Dating Dilemma (Book 1, Dilemma series)

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Dating Dilemma (Book 1, Dilemma series) Page 2

by Michelle Leyland

  'Looking for love? Want a date for Valentine's Day?' the first sentence reads in fancy, violet writing. 'Try our Valentine's Lucky Dip today and find that special someone.'

  And do you know what? I'm so tempted to do what the poster is telling me that I want to do it right away. Luckily, I hold myself back and carefully read the instructions on the poster:

  Here's what you need to do:

  1.Visit our Valentine's stall located beside the Reception.

  2.If you're a single girl, fill out our form, which will need your first name and email address, and then post it through our box.

  If you're a single guy, all you need to do is randomly pick out a piece of paper and take out whichever girl you have chosen.

  3.Enjoy your date on Valentine's Day.

  My heart is beating fast as I finish reading. This is my chance! I will finally be able to get a date for Valentine's Day and wouldn't have to daydream about it.

  I feel too embarrassed to go over to the stall outside Reception and do it right now. It feels a little daunting in case someone sees me. What would I do if there were already people there? Or if there was someone looking after the stall?

  I decide I'll think it all over for the rest of the day and then hopefully I'll have more courage to do it another time.

  That evening after horse riding lesson, I have a shower and finish my homework. I feel pretty bored, because the girls and I haven't arranged to do anything, so I decide to text them and see if they want to hang out.

  'Fancy doing something 2nite?' I type into my mobile and then send the text message to Kate, Gina and Chloe.

  I sit watching TV for a while and then hear my mobile buzz. I check the screen to see a text message from Gina:

  'At bowling with Lee. Wanna hang out 2morrow?'

  I wasn't surprised by this because Gina always hangs out with her boyfriend at least four times a week, so I text her back and then wait for Kate and Chloe to reply.

  Kate's message arrived next:

  'Soz I already told Jamie and the lads I'd play footie wiv them at the prk.'

  I feel disappointed, but at least I can count on Chloe.

  Seconds later, her reply arrives:

  'Hangin out with my Sis, maybe some other time?'

  I read her reply and feel gutted. How could it be possible for all three of my best mates to be busy on the same night?

  I try not to mind too much. Besides, I'll see them all at school in the morning and we can always hang out tomorrow night, so what's the big deal?

  I try to concentrate on watching Scrubs. It's my favourite TV show at the moment, but even though it's funny, it's an episode about JD and Elliot getting back together and that makes me feel even lonelier. Why can't I have a boyfriend to go out with instead of staying in while my best friends were out having fun?

  That's when I remember about the Valentine's Lucky Dip at school. Maybe I should go for it? At least it will mean that I get a date for Valentine's Day. I know I might risk having to be with a complete loser that day, but even that would be better than nothing at all.

  I start to daydream about Valentine's Day all over again. What if I was lucky enough to get a date with a totally hot guy? Okay, maybe that's way too shallow. How about a guy who is really nice and makes me laugh? That seems better. Maybe after the date we could start a relationship?

  After daydreaming about it for the next half hour, I finally decide that I'm ready to take a chance. This time there's no way I'm staying in on Valentine's Day. I'll be going on a date!

  Chapter 4

  The next morning, I go to school extra early so I can sneak over to the Valentine's Lucky Dip stall while hardly anyone is around. I quickly go past the reception, which is empty for now, and walk over to the stall positioned at the side of it. The stall table has a red table cloth over it and is decorated with heart confetti.

  There is a pile of small, pink forms to fill out, so I get a pen out of my bag and scribble down my first name and my email address onto the piece of paper. I do a quick check around the corridor and then fold the piece of paper and post it through the sparkly pink box labeled 'Single ladies'.

  I quickly walk outside and towards the school gates to wait for Kate, Gina and Chloe to arrive, pretending I haven't been anywhere near the Valentine's Lucky Dip stall. I know it's silly, but I'm already starting to feel excited about it. I know the date might be a total fail and I might regret it for the rest of my life, but there was always a chance of things going well. I knew one thing though; at least it seems as if my love life is going somewhere for once.

  All day I can't stop thinking of the Valentine's Lucky Dip. I really want to tell my best friends about it because I'm so excited, but I know I can't. I'm way too embarrassed to admit taking part in it. It's been so hard keeping it to myself and having to act normal, in case they get suspicious and start asking questions. It's killing me having to keep a secret from them, since we always share everything and never keep anything from each other.

  Luckily, it's pretty easy to keep quiet since Chloe is going on and on about her date tomorrow. I can't help feeling a little jealous again, so I decide to talk to Kate, who's already yawning with boredom.

  "So, how was it with Jamie at the park last night?" I ask her.

  She blushes as usual at hearing his name.

  "Pretty good actually," she replies. "We got talking a bit and had fun playing football together. Plus he didn't throw a tantrum when our side won, so at least I know he's not childish like the others."

  "Cool," I reply, trying not to feel jealous.

  "The only problem is I always feel so nervous around him and its stupid 'cause we're mates now," continues Kate. "I wish I wasn't like that and I could talk to him like I do with all the other lads"

  "Welcome to my world," I reply.

  "So what do you wanna do tonight?" Kate asks me and I suddenly remember our conversation via text yesterday night.

  "Dunno," I answer. "Aren't you at footie practice after school?" I know the match is tomorrow, so Kate would be having extra football practice.

  "Yeah, but I'll be home for about six," she answers. "We could watch the new comedy film with Jim Carey in it. I saw the DVD advertised at Blockbuster yesterday."

  "Sounds good," I agree, since me and Kate are both fans of Jim Carey and we hadn't seen the movie when it was out at the cinema.

  "I'll pick it up on my way home," offers Kate.

  "Okay," I agree, feeling great to be doing something after staying on my own last night.

  "Hey," Kate calls to Chloe and Gina. "Do you two wanna watch a film tonight?"

  "What are you watching?" asks Chloe.

  "The new Jim Carey film," answers Kate.

  "I guess I'll come," answers Chloe, not looking so interested in the film. She doesn't really find Jim Carey funny like me and Kate do.

  "What about you, Gina?" I ask her.

  "Yeah I'll be there," she answers.

  "So you're not off somewhere snogging Lee?" Chloe teases her.

  "No, I wanna have fun with you lot tonight," she replies.

  "Cool," says Kate. "Come over to my place at half seven. I'll even provide the popcorn."

  We all meet at Kate's house that evening and settle down with a bowl of sweet popcorn to watch the movie. It's so funny I end up choking on the popcorn and Kate has to give me a big slap on the back.

  One of the scenes is so hilarious that Kate and I laugh until our sides hurts. Gina giggles a lot through the film too. She won't dare have a drink of Pepsi while watching it, in case she ends up choking like I did. Even Chloe laughs at a few parts, although she says the film is stupid.

  I have such a good time with them that night that I manage to forget all about the Valentine's Lucky Dip until Saturday morning. Chloe is going on her date, Kate is off to the football match and Gina is probably doing something with Lee; so I'm alone again.

  I'd arranged to meet up with Kate after the football match, so we can watch t
he movie again before she takes it back to Blockbusters; so at least I get to see someone and not be stuck in for the whole of Saturday. I mean, how bad would that be?!

  I decide to quickly finish the coursework I'm doing for Science on my laptop, since it's due in for Tuesday. I log into Facebook, Twitter and then my email account, just to have a quick check if I've got any messages.

  I'm deleting all the junk mail from my email account when I notice a message from someone I don't know. Curiously I open the email and my heart starts beating fast as I read it:

  Hi Vanessa,

  My name is Matthew. I chose you from the Valentine's Lucky Dip at school so that's why I have your email address. Are you still single?

  From Matthew x

  I can feel myself blushing already. My heart is still beating fast and I can't believe it has worked.

  I start to reply back, feeling excited:

  Hi Matthew

  It's great to hear from you. Yes I'm still single. So how are you?

  From Vanessa x

  I was so looking forward to getting a reply back that I can hardly concentrate on the project anymore. Luckily, just before I'm about to give up and log off the laptop, I see another email arrive in my inbox from him.

  Cool, I'm glad you are ;-) I'm good thanks, how are you doing? Are you up to anything this weekend? x

  I feel happy butterflies flutter inside my stomach as I continue our conversation, feeling as if I have struck lucky after all:

  I'm good too. I'm meeting up with my friend later on to watch a movie. We rented the new comedy film with Jim Carey and it's so funny we want to watch it again. What are you up to this weekend?

  He replies back a minute later:

  Cool, I really wanted to see that movie too. Jim Carey is hilarious, so I'll definitely rent that sometime.

  I'm watching the football match tonight with my Dad. We both love Manchester United, so hopefully our team wins. What are you into? Do you like any sports?

  I quickly reply back:

  I like to hang out with mates, listen to music and watch movies. I also take horse riding lessons every week. I love animals and I'd really like to be a vet when I leave school. Apart from that, I don't really like any sports, although badminton and swimming are quite fun.

  How long have you been a Manchester United fan? Do you enjoy playing football in your spare time?

  By the time I've sent the email, my Dad starts nagging about wanting to use the laptop for work. I reluctantly log off and hand it over, starting to daydream about my maybe future boyfriend Matthew.

  Chapter 5

  It's hard to keep the secret of Matthew to myself when I meet up with Kate later on. I'm dying to tell her all about him and about his e-mails, but I know I can't because then I'd have to confess all about joining the Valentine's Lucky Dip, so I keep my lips firmly sealed.

  Luckily, Kate's too busy telling me all about her football match, so I'm safe. Kate's team won 3-1 so she's still all hyped up about it.

  "Jamie came for a drink at the caf? with me and the lads after the game too," says Kate. "We're really getting on well."

  "That's great," I say, feeling pleased for her. At least now I don't have to feel jealous for once, not now that I have Matthew secretly e-mailing me.

  "I feel worried though," reveals Kate.

  "Worried. Why?" I ask feeling surprised, since Kate is definitely not the worrying type.

  "It's just with me and Jamie being good mates now, I'm scared he'll only think of me as that from now on. All the other lads just think of me as one of them, and that's fine since I hate lads treating me differently just 'cause I'm a girl; but I don't want Jamie seeing me as just one of the lads too or else he might just completely forget that I'm a girl."

  I try hard not to laugh. I can't help it, just thinking of a lad completely forgetting that someone is a girl is pretty funny.

  "Yeah," I reply, trying to show that I kind of understand what she means and successfully hold back my laughter, "but I don't think he will. Chloe and Gina are convinced he's got a thing for you."

  "Yeah but y' know what those two are like, they don't even believe that you can just be mates with a guy, which is pretty dumb," says Kate. "Anyway, I don't see it so maybe they're just misunderstanding. He's treating me like everyone else on the team so he obviously just wants to stay mates."

  "I guess we'll have to see what happens," I say, not knowing what else to say. I'm nowhere near an expert on boys, that's Chloe's job.

  "Yeah. Let's watch the movie. I need to take it back soon, plus we'd better raid the kitchen before my bro steals all the Pringles."

  After dinner, we all meet up at Chloe's at seven to hear all the gossip about her date.

  "So, how was it?" Gina asks her as soon as we're in her bedroom.

  "It was good," answers Chloe. "I managed to get him to watch this other film instead. I don't know how I could have sat through that awful sci-fi film. Plus he bought me popcorn and a drink too, wasn't that sweet?"

  I smile, starting to fantasize about Valentine's day when Matthew and I will be going on our date.

  "Do you like him?" Kate asks her.

  "He's okay," answers Chloe, not sounding as enthusiastic as I expected. "He's not what I'd want as an ideal boyfriend, but I thought I'd give him a chance and see how things turn out."

  "I bet she's only dating him because she's fed up of being single," Kate says to me quietly.

  "I heard that," Chloe playfully hits Kate with a pillow, but we all notice that she doesn't exactly defend herself or say it wasn't true.

  "So you are then?" Gina accuses her giggling.

  "Okay, I admit it," confesses Chloe. "I wasn't that interested in him, but it just felt so nice for someone to ask me out on a date, so I said yes. Anyway, when we get to know each other better I might start to like him."

  "You're so mean, Chloe, leading him on like that," jokes Kate.

  "Am not," insists Chloe and hits her with a pillow again. Kate hits her back so hard that Chloe falls backwards giggling. Anytime soon a mega pillow fight is going to kick off.

  "I think it's nice you're giving him a chance," Gina interrupts them. "You never know, he might turn out to be your next boyfriend."

  "I hope so," says Chloe. "He is pretty nice, just not that good looking."

  "Has he asked you on another date?" I ask her.

  "Yeah," answers Chloe. "I said I'd meet up with him tomorrow."

  "Hey, that reminds me," Kate suddenly exclaims. "Keith's birthday party is tomorrow night. Are you guys coming?"

  We all chorused a "yeah" feeling pretty excited.

  "Let's all meet up here before the party so we can get ready together," says Chloe excitedly. She loves doing makeovers, so this is a pretty good opportunity for her. "I could always just meet Danny there, I'm sure he'll be invited."

  We all agree to the makeover and changing plans at Chloe's place.

  "Is Jamie going?" Gina asks Kate.

  "Yeah, he's going with a few of the lads from the team," says Kate blushing.

  "Did you have a good time with him today at the match?" asks Chloe, looking keen to hear all about it, since she's dying for something to happen between Kate and Jamie.

  "Yeah, it was great," answers Kate "There's just one problem though."

  She tells them all the stuff she's told me this afternoon about Jamie maybe just wanting to be mates.

  "We need to change that quick!" says Chloe thoughtfully. "There's nothing good about being stuck in the friend zone with a guy you fancy."

  "But how?" asks Kate. "I'm probably already in the friend zone."

  "Make him notice you," says Chloe, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "If he sees you as an attractive girl then he'll soon realize that you're dating material."

  "Oh no, what are you planning?" asks Kate, sensing that Chloe is getting ideas already.

  "I think we should give you a mega makeover for the party," reveals Chloe excitedly.

No way!" says Kate and looks horrified. "You know I hate make-up and girly stuff like that. Plus the lads will have a right laugh at me turning up at the party looking like a girly-girl."

  "But it'll help make Jamie notice you," says Gina, backing Chloe up, "and you don't have to wear a lot of make-up, just a bit."

  "No," protests Kate. "Y' know what Chloe's like, she'll turn me into a stupid, pop star wannabe."

  Chapter 6

  "I can't believe I'm letting you do this," grumbles Kate.

  It's Sunday evening and we have all met up at Chloe's house as planned to get ready for the party. As you can tell, we've somehow managed to convince Kate that a makeover would be good, although she still isn't pleased about it.

  "Chill out," Chloe tells her, busy applying blue eye shadow on Kate's eye lids. "You'll thank me once I've finished and you see how great you look."

  "You do look pretty good, Kate," Gina tells her, looking up as she helps do my hair with Chloe's straighteners.

  Gina has already finished doing her usual hair do with the curling irons and it looks amazing.

  "And I've kept to the rules we agreed," Chloe tells Kate to reassure her.

  Before the mega makeover started, Kate had made strict rules that there was no way she was wearing any pink or purple clothes and make-up, since they were too girly for her. Also foundation and lipstick were out too. So Chloe had started by adding a little bit of red blusher, that you could barely notice; some clear lip gloss that makes your lips look shiny, and then had started on the blue eye shadow.

  "What about mascara?" she asks Kate when she's finished. "That would look good."

  "Fine, but just a bit."

  Chloe adds the mascara and then triumphantly hands Kate the mirror.

  "Done!" she announces. "Do you like it?"

  Kate studies herself in the mirror for a few seconds, "Yeah, it looks pretty good," she answers, sounding a little impressed, "but that doesn't mean I'm using make-up from now on."

  "Why not? You look gorgeous with makeup," says Gina.


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