CARNIVAL (The Spark Form Chronicles Book 2)

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CARNIVAL (The Spark Form Chronicles Book 2) Page 18

by Doyle, Matt

  "I gotta find my own progress. Tonight, that means beating you."

  The two titans of the modern game clash once more in the most anticipated rematch of the last ten years ...

  "It doesn't matter what you throw at me, or how hard you wanna push. I'm not gonna stop. I'm not gonna give in."

  "I'm a fighter John, a survivor. And it's only going to take one slip to make me a champion."

  Coming up next on the Forty Third Annual Spark Form World Championships ...

  John Forrester versus Fahrn Starchaser ...

  It is time to ...

  Light ... It ... Up!

  The video fades to black.


  By the time the video fades in, the crowd are already cheering and chanting, the words hard to pick out of the roar. The audible excitement only gets louder when the lights eventually fade down into the flashing blue and red entrance lights. The smoke starts to rise from either side of the metal framework holding up the entrance curtain. A count down queues up on the Big Screen, each number counting down with a light beep.






  Song: Came Out Bruised (But Still Breathing)

  Band: Addicted to my Rut

  Genre: Grunge

  The crowd begin to stomp in time with the drums as the words'2916 SPARK FORM WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS RUNNNER-UP' flash up on screen then drop off to show 'FAHRN STARCHASER' just as she walks out through the curtain. Although her eyes remain as focused as they had been in her last interview, that she isn't rebelling against the mild support that she's receiving is enough of an acknowledgment to draw a few more cheers.

  As always, Fahrn brings her legs together, pulling her left arm behind her back as she raises her right to the sky and yells 'To the stars", cuing a large blast of pyrotechnics. This time, her walk towards the Competitor Area is accompanied by a UV light that illuminates the spray in her hair, leaving each braid to flicker as it splays out from under her bandana. While her determination remains apparent, Fahrn takes the time to nod to each section of the crowd that cheers and chants, and the camera begins to cut away to small sections of the crowd as they clap respectfully.

  The music fades down as Fahrn comes to a halt, and around a third of the ground level lights power up on the main stage, briefly illuminating the entrance curtain before settling into a series of intermittent flashes. Two figures step out through the curtain and take their positions either side of the ramp. A voice kicks in over the speakers, dripping with the cheese laden charisma of an old style game show announcer as it states, "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, your 2916 World Champion John Forrester and his comrade in arms, Carnival!"

  Song: Standing As One

  Band: Shotgun Drive-By

  Genre: Arena Rock

  The crowd erupt the moment the sing-along vocals hit, and the flashing lights power on to illuminate the stage. The defending champion and his chosen Spark Form, still in her third edition form, march across the stage like hard rock frontmen, raising triumphant fists to the supportive fans as they go. The intro riff gives way to the first verse of the song, and both champion and Spark Form break into one of their more standard routines, dancing their way down the ramp as the lights come on two at a time. Once they reach the end of the ramp, two spotlights hit and begin tracking John and his Lopine as they weave their way across to the edge of the Battle Zone.

  They turn to each other and pause, the spotlights converging as they stand, staring into each other's eyes. In unison, they swing their right arms forward and clasp hands, nod, and break away to their respective places in the Battle Zone and Competitor Area.

  For the final time this year, the video splits to a split screen of the competitors as the Connection Team starts plugging them into the spinal cabling.

  "It's finally here Sam. We are now moments away from crowning the forty third Spark Form World Champion."

  "That's right Dirk. An' once again it comes down to these two individuals right here. Defendin' champ John Forrester has had a Helluva tournament this year, goin' through Finn McCourt on night one an' then, earlier tonight, he took down the legendary Connor Ford."

  "Meanwhile, Fahrn Starchaser has had a mixed tournament up until now, hasn't she?"

  "Yeah. Slade Fury was on form last night, takin' Fahrn to the limit before finally fallin', then tonight ... well, we all know what happened there, both with Laqueta and Dorian Djorkiev."

  "The question is, will what happened knock her off her stride or will she able to bounce back and take John to the wire like she did last year?"

  "Or maybe further Dirk. She was shaken earlier though; you could see that."

  "And who could blame her, Sam?"

  "Absolutely. Didja see her interview on the way to the curtain though? An' the way she entered? She's focused now, real focused, an' what she's focused on is becomin' the first Offland champ in Spark Form history."

  "But can she do it?"

  "Who can tell? She's hasn't really gotten goin' yet this year, but John brings out the best in her, ya know?"

  "OK, well it looks like the Connection Teams are finishing up already, so let's head back down to the Battle Zone."

  Keeping her eyes dead ahead, Fahrn crosses her arms and waits. Finally, the electronic announcer commands, "2916 Spark Form World Championship Runner-Up Fahrn Starchaser, please initialise your deck." Remaining unsmiling, the Offland competitor reaches out and hits the initialisation key on her Sky Control System.

  As her cards fly across her screen in a rapid shuffle, her Data Wick starts to glow in the centre of the Battle Zone. The light builds quickly, creating a sudden blinding flash before burning out to reveal an Anthro type Drakalia. S cracks his neck, once, twice, and leaps forward. He lands just in front of his opponent, his hair hanging across his face as he opens his mouth wide and lets out a loud, raspy hiss of a growl before stepping back to his own side of the centre line.

  Stand tall proud traveller,

  And let the sun shine against the deep black talons of your well-worn feet.

  Lay your head where you will,

  And fight how you must,

  So that others will remember you when you leave.

  Know that whispers of the sand-scaled champion,

  Lay both ahead and behind you,

  Tales of a hero to the people that you have and are yet to meet.

  'He will come,' they say, 'Trailing hope at his side,'

  'For S remembers the roads once travelled, and will see the land grow green once more.'

  The electronic announcer cuts in again, this time saying, "2916 Spark Form World Champion John Forrester, please initialise your deck," and John taps the display on his Mobile Loader. Carnival, who has thus far remained in a ready pose, starts to run through a series of stretches while her intro plays over the speakers.

  The one that survived,

  The blue and the grey,

  She lives now as though she could fall,

  Each day a party, each dance her last.

  This is how she makes the land her own,

  Makes the passing time more a friend than a thing to fear.


  Yes, she is that.

  But she is also one of the few.

  Carnival will not change, will not bow to the harsh reality of the world.

  Nor will she allow it to be forced upon her, even if she must kill to keep things as they are.

  Carnival stands up straight and flashes S a vicious smile, then brings her right hand up and drags the thumb across her throat, finishing with an angry roar.

  "The staff now running through the final checks before we get the final underway. Any thoughts on John and Fahrn's choice of Spark Form Sam?"

  "I've gotta admit, I'm a little surprised that John didn't switch back to his first edition Carnival. I mean, the deck he used against Connor Ford was pretty damn good, but he w
as still cuttin' it close, ya know? He made the most of the switch-up, but it definitely wasn't as strong as his normal deck."

  "Could he be banking on Fahrn expecting that though? Maybe he's sticking with the third edition to try to throw her off her game?"

  "If he is, it ain't workin'. You look at Fahrn down there, you can tell, she ain't gonna be givin' ground tonight."

  "Is Fahrn sticking with S a good move do you think?"

  "Hard to tell. It's a good card an' all, but we didn't really get to see what sorta deck she's usin' with him earlier. That could be to her advantage though."

  "With no upgrade cards being used in the final, we could be in for a long one again too, so John and Fahrn's choice of Data Fragment could prove crucial. John is still using a Burst Style Data Fragment and Fahrn is sticking with a Blast Style. Do you think that John has gone back to Ginga, or will he be mixing it up again?"

  "He's been full of surprises so far today, ain't he? I'm gonna say Ginga though. He knows how dangerous Fahrn can be, so he'll want something to help get him back on top if he drops behind."

  "It's interesting because the card was so important in his last two matches with Fahrn, so you'd think it would be almost suicidal to change it now. But then, you could say the same thing about his use of Ginga in any of his big matches really, and he still pulled off the victory over Connor without it."

  "Oh he's capable, there's no doubt about that. I just can't see him riskin' it again."

  "It looks like the checks are done Sam. Any last minute predictions?"

  "It's gonna be a close one, but I'm gonna predict ... that it's your turn."

  "I'm sorry?"

  "Yeah man, I'm always guessin' the results. It's your turn for a change."

  "OK ... erm ... I think that, thus far, John's been on better form than Fahrn. Based on that, I'm gonna say the champ retains."

  "No fairy tale ending for our favourite Offlander, huh?"

  "No, I think that John's just too good to lose here."

  "In that case, I'm gonna say Fahrn, jus' to make it interesting. Loser buys the drinks?"

  "Sounds good," Dirk laughs. "Right, let's get back to the Battle Zone."

  Song: The Sky Will Fall

  Band: To This End ...

  Genre: Symphonic Metal

  The keyboard intro queues up, sending the crowd into a frenzy, almost drowning out the electronic announcer as it states, "It is time to ... Light. It. Up. Competitors ... Begin!"

  "S moves in with a quick slash, Carnival weaves under and darts forward with a bite, but S gets a hand on her shoulder and guides her past. Carnival still in control though and she throws off a hook, but S blocks and nails a slash, stumbling Carnival back."

  "S now pressin' the advantage with a tail whip, but Carnival shoulder rolls over the top an' comes up with a Meia Lua De Compasso. Again, S gets an arm up an' guides it past. He follows up with a roundhouse kick but Carnival blocks, stumblin' back a coupl'a steps."

  "She's on the back foot now Sam, hopping back to avoid a slash, ducking under another and ... Big Diving Lunge by S!"

  "Carnival gets a leg up though an' throws him over on the way down, but S rolls to his feet an' darts in with another slash, duck by Carnival, tail whip, Carnival jumps it an' goes for a leaping kick to the head."

  "S blocks again and Carnival rolls away but S leaps forward with another Diving Lunge. She didn't get a leg up this time Sam!"

  "S ain't snappin' either though Dirk, Carnival's trapped the arm, slowly rollin' him over an' forcin' him up."

  "Just like with Jariah Sam, here it comes ... the crack echoes around the arena, and S's arm goes limp as he hisses angrily, stepping back ..."

  "An' the champ now sends Carnival forward, grabbing S around the waist an' deadliftin' him over into a hard slam, then follows up with a big hook to the grounded Drakalia, bloodyin' his mouth."

  "One more to go and S should force his arm back into the socket Sam, but the damage is mounting up. Hard kick by Carnival and S falls to the floor, rising up onto all fours ... and the crowd 'ooh' as he cracks the arm into place."

  "Carnival stalks around him an' ... S trips her with a tail whip! S now scramblin' over the Lopine an' firing off some quick jabs, boostin' his health back up."

  "Even without upgrades, the health points are dropping quickly Sam!"

  "Yeah man. Ya notice S's the only one bleedin' though, an' he's still in a worse position right now."

  "Carnival dodges a swipe and slams S down again, locking in a leg bar."

  "The champ is really bringin' his A Game here Dirk, keepin' this one a lot closer to one sided than his last two clashes with Fahrn."

  "A kick to the leg sends S down, he sits up ... And Carnival dives down with a hard strike. You think Fahrn's gonna go down early Sam?"

  "It's lookin' that way, but ya can't rule her out. I mean, she took a Helluva beatin' from Slade yesterday too."

  "Carnival now pulling S to his feet, gripping that arm again. Here comes another dislocation ... no! S snaps Carnival’s head around with a hard swipe, spraying blood across the arena floor."

  "Is that a tooth?"

  "I think it is Sam!"

  "S knocked a damn tooth out! An' now he moves in ... heavy tail whip stumbles Carnival back but she's still, no, she trips, but she scrambles back up as S darts in with another Heavy Slash, sendin' her flyin' back!"

  "S now just about on top health wise as he goes to work with stomps and strikes, wearing his opponent down. Carnival slowly working up to her feet as S grabs her, claws bared ..."

  "Shotai! Rock solid palm heel strike to S's jaw an' the Drakalia is straight back on the defensive. Carnival goes for a roundhouse, S barely gets outta the way, leaping slash, S weaves around an' leaps with a slash of his own ... Carnival guides him down, scissors the arm an' she locks in the facelock!"

  "So now dropping health once, twice, thre-no! S hauls himself to his knees, rolls Carnival over and lands a good hard strike to the face. Carnival now pushes him away and comes up to her feet. She tries to grab another facelock but S jabs her in the stomach and fires off a tail whip, following up with a ... Diving Lunge!"

  "S now rainin' down some heavy snaps at Carnival's face an' throat!"

  "This version of Carnival should be better equipped to reverse this though Sam."

  "Doesn't matter Dirk! That's some heavy damage right there! Carnival's fading!"

  "Not enough though! Carnival catches S's snout in her mouth and bites down hard! The bloody Drakalia now reels back, letting Carnival up to her feet. She goes for a kick but S darts in close and jabs, jabs again, and winds up the Leaping Slash ..."

  "DATA FRAGMENT ACTIVATE: GINGA," says the electronic announcer, and Carnival steps her way out of reach of the attack.

  "It didn't look pretty, but it got the champ outta there an' now ... Leaping Slash by Carnival rips a big ol' gash down S's chest an' he falls heavily to the floor! Carnival now steps in, bringing her claws up ... S clamps his jaws into her throat!"

  "He rose just quick enough to grab her Sam, but he's not quite to his feet yet!"

  "Carnival breaks it up with a knee to the stomach, an' S rolls away, slowly forcin' his way to his feet ... Meia Lua De Compasso finds its mark, an' S is all but done now Dirk!"

  "Carnival goes in for the kill, pulling S to his feet and throwing off a punch, S blocks, but Carnival keeps pushing, throwing out a backfist, S ducks under, slides, comes up into a Leaping Slash ..."


  "Carnival Gingas on outta there an' ..."


  "Carnival, already airborne when the Data Fragment activated, comes down now with a Leaping Slash, decimating S's remaining health points."

  S drops to his knees, then onto all fours, and his body bursts into flames. The Drakalia screeches in pain as his body slowly burns away, leaving nothing behind but a pile of ashes. For a moment, nothing happens. Carnival steps forward to inspect
the remains of her fallen adversary, confusion on her face. The crowd start to murmur. Then, a single blast of flame engulfs the ashes and Carnival steps back, shielding her eyes from the bright white light.

  Out of the light steps a renewed S, his body glowing beneath the arena lights.

  Silently, he dashes forward and fires off a heavy, clawed uppercut that launches Carnival into the air and sends her a clear six feet back, her body landing heavily and spraying dust into the air. S throws his arms out and hisses victoriously as the Lupine’s head drops to the side, her eyes closed.

  "She did it! She did it Dirk! We have a new champion! And you owe me a drink."

  "And what a finish Sam!" Dirk replies, ignoring the jibe. "For the fans at home, can you explain how The Phoenix Rite works?"

  "Sure thing man, sure thing. The card can only be used when you're takin' a knock-out blow, so it really is a last ditch effort kinda thing. Each card you dropped to the bar is worth five HP, an' the first thing you have to do is, startin' from the left, you sacrifice a number of cards equal in value to the total damage inflicted by the last attack you took plus five. Then, look at the remainin' dropped cards an' the next in line becomes your final attack, leavin' the rest of 'em to boost the attacks damage by five each. If that attack takes your opponent out, you win, if it don't, the Rite fails an' your SF falls unconscious."

  "So you really want to drop some heavy hitting cards at the end of the bar then?"

  "In a match like this, definitely. You can technically active the card with only three cards though."

  "If the last attack did five damage you mean?"


  "So when you say total damage inflicted, do you mean the total your SF took to get to zero HP, or does it include damage above that too?"

  "The whole shebang man. If you had ten HP left an' the attack clocked in at thirty after resistance, you'd need to sacrifice seven cards to cover the thirty plus five."


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