sometimes she liked to just watch him. He moved so elegantly despite his bulk. As he cooked, he tidied. Since the first night they’d eaten together, he’d made sure to clean as he cooked. He did it so casually, without fuss, that she’d soon gotten over her embarrassment.

  They sat and ate in silence. Afterwards, they moved to the couch and sat. He laid one arm over the back of the sofa and picked up the remote. “Any preference?”

  “What’s your real name?” she blurted out.

  His face closed down. “Comedy or action?”

  She turned away, drawing her legs up against her chest. It didn’t matter if he didn’t want to talk. He was a private man. Just because she felt like she’d bared most of her secrets didn’t mean he had to do the same. Tiny sighed then dragged her against him. She stiffened, and he leaned down, kissing her on the head.


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