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Heart of the Warrior

Page 6

by Donya Lynne

  "I bet you are, and not just on the mat." The words spat out with more venom than Sev intended.

  "What’s that supposed to mean?" Ari's frown deepened, making him look even sexier.

  Sev chuffed. "As if you don't know."

  "Enlighten me, asshole, because yeah, I don't know." Ari's glare was positively electric by now, all kinds of daggers and knives shooting from his eyes.

  Sev sneered and looked away, not about to answer. Big mistake, because Ari came at him again. Turning back just in time, Sev avoided being served a dish of knuckle sandwich and dodged out of the way, shooting his knee up to gut-check Ari. The air burst from the male's lungs and he doubled over, coughing as if his diaphragm was in his throat while Sev danced away from him.

  A part of Sev ached watching Arion suffer. It didn't feel natural beating the guy up like this, and he almost wanted to apologize. Almost.

  "Did your girlfriend teach you how to fight, Arion?" He walked a semi-circle around Ari, glaring, seething, needing to let go of all his anguish.

  "What? Who…?" Ari was still bent over and looked up, his face a mix of pain and anger as he coughed again.

  Sev reversed direction and paced back the other way. "You heard me. Did she teach you how to fight while you were fucking her?" His face screwed up with annoyance.

  Arion frowned as he finally righted himself and pulled back. "What’s your problem, Sev? Huh?"

  Sev glowered and sneered. "She was a real class act, buddy. I love how her hand was surgically attached to your crotch. Did you enjoy it? Did you like getting your rocks off in the middle of the dance floor?"

  "What the fuck, asshole!" Ari stepped back and his frown deepened further, casting alluring shadows over his eyes. "You sound like a jealous boyfriend. I didn’t know my sex life was so important to you."

  "It isn't! Who said it is?" Sev surged forward and shoved Ari hard, but the male pushed back, knocking Sev’s arms to the side.

  "Like hell it isn't! Listen to you. We had one heavy scene in my kitchen and now my sex life is your business? When you haven't said two words to me since? What the hell? You fucking hypocrite!"

  The two were practically chest-to-chest and nose-to-nose, tempers flaring, vampire testosterone flowing like rolling lava. Ari's toss-out about what had happened between them last month caught Sev off guard. So, Ari hadn't forgotten. He had just chosen to avoid the topic of their brief love fest on purpose all this time. That shit hurt like a razor gashing his heart.

  "I don’t give a fuck what you do or who you do it to!" Sev pushed against Ari’s shoulder and knocked him backward.

  "You sure about that? Because you sure seem suddenly interested in my dick and where I put it."

  "Fuck you, Ari!"

  Ari chuffed sarcastically. "Fuck you, Sev!" The two stood a few feet apart, all heavy breathing and torqued aggression, glaring at one another as if nothing but hatred stood between them.

  Finally, Ari's face twisted with rage and the dam burst. "Damn you!" Ari rushed him and tackled him to the mat. Their bodies tangled as they scrapped and fought to get the upper hand. Just as Sev thought he had Ari pinned, Ari scissored his legs around Sev’s waist and sling-shot him to his back.

  Sev growled. He was angry, out of breath, and hurt. Why hadn't Ari said anything about their time together before now? Had it been that bad? Was Ari that ashamed of what they'd done?

  "Fucker!" Sev tried to wrench free, feeling hurt and used. "Was our night together nothing to you?!" The words blurted out of nowhere as he struggled against Ari's hold. "Did you just use me to satisfy your gay curiosity? Is that it?"

  * * *

  "What?" Arion's face screwed up in stunned surprise as Sev's words sliced into his heart. Had he used Sev? Had he just been trying to satisfy his gay curiosity, as Sev accused him of? Was that what had happened between them? Was that what their erotic interlude in his kitchen had been about?

  He released Sev and jerked back and away.

  Sev rolled to his side and stilled as if the life had abruptly drained out of him. "Fuck you, Ari. Fuck you for playing with my emotions like that." He paused. "Just leave me alone."

  Ari couldn't see Sev's face, but he imagined if he could, he would find nothing but pain and heartache there. Sev's voice sounded so far away and wretched. And sad. No, not sad. Miserable. Dejected. In utter despair.


  "I said fuck off." Sev stood up, keeping his back turned on Ari, but he could just see Sev's face in the mirror. The male looked miserable, his head hung. "I'm such an idiot." He was shaking his head, his voice forlorn. "You just used me. You never had any intention of being with me."

  Severin turned and marched to the locker room in silence. Discussion over.

  Arion could only watch him leave. What the hell had just happened here? He looked down at the mat, at a smear of moisture – Sev's sweat. He reached out and dabbed it with his fingertips and lifted it to his nose.

  Aaaahhhh. Severin. Pure and strong.

  His gaze swept back to the locker room and that dull, throbbing ache awakened in his chest again. He had hurt Sev. Sev thought he had simply been using him, but that wasn't the case at all. Arion had wanted what happened six weeks ago. He had never intended to hurt Sev.

  But he had. Sev was most definitely in pain.


  Arion felt about an inch tall, and he needed to get out of there.

  Rubbing his thumb up and down his sternum, trying to ease the ache, he gathered himself and stood up. With one last look at the locker room door, he took a deep breath, blew it out, and hurried for the exit.

  After rushing down the deserted hall in a fit of emotional upheaval, he reached the elevators and smacked the up button then looked back in the direction of the training center. Sev was in there, likely in as big a mess as he was. Probably wondering where it had all fallen apart. Wondering why Ari had used him, even though that hadn't been Ari's intention.

  Double shit.

  He needed to explain. He needed to apologize. He needed to somehow let Sev know that none of this was his fault. It was Ari's fault. All of it.

  His thumb continued rubbing rhythmically up and down the center of his chest as the ache deepened. When the elevator door opened, he stood there for a second. Then he took a step forward. Then stopped. Then closed his eyes and leaned forward on one outstretched arm pressed against the wall.

  He couldn't leave Sev.

  Turning, he let the elevator door close as he began the hesitant walk back to the training center.

  This was crazy. Ari stopped in the middle of the hall. If he returned to the gym, he knew how things would end up. He wouldn't be able to hold himself back from Sev. He wanted him. The scent of his sweat still invaded his nose, and it was a better high than a snort of cobalt could give him.

  No, no. He could hold back. He would be able to control himself. He owed Sev that much. And he owed him an explanation…and an apology.

  With purpose, Ari started walking again, holding his head high and pushing his shoulders back. The ache in his chest diminished as he neared the gym and opened the door. After stepping inside, he halted abruptly, his lungs pumping hard. Was he nervous or just keyed up? Was he afraid someone would see them and figure out what happened? Or was his sudden, erratic breathing caused by something else? Desire perhaps? Or his struggle not to give in to temptation and claim Sev's body as he had six weeks ago.

  Fucking hells, maybe he should just bolt and do this shit later.

  A sudden jolt of pain hit his chest. No. you need to do it now. You need to take away Sev's pain, you chicken shit. Suck it up, grow some balls, go in there, and apologize. Set things right.

  Nodding to himself, he took a deep breath and stalked the length of the gym to the locker room, pushed the door open, and proceeded directly to the bay of lockers reserved for Tristan's team.

  As he rounded the corner, he sucked in his breath at the magnificent, beautiful male who greeted him. Sev was sitting on the bench
, his face already turned toward him, his guarded eyes red and full of tears, his thumb poised against his sternum as if he had been rubbing it.

  Sev slowly stood up. "Why are you here?"

  Suddenly, everything Ari had wanted to say escaped him. Like a fleeing antelope, his words bounded away, leaving him only with his breath, his body, and the vision of Severin in front of him. And the scent of Sev's sweat. And the memory of Sev's mouth on his, their bodies perfectly matched and pressed together. All he could do was stare and remember how incredible Sev had felt against him and in his arms.


  Without a word, Ari charged forward, grabbed Sev, and thrust him back against the metal lockers with a loud clank as he came nose-to-nose with him, his senses spiking to DEFCON 1 as he panted with arousal.

  "I didn't want her." His voice growled low in his throat.

  It took a moment for Sev to react, but he didn't fight him or try to pull away. On the contrary, his body seemed to light up with as much heat as Ari was feeling.

  "What? What do you mean?" Sev blinked in confusion. Or maybe he was just dazed.

  Arion’s grip on Sev's shoulders stayed firm as his gaze danced over Sev's face. He was hungry for this male. Physically and emotionally hungry for him. "I didn’t want her." He spoke more softly this time. More reverently.

  Sev licked his lips and it was all Ari could do not to lean in and quickly snag that alluring tongue with his teeth.

  "Who?" Sev said quietly.

  Ari could tell Sev knew he was talking about Chloe, but he seemed wary, as if he couldn't believe he was hearing him right.

  "Any of them. I didn't want any of them." Ari hadn't wanted Chloe or any woman he'd ever dated. In a moment of pure clarity, he knew that what he wanted was right here in front of him.

  Their noses touched as their gazes held and locked on to each other. Ari could feel the warmth of Sev's breath on his own mouth, and it made his stomach muscles quiver with excitement, taking him back to his kitchen and how they had devoured each other that night.

  Sev's eyes searched his as he remained pressed against the lockers. "Who do you want, Ari?" He kept his voice soft then held his breath, as if not daring to hope for the answer he wanted.

  "I think you already know." Ari could see the realization dawning in Sev's blue eyes; the connections being made; the knowledge that what had happened six weeks ago hadn't been a fluke, an accident, or just some curious adventure.

  Sev's eyes tightened and his breath hitched. "Please tell me. Who do you want?"

  Ari glanced down at Sev's perfect lips then prowled his gaze back up to his eyes, seeing his future in their blue depths.

  "You." Ari closed the last inch between them in an instant, locking his lips to Sev's.

  Air pushed out their noses as they both moaned in what sounded like relief.

  Sev's body instantly uncoiled and softened within Ari's grasp.

  Their lips fused and separated, re-fused, twisted together, opened and devoured. Their tongues danced against each other, lapping and licking and drinking in the other’s taste. Sev’s teeth banged against Ari’s, but neither of them seemed to care as long as the connection between them remained intact.

  "Ari…when? How?" Sev's hands explored down Ari's stomach as he spoke against his mouth.

  "Ssshhh." Ari brushed his lips over Sev's again, lingering, their tender skin clinging together.

  Sev moaned and his eyes closed dreamily as he gently squirmed, feeling and touching Ari.

  Damn, but his hands felt good creeping lower like that. Ari thought he would hyperventilate as he began panting heavily, drawing his mouth away from Sev's so he could look down at that big hand inching toward his erection.

  Sev shifted and leaned into Ari, resting his forehead on his shoulder and wrapping his other arm softly around the small of Ari's back, holding him, caressing, keeping him close.

  Not a word was said as they both watched Sev's hand slide the rest of the way down and over the mound of hard flesh in Ari's shorts.

  "Oh, God." Ari swayed forward, shuddering, growing weak in the knees. Sev's arm tightened around him and Ari's fingers curled and gripped the tops of Sev's shoulders like hooks to hold him up.

  But still they both watched Sev's palm rub slowly up and down his hard column. The satin material slipped erotically over his cock, tantalizing him and burning his soul with heat. Then Sev curled his fingers around him, holding him through his shorts, applying delicious pressure that seared his senses and made him shiver with restraint.

  He just wanted to take Sev. Here. Now. Just throw him over the bench and fuck the ever-living rocks off him.

  Sev groaned and rubbed him harder. "Is this for me?" Sev's deep voice and the warmth of his breath against his shoulder awakened another unnerving shiver down his spine.

  He nodded, trying to swallow a gasp that choked through his throat. Ari closed his eyes, unable to believe how good this felt. "Y-Yes." He stammered over the words, his voice gravelly with lust.

  Something was building inside him. Need. A craving. Desire. His whole body rose and fell with each breath, and he whimpered as Sev pulled away the waist of his shorts and dipped his hand down inside.

  Fuck! That nearly undid Ari. His legs buckled and his abdomen spasmed uncontrollably.

  Getting a hard grip on Sev's shoulders again, he slammed him back against the lockers once more and bit down on Sev's bottom lip, purring so hard it sounded like a growl.

  The purr. The sound of an aroused male. And Ari was way beyond aroused.

  Sev pushed him back and spun him around, nearly crawling inside his body as he shoved him toward the shower room while keeping one arm secured around his waist and his other hand down the front of Ari's shorts.

  "Where…?" Ari nearly fell over from the pleasure of Sev's hand stroking him.

  "Showers. Now." Sev clumsily directed him forward.

  They barely avoided tripping over each other in their haste to get into the farthest stall to the right.

  The showers were typical gym showers, with a curtained outer area for towels, robes, or other clothes, and a second curtained area for the shower.

  Sev yanked open the outer curtain and pushed Ari in before pulling the curtain shut behind them. In a tangle of arms and fervent kisses, they started pulling off each other's clothes as Sev reached in and cranked on the water.

  Sev tugged off his shirt as Ari discarded his to the marble bench behind him. Hands found waistbands and pushed. Feet toed off gym shoes. Shorts fell down their legs. Two powerful, masculine bodies pressed together and spun into the shower. Their hands combined to throw the inner curtain closed with the satisfying sound of metal shower rings swooshing over the bar.

  "I’ve had fantasies about this since—" Ari was cut off by Sev’s mouth clamping down on his in a heated kiss.

  "So have I." Sev pushed him back against the cold tile wall and skimmed his hands over the curves of his back to his ass, sliding the fingers of his left hand softly between his cheeks.

  No man had ever touched him there and Ari’s knees nearly buckled again from the pleasure of having Sev’s fingers dip into the place he had only ever dreamed of being explored.

  "Sensitive?" Sev chuckled lightly as he pushed closer and deepened the caress.

  "You have—oh!—Oh God, you have no idea."

  The earlier tension was gone. The aggression between them had dissipated, replaced now by something primal that seemed to originate from somewhere far back in their vampire genetics. It felt almost like instinct, as if an innate drive propelled them toward one another.

  "I never meant to hurt you." Ari skimmed his hands with fascination over Sev's bare chest. He was massive. Broad and wide of shoulder and pure muscle. Fucking sexy as hell.

  "That's past now." Sev purred and found Ari's mouth, locking them together.

  He tasted perfect. Magnificent. Ari opened for him and licked the seam of Sev's mouth, urging his lips apart as Sev pressed him more intently into t
he cold, tile wall.

  They both moaned and sighed against each other.

  It was suddenly clear Ari couldn't be without Severin. He would have to find a way for them to be together so that no one found out, because he had to have Sev in his life as more than somebody he worked with. He wanted him too badly. Trying to deny his attraction to Sev felt akin to asking water not to be wet. It just didn’t make sense and wasn’t possible. Doing so would be living a lie. An even greater lie than the one he had been living already.

  Sev’s fingers dove deeper, spreading the cheeks of his ass to graze the tight opening that no one but he had ever played with, and he shuddered violently and sucked in his breath as his knees almost gave out.

  "Okay, I’ve got you." Sev gripped him securely around the waist with his other arm, holding him up as Ari latched onto his shoulders.

  "Don’t stop. Please." Ari couldn’t believe this was happening. He had only ever wanted to feel normal and to have a sexual experience where he didn’t have to force fantasies through his mind of men touching him like this so he could get off. Now that it was actually happening, he had a feeling he would go into major meltdown if Sev stopped.

  Sev abruptly lifted him and his back slapped against the wall. "Wrap your legs around me."

  Ari did as he was told and locked his ankles above the curve of Sev’s bottom.

  Sev’s hand gripped his ass cheek and his fingers crept into the previously unexplored crevice once more. Arion arched away from the wall, grinding their cocks together as Sev leaned forward and closed his mouth over his nipple.

  "Oh, God," he said softly.

  This was better than he had ever imagined. He reached down and started stroking himself as he watched Sev’s tongue flick up and down over his nipple before his lips closed over it again and sucked. For the first time, he didn’t have to close his eyes to find something to sexually excite him. Sev's masculine face and his hard cock gave him an arousing visual feast that kicked his libido into a dimension it had never known, and no way was he about to close his eyes. Nothing his mind could conjure would turn him on more than the very real, very sensual male holding him against the wall.


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