Make Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence Book 5)

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Make Me, Sir (Doms of Decadence Book 5) Page 8

by Laylah Roberts

  The door finally opened and the guy he’d seen exit the truck scowled at him. “What ya want?”

  “You the building manager here?”

  “Yeah, so what? You don’t live here.” He reached one arm up and scratched his armpit. Tiny hid his grimace at the stench emanating from the other man.

  “I’m staying in apartment 3B,” Tiny told him easily, watching the other man carefully. He didn’t seem to be the sharpest tool in the shed, but then appearances could be deceiving.

  “What? With that frigid bitch Reagan?” he scoffed.

  Tiny grabbed him by the shirt and dragged him out of the doorway then slammed him up against the wall. “What did you call her?”

  The other man spluttered, fear filling his face. “I didn’t mean nothing by it!”

  “No. Why’d you call her frigid? Because she wouldn’t give you a blowjob for fixing her faucet?”

  “I didn’t do that!” McDonald protested. “She led me on. She was giving me all the signals, then as soon as I got inside her apartment she changed her mind. She’s a tease, man.”

  “She’s not a tease or frigid or a bitch. I ever hear you say anything derogatory about her you’ll be in a world of trouble, got it?” He placed his arm over McDonald’s neck to make his meaning clear.

  McDonald nodded frantically. “I got it. I got it.”

  Tiny stepped back, trying to rid himself of his anger. Getting mad wouldn’t help. Not when he was after a few answers.

  “You her boyfriend?” McDonald asked.

  “It doesn’t matter to you who I am,” he replied.

  “It’s just subletting is illegal in this building, and she’s supposed—”

  “You’re supposed to do your job,” Tiny pointed out. “Wouldn’t your boss would be interested to hear the deal you offered Reagan?”

  McDonald held his hands up in the air placatingly. “Hey, man, no need for that. You stay as long as you like.”

  “You have keys for each apartment?”

  “Yeah, so as I can get in to do repairs. But I don’t go into people’s apartments without permission.”

  The hell he didn’t.

  If he thought he could get Reagan to agree to move, he’d have her out of here by the end of the day. But Reagan didn’t deal that well with change. It was partly why he was taking things slow between them. Why he’d kept his touches light. Why he hadn’t pushed her up against the wall and ravished her.

  Slow and steady would win the race.

  And she was worth the effort.

  But while Donald might be dodgy as hell and a creep, Tiny didn’t think he was Reagan’s stalker. He didn’t have the intellect to mess with Reagan so carefully. Just moving a few things around wouldn’t occur to a guy like this. It wouldn’t seem like much of a threat.

  He’d keep an eye on him, but his gut told him it wasn’t this guy. That didn’t mean her intruder hadn’t accessed the key through Donald.

  “Who else has access?” Tiny demanded.

  “Nobody. The keys are all locked away. Look, you can come see.”

  Tiny followed him into the apartment, it was just as messy as the last time he’d been in here, although now a musty smell lingered. McDonald moved to a cupboard mounted on the wall. He reached above the cupboard and pulled down a key, unlocking it. Tiny nearly groaned. That was the worst place to keep a key.

  “See, they’re all here,” McDonald said proudly. “Now, what’s this about?”

  Like he was going to tell him. “Anyone been in here lately?”

  “I’ve been away,” McDonald said triumphantly. “So, you ain’t got no reason to accuse me of anything.”

  “Before that.”

  “Now, I don’t think…” McDonald gulped as Tiny glared at him. “Just a few bitches, you know how it is.”

  No, Tiny didn’t.

  “Prostitutes?” Who else would sleep with this guy?

  “So what if they were?” McDonald whined.

  “No one else?”

  McDonald scratched his crotch. Jesus, he was disgusting. “There was a guy here checking my cable. Had problems with it.”

  “He go to any other apartments?”


  Didn’t mean he couldn’t have accessed the keys somehow.

  “Pretty sure he was legit. He had ID and everything.”


  He was back to scratching his crotch. Tiny wondered if it helped him concentrate. Dear God.

  “Think it was Michael something. Worked for AT&T.”


  McDonald shrugged. “Middle-aged. Dark hair. Glasses. Just looked like your average cable guy. Why do you wanna know?”

  “None of your business,” Tiny told him, moving to the door. He needed to get out of here. Now. “Stay away from Reagan.”

  “Hey, you don’t need to tell me twice.” He swiped his hand under his nose, sniffing loudly.

  “Get a better hiding place for that key.”

  Tiny strode away, pulling out his phone as it rang. He glanced down at the name of the caller. Detective Wyatt.

  “Any lead on the florist?”

  “Hello to you, too,” Jack said easily.

  Tiny had little use for pleasantries at the best of times. These were not the best of times. His presence seemed to have made Reagan’s stalker back off, which seemed like a good thing on the surface, but it wasn’t helping them find this asshole.

  He was growing antsy. He wanted this threat to her eliminated. Which might mean pushing this person to reveal themselves. The only way he could see to do this was to use Reagan as bait. He’d thought about bringing Cady in to pretend to be Reagan. But not only would Hunter have fifty fits, Cady was also half a head shorter than Reagan. It wouldn’t work.

  “I finally tracked down the florist. She’s been away at a funeral. Anyway, the perp used cash, so she doesn’t have a credit card number. However, she did remember him, because, quote, he seemed a little creepy.”

  “Get her to work with a police artist.”

  “Already on it,” Jack told him. “I’ll bring the sketch around when it’s done for Reagan to have a look.”


  “How’s Reagan?”

  “She’s fine,” Tiny said shortly. He didn’t like the way Jack looked at Reagan. With just a touch too much warmth and interest.

  “We’ll catch this asshole.”

  Yeah, but when?

  “We might need to use Reagan as bait,” Jack warned him. “Push him a little. To do that, we’ll probably need to have you back off a bit.”


  Jack let out a chuckle. “Somehow I thought you were going to say that.”

  Then why suggest it if he knew the answer?

  Tiny told him about his chat with McDonald, and Jack said he’d look into it. Tiny ended the call then hurried up the stairs to Reagan’s apartment. He didn’t like leaving her alone. Not even for half an hour.

  Chapter Nine

  The words blurred on the computer screen and she sighed, pausing to pinch the bridge of her nose.

  “Lunch is ready.” Tiny walked into the living room and over to where she slouched on the couch.

  “I’m not hungry,” she said absentmindedly, trying to make sense of what was written on the screen.

  Suddenly, the laptop was plucked off her lap. “What are you doing? I’m working.”

  “You’re too tired to work. Eat. Then you can have a nap.”

  “A nap? I never nap.” She stared up at him incredulously.

  “About time you started,” he said easily, grabbing hold of her hands and pulling her up.

  “A nap isn’t productive.”

  “It is when you’re too exhausted to concentrate. Sit. Eat.”

  “Soup?” She stared down at the bowl of creamy soup he placed in front of her. “It’s seventy-nine degrees outside.”

  “It’s soft on your stomach. Soup. Painkillers. Nap.” He gave her a firm look.

>   She sighed. “I’m supposed to be working.”

  He just shook his head. “Eat, or I’ll feed you.”

  She wrinkled her nose at him but swallowed down a spoonful. Yum, potato and leek. Her favorite. She wondered if that was a coincidence, or if he’d somehow figured it out. Tiny was incredibly observant. She only had to mention something once, and he’d remember it. She’d never admit it, but the soup was soothing on her knotted stomach. At the rate she was going, she’d soon have a stomach ulcer to match the ones in her mouth.

  “Good girl. Go lie down. I’ll get the painkillers.”

  “I won’t be able to sleep. It’s daylight.” Attempting to nap would be a waste of time.

  He studied her for a moment then nodded. She was surprised by his quick agreement. With a sigh, she stood and returned to the sofa. Five minutes later Tiny came in and took the laptop from her. “Tiny! Damn it.”

  “Come.” He tugged her along to the bedroom. She came to a stop in the doorway, looking around in surprise. He’d closed the drapes, which blocked out most of the light and lit candles around the room. For some reason, he’d also placed a towel on the bed.

  He handed her some painkillers and a glass of water. She swallowed them down without argument, her head was really pounding now.

  “Take your top off and lie face down on the bed.”

  Umm, what?

  “I’m gonna give you a massage.”

  “Y—you are?” She gulped. He was going to have his hands on her bare flesh?

  He simply turned his back, and she quickly stripped off her top and bra and lay down. She practically trembled with anticipation. Finally, he was going to touch her. Maybe not sexually. But she’d take what she could get.

  She turned her head, watching out of the corner of her eye as he approached.

  “You okay? You’re shaking.”

  “Fine. Just tired.”

  “Exhausted,” he countered with a stern note in his voice. He sat beside her on the bed, his thigh touching her waist. He reached over to the bedside table, and she saw him pick up some scented oil that she’d had in her bathroom. Then straddled her hips. He ran his hands down her back, and she sighed.

  His hands were magic, he seemed to find each knot and worked on it until her insides turned to jelly. She hadn’t thought she’d be able to relax with him touching her, but she hadn’t stood a chance. After just ten minutes she was almost asleep. After half an hour, she was complete goo beneath him.

  “Feeling better?” he murmured.

  “Yes, oh God, I feel so good.” Except for the ache developing between her legs, that seemed to be growing with every second he touched her.

  “Shall I leave you to sleep?”

  “No,” she said quickly. “I still won’t be able to sleep.” She might have felt deliciously relaxed, but she didn’t want him to go.

  He was silent for a moment. “Roll over.”

  Roll over? Was he serious? She could have said no. But why would she want to? He raised up so she could roll over and she watched him through hooded eyes as he stared down at her bare breasts.

  “You still need help to sleep?”


  He placed his hands on the mattress on either side of her head and leaned down to kiss her softly. She pushed up, wanting to deepen the kiss. He pulled back and shook his head.

  “Stay still. Arms behind your head.”

  She wrinkled her nose, but her arousal had skyrocketed with his order. She placed her hands behind her head, and he kissed her again, deepening the kiss slightly. He pulled away and kissed along her jaw to her ear.

  “I’m going to help you relax, baby. Stay still.” He bit down on her ear, and she shivered, arching slightly. “Very still.”

  He kissed down her neck. “Or you’ll get a spanking rather than pleasure.”

  Hmm, a spanking didn’t sound so bad, but she’d rather have an orgasm. She might just explode if she didn’t get to come soon. Tiny kissed around each of her breasts before surrounding her right nipple with his mouth. She whimpered as he sucked.

  Each suck of his mouth seemed to make her clit tingle and pulse. By the time he moved to her other nipple, her cries of need filled the room.

  “You need this.”

  It wasn’t a question, so she didn’t answer. It was more than obvious how much she needed this, and if he was still unsure, he wouldn’t be once he reached her pussy. She was wet, her clit swollen and aching.

  Suddenly he bit down on her nipple. Just a gentle nip, but it made her arch up with pleasure.

  “Stay still.”

  Oh, Jesus, how did he expect her to stay still? She took a deep, shuddering breath, trying to calm herself. Tiny tugged on her nipple with his teeth. The pain was sharp and made her body sing.

  Then he countered the sting by lightly licking the abused nub. Lord, the man sure did know how to keep her on edge.

  “I don’t know your limits, so I’m going to keep this sweet and easy.”

  He traveled to her stomach, kissing down and swirling his tongue around her bellybutton. Finally, he reached her jeans. He undid the button then unzipped them slowly.

  “Lift your hips.”

  She quickly complied, and he pulled her jeans and panties down in one swift movement. She was completely naked.

  “Can I undress you?” she asked him.

  “Can I undress you what?” he replied sternly.

  Her eyes widened. His tone made her stomach tighten. In a good way. “Can I undress you, Sir?”

  He smiled, and she felt ridiculously happy, knowing she’d pleased him. She’d never been that interested in pleasing any of the other Doms she’d played with. There had been a couple who had been competent and whom she’d respected, but she’d never felt an urge to please them.

  “Draw your legs up to your chest. Hold them there.”

  She drew her legs back. Tiny sat at the bottom of the bed, staring at her. Reagan wasn’t shy when it came to her body, but after a while, she started to wonder what he was thinking. Did he like what he saw?



  “Are you pleased?”

  He met her gaze, and the blazing lust she saw in his eyes stole her breath.

  “Yes.” As far as answers went, it wasn’t much. But it was enough.

  She smiled.

  “Stay just like that.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  He lay on his stomach and parted her pussy lips. She groaned as he breathed over her hot lips. “Beautiful.”

  Oh, hell. Oh, hell.

  He reached out with his tongue and licked at her clit softly. He drew his tongue from the bottom of her pussy all the way up to her clit, circled around the swollen nub and then moved back down to her opening.

  Up, around, and down.

  Over and over until her head thrashed back and forth, her thighs trembling with need, fire burning her from the inside out. When he finally concentrated on her clit, she was so close to the edge, it was all she could do not to come immediately.

  Tiny pushed two fingers deep inside her, and she cried out, her passage clenching down.

  “Come, Reagan. Come.” He flicked at her clit firmly, pumping his fingers in and out of her passage until she came in a rush of pleasure.

  Tiny stared down at Reagan who’d slipped off into sleep almost immediately after her orgasm hit her. He grimaced as he rose, his cock aching something fierce. He moved to the wardrobe and pulled out a cotton blanket. It wasn’t cold, but he thought she’d be more comfortable covered up.

  Plus, staring at her naked body wasn’t helping his condition at all.

  He placed the blanket over her then leaned down and kissed her forehead.

  “Sleep,” he commanded with a smile.


  He thought she was adorable when she blushed. No, adorable wasn’t the word. Reagan wasn’t adorable. She was stunning. Sexy. Breathtaking. Watching her come, hearing her screams of release nearly had him coming
. And he hadn’t even removed his pants. It had taken all his control to pull away, to cover her up, then leave her.

  His cock still throbbed with need, even hours later.

  Now she stood in front of him, dressed in a prim-looking robe that covered her from her chin to her feet. It would be so easy to pull her onto his lap and take her.

  “I fell asleep.”

  “You did.” And it filled him with masculine satisfaction that he’d made her forget all her worries enough to slip off into sleep.

  “Sorry.” She gazed down at her feet.

  He frowned. “Come here.” He patted his lap.

  She moved forward but didn’t take the silent invitation to sit. Oh, hell no. No way was she pulling back from him now. He reached out and lifted her onto his lap, so she was straddling him.

  “Eek! Jesus, you’re strong.”

  “Why are you acting shy?” Shy wasn’t a word he’d ever equated with Reagan.

  “Well, it’s just…”

  “Reagan, spit it out.”

  “I came, and you didn’t. Then I fell asleep. Maybe Paul was right, I’m really not a good sub.”

  “Who’s Paul?” he growled.

  “A Dom at the club. I’m rarely obedient. I’m bossy and controlling, and I shouldn’t have fallen asleep.”

  “You obeyed me just fine. I ordered you to sleep.”

  “You did? When?”

  “Once you were asleep.” He winked at her, and she smiled.

  “You’re not angry with me?”

  “Of course not.” What did she take him for?

  “Now you’re frowning. Did I say the wrong thing?” She bit her lip.

  His frown deepened. What was going on? It wasn’t like Reagan to be so unsure of herself. He cupped her face, studying her. “What’s wrong?”

  She tried to look away, but he wouldn’t let her. “Sometimes I don’t always understand what people want with me. I get things wrong, and people grow upset with me.”

  People? Or other men?

  His gut burned with jealousy at the thought of her with another man, but he pushed it to the side. Right now, his sub was uncertain, and it was up to him to reassure her. First, though, he had to understand.

  “People? Are you talking about other Doms?”


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