Black Magic Christmas

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Black Magic Christmas Page 14

by Aline Riva

  “Why did you say we have to do this before it gets dark?” Cherry asked, noticing the sun was going down now and shades of dusk were gathering outside.

  “It's nothing to do with the demon,” he replied, “I'm aware you have security here – after dark. We can't risk any witnesses to what may unfold.”

  “So what now?” Drake asked.

  “We wait,” Raine told him, “When they arrive they must find the door unlocked. Cherry, you have to draw them here, into the shadows. I will be in the salt circle beside the display case, and you must go into the larger circle over by the window and stand with Raine. No matter what happens, do not step out of the circle or you will not be protected! And don't try and help me even if I need it – I will be in my own circle, raising the demon as they enter the building. We must stick to the plan.”

  Cherry and Drake exchanged a glance.

  “We stay in that circle no matter what,” she promised.

  “I'll stay inside it as long as you're safe,” Drake replied, “You brought me back and I want to stay alive - but I won't let any harm come to you.”

  Then they fell silent, hearing only the ticking of the clock from the hallway beyond as they waited for Owen and Melody to arrive and walk into a trap that was almost ready...

  As they walked away from their parked car half an hour later, Melody's face was pale and it had noting to do with the freezing air that was growing even colder as daylight began to fade out. They trudged through the snow together, Owen walking slightly ahead of her, his sights set on the museum.

  “How the hell did she find out? You cleaned the mug, there was no trace of the poison left!” said Melody.

  “The poison is undetectable in the bloodstream as soon as its absorbed,” he replied, “Only the two of us knew. I didn't say anything to her!”

  As he stopped walking and turned back she caught up with him, her eyes widening in alarm as she heard his accusing tone.

  “You really think I would have said something? Sod off, Owen! I wouldn't take a chance like that with anyone – I plan on enjoying the money we get from this place, having a good life with you. I'm not going to run the risk of losing that and spending the rest of my days in prison!”

  Then she turned away and walked on towards the museum, where the door was ajar and the lights were on.

  “Then how the bloody hell did she find out?” murmured Owen as he quickened his pace to catch up with her as she went up the steps to the doors of the museum. She waited there for him, looking as anxious as she felt as she considered his plan.

  “You're really going to kill her?”

  Owen nodded.

  “I have to do it. I honestly wish I'd never killed my best friend, but I did. Now I have no choice but kill again, one last time, it's the only way out if we want to stay out of trouble. I won't hesitate this time – Cherry has to go.”

  “You'd better not hesitate,” Melody warned him, “Or both of us are finished!”

  He gave no reply, placing a cautious hand on the door. It was ajar, with light from within glowing through the crack.

  “She left the door open.”

  “Of course she did, she's dumb enough to trust us!”

  Hoping Melody was right, he opened the door and they entered the museum.

  Far off in the darkened hallway beyond the arch, as the sound of the door closing softy echoed through the museum, Drake grasped Cherry's hands, pulled her close and kissed her, then he let go of her hands and stepped into the circle. Raine had already lit the candles and opened up the book as he stood in his own protective circle, murmuring softly to the dark winged demons of the depths to hear his words, to make themselves known, he was repeating the name of the Demoness, urging her to rise from Satan's side, to rise and rise as he shifted from translated text to ancient language read from the book.

  “Go,” Drake said softly as he stood in the circle.

  Cherry hesitated, looking down at the salt that surrounded him as she hoped its mystical power would be enough to keep him safe. Until she had dabbled with dark magic the only thing she had considered salt good for was on chips, with vinegar... but she had stayed safe before, so she knew the circle would work.

  “Don't move!” she reminded him.

  “I won't!” he vowed as fear shone in his eyes and the creeping smell of sulphur began to seep slowly in to the room as if coming from the walls.

  Then Cherry turned away, left Raine to murmur to the demoness as he performed the summoning and she walked out through the archway into the brightly lit entrance hall, feeling cold despite the warmth the heating threw out, because right now she was terrified and that fear chilled her to the bone...

  “I would love to know how you found out!” Owen said sharply as he and Melody came out of the corridor that led from the office and they headed up the entrance hall towards her. He was glaring angrily, there was something cold about his eyes – no doubt he had worn that same icy expression as he had watched Drake collapse on the day the poison had taken hold...

  He wasn't carrying a weapon, not that she could see – his gloved hands were empty. Then it struck her that perhaps he was wearing gloves because he planned to kill her and leave no prints behind, maybe he was planning on choking her to death. Melody was beside him, her expression one of impatience – it was clear she just wanted this lose end tied up, and quickly...

  “Nothing to say?” he demanded, his voice echoing about the hall as he approached her, “You had plenty to say on the phone! So name your price. How much money are you expecting me to hand over, Cherry?”

  She stepped back towards the archway, freezing for a moment as fear wrapped itself around her. On seeing the look on her face, he laughed.

  “It's a bit late to be scared, you set this up! Now you'll have to take the consequences!”

  Cherry quickly reminded herself how close by the others were and recalling that she was not alone was enough to melt the worst of the fear and get her moving again. She stepped back once more, this time taking several steps into the darkness under the arch where the smell of sulphur was much stronger now. She didn't dare look over to the circle near the empty display case, she heard a rasping breath and knew the demon was rising. On seeing the fear in her eyes as she took a few more steps into the gloom, Owen laughed softly as he followed her in with Melody at his side.

  “No where to run,” he reminded her, “You really are stupid, Cherry. As if I'd give up half the money. I didn't come here to pay you, I came here to kill you!”

  Then as Melody looked to the corner of the room where Raine Zinck stood in a circle beside the empty glass case that had housed Drake's body, black candles flickered and Raine whispered words she did not understand, read from an ancient book. She swore she saw something shadowy melt into the darkened corner, right into the wall. Then she looked across the other side of the room and there was Drake Ambrose, he was very much alive and standing in a circle of salt. He was looking right at her. He blinked. Now she knew why the case was empty... Melody screamed.

  As her scream shattered the silence in the room where the smell of sulphur hung thick in the air, Owen, who had kept his sights set on Cherry, now looked about the dimly lit space. He saw Raine and the ritual, then he saw the empty case, but before he could wonder why the body of his former business partner was gone, Melody weakly grabbed at his arm. Her face was pale and her eyes were wide with terror but he did not understand why...

  Then a familiar voice spoke darkly.

  “I'm not dead. Well, I was – but I'm not any more. You won't get the chance to kill me again, Owen.”

  His face paled, he broke into a sweat as fear made his head spin and for a moment he doubted his own sanity. Then Owen slowly turned towards the other side of the room. There was Drake, very much alive, glaring at him as he stood in a circle of salt. He held out his hand to Cherry and she grasped it and he pulled her into the circle, where she stood tightly against him, watching as he confronted his killer.

�I'm so glad... you're not dead!” Owen said between panicked breaths, “ was a mistake, a stupid mistake... My fault... a bad decision... I'm so glad you're still alive!”

  But his face was pale with fear and his words laced heavily with desperation and a pleading tone. He was standing there on shaking legs looking to the man he was sure had died, yet here he was still alive and he knew everything, too. Drake was looking back at him like he had already decided his fate...

  “We can start again!” Owen said anxiously, “No control of the business on my side... or.. or how about, I walk away and we never have to speak to each other again? If that's what you want.. anything you want, okay? Just let me go...Please! I said I'm sorry!” Owen's voice had shot up hysterically as he looked at him, pure terror shining in his eyes.

  “You killed me,” Drake told him, “You poisoned me for weeks and then -”

  “I changed my mind, I tried to save you!”

  “But I died!” Drake said sharply.

  As he looked at him, he had feared compassion and forgiveness would over ride his need to see this through, but now he was confronted with Owen he was recalling how he had watched him suffer, how he had waited for him to collapse. Compassion was gone, anger had taken its place along with a deep sense of betrayal and hurt that ran to his soul.

  Then he felt an odd crackle in his palm and he briefly opened up his hand in time to catch sight of small silver sparks dancing there. As he closed his hand again the smell of sulphur was even stronger – perhaps the remaining power within him was rising because the demon had arisen...

  As he looked back at Owen and thought of how Ezaroth had pursued them through the snowy shopping centre, it suddenly dawned on him that she had not been chasing him at all – she had been after his killer, hungry to be delivered the soul of a murderer...

  Owen was still looking at him in terror, but he took no consolation from that fact as he looked back at the man who had betrayed him.

  “I died because you killed me!” Drake added as his eyes filled with tears of anger and pain and suddenly, looking at Owen was too much to bear.

  There was a shadowy shape coming out of the wall. Raine Zinck kept his sights on the book, his gaze shifting up and then back to the text as he whispered ancient words and the demoness emerged. She stood there in a white flowing gown, bringing with her the chill of the snow as her gown shone like fresh snowfall reflecting winter sun, her eyes were wide and pitch dark and her lips parted, showing razor teeth as she set her sights on Owen and Melody.

  As Melody screamed again, Owen broke into a run, dashing past her and the man dressed in black who was still reading from the ancient text, then he charged at the salt circle, recalling all he remembered about demons and protection and as he gave Cherry a shove she tumbled to the ground, her boot sliding through the perfect circle, instantly breaking it. As Drake grabbed her hand, quickly pulling her to her feet, the demon roared and the sound shook the room as windows rattled and floorboards knocked together and Owen ran through the hallway and out into the winding corridor. Raine broke off from reading from the book, his eyes wide as he yelled to them urgently:

  “Close the circle!”

  But it was too late. The demoness roared again, eyes lighting up with hell fire as she prepared to lunge.

  Drake grabbed Cherry's hand tightly and together they turned and ran in the same direction as Owen, having no where else to run to, with the demoness now in pursuit.

  Chapter 10

  Cherry clung tightly to Drake's hand as they ran. Up ahead, Owen was diving for the doors to the room that led to the oddities collection.

  “I think it's locked!” Cherry said breathlessly, just as he crashed against it, fell to the floor and looked back to see the demoness flying up the corridor. Then as she swooped, Drake grabbed Cherry and dragged her low as a chill passed overhead and they ducked and she flew over, screeching and then giving a roar as Owen tried another door, found it open and dived inside.

  The door slammed shut as they hit the floor, the creature hovered further up the hallway, then as Drake and Cherry lay there both cautiously looking up, they watched in horror as Melody came stumbling from another corridor.

  “Why did you leave me, you bastard?” she yelled out, and her voice echoed about the hallway.

  It was enough to rouse the demoness, who had passed ghostlike through a door and gone off in search of Owen, but now her head emerged from the closed door as Melody looked on with terrified, wide eyes, watching in disbelief as the impossible happened and the creature loomed large, passing out through the door. As Ezaroth hovered upright her form shimmered, her wings ruffled then folded back and suddenly she was solid.

  “Oh shit!” Cherry whispered as Drake lay beside her with a protective arm around her shoulder.

  The demoness stepped closer to the terrified woman, whose back hit the wall as she stood there tight against it, trembling, with no where left to run.

  “I've got a spare key in my pocket,” Drake whispered as he leant closer to Cherry, “I know a short cut to the oddities room... but I may not need it...”

  He opened his palm. White sparks jumped and vanished and he pressed his hand flat against the floor in a bid to stop the energy from going wild now the demoness was close by.

  “Cherry – did you hear me?” Drake asked.

  She was staring in shock as Ezaroth stepped closer and placed a snow white hand on the throat of the frightened woman.

  “Don't look!” he said.

  But neither could turn away they both lay there watching in horror as the demoness tightened her grip on Melody's throat and she gave a strangled cry that withered and died as all moisture left her skin and her flesh shrunk and cracked as something warm and glowing flowed from her and into the body of the demoness. The body slumped like a lifeless doll and turned to sand, slipping to dust that fell to the floor leaving Ezaroth standing there with her hand poised where Melody's throat had been seconds before.

  The demoness lowered her hand, cocked her head and then turned sharply back to the door where Owen had ran inside. Then she fixed a baleful stare at the closed door and the wood exploded with a boom that shook the hallway sending fragments and splinters showering far and wide as Cherry and Drake laid low, waiting for the last of the debris to fall. Then as silence fell Drake looked up first, then shook splinters from his hair. The demoness was gone and so was the door to the room that held the Satanism display.

  “Go!” he said urgently, grabbing her hand and pulling her up from the floor.

  Cherry was still brushing splinters from her clothing as they darted from the hallway and made for a side corridor.

  As they ran, Cherry looked back several terrified times but saw no sign of Ezaroth. Finally they reached the other end of the corridor and the doorway that led to the oddities room. He reached in his pocket and took out the key, slammed it into the lock and turned it sharply, then grabbed Cherry's hand and dragged her inside, pausing breathlessly to close the door softly.

  “Why did you leave the key in the door?” she asked as she caught her breath.

  “Because Owen's a dead man.. probably any minute now – but we broke the circle, she's coming after us and she doesn't need a key, she can open doors with the power of her mind... we need defence!”

  As he said that, Cherry looked around the room in confusion:

  She saw nothing in this room that would be of any use - jars of doll heads, a mermaid made of fish and monkey bones held together with wire, over in the corner there was a creepy china doll with a cracked face and a missing eye with raven black ringlets tied with a red ribbon to match her dress. There were other displays here – stuffed two headed snakes, a fake Egyptian mummy and many strange fleshy looking objects in a display of jars that she hoped were as fake as the doll heads. Apart from this, there were only pictures in frames and old newspaper cuttings about the days of the travelling fair.

  “What are you suggesting, that we throw picture frames at her? She
just exploded a door by looking at it, Drake! She didn't even touch it she just looked and – what are you doing now?”

  Her question had been asked in panic as he opened up his hand and turned it over as silver sparks danced on his palm.

  “I'm trying to do what I did with the gargoyle,” he replied, then he aimed the sparks and they flew, hitting the china doll.

  For a moment the sparks crackled about the doll, then it shivered, then it blinked its one good eye and its cracked face spread into a manic grin and it leapt to its feet. As it jumped from the table and landed perfectly, it giggled then looked up at them, shifting from one foot to the other, its little boots pattering on the floor as the hem of its dress swayed.

  “Its sort of... sweet?” Drake said, looking unsure as he glanced at Cherry, who shook her head, looking down at the doll as it gave a cackle that made her shiver.

  “You brought it back to life with left over demon power, how is it supposed to be sweet?” she said angrily, “And what is it going to do now? It doesn't look like a demon hunter to me!”

  The doll was climbing up on to a chair, then reaching for a jar of doll heads. As she dropped it to the floor and it smashed, she cackled again and reached for another.

  “But the gargoyle chased the demoness!” he exclaimed.

  “Maybe the gargoyle just likes chasing things, I don't know!” she replied.

  He looked back to the display, aiming for another object.

  “Oh no, not that one!” Cherry said in alarm, but it was too late.

  The shower of sparks hit the object that lay on a large pillow. As monkey and fish bones held together by wire shivered, it raised its head in an eyeless death grin and flapped a tattered tail.


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