All I Want For Christmas

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All I Want For Christmas Page 4

by Hazel Gower

  “Oh, my darling, I’m going to have to agree with Ashlyn.” Unable to help myself, I went over to hug her. She placed her arm around my waist and squeezed.

  “How can I say no to my two favorite girls?” He put the suit back in the box and carried it out to the front.

  Grandma kissed my cheek. “Thanks, baby. I think we might just get rid of some of this junk.”

  “Elsa, this isn’t junk. It’s priceless memories.” My grandma let me go, but my granddad pulled her into his embrace. They were still so in love. Since I was a little girl, I wanted someone to love me the way my granddad loved my grandma.

  My grandmother stayed and helped us for a couple of hours as we looked for the Christmas stuff and cleared out the garage. By the time lunch came around, we were all starving and had had enough. No Christmas things had been found, but we’d cleaned a hell of a lot out of the garage.

  “Why don’t you go and get some new Christmas things?” Granddad shoved a couple of hundreds into my hand. We sat in the air-conditioning, and I knew both of them were too tired to keep working on the garage in this heat. I would offer to finish the garage job, but knew they wouldn’t let me on my own.

  “Keep the money. I’m the one who wants to decorate. I’ll get the stuff.”

  “You will do no such thing, young lady. Take the money. I’ll even let you use the car.” My grandad used his ‘don’t mess with me’ voice, and I knew I wasn’t going to win, so I nodded and took what he gave me.


  He kissed my forehead.

  Armed with cash and now wheels, I got my bag, put my ‘P’ plates on the car, and got in and drove to the shopping center.

  * * * *


  I needed to get out of the house. Especially when the laughing and sweet-sounding giggles had carried to me from next door. I felt terrible. I was old enough that I should have known better. I felt even worse when I didn’t notice it straight away on Saturday. I’d been too rough with Ashlyn. I should have left her be after our first time. She’d been a virgin, and I’d ravished her all night long. No wonder she’d left me in the morning—she’d been in pain. I was a douche with a capital D, and didn’t deserve her.

  When I’d seen her hobbling around Saturday afternoon, the guilt that hit me almost brought me to my knees. I’d hurt my angel. She’d tried to keep it from me, but she was too sore and couldn’t hide it. I was the worst of the worst. I didn’t trust myself near her for the rest of the day, and when she disobeyed me and came to work Sunday, even after I told her to stay home and rest, I felt like a leech. I stayed well away from her, and spent my day between clients trying to think of ways to make it up to her. To make her happy, and show her how sorry I was for hurting her.

  Christmas. She loved Christmas. I would make my house and my shop a friggin’ Christmas nut’s heaven.

  So imagine my surprise when I found her, not with her grandparents, but at the mall, looking hotter than hell and walking around just fine. I watched her lean down to look at ornaments and growled as two fucking guys stopped in their tracks and stared at her arse. Pushing my overflowing trolley, I made my way to them and snarled, “Move the fuck along and keep your gaze away from what’s mine.”

  I may not be over six feet tall or built like a body builder, but I was a good five eleven, covered in tattoos, and had enough bulk that I looked like one scary motherfucker when pissed. Going to my girl, I stood behind her, hiding her juicy round arse from others. “Where the hell is the rest of your fucking outfit?”

  The greeting I received wasn’t what I expected. I wasn’t sure what to expect really, but it wasn’t the death glare she gave me as she straightened and crossed her arms under her breasts, pushing them up and making it hard to keep my focus on her face. “So you’re talking to me now. You done being broody and feeling guilty?”

  Wincing as her words hit home, I reminded myself why I was here and what my trolley was filled with…I was here getting things to make her happy and forgive me. “I never stopped talking to you, and as for the guilt, I’m going to make it up to you. I will never treat you the way I did.”

  Her hands dropped, and she rested them on her hips as she raised one brow. “Really. Do you even know what you’re making up for?”

  Looking around at the busy store, I lowered my voice. “For being too demanding. You were only a virgin and all I thought of was my need and not how you would feel. I should have let you rest. I took you too many times. I should have let you be after the first.”

  She threw her hands in the air. “You have got to be kidding me. Men are idiots.”

  Stepping away from her, I looked around and saw some of the passersby smirking my way. “Yes. I am.” I figured if I agreed, she’d explain what she thought I’d done and get on with forgiving.

  She came to me so her face was against my chest and tilted it up. “Friday night was amazing. You bloody well ruined it by Saturday afternoon with your brooding and guilt. I didn’t care one bit about the aches and pains I had. I got them from enjoying the hell out of Friday night. I’m pissed at you for the way you’ve been acting the last couple of days.” Her finger poked my chest.

  The fire that blazed in her eyes as she glared at me would have had any other man, I’m sure, running for cover, but not me. My body became hard, and I resisted the urge to pick her up, throw her over my shoulder and take her back to my place to douse the fire. But that was how I’d gotten into this mess, so instead I circled her finger with my hand, brought it up to my lips and pressed a kiss to it, and then to her palm and knuckles. She melted against me, and I wrapped my arm around her.

  Her muffled, “I’m still mad at you,” against my chest had me squeezing her tighter.

  “I’m sorry I was a douche. I should have talked to you.” I felt her nod against me. “So, I could use some help. I’m here to get my house and shop into the Christmas spirit. Do you want to look and see if what I have so far will cut it?” Her squeal of joy as she stepped out of my arms and rushed to my trolley told me I’d done right.

  “This is all good. There are only a couple of things here we’ll put back.” She bounced with excitement, and I zeroed in on her tits. “Hey, buddy.” She laughed. “Eyes up here.” She came back to me and nudged me with her hip.

  Caught. I didn’t even apologize, I just sent her a smirk and wink before I wrapped my arm around her waist. “Come on, Angel, let’s get another trolley.”

  “Good idea. I’m here to get things for my grandparents’ house. Wait here. I’ll go get one.” I watched her walk away, grinning like a loon. She was all mine.

  * * * *


  My Monday had turned out better than I thought it would. Two trolleys full of Christmas stuff later, as well as pickups from the loading dock for larger items, and I had a feeling Braydon regretted some of the things we’d bought. There was a lot to put together. I loved the dazed look on his face when we arrived back at his place, and he unpacked everything. It was cute.

  “Granddad said he’d help put things up.” I tried to look as sweet as possible, hoping it would keep him in a good mood.

  He rolled his eyes and raised his brows. “Angel, there is no way I’m letting your grandfather up on the roof or even a ladder.”

  I loved that he cared for my grandparents, and my heart melted. He was so perfect for me. “I’ll help.”

  “Ha, you’re joking, right?” He shook his head and his lips turned down. I resisted the urge to go over and nibble on them. “There is no way I’m letting you near a ladder. So there is not even a chance you’ll get on the roof.”

  Okay, maybe I needed to rethink the ‘perfect’ part. Right now, he was sounding awfully like my brothers. “Why not? I’m stronger than I look.” I placed my hands on my waist.

  “You’re not going on the roof. It’s way too dangerous. I’m not risking the ladder eith
er. You could really hurt yourself if you fall.”

  “I take instruction well, and I’ll listen to you if I go up and help. I haven’t fallen off a ladder yet.”

  He undid his hair and practically yanked it out as he threaded his fingers through it before putting it up in its usual bun. I watched, mesmerized. I wanted to go over and run my fingers through it, but I could feel his agitation coming off him in waves as he stared at me. “Listen, I said no,” he growled. “And stop looking at me like that. Your grandparents are watching, and I don’t think they’d appreciate me coming to you and devouring your lips and feeling up that delectable body.”

  My breath hitched, heat flooded my body, and my pussy became wet. Right then, I didn’t care what anyone would appreciate. I went to him and grunted in frustration when he backed up. “I don’t care if they know,” I said, as I jumped on him. He caught me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and I smashed my mouth to his and wound my fingers in his hair, undoing his bun.

  He moaned, opening his mouth, and I tangled my tongue with his. When he pulled away, I grinned, because I knew I’d won at least this. “This may have not been the best way for them to find out.” His forehead rested against my own.

  “I wondered how long she’d wait before she made her move.” My granddad’s voice had Braydon letting me go, and I slid down him and turned to see my granddad smiling. “She’s had a crush on you for as long as I remember.” Granddad winked at me. “You just won me an apple pie a week for a year, and I’m off garbage duty for a month. Your Grandma thought you’d at least wait until next year to make your move.”

  I knew I was probably as red as a tomato, I was so embarrassed, but I was curious. “How did you know?”

  “Oh, baby girl, we love you, but we’re not old enough that we need you to move in and watch us. Plus, any time we mentioned Braydon, you’d hang on our every word. You’d have to be blind, too, not to see how you’d follow him whenever he was close.” Granddad chuckled and rubbed his hands together. “I have a month of not getting in trouble over the damn bin.”

  I couldn’t help giggling—my granddad was always in trouble for not emptying the bin or forgetting to put the big bin out for the garbage truck. It was pretty much the only thing I ever heard them argue about.

  “Sir, Mr. Denver. I promise to treat Ashlyn like the angel she is.” His arms came around me to rest against my stomach. I wiggled my arse and his arms tightened, but I didn’t miss his boner against me. I didn’t think he was thinking I was an angel right then.

  Granddad waved his hand. “Bah, none of that sir or Mr. stuff, it’s Grant. Just because you’re dating my granddaughter doesn’t mean you need to change what you call me.” Granddad winked. “Oh, and I know you’ll treat her good; otherwise, I will let her brothers castrate you.”

  He flinched, and his hiss was loud enough I caught it. I patted his hands to soothe him. “Granddad, be nice.”

  “I am, baby girl. If he can’t handle me, then I’m sorry to say it, but he’s doomed; there is no way he’ll handle your brothers. I’m not even saying anything about your parents because they’ll just let your brothers at him.”

  He was right, and I hated it. “Can you give us a little time before you tell them?”

  “You have until Christmas. That doesn’t stop him from coming to dinner tonight, though.”

  “Si— I mean Grant, thanks. I’d love to come to dinner tonight.” Braydon stroked my arm, and I knew he was okay with my grandparents knowing.

  The easiest of my family was okay with Braydon and me. Now I had to tell my brothers and parents before Christmas. My parents wouldn’t be too bad; it was my brothers who would be a pain in the arse.


  Now my grandparents knew, so there would be no sleeping over at his house even if I wanted to. They were cool with us being together, but my staying at his house overnight without being married was a big no-no.

  Monday night, Braydon had been reluctant to leave. Even when my grandparents made a theatrical exit to bed, he didn’t leave. I had too much respect for my grandparents to leave and go to Braydon’s house.

  Tuesday morning, my phone woke me with a message from an unknown. “Come over. I want a hug.”

  “Who’s this?” I was sure it was Braydon, but I needed to check.

  “No one else better be fucking messaging you to come over and hug them.”

  Hug him, my arse. He wanted to fuck. Now he was over his sulk, he was ready to fuck me again. “I was sleeping. Give me ten.” Getting out of bed, I stumbled sleepily to the bathroom. I grabbed a towel and headed to the shower, opening the screen to get the taps perfect before I yanked my clothes off and jumped in. I had the quickest shower I’d ever had, even brushing my teeth in there.

  I dried myself and went to my closet, shoving a slinky, easy, flowing dress over me. I didn’t bother with underwear because I knew I wasn’t going to his house to snuggle. I grabbed my phone and shoved it into my bag as I rushed out of my room, but got caught by my grandma. “Where’s the fire?”

  It was in my body, but there was no way I’d tell her that. So I slowed down and sat at the table. Granddad put the paper down enough for me to see his smirk.

  “Sorry, I’m just eager to get started on the decorating.”

  Granddad’s chuckle was deep, and I didn’t miss my grandma fighting a smile. “I’m sure that’s what you were rushing off for.”

  Heat rose on my cheeks, but I straightened in my chair and looked at both of them. “He’s all I want. You know I never wanted the big career or to do the four years of uni. I’m doing uni because it’s what’s expected.”

  Grandma came and leaned down, hugging me. “I know, sweetie. You’re so young, though and we—”

  “Grandma, you and Granddad met when you were really young. Younger than me.” I stood and turned so I got them both in my view. “You know me. I’m not one to change my mind or even do anything on a whim. I plan everything.”

  Grandma’s sigh was loud, and Granddad just shook his head. “I told her not to bother. Once you set your mind on something, you can’t be deterred. Baby girl, that man looks at you like I look at your grandmother, like you’re his world. His eyes light up, and they follow your every move. We noticed it before he should have even been doing that shit.”

  “Grant. Watch your language.”

  “Elsa, honey, I’m sure she’s heard worse.” He went over and wrapped my grandma in his embrace. “We support you, Ashlyn, but you have to tell your brothers and parents…Everything.”

  I knew what they wanted. I always put off telling my family what I really wanted. I just followed along to make everyone happy. Not this time, though. This time, I was taking what I wanted, and doing it the way I wanted. “I will, I promise.”

  “Go, but be back tonight.”

  Smiling, I kissed both of them on the cheek, stole my granddad’s toast, and ran out of the house and over to Braydon’s.

  Braydon met me at the door, fusing his mouth to mine even before he shut the door. His fingers slid under my straps and glided them down my arms, popping my breasts out. The dress fell, and I stepped out of it as his lips left mine and trailed kisses over my heating skin, pausing to lick the tips of my now-pointed nipples. His touch felt amazing. Tingles shot through me, and I craved more. I moaned as he left my breasts and made his way up, feathering kisses over my heating skin up to my neck, where he stopped to nuzzle and nip before coming up to rest his lips over mine, taking them in a kiss that made me crazy with need.

  As the passion within me built, I reached up and ran my fingers through his messy hair. For once, it wasn’t in a bun, and I intended to feel it and use it. He smoothed his hands down my back, creating sparks of pure hot need, before he rested them on my arse and squeezed my cheeks together, pushing me tighter against him. His rock-hard cock rubbed against me, and I was so turned on, I knew we didn
’t need to worry about foreplay.

  Easing back, I took in the view. He was magnificent, and my pussy pulsed as I saw the tent in his boxers and burned with anticipation of having that hitting the right spot again, and again. His blue eyes turned dark and stormy as he licked his full lips. My gaze homed in on his tongue, and I almost climbed up him to get to his mouth again. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and he gripped my arse to hold me closer.

  “This time we’re starting in a bed,” he moaned between kisses as he walked us to his room and gently placed me on the edge of the bed. He stepped back, pulled down his boxers, and I grinned when his cock sprang up proudly. Holy crap. That had fit in me. I’d almost forgotten how well-endowed he was, but the piercing—that, I would never forget. Spreading my legs, he settled between them and buried his face into my heat, nuzzling my pussy. He spread my pussy lips and licked me from bottom to top over and over before he sucked on my clit. Heaven. I was in heaven. I loved that he knew what he was doing. I became so wet, and my body ached with a need for release, but he kept going. Letting the assault on my clit go, he stuck his tongue into my core as he brought his hand to rest on my clit. He rubbed and circled around it with his palm as he stuck his tongue into me. Shards of throbbing need coursed through me, and I arched up and down into his face as he lapped at my pussy. His fingers spread me as he added a finger into my core to join his tongue. He pumped it in and out while his tongue lapped and delved in and out.

  “Braydon, oh, that feels so good. Braydon, more. I’m so close,” I panted. I gripped his hair and held him to me.

  A second digit added to the first as he finger-fucked me, while his tongue licked and sucked at my clit. The pressure in my body was wound tight, ready to uncoil. I could feel my orgasm on the brink. I was about to explode; my thighs clenched and Braydon moaned, which vibrated right through me and gave me the edge I needed to reach my peak.


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